• Published 14th Sep 2015
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Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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Precursor: Beach

As they passed through the village, Shining took a brief detour to collect a few Power Cells, as well as talk to anyone they'd missed previously. "I'll catch up to you at the entrance to Sentinel Beach!" he called out, taking the Precursor Orbs with him.

Shrugging, Jak and Daxter made their way through the village. Shining, as promised, caught up with them at the entrance to the beach. "Three more Power Cells and another request," Shining spoke up. "The old lady with the bird watching hobby asked us to push an orphaned egg down to where she can get to it, so she can take care of it. I got one of the Power Cells from the Oracle, and both that the Mayor had."

"That brings us to a total of 16," Daxter muttered, looking down at his checklist. "Four more to get through Fire Canyon."

"Maybe we should get a few extra," Jak pointed out. "I saw the A-Grav Zoomer Keira was building, and I'm not entirely certain it'll hold all three of us as is. We should probably gather all we can before giving them to Keira, just to be on the safe side."

"Not a bad idea," Shining agreed as they headed for the beach.

Once on the beach itself, the trio decided to address Samos' request first, following the lanterns as he instructed, collecting Precursor Orbs and Scout Flies as they went. At one point, they encountered several metal boxes that were too strong for them to break open. However, it just so happened that a Lurker had been throwing bombs at them, which Shining was able to use his magic to redirect to the boxed to break them open, collecting the Orbs contained therein.

When the trio approached a Power Cell that was just sitting out on the beach, a pelican swooped down, trying to snatch it up. However, Shining was able to snatch the Cell with his magic before the Pelican could get it in its mouth. Not far beyond, another Power Cell was collected from where it was lying on the beach, this time without any interference.

While Shining gathered a few Orbs from underwater with his magic, Jak gathered others hidden behind a waterfall. Later on, when they found an uncapped Blue Eco vent, Jak and Shining raced around to activate any Blue Eco based tech around. This resulted in collecting several more Orbs, another Power Cell, and disabling the Lurker cannon that had been launching the bombs earlier.

On a suggestion from Daxter, Jak chased some seagulls for fun, collecting another Power Cell and some more Orbs as he went. When the seagulls flew off the last time, their noise resulted in an avalanche, leaving another Power Cell visible further up the hills. On their way there, the group came across Samos' Green Eco Collectors, and removed the rocks that had clogged them up. The last blockage also happened to contain a Power Cell, making two more along with the one from the avalanche.

"It's about bloody time," Samos growled from the communicator. "You know, you three used to show me and my requests more respect when you were younger..." The rest of his grumbles were unintelligible through the communications.

Further along the cliff in question, they discovered the massive egg the old lady had mentioned. Rather than just push it off and risk damaging it, Shining lowered it gently to the hay pile the lady had mentioned with his magic. After the old lady provided the Power Cell, the egg hatched...and the large blue, white, and yellow chick immediately imprinted on Shining and Daxter as its parents. Shining was much more accepting of this than Daxter was, even going so far as to use his magic to gently preen the bird. The old woman took the bird back to the village to tend to, though, leaving the group to continue their explorations.

Not far from there, they found the last Scout Fly, getting the Power Cell the Flies had collected. After that, the trio returned to the village.

Once they returned to the village, a dilemma arose.

"Okay," Daxter began. "We have the 20 Power Cells we need to power Keira's Heat Shield, plus a couple extra. We could go give them to her right now and continue our adventure, heading through Fire Canyon and getting to Maya and Gol so they can figure out how to change me back. Or...we could go back to the Dark Eco filled island where I turned into this in the first place, risk all sorts of crazy further mutations for me or the two of you, in the hope there might be enough Orbs and Cells there to make it worth our while." He leaned back against Jak's head. "I'm pretty sure it's obvious what we should do."

"Well, I'm getting tired of you using me as an armchair," Jak pointed out. "The sooner you're back to normal, the better."

"Can't argue with that," Daxter agreed.

"But..." Shining began. "But the sculptor's muse is on Misty Island. What if she gets hurt? Or falls in the Dark Eco? Or worse? He'd never get over it..." He looked up at Jak and Daxter, his ears flat against his skull, his eyes wide and dewy.

Jak chuckled. "Shining, acting cute doesn't work on us. The only one that's ever worked well on is the old lady bird watcher."

"But if it means that much to you..." Daxter added.

Shining smiled. "Thanks. Besides, I really want to try out that speed boat."

"Now that's a motive I can get behind!" Daxter crowed. Jak chuckled in agreement as they headed for the speedboat, pausing long enough to give their Uncle the 90 Orbs he needed for his own adventuring, getting another Power Cell in return.

Author's Note:

Precursor Orb Total - 100 (400)
Power Cell Total - 25

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