• Published 14th Sep 2015
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Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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XCR: The Racing

While the garage may indeed have been the best money could buy as promised, the customizability of the racing buggy proved to be disappointingly limited. Once everything was set up, everyone underwent a training course to familiarize them with the buggy's unique controls and Eco functionality. This came most naturally for Jak and Shining, who were used to using multiple colors of Eco at a time, as well as the Dark Eco that was used to supercharge weapons.

When it came time to the races itself, the group made a tacit agreement to avoid friendly fire if at all possible, as they'd be forced to race against each other at times. A particular sports announcer showed up before the race to lay down some 'rules', implying he had a bit more power in the games than he let on.

Jak claimed the victory in the first race relatively easily, mostly by ignoring the scanners in the car that told him when he was being targeted and relying entirely on his ability to sense Eco in his environment to avoid weapons fire. This was immediately followed by what was, apparently, supposed to be a sensational interview.

"You saw it here, folks!" the blonde man proclaimed into his camera. "At least those of you who didn't die yawning or switch to the brand channel. An unknown driver wins his first big race! ...in lackluster fashion." He then turned to Jak. "So, tell us what happened out there? Were you scared?"

Deciding to add to the 'sensationalist' aspect, Jak reached up and crushed the microphone in his bare hand with a bit of stored Red Eco. "Get that camera out of my face before I shove it somewhere you'll have to censor for the sake of the children watching at home," he growled out dangerously.

That ended the interview.

"Are you...certain that was the best way to handle that?" Rayn asked him once the group returned to the mobile garage. "The promoters aren't exactly those you want to cross in this sport."

"If they want to try anything with me, let them come," Jak offered with a shrug. "I'm not afraid of what humans can pull on me."

"Well, they are in a certain position of power over us," Keira reminded him, subtly bringing up the fact that as far as anyone knew, they still needed that antidote.

"I'm here to race, not to pander," Jak countered bluntly, though smiling at her to take the sting out of it.

"For not wanting to, you're doing a pretty good job," Rayn pointed out as she checked some data. "You're currently the most popular new racer in the sport, and more than half of those polled wished he'd tried to continue the interview just to see if you actually would do that with the camera."

Jak chuckled softly. "So I've given myself an early reputation of...what? 'Badass mo-fo'? Is that how you'd put it, Dax?"

"Sure seems that way," Daxter joked teasingly. "Hope you can keep it up!"

"So, be as disagreeable as I can on camera, and treat anyone in this sport that's not on our team or helping us like dirt?" Jak clarified. "Yeah, I think I can handle that."

"Might want to do something about how you behave around Keira, then," Shining offered. "If you two start getting lovey-dovey where anyone might see, not only does it risk destroying that rep, but someone might try kidnapping her to make you throw a race."

Keira snorted disdainfully. "I'd like to see them try!"

"I wouldn't," Jak growled, his eyes glowing white briefly.

"Me neither," Shining added. "We need Jak to race, so we can't go and have Jak conking out for a week because he went Shadow Jak to save you again."

"I'm not some damsel in distress!" Keira insisted. "I can take care of myself! I'm as tough as any of you!"

"That may be, but you're also incredibly important to our efforts here," Samos pointed out. "You're the only one of us who can fix any and all systems that might get damaged in the race cars. If something happens to you, we're all screwed."

"Then nothing will happen to her," Jak insisted, clenching his fists hard enough to crush the armrests of his chair.

"I know you're protective, Jak, but you can't be everywhere at once," Ashelin cautioned. "We're just suggesting you maybe change your behavior with Keira in public so she doesn't become a target."

"And how, exactly, should I do that?" Jak asked curiously.

"Well, you could start by not getting all touchy-feely-clingy like you two do half the day!" Daxter complained. "Seriously! I mean, just because you two aren't having sex yet is no reason to practically do everything but in public!"

Jak rubbed his chin with one hand while his other arm - almost subconsciously - wrapped around Keira to rub her arm while holding her close to him. "Hmm...no, I don't think I could manage that," he offered, his voice completely neutral.

"...is he joking?" Rayn asked curiously.

"No," Ashelin grumbled ruefully.

"Then be rougher about it," Torn suggested.

"Excuse me?" Samos demanded angrily.

"Be rougher," Torn repeated. "You're giving the reputation of being a total hard ass, so act it with her, too. Instead of a caress of her arm, give her a slap on her rear. Things like that. And Keira can pretend to be offended by it."

Jak's eyes popped open wide, and he tugged nervously at his collar. "I...dunno if I could do that," he admitted worriedly. "It sounds kind of-"

"Kinky," Keira offered playfully, smirking as nearly everyone's jaws dropped. "I think I could get into the roleplay-"

Samos promptly slapped his hands over his ears. "I'm not listening!" he screamed out. "LALALALALALALA!"

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