• Published 14th Sep 2015
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Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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Spargus: Second Trial

Upon their return to Spargus, the trio made their way to Damas' throne room, the raised chamber at the top of a tower where they'd first been revived after being found in the desert. Damas seemed pleased to see them as they arrived. "Your timing is impeccable," he greeted warmly. "It is time for you to face your second trial in the arena, to see if you may earn your second Battle Amulet. You will need to face a great many challenges...and with equipment presently unfamiliar to you." Grabbing something beside his throne, he tossed two Wave Concusser modifications, one each for Jak and Shining. These were additional attachments for the Scatter Gun mods of the Morph Gun, causing a shockwave to be unleashed along the ground when fired, as well as a charge option to create a bigger blast. "Good luck to you all."

"Before we go," Jak began, pulling out the damaged communications device, "do you think-"

"Leave it with me," Damas replied quickly. "I'll see to it that it reaches those who can properly investigate it."

Nodding, Jak handed it over before turning to lead the way back to the elevator.

"I'm liking the feel of this gun already," Shining murmured as he tilted it back and forth, getting a feel for the weight of it in his magic.

"I still wish I could get upgrades," Daxter grumbled.

"Your Light Eco blasts are stronger than any of our guns," Jak countered, "and you don't run out of ammo."

"Psh!" Daxter countered. "Like you both ever do anyway with how frequently hostiles drop it!"

The arena was now configured with four large square platforms resting just over the lava. Once the trio had made their way to the platforms, scores of gladiators leapt onto the field, charging the trio with swords. Between the new gun mods and Daxter's blasts, the waves of troops proved no threat. The only real danger nearly caught the trio unawares as the large square platform they were on began to lower into the lava as an alarm began to sound, sending them scurrying to the next one.

As the waves of troops finally came to a halt, platforms arose for the group to return to the top of the arena, where Damas waited them. Pecker also sat there, but said nothing as he obviously felt Damas' disapproving gaze upon him.

"You three have done very well," Damas praised. "Here is your Second Battle Amulet, and a new Weapon Mod for each of you."

Nodding, Jak took the Battle Amulet, along with the Beam Reflexor mod for the Blaster, which the pair decided to investigate later.

"One more Arena win, and you will be true Wastelanders!" Damas proclaimed firmly.

On their way out of the arena, the trio received a message over their communications array that Damas had a job for them, working with Kleiver, and to meet him at the exit of the city.

"Seriously?" Daxter complained. "We have to work with that guy? He tried to eat me!"

"And I nearly ate him in return," Jak countered. "He knows not to mess with us."

"'Accidents' are likely a lot easier to arrange out in the desert," Shining pointed out worriedly. "I wouldn't put it past him to try something..."

"That goes both ways, bro," Jak reminded him. "If he does try something, we won't hold back when it comes to making a point. And he knows I won't." He flexed his hands, his claws starting to come out.

Daxter swallowed worriedly. "I'm beginning to think Seem might have a point," he murmured. "Holding two Dark Eco crystals and only one Light looks to be making you...a bit more, shall we say, vicious? Can we make finding a second Light Eco crystal a priority? Or some other way to balance your Darkness with Light?"

"I second that motion," Shining agreed readily.

Jak paused in thought. "...yeah, let's keep our eyes open."

Once at the vehicle lot, they found Kleiver waiting for them. "We got a job ta do," Kleiver grunted. "You think you can handle yourself?"

"Depends on the job," Jak replied. "Hopefully it doesn't involve your hygiene."

Kleiver gritted his teeth and clutched his weapon tightly. "We're gathering up some wild leaper lizards," he growled out. "We just need to guide them into a transport."

"That shouldn't be a problem," Jak joked. "I'm good with animals." He winced as that brought him a sucker punch from a paw around his ear and a hoof to his knee.

Driving out to where the Leaper Lizards roamed proved more problematic than the actual task, as roving brigands attacked their lightly armored and armed buggy. Once actually at the old ruin, however, the brigands peeled off. The three lizards were racing about, plainly enjoying themselves. Jak watched them carefully. "Now...how best to handle this?" he murmured.

"Someone needs to get onto their backs and steer them to the pen so they can be picked up," Shining muttered.

"But that would mean leaping out of a racing buggy onto a wild animal, desperately trying to achieve some control of them and take them to a place they don't want to go!" Daxter pointed out. "Which of us is going to be crazy enough to try that?"

"Not it!" Jak spoke up quickly.

"Not it!" Shining added almost simultaneously.

"Not-" Daxter paused, realizing he was late. "...you guys suck!"

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