• Published 14th Sep 2015
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Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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Spargus: The Circle of Life

The chubby ottsel gestured his two companions back to the machinery for the moment as he floated forward. "My name..." He paused, lifting his head as he thought back. "Huh. It has been a long time for me. Language has changed several times. I don't think it can be pronounced properly in your language. For now, call me Elder."

"Alright, Elder," Damas began, clutching his belly as Daxter continued to work at keeping him alive. "You're...a Precursor."

"That is technically correct, yes," Elder admitted. "It's not what we call our race, but it is the term your people refer to us by."

"But what about the energy being that came out of the Precursor Stone?" Shining demanded. "I mean, you were using an image like that to talk to us just a minute ago-"

"Also a Precursor," Elder interrupted. "The one who came out of the stone, I mean. We use the image because...well, it's our job to keep the universe running as smooth as possible. How much cooperation would we get from other races if we used our real faces?"

"Yeah, I getcha," Daxter agreed. "But what does that make me? Am I Precursor too? Is that what falling into Dark Eco does to you?"

"Not quite," Elder corrected. "You see, you were already a Precursor - technically speaking - before you ever fell into the Dark Eco. As is Damas. And Jak. And Samos. And Keira." He looked with some distaste at the nearby corpse. "And as much as I hate to admit it, so was Veger." He glanced towards Shining. "...and possibly you, but I'm not certain. Not from this planet's cycle, though, that's for sure."

"...what?" Jak asked, completely confused.

Elder chuckled softly. "It seems my explanation is confusing you more than enlightening you. Very well." Raising his paws, he began conjuring images in the air to illustrate his points. "Let us begin with the Precursor Spirit, the energy being you saw leave the Precursor Stone. This is, after all, the stage most commonly associated with the term Precursor. They are beings of pure living Eco, no longer bound by physical laws, and capable of...just about anything. However, too much use of their abilities weakens their cohesion, and can result in their dissolution. As such, they mostly observe, travelling through time and space at will to learn all they can. When they grow weary of such travels, they summon those of our kind to construct - or reconstruct, as the case may be - a planet to become their resting place. Often, several Precursor Spirits will choose the same world to rest in."

An image of a planet took shape, with multiple Spirits sinking into the land itself. "When they do so, their energy infuses the planet, becoming the planet's Eco Field. Now, Precursor Spirits - like any lifeform - have Eco affinities, an Element they're most strongly possessing of. If a Green Spirit infuses a world, life will grow there." The image zoomed in, showing life developing, Human, Lurker, and other. "This life can come in all shapes and forms, since the Geen Eco in the field encourages all sorts of unusual results."

The image focused further, now showing a recognizable settlement...Sandover. "When life reaches a certain point, the people gain the ability to tap the Eco Fields, whether through technology or biology. As the development continues, those people with strong affinities for specific colors of Eco will gain the ability to biologically metabolize the Eco they're aligned to in great quantities. You call these individuals Sages. In Sandover, there were nine such individuals. Samos and Keira aligned with Green Eco, though Keira's abilities have not yet awakened. One other sage each for Blue, Red, and Yellow...and Gol and Maia aligned to Dark Eco." Elder smiled widely. "And Daxter, aligned with Light Eco, though where was none in the environment for him to respond to, so it went unnoticed."

"Wait!" Daxter interrupted, stunned. "I was a Sage?" When Elder nodded, Daxter chuckled. "Can't wait to see old Samos' face when I tell him that!"

"You said nine Sages," Jak pointed out. "But you only mentioned eight."

"Isn't it obvious, Jak?" Elder countered. "You were the ninth...and a very rare one at that. Only the line of Mar has ever produced Prism Sages, those with affinities for all colors of Eco." He chuckled softly. "Prism Sages are always discovering new ways for Eco to be used. I really shouldn't have been surprised that you were able to create your Shadow form...a full expression of your Prism nature. Mar himself was always finding new and unique ways to wield his own abilities...though he never combined Dark and Light Eco. Instead, he combined other Colors with them." He shook his head ruefully. "I still remember his Light-Blue form. Got airsick every time he dragged me through the air at Mach 2..."

"You knew Mar?" Damas gasped out, stunned. "Personally?"

Elder chuckled. "Oh yes. Jak is more like Mar than you knew." He gestured to Daxter. "When Mar worked to save this world, I sat upon his shoulder." He smirked at Daxter. "He was rather bony, too. But I digress. You are probably wondering about this form?" He gestured to Daxter and the himself.

Jak nodded. "Y-yeah," he confirmed. "I guess we are."

Elder smiled, this time causing his Eco images to show Daxter as he was when he was human. "When a Sage reaches a certain threshold of Eco Power - or experiences some other event to trigger it - their physical body can no longer contain it...and they undergo a transformation." In a flash of light, the human image of Daxter became an ottsel. "In this form, physical strength is greatly reduced...but Eco abilities increase dramatically, to the point the body ceases to age past physical maturity. The longer one in this form lives, the greater that power grows...until eventually, even this form cannot contain it. And so..."

A circle of light surrounded the image of Daxter as it curled up tight. "When one of us is ready, we craft a cocoon of crystallized Eco around ourselves, to trigger the transformation from physical matter to pure living Eco..." The image became a Precursor Stone, which then released a Precursor Spirit with Daxter's face. "And thus the cycle is completed, and repeats itself." Elder dispersed the image with a wave of his paw. "Any questions?"

Jak, Daxter, and Damas exchanged glances, plainly dazed at the amount of information dumped on them. Shining was the one who spoke up. "I have two," he explained. "First, what did you mean about me?"

"Well, the life that develops on the worlds we craft isn't always human," Elder explained. "And given there was a great deal of time-space warping in your arrival in Haven City, it's entirely possible you come from a world we haven't constructed yet."

Shining stared at him for a time. "...moving on before my brain breaks...what does that have to do with you helping Dad?"

"As I said, we can't do anything for him in his current state," Elder explained. "But we can, shall we say, accelerate him along the cycle?"

"Wait!" Daxter called out. "You're saying you're going to turn him into one of you-I mean us-I mean, you're going to make him fuzzy?"

"It's not so bad," one of the dark colored ottsels spoke up, her voice very familiar. "Takes some adjusting to, but you grow used to it quickly. And when the transformation is controlled, the new abilities come in much more smoothly."

Jak stared, his jaw hanging. "M...Maia?"

"In the furry flesh," Maia Acheron replied. "Gol and I made many mistakes with our research. The world's current state is as much our mess as the work of the Metalheads."

"The Precursors gave us a chance to fix things," the other dark ottsel spoke up, his voice recognizable even if the odd echo it had contained when last heard was absent. "We agreed without hesitation."

"Well, Damas?" Elder asked. "Is this acceptable to you?"

Damas coughed as he gathered his thoughts. "Well...I'll live to see my grandchildren...and great-grandchildren...even if I won't have knees big enough to bounce them on."

"I shall teach you to levitate them," Elder promised as he raised his paws. "If you are ready, brace yourself."

Damas steeled himself, and six beams of light shone down into him, infusing him gently with all six colors of Eco. Before long, his entire body began to glow, too bright to see clearly. When the light faded, he had changed.

As expected, he was now an ottsel. However, his coloring was quite different from Daxter's, or that of the other ottsels. His coat was a mix of red and yellow, with tufts of blue and green on the backs of all four paws, and matching spines along the top of his tail. His fur gradiated from very dark near the root to very pale near the tips, as did the spines. His eyes were still narrow, his steely gaze taking in his new form. He still wore the steel ring around one ear, and his armor and staff had shrunk with him, shaping around his smaller frame and sizing to fit. The edges of the staff now had crystallized Eco of all colors at each end, focus points for his new Eco abilities.

"This...will take some getting used to," he mumbled as he got to his hind paws, balancing with his tail. "Though at least I'm not bleeding to death or crippled anymore..."

"We will help you adjust," Elder promised. "For now, however, more urgent matters have arisen. Our scanners indicate Errol is making more progress than projected in regard to the Dark Ship's cargo. The only way to prevent him from waking the cargo..." He turned to Jak, Daxter, and Shining. "...is to send you three there and stop him yourselves. We can send you there from here."

Light blazed from the air near the platform, a portal open for the heroes. Jak shook his head to clear it. "We'll think about all this once Errol's stopped," Jak stated firmly. "For now, we've got a world to save."

"That I can wrap my head around!" Daxter proclaimed, clambering up to Jak's shoulder.

"Ready when you are, bro!" Shining added, stepping up to his side.

"Do try and get out before we fire the weapon," Elder called out. "We won't have any way to warn you when we're about to."

Jak grinned. "We'll manage."

With that, he turned and ran to the edge of the platform, leaping into the light, Shining at his side.

"Good luck, my sons," Damas whispered as he watched them go.

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