• Published 14th Sep 2015
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Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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Spargus: Challenge Accepted

With the three of them working together, the major assault from Metalheads and KG Robots was readily pushed back, and all attacking hostiles were eradicated. Shining Armor's shield played double duty in protecting civilians and charging enemies, while Daxter's light blasts eventually became backed up by a vehicle mounted Vulcan Fury thanks to one of Torn's soldiers who took a bad hit and needed to be evaced. At the end of the assault, there was only one question.

Who had the most kills?

"I'm telling you, I definitely got the most kills!" Daxter insisted as he hopped into the shooting range once again, eager to see Tess. "All those paw blastings and the Vulcan Fury?"

"No way!" Jak countered. "I definitely took out the most KG bots! Did you see me take out those giant blast bots?"

"Pretty sure my score's highest," Shining insisted. "Saving civilians is bonus points, after all."

"As if!" Daxter countered. "You're the only one with the defensive shields, after all!"

"And I'm supposed to not use them just to get points?" Shining argued hotly.

"Daxter!" Tess squealed, pulling the ottsel into a hug and ending the argument. "My hero!" After snuggling him for a time, she released him, a worried expression on her face. "This city is too dangerous. We need our own little place in the country..." She smiled softly as she began to imagine it. "A little pink house...with a white picket fence...and a fireplace..." Daxter cast a more and more worried glance towards her as she went on. "And a four poster bed for me...and a little Ottsel run on the side of the house for you!" she concluded happily.

Daxter managed to get his emotions under control, apparently deciding she meant well...unless he actually found the suggestion endearing. "Oh, are you worried about me, my little Tessy-poo?" he cooed.

"Of course my itty bitty whisker puss," Tess cooed back, scratching him under the chin.

"Oh gag me..." Shining groaned.

"Get a room, you two," Jak grumbled.

"Need a hug, you guys?" Daxter asked teasingly. "Cause we've got plenty to go around."

Snarling, Shining lunged towards Daxter, proceeding to chase him around the room. Chuckling, Tess got to her feet. "Rumor has it you three are the only hope we've got to reach the catacombs," she commented to Jak.

"As usual," Jak replied.

"Still...you can't get too confident," Tess continued. "I've programmed the gun course to simulate some of the new enemy tactics. Wanna try it out?"

The three adventuresome young men smirked at her. "Like you need to ask?" Shining joked.

With the course finished by both Jak and Shining - with tied scores - Tess smiled as she handed over a new Red Eco mod for their Morph Guns. "Not bad shooting you two," she praised. She then turned to Daxter. "Here's a new boom stick for your sidekicks, baby. Go give 'em hell boys!" She leaned in close to Daxter. "Then come back and I'll scratch you behind your ears."

The new mod, the Plasmite RPG, launched bouncing Red Eco grenades from a rotating, auto-firing barrel. "Looks like it's time to get a new mission to test these out, huh?" Jak asked.

"Sounds like a plan!" Shining agreed.

"We're good here for now," Tess pointed out. "Maybe you should take a transport back out to the other end of your plans?"

"Good idea," Jak replied, heading out.

After stopping long enough for Jak to say goodbye to Keira, the trio caught a ride on the transport back out to the desert. The transport settled down close to the gates of Spargus, but far enough away to not be too readily noticeable. The trio then made their way back into the desert city.

Upon arrival, they found Sig at work on a buggy. He grinned as he caught sight of them. "Another storm is really churning the sand! Scanners show a few new artifact sightings. You three up for some rough riding?"

Jak chuckled as he clambered into the buggy, Shining grabbing his own to double up. "Feels like home," Jak murmured, gunning the engine.

After collecting all the artifacts exposed by the storm, the trio returned to Spargus. One artifact Jak managed to pick up was a Holo-Cube, which Keira informed him via com-link was one of the artifacts needed for the forest pillars. Since things were upsettingly quiet in Spargus, the trio decided to make their way back to Haven to see what else they could dig up.

Torn had a new mission for them, one that was right up their alley. "We've managed to capture a Blast Bot," he explained, "and rigged it with even more explosives, and hooked it up to a remote control. If you can guide it through to the other side of KG territory, we can break the defensive barrier there and catch them between the two sides of our forces, and break the split they've forced on us."

"On it," Jak agreed, taking the controller. Looking in, he began carefully maneuvering the blast bot to its destination. While the defenses were strong, Jak was very skilled with his manipulations of the bot. Before long, he'd steered it to the defensive wall and obliterated it.

"Nice one, Jak!" Torn praised. "I'm gonna get on the horn and start planning the next offensive." Reaching under the bar counter, Torn handed over a Peacemaker each for Jak and Shining. "Why don't you head over and see what you can do on that end?"

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