• Published 14th Sep 2015
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Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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Precursor: Stone and Time

In Rock VIllage, the trio's first stop was the Blue Sage's hut. "Umm..." Shining spoke up. "Shouldn't the Blue Sage be here?"

"Let's turn on the warp gate and let Samos tell us," Jak stated bluntly, stepping on the switch.

Once the warp gate opened, Samos' bird was the first one through, quickly followed by Samos himself, who landed flat on his face. "I don't think I'll ever get used to that teleporter tingling sensation," he grunted as he brushed himself off. Glancing around, he noticed many of the pieces of tech the Blue Sage had recently started experimenting with sparking and damaged. "Hey! Did the Blue Sage throw a party without inviting me? Again?!"

Keira gasped as she pointed out the window. "Rock Village is on fire!"

"You mean that's not normal?" Daxter asked. At the looks he got, he shrugged. "What? We've got lightning flying all over the place from the Blue Eco in Sandover, how do I know it's not this way from one of the other colors?"

"You could have tried paying attention to my lessons," Samos scolded.

"Also, it's being bombarded by flaming boulders," Keira pointed out.

"Definitely not normal," Jak agreed.

"So let's look around and see what we can do," Shining declared.

"Try and find some more Power Cells to power that levitation machine over there," Keira pointed out. "If it's working, I can use it to get rid of the flaming boulders."

After a quick exploration around the village, the trio gathered back together to discuss their results.

"Alright," Daxter began as he took the tally. "We've got...70 less orbs since we found 50, but traded 120 to the Oracle for another Power Cell. The Oracle has another one for 120 Precursor Orbs, and three people in the village will trade one for 90 Orbs each."

"The geologist, the gambler, and the warrior," Shining confirmed. "But we aren't doing any trading until we can trade with everyone, since we don't want anyone bragging."

"We also found all seven Scout Flies," Jak confirmed. "And, actually...I did trade the 90 orbs to the geologist after she also gave me the Cell for chasing the moles back into their holes with the A-Grav Zoomer."

"We should have put the priority on the warrior," Shining pointed out. "We need him to rebuild the bridge. ...Funnily enough, the gambler's also willing to part with a Power Cell if we beat the best time on the gorge Zoomer race."

"So that's another one we can get in the Basin," Daxter muttered, making his list. "Let's go see what we can find there."

The only reliable way into the Basin was via a Zoomer. Thankfully, with Shining in the side car, they were able to grab quite a bit beyond just what Jak could steer them through, although it took all their focus to manage it, so none of them spoke the entire time. Rather than having to drive into the flying Lurkers, Shining was able to shoot them down with his magic. When all were down, a Power Cell was revealed. The same occurred when Jak successfully maneuvered through the pink circles of light, and then again through the blue ones. Another was gathered from the Scout Flies, and Shining was able to snag one hovering over the lake with his magic. One last Power Cell was found after Green Eco from a vent was used to cleanse Dark Eco corruption from a field of plants.

Between that and the 200 Orbs gathered, the trip to the Basin was quite profitable even before they ran the racetrack.

Back in town, the group traded 120 Precursor Orbs for the Oracle's other Power Cell, as well as getting the one promised by the gambler for winning the race. Following the only other route presently available, the trio headed for the Lost Precursor City, hidden at the bottom of an elevator, beneath the surface of the sea.

The city proved to be a hive of technology and moving platforms, and the water itself was electrified. Thankfully, Shining's shield was able to deflect the electricity in the water, allowing them to swim without danger. The Lurker's were also quite strong, often working in pairs to fight, making them difficult to beat. However, Jak and Shining's teamwork proved a match for them, as Shining would hold one back with his magic while Jak took out the other.

They did their best to be careful, however, since they didn't want to put too much drain on Shining's magic, as Eco pickups didn't restore that.

Their first goal was to fully explore the Precursor City. This involved a lot of going up and down, both for them and the chambers of the city. At one point, activating colored pipes released two Scout Flies and a Power Cell in distant parts of a chamber, which Shining was able to grab at range with his magic.

Another Power Cell was suspended over a pool of Dark Eco by platforms that frequently flipped. Shining's magic snatched it readily enough, along with the Orbs surrounding it, since he'd managed to carry a sphere of Blue Eco with him without absorbing it. Lightning up several platforms by jumping on them in sequence also opened a door to another Power Cell.

Not long after that, they found the last Scout Fly, and got another Power Cell. After that, they slid down two long slopes to the bottom of the city, acquiring the last Power Cell. After that, they needed to rush upwards to escape the rising Dark Eco. Making it all the way out of the tube upwards, they found another Power Cell. Taking a lift pod out of the city not long after, they were able to grab the Power Cell that rose on top of the pod.

After that, they traded 90 Orbs each to the gambler and the warrior. This opened the path both to the levitation device and the Boggy Swamp.

Author's Note:

Precursor Orb Total - 120 (1000)
Power Cell Total - 58

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