• Published 14th Sep 2015
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Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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Haven: Race Against Time

On the way back into Haven City from the forest, Jak, Daxter, and Shining were briefly accosted by Bruta, the Lurker merchant, hoping they could assist him in freeing six more of his Lurker brothers from transport Zoomers scattered about the city, and delivering them to entrances to their underground village. Since the only major task on Keira's plan regarding saving Haven involved Jak winning the Class 1 race, the trio was willing to help since they had nothing else pressing at the moment. Besides, Keira's research showed the Lurkers to be valuable potential allies.

The same strategy as before worked well, especially with the overall reduced Crimson Guard presence in the city itself, yet another sign of Praxus' work to assist them. When all six Lurkers were freed and safely escorted, Bruta informed them over comms that they were now honorary members of the Lurker tribe, and that they would help if needed.

With the Lurkers saved, the trio decided to swing by the Power Station to check on Vin. As usual, he was in a bit of a tizzy about something. "What's the news?" Shining asked after making a good amount of noise with his hooves on the metal floor so Vin would know he was there.

"There's good news and bad news," Vin replied as he struggled to stay calm. "The good news is that there's enough power online to keep the Shield Walls up, so the city's safe for now. But I don't know how long the system can hold..."

"And the bad news?" Jak asked morosely.

"We've detected a cluster of Metalhead eggs growing up at the Strip Mine site," Vin explained. "You three need to go back there and figure out how to destroy them before they become a whole new army of creatures!"

"I noticed the crane was carrying a large metal container," Jak pointed out. "If we could get on top of it, we could drop it from above."

"Why don't I like the sound of this plan?" Daxter asked worriedly.

"Because the risk is high and you're worried you won't handle falling well?" Shining offered.

"Sounds about right," Daxter agreed. "Let's just get this over with.

The strip mine site was all but abandoned when the trio got there, meaning that the only obstacle to carrying out the plan that Jak came across was the mine machinery and the jumps he had to clear on his jet board. Since he was the only one who could use it to grind on the various pipes, he had to complete the mission alone, not that it took him long. Once he was back, they went back to the Power Station through the warp gate...only to be informed by Kor of the danger of the Baron having the Precursor Stone, and young Mar. Jak did his best to suppress his amusement, given what he knew, much to the confusion of Shining and Daxter. However, to maintain Praxus' cover, Jak set out on Kor's instruction to destroy the Eco Control Tower at the drill platform to prevent the Baron from using Eco against the Underground.

Much to Jak's surprise, a pair of Titan Suits awaited them at the drill platform, one of which was the same modified Suit designed for Shining to control. This made the journey to the control systems for the tower both straightforward and quite direct, as they severely overpowered the few Metalheads that were in their path.

Once they reached the control center, Jak glanced around. "So...how do we shut this place down?"

"I assume they left us these suits because we were supposed to smash stuff," Shining offered.

"Good point," Daxter agreed.

After they'd smashed the computers for a time, however, they were forced to abandon the Suits as the whole place began to explode. They made it to the warp gate just before the whole place exploded.

As the Class 1 Race was coming up soon, Jak decided they'd best check in with Keira. She unfortunately had two bits of bad news. "I told you how I've been rebuilding the Rift Rider...but I'm missing two key artifacts to make it work. The first is the Time Map...and the second is a gem known as the Heart of Mar."

"Krew has it," Jak explained. "We'll get it back."

"There's more," Keira countered, worried. "I miscalculated the effectiveness of the Light Eco you used on Praxus. I didn't take into account how long it would be until you could use it. We've only got a few more days before the Metalhead Leader can influence him again."

"Umm...what?" Daxter and Shining both asked, confused.

"Long story," Jak explained. "Short version, I need to go win that race now, and taking on the Metalhead Leader just became a much higher priority."

"Then get out there and win the race already!" Shining Armor ordered. "We'll talk more after you win!"

Jak was unsurprised to see Erol roaring mad when he pulled up. "I want more than just to win, Eco Freak!" he snapped out. "I want you!"

Jak chuckled. "Hmm...which would be the better comeback? 'That's what she said' or 'You aren't my type'? What do you guys think?" This last he directed at the other racers, who laughed happily.

Praxus himself stood on a floating platform, announcing for the race. "Greetings racers!" he proclaimed expansively. "Today your nerve and skill will be tested for our amusement! If any of you manage to beat our Grand Champion, Erol, then you will be awarded a month's supply of Eco, as well as a tour of the Palace! Good luck, and fight bravely! Ready...get set...go!"

Jak's familiarity with Zoomer tech from riding the original prototypes Keira created back in Sandover proved to his advantage, as he was able to pull well ahead of the pack, and maintain his lead over Erol as well. Jak claimed victory rather easily.

As he went to collect his month's supply of Eco, however, Erol tried to run him down, but Jak dodged to the side at the last moment...only for Erol to smash full speed into the Eco barrels. There was no trace of him visible after the Dark Eco explosion.

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