• Published 14th Sep 2015
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Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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Brink: A Whole New World

All seemed peaceful in the world. Day turned towards night. Storms gathered and dispersed. Eco flows began to stabilize as life spread along the land. The light of the moon was blotted out by a giant meteor entering the atmosphere.

...it was a testament to the capacity of the human mind to become lost in minutia that it took several minutes for the majority of the population of the Brink to look up and see the massive rock slowly descending in a ball of incandescent flame. However, once someone did spot it, worldwide panic began to ensue.

The storms of the Brink parted and wrapped around the meteor as it descended into the gap in the world. Those who knew the physics paled, as an impact there on that scale could shatter the planet from the inside out. And then the meteor stopped.

A bright pink energy field surrounded the meteor as it stalled, and the storms seemed to grasp it, extinguishing the flames as Eco in all colors shot up out of the center of the Brink, slamming into the meteor and reshaping it. As the energy flared, a blaze of dark purple light erupted over the entire globe, flowing out of living beings, structures, and landscape before being drawn down into the Brink, the Dark Eco of the entire planet being reabsorbed as the light show continued.

Then the entire Brink blazed with the coruscating white of Light Eco, and the meteor descended, plugging the gap and fusing onto the planet. The waters poured in, covering the new crust as the world became a whole spheroid, and the ocean smoothed over as the waves embraced the new land.

Phoenix stared from the deck of his ship at the massive change that had been made to the fundamental nature of the world. "...it's over, right?" he asked hopefully.

A glowing figure of light appeared in the air above the former gap in the planet, energy of six colors giving its shape as it stepped out of a rift in space and time to stare down at what had been wrought. It then descended, phasing through water and land with equal alacrity.

"...is that a yes?"

Jak felt himself stirring slowly as he returned to consciousness. His entire body ached like an abscessed tooth - again - and his head pounded like Daxter on the drums. He could vaguely hear voices talking, and struggled to focus on them in an attempt to pull himself back to awareness.

"...did what?" a somewhat familiar voice he didn't quite recognize demanded, an ethereal echo adding weight to it.

"You heard me the first time," another voice spoke up. This one Jak managed to recognize as Elder. "He saw the problem in our construction we never got around to fixing, and fixed it."

"Does he have any idea the sort of energy levels that entailed?" the other voice demanded. "He's lucky it didn't kill him before he was finished, and then backlash to tear the entire planet apart."

"Well, he has always been an all-or-nothing sort," Elder agreed with an amused lilt in his voice. "It runs in the family."

"Really?" the echoing voice asked in a chiding tone. "Are you really suggesting I was ever this bad?"

"Is this the same Mar who thought it was a good idea to slam his hand into a Wasteland Metalhead's brain, shift to a Dark-Red form, and use the energies of the transformation to turn the Metalhead into a skyscraper sized improvised bazooka to drive back Kor?"

...that actually sounds pretty awesome... Jak managed to think to himself, still struggling to grip reality around him.

"...well it worked, didn't it?" Mar - as the Precursor Spirit voice was now identified - complained stubbornly.

"So did this," Elder pointed out logically. "As I said, it runs in the family to pull crazy, all-or-nothing gambles. It just also happens to run in the family for them to pull through when it really counts. The only reason he seems so much more insane than you is because the scale of the conflicts he's been involved in mean that his gambles are on an equally enhanced scale."

"Even one of my blood should not have been able to handle this much as a Sage," Mar marveled. "How did he manage it without dying or entering the cocoon?"

...so I'm still human? Jak thought to himself. That's a relief...hope everyone else is okay...

"He didn't do it alone," Daxter spoke up, his thought voice showing he was in his Light form.

"...that is new," Elder and Mar said together.

"Damn, and I was hoping one of you could tell me what the heck that was about," Daxter complained as he could be heard shifting back to normal. "Well, whatever. Guess just like everything else, we'll be figuring it out on our own."

"...you said he didn't do it alone?" Mar asked carefully.

"Yeah," Daxter confirmed. "Keira, Meg, Ven, Art, Tym and I helped him channel and balance the Eco, and Shining helped him control the meteor." There was the sound of shuffling feet. "Keira's breathing, that's good. So are Meg, Ven, and Art. Shining...yowch! Geeze, I was just checking if you were breathing, no need to bite!" There was silence for a time. "...Tym..."

"His heart wasn't strong enough to take the strain, nor his body suffused in his Color enough to metamorphose to our state," Elder offered sorrowfully.

"It's...okay, little fella," Tym gasped out softly, his breath ragged. "I saw...the world...whole. I...I fixed my mistake..." A few pained coughs echoed. "I wouldn't want...to live forever. Someone else...can take...my place...and learn..."

...Tym... Jak thought softly as he felt his mental grip on his surroundings slipping.

"Rest in peace, Dark Sage," Mar spoke softly. "You have done your ancestors, your people, your world...proud. And you rest too, blood of my blood. You have achieved all you were destined to, and more. The remainder of your life is yours to command, to go where you will. Now sleep, recover..."

Jak felt the power in that voice as his mind started to drift.

"And try to be a bit more careful from now on!" Daxter snapped out. "Just because I turn white is no reason you should be trying to turn me grey! I swear, trying to keep you from killing yourself is an almost Sisyphitic challenge. Can you avoid throwing yourself heedlessly into danger for like...five minutes? Oh geeze, Keira's in the same cloth and of course I'm gonna be the go to babysitter when you two finally have a kid. I need a drink or five..."

Daxter's litany of complaints lulled Jak into a restful sleep, his mind fading back into the dark, waiting until his body was once more whole.

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