• Published 14th Sep 2015
  • 11,484 Views, 3,294 Comments

Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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Spargus: Factory Attack

The journey to the Power Station began with a trip through the sewers, since the energy shield sealing off the power station could only be deactivated by directly shutting down the main breaker for the systems. The sewer passages were still patrolled by KG robots and blocked by various laser passageways, but the trio found a new way to get past them. Daxter scampered along the walls and ceiling until he was directly above a target, then dropped down as he extended his Light Eco blades around his paws to dig into his target, whether hazard or robot. If he landed successfully, he was able to disable the target completely, generally by dismembering. If he missed, he provided an excellent distraction, allowing Jak and Shining to take out the Robots with their own blades and guns when they turned to look at Daxter.

Everything went fine until, after opening a grate to continue onward, only for the trio to be swept down a long sluice where the water flowed too fast for them to get their footing. All three let out cries of shock as they were washed away, splashing down into a thankfully deep pool at the bottom. Jak landed feet first, sinking deep in. Shining and Daxter, unfortunately, landed rather painfully belly first. Despite the disorienting event, the trio continued on.

Surprisingly, mostly standard organic hostiles awaited them in the remaining portion of the sewers with only a few scattered KG robots, making progress much swifter as the organic enemies were less actively hostile and much less durable than KG bots or Metalheads. The trio carefully made their way up several waterfalls, carefully using water purification systems as platforms as they extended and retracted, cycling through the waterways. It wasn't long beyond that the group reached the breaker, letting them shut it down.

"That was far harder than it had to be," Daxter grumbled.

"Well, what other options were there?" Jak questioned.

"Having Shining rip the barrier out at the roots?" Daxter offered. "Like he did in the mine?"

"Too risky," Shining countered. "Having an open conduit that close might have damaged the systems in the Power Center. After all, anything heading out would pass through those same conduits."

Daxter scratched his chin. "...huh. Hadn't thought of that."

"For now, let's just get out of here," Jak grumbled.

When they reached the Power Station, they found Vin laying back in a chair, a strange device attached to his head, cables running from it to the various consoles scattered around. "Vin?" Jak asked, worried. When Vin didn't respond, he walked forward, reaching out towards the device on Vin's head.

"Don't touch that!" Vin's voice broke in from the consoles all around. "I got the message about the codes you needed, but they were deep buried in the systems, and I couldn't get them through normal means."

"Vin?" Shining gasped out. "W-what's going on?"

"This was an old back-up plan I had in case the Metalheads got me, adapted for our needs now," Vin's voice continued to explain. "Right now, my brain waves have been temporarily converted into Eco Waves and downloaded directly into the Eco Grid. This is letting me find the holes in the security nets more directly, to get the information you need and utilize it. It's...just taking a while. The security is tight, and dangerous. But I've almost..."

The largest screen flashed, and Vin sat up, catching a small object that flew out of the screen. "Got it!" Vin breathed in relief, pulling the device off his head. "Ugh...never going back in there if I can help it..." Shaking his head, he handed over the device that came out of the screen. "Here. This cypher key will open the doors on the War Factory."

"Thanks Vin," Jak replied as he pocketed the cypher key. "While we're here, do you need anything?"

"Nothing easily provided," Vin replied as he went back to the consoles. "Besides, if I actually asked, I'm pretty sure I'd get an earful from someone."

Daxter smirked conspiratorially. "I hear ya. Come on, Jak. Let's stop this war so our buddy Vin can...relax."

Upon returning to HQ, Jak and the others discovered that the data from the Cypher Key had already been used to figure out the unlock codes for the primary KG War Factory. "We need our best people on that raid," Torn pointed out.

"Gee," Daxter replied sarcastically, "I wonder who that could be?"

"The factory might be doing more than just making Death Bots," Samos pointed out worriedly.

"We need to know who's behind it all," Torn insisted. "How so many Death bots are being made...where they're getting the supplies and Eco...something about the whole thing doesn't seem right."

"We'll get the answers before we blow the place to kingdom come," Shining promised. "Now where do we go?"

"Around the back of this building is a garage with a new A-Grav vehicle Keira's been working on," Torn explained. "Think you're up to flying in three dimensions?"

"I can handle it," Jak confirmed. "I can handle anything Keira designs."

"Except her cakes!" Shining joked, ducking as Jak took a swing at him.

Samos chuckled at their antics. "Well, Keira tells us she's installed a few new safety features in this vehicle. Ready to go?"

"Right into the hornet's nest," Jak confirmed, grinning widely. "This is gonna be fun!"

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