• Published 14th Sep 2015
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Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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Training Days

Jak and Shining stared around at the island of Geyser Rock. When they'd gotten back from their camping trip, Samos had given them each a backpack of supplies, a book of plants, and a water canteen, and then hurled them through the transporter to the small island, stating that he'd open the gate for them again in a month, and he'd consider their training complete if they were still alive.

Jak glanced over at Shining. "So...what are we supposed to do now?"

"He said it's training," Shining pointed out. "I'd guess we're supposed to train."

"Any ideas on how to do that?"

Shining scratched his head. "Well...I suppose we could practice hitting things...or kicking things...and jumping..."

"So basic fitness stuff?" Jak asked, starting to stretch. "I guess. But if we're stuck here for a month, you're doing the cooking."

"Why me?"

"Because my taste buds have gone dead from tasting Keira's cooking," Jak pointed out.

Rolling his eyes, Shining chuckled. "Alright, fine. I'll cook. For now, let's get a camp set up or something."

It took them a few hours to set up camp, and by then the sun was starting to set. As such, Shining got started on cooking dinner from their supplies while Jak gathered some wood for the fire. When Jak got back, Shining had something unpleasant to report. "I've...taken a look at our supplies. Even stretching them as much as possible...we've got a week's worth, maybe."

Jak shrugged. "Then we'll just figure out how to live off the land for the rest of the time," he replied. "Shouldn't be too hard."

"As Daxter isn't here, I'll say it," Shining grunted. "Famous last words."

"Ha, frakkin, ha," Jak sniped back.

The following morning, Jak and Shining made an unpleasant discovery. While they'd both been sleeping, wild creatures had gotten into their packs and stolen all their food.

"Well...here's hoping 'living off the land' works better than I thought," Shining muttered once they'd both run through their surprisingly varied knowledge of curses.

"So...how do we do that?" Jak asked.

The pair stared at each other, neither having actually harvested food before. "Well..." Shining began. "I've...seen some of the people in town picking berries..." he allowed nervously.

"I...watched some of the adults fishing," Jak added.

They continued to stare at each other, swallowing nervously. "Didn't..." Shining began. "Didn't Samos say our training would be complete...if we were still alive at the end of the month?"

The pair had worked hard over the next few days, struggling just to survive and to learn how to gather food that was good to eat. The book of plants that was still intact proved invaluable to Shining, as he was able to find those that were edible amongst those that were hallucinogenic, poisonous, or both. Jak's attempts at fishing were much less stellar as he failed to catch fish with line or spear. Line failed as he lacked the materials needed to make a hook and bait, and spear as he couldn't seem to strike the fish correctly.

Watching him fishing, Shining quickly noticed what was wrong. "Jak!" he called out. "The water's distorting your view!"

"Eh?" Jak called back.

"Hold the tip of the spear under the water!"

Blinking, Jak did as instructed, smiling as he saw his problem. "Thanks!"

Not long after, Shining was struggling to get some fruit down from a tall tree, but he wasn't able to hold a stick long enough to knock it down, and when he'd tried with his magic or double jumping, the fruit squashed and became inedible.

Coming back from the water with a few fish on his spear, Jak watched Shining's attempts for a time, staring at how the fruit in question swayed on the branches. "Try kicking the tree!" he called out.

Confused, Shining turned his back to the tree and kicked the base of the trunk with both hind hooves. The whole tree shook, and the ripest fruit fell from the branches. Shining was able to catch it with his magic before it hit the ground. "Thanks!" he called to Jak, working to gather more. Between the two of them, they carefully gathered what they needed to make a scant if balanced meal, preserving what they could for future days.

That night, they took turns on watch, keeping wild creatures away from their supplies.

The two of them were able to survive well on the island, though it was a struggle. Both were much leaner and fitter as the month came to an end, and had learned to fight by driving creatures away from their supplies each night during their shifts. Each had learned any number of ways to use their bodies as weapons, and Shining had become more adept at throwing his shields about to both protect them and for use as weapons. Surprisingly enough, both had actually come to enjoy the training.

However, the end of the month was heralded by the reopening of the portal, and so they both returned through to Sandover Village.

Samos looked them both over as they returned. "Well, looks like you two handled yourselves," he admitted gruffly.

"I'll say!" Daxter agreed. "You two look real tough now!"

"The training definitely agreed with you," Keira said, stepping up towards Jak. "You look quite...heroic." She fluttered her eyelashes a bit.

Jak swallowed a bit convulsively, stepping back from her. Keira had 'blossomed' a little early, and in the month they'd been gone, her choice of fashion had taken a turn towards the practical...which in the climate of Sandover Village, translated to 'minimalist'. While her white/lavender midriff shirt and pink-and-purple cut off pants were technically decent in terms of modesty, they were also a lot more tight fitting and showed a lot more skin than Jak was used to...and a month with only his equine brother for company had made Jak a lot more aware of his growing interest in the opposite sex. So being confronted by his childhood friend with the obvious crush on him who had suddenly transformed into a hottie the moment he got back was probably the most awkward moment in his life...especially as her father was staring at the both of them.

Shining and Daxter couldn't help but snicker.

Samos rolled his eyes. "Tell you what boys, I think you've both earned a vacation. You two and Daxter can take some time to go anywhere you like...except Misty Island." He shook his finger in their faces. "Remember! Anywhere...but Misty Island."

Nodding, the trio of friends stepped out of the hut. "So...where should we go?" Shining asked.

Daxter chuckled. "You have to ask?"

Jak grinned widely. "Misty Island, here we come."

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