• Published 14th Sep 2015
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Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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Spargus: Return to Haven

The 'spooky' mine, at first glance, was not as worrisome as it had been made out to be. A few narrow bridges, some Dark Eco infused bats floating around in the air, and a few large lizards seemed to be the only hazards at first, aside from the incredibly deep pits. This was nothing the trio hadn't encountered before, however, and so proved no real challenge for them, especially not with Jak's new Eco powers and Shining's restored magic.

The few Metalheads they encountered were also on the small side, being only momentary distractions as they progressed onward. "You know," Jak mused, "if the rest of this area is as uneventful as this part, it would probably make for good emergency housing. A bit of reinforcement to the bridges, a few cooking fires, a few curtains..."

"Especially if there's only one entrance above and below," Shining mused. "The Precursor Alloy of the hangar line the walls under the stone, so Metalheads will only be able to dig in at a few points, which can be readily guarded or blocked."

"We'll suggest it to the Baron once we're back in the city," Daxter agreed. "For now, less noise please? I don't like the echoes."

Before long, the trio found a small elevator platform to take them up, leading them to another path through two tesla poles, part of an inactive electric gate. "Definitely looks like a good defensible position," Jak murmured as the trio moved through.

A few more bridges, elevators, and activated mechanisms later, the trio reached what looked like an exit to the mine. Nearby, they found a pair of greaves that matched the bracers Damas had given Jak. He didn't hesitate to don them, and they felt as though they were made for him. Beyond the cavern opening, they found more modern construction, similar to what was inside Haven City proper. Throwing a switch resulted in a claw contraption lifting a cart full of explosives onto a set of tracks.

As the trio approached to investigate, the entire platform rose up, lifting them to another level, where the tracks connected to another set of tracks, and bridges that were up. An alarm sounded as the cart prepared to launch.

"We need to lower those bridges before the bomb cart runs the tracks!" Daxter called out, terrified.

"On it!" Jak and Shining confirmed, each of them racing for a different set of bridges.

As they raced back through the mine area to lower the bridges, they found themselves passing familiar areas of the mine. With all bridges down, the cart slammed into a large set of metal double doors, blowing them open.

"Well...I suppose we could have found a more elegant way to open those doors," Shining murmured.

"Not as fun," Jak countered, leading the way through the doors and down another elevator.

Beyond another set of doors, they found themselves in a large chamber filled with massive stone humanoid structures. As they entered, Veger came in the other side. "I'd heard the monks speaking of how you were using the Precursor sub rails," he mused, his cane clutched under his arm. "Interesting, aren't they? The Precursors used them to build the world countless eons ago. The rail system leads-"

"So how long do we have to let him talk before reminding him that he doesn't have any back up down here, and no one would blink twice if we said the Metalheads got him?" Shining asked Jak.

"Two more minutes," Jak replied.

Veger froze. "You...you wouldn't!" he gasped out. "I'm trying to save the world, with the powers the Precursors will bestow-"

"They've been giving them to us, so far," Jak countered. "I don't think they'll find you worthy."

"Do you really think you have the time to frit about as you have been?" Veger demanded. "Do you know what that light in the sky is?"

"I'm guessing it's a interplanetary vehicle of some sort," Jak replied. "And the enemies of the Precursors - probably ones who OD'ed on Dark Eco - are riding back here so they can transform the planet in their own image. At least, that's what the hints the Precursors have been dropping seem to indicate. How accurate am I?"

"And you three are consumed by the stuff!" Veger barked out. "There's no way you abominations will be able to wield the power of the Precursors to save the world in time! That's why I attacked the palace myself to gain quick access to the catacombs!"

Jak frowned. "Okay, guys," he replied, pulling out his Blaster. "Consider this a kill-on-sight order for him."

Staggering back, Veger lifted his cane, and the stone atop it glowed. A stone construct burst open, revealing a Precursor Battle Robot. "Behold! I now command the power of the-" Seeing Shining grab the robot in his magic and lift it upwards, Veger decided that a direct confrontation probably wasn't the best idea, and promptly fled.

Even with the Precursor Robot held in Shining's magic, it was built too durably to tear apart, and all weapons pinged off its armor. At the same time, the robot kept struggling, managing to fire some of its weapons at the trio. "How do we stop this thing?" Shining demanded angrily.

"Hey!" Daxter called out, pointing to above the robot, where three explosive carts were precariously braced.

"Good idea, Dax!" Jak proclaimed before Daxter could continue, shooting one of the carts down to drop it onto the Precursor bot.

"Do I look like a fairy to you?" Daxter snapped, shooting down a second one. "Let me speak full sentences!"

"Can't we just cooperate without shouting?" Shining complained, smashing the robot into the third cart and watching it explode, two pieces breaking off as the rest fell into the pit.

"Looks like you two have got an upgrade," Daxter pointed out as he picked them up. Unsurprising, they were an Arc Wielder adjuster for the Vulcan Fury mode of the Morph Gun.

"Let's get into the city," Jak insisted. "Keira's probably tearing the place apart wondering what's taking so long!"

Beyond the last door, an elevator awaited to take them into the city.

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