• Published 14th Sep 2015
  • 11,484 Views, 3,294 Comments

Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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Dream Memories

The first thing he became aware of was his scent. The scent of a warrior, a leader, a brave man. Someone to trust. That was the very first thing he ever became aware of...and the one thing he would never forget.

As his eyes opened, he caught sight of a face. Square jawed, finely chiseled, with grey eyes, a flat nose, and long, sharply pointed ears. He was saying something, but it wasn't clear.

Something rose up behind the figure, a creature of metal and flesh and glowing crystal. Screaming in fear, the energy erupted from his horn, and a wall of light rose between the creature and the one standing over him.

The warrior turned as the creature of metal and flesh and crystal slammed against the wall of light. With quick movements, the creature was dispatched. The figure lifted him into his arms, speaking softly. The world swam before his gaze.

A small figure, similar to the man who held him, stared up at him. Thoughts and memories swirled as the world was shrouded in dream fog. This was brother. The man who held him was Father. He didn't know why Father called brother Mar, when he knew he was Jak.

And then Father named him. Ar-Mar, who Shines. A name and a title.

Father's voice spoke clearly in his ears. "Rest well, young warriors." He was speaking to both of them. "Take care of each other, and grow strong together. This world will need your strength..."

The world swirled again in dream fog. Ar-Mar stood with Mar/Jak and their dog, staring up as Father fought a losing battle, and was eventually seized and dragged away. The last thing he did before he vanished was to look at them and mouth a word.


Mar/Jak was frozen, unable to act. But something inside Ar-Mar knew how to respond to an order. Grabbing Mar/Jak, he slung him over his back and ran for all he was worth. Mar/Jak clung to him, arms around his neck, as their dog raced along behind. Ar-Mar leapt out a window and down. Catching hold of a passing flying machine, he was able to slow enough that they landed safely on rooftops below, their dog behind him. He ran as fast as he could, across the rooftops until they were low enough to leap to the streets below.

Not looking where he was going, he slammed into a green skinned being, who quickly took the three of them into the shadows. "Hide," he instructed firmly.

As any sign of pursuit faded, the figure smiled down at them. "Don't worry...I'll take care of you."

The dream fog swirled again. Ar-Mar stared up at a larger version of himself, who stared down at him in startled recognition. Beside him was a figure that looked like Father but wasn't.

Dream fog swirled, and a massive creature of metal flesh and crystal fell to the new figures, and a glowing crystal opened at Mar/Jak's touch, releasing a spirit.

Another swirl of fog, and Ar-Mar sat in a strange machine, Mar/Jak beside him, the green figure holding them both. "Don't worry," he told them both again. "I'll take care of you. That's a promise."

Ar-Mar stared into the gateway before them, the light within it shining so brightly...



"Shining, it's time to wake up," Samos said firmly, shaking the young unicorn awake.

Shining Armor groaned as he sat up, his eyes opening as he took in his caretaker's form. Round body, wrinkled face, thin limbs, high platform wooden shoes, a wooden staff, a long white beard and mustache, unusually shaped glasses, and a log held fast to his head by the last of his white hair. This was Samos, the sage of Green Eco. "Samos..."

"What's kept you asleep?" Samos demanded gruffly. "You're almost always up before Jak."

Shining Armor shook his head. "I...had the dream again," Shining Armor replied. "I...I was in that other place...the man...the monsters...the other unicorn..."

Samos looked over the small figure before him, from the white coat and horn to the mane and tail of stripes in various shades of blue, the pale blue eyes looking up at him in concern. "Shining, you need to stop thinking about it," Samos said firmly. "Sometimes a dream is just a dream."

"But Samos," Shining countered, "you're the one who told me that a dream could be the window to the truth! What truth is my dream trying to tell me?" He got to his hooves and started pacing, the blue shield emblazoned on both sides of his flank glittering in the light, the purple star in the center seeming to fade in and out on occasion, with the three stars above the shield glittering in the light. "Who was that man I keep seeing? What was that creature? Where was that city? And how did I get there? I mean, I'm a freaking unicorn! There's never been one here before in any records, or even mention of the name! Where do I come from? What am-"

"Shining Armor!" Samos snapped, causing the young colt to wilt in on himself slightly. Sighing and shaking his head, Samos rested one hand on the pony's head, just behind his horn. "Shining Armor, you're only five years old. Deciphering dreams is something even sages like myself have difficulty with. You don't have the knowledge or experience to understand whatever your dream might be telling you." He gently stroked his ward's neck. "If the message of the dream is important, it will continue until you are able to decipher its meaning. In the meantime, you are a child. Now is the time to do childish things, like run around and play." He smiled reassuringly. "I understand your brother and your young friend, that Daxter fellow, have discovered something 'awesome'. Perhaps you should join them, just to make sure none of you get hurt."

Shining Armor chuckled. "Alright, Samos. I guess...I'll figure the dream out another time." Racing out of the small house, he called out, "Jak! Daxter! Wait for me!"

Samos sighed as he sat back, little Keira - his infant daughter - stirring restlessly in her crib. "Not yet, Shining," he whispered. "Not yet...it's much too soon. You're not ready. Time enough to learn those secrets when you're older...much older." He gently rocked the crib. "Time enough for heroes and monsters when you're old enough to understand...leave the mysteries till then...and enjoy life." He frowned as troubling memories rose to his mind. "When those mysteries are answered, there will be little enough joy as is..."

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