• Published 14th Sep 2015
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Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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Haven: Destruction

When the group reached the Power Station, they found Kor waiting there for them, with no one else present. He was pleasantly surprised to see them. "Samos told us to bring the kids to you," Daxter shouted out.

"Thank you," Kor replied warmly, resting a hand on Mar's shoulder as the boy ran up to him. "I'll be sure to keep him close." At that point, the Crocodog growled at Kor. "How sweet," he sneered back.

Chuckling, Jak knelt down and scratched the Crocodog's spine, making it sit back happily with its tongue lolling out.

"Interesting," Kor muttered. "That insufferable mutt never liked anyone but the boy before..." As he spoke, the Crocodog growled at him.

Jak decided Kor was one of those who didn't need to know about the time travel shenanigans. "I guess I just have a way with animals," he joked, only to receive three punches on the arm, one from a paw and two from hooves.

Kor shrugged, letting it go. "I hope we have enough Eco to keep the Metalheads at bay..."

"Or we could just destroy them all," Shining offered.

"You do not comprehend the enormity of such an endeavor," Kor chided. "In my journeys to the depths of the Wasteland, I have seen the greater beasts of the Metalhead swarm. The creatures you have encountered so far are nothing compared to those...behemoths."

"We saw a big one coming out of a rift once!" Daxter spoke up. "It was uuuu-gly!"

"Hmph," Kor muttered, turning away and changing the subject.

Shining stepped back, frowning. There was something...off about Kor's reaction, but he wasn't certain what.

"Is everything okay, Shiny?" Ar-mar asked quietly.

"Just...be careful around Kor," Shining muttered back. "And take care of your brother."

"Will do!" Ar-mar replied, saluting. "Promised Pa!"

We keep that promise, Shining thought to himself as Jak collected an Air Train pass from Mar. "So where we off to?" Shining asked as he fell into step beside Jak.

"The Baron's trying to excavate the tomb of Mar," Jak replied. "We're going to slow him down."

"How are we going to do that?"

"Blowing shit up!" Daxter replied eagerly.


The Air Train turned out to be just a red A-Grav transport car, and the ride itself proved uneventful. The area it brought them to was rather lush, though more rocky than forested unlike the forest area to the north of the city. The excavation site itself was inside a cave system not far from the Air Train landing pad. The Crimson Guard were heavy in their presence, but unfortunately for them were no better armed. Jak and Shining were easily able to mow through them. Even the new grenadiers weren't very effective, as the bombs they threw were easily spotted and evaded well before they exploded.

Once inside the main dig site, Jak used the jet board to sever support cables while Shining focused on taking out the enemy troops. Once all the cables were cut, the drill the Guard had been using spun out of control and exploded.

"Nice!" Daxter crowed. "Anything else we can destroy?"

"Let's get back to the city and find out," Jak suggested.

Back in the city, they received a distress signal from Vin, summoning them to the Power Station. When they got there, they found him in a state of panic. "The Baron set me up!" he shouted out in terror. "Actually, I think everybody-"

Shining quickly levitated a bag up to Vin's face, making him breathe in and out of it for a time. "Calm down and explain," Shining stated calmly. "What's gone wrong, and how do we fix it? Remember, we're on your side."

Once Vin was calm, he explained. "The Baron has no intention of piping the Eco from the wells I drilled into the city. Open Eco Wells attract Metalheads. You need to seal them off with these plasmite bombs I've prepared for you. Just drop them into the well after arming them-"

"Daxter, bombs are not for playing until after we're on the mission," Jak chided, swiping the bomb out of the ottsel's hand.

"What, you think I'm gonna accidentally arm the whole batch before you make it through the portal or something?"(1) Daxter demanded angrily.

"I'd rather not take the chance," Jak replied, stowing the bombs carefully.

As there weren't any Metalheads or Crimson Guard at the mining site, there were no obstacles in their way to demolish the open wells. Six bombs dropped from the jet board later, and they were safely on their way back to the city...only to be sent right back out again to the drill platform to take out a tanker ship the Baron was sending out, full of Eco.

As a mobile gunnery platform was provided for the task, this proved to be yet another relatively easy task. Shining used his spot shields to protect the platform from attacking Crimson Guard fliers, while Jak held the controls to blast them apart.

The ship itself was somewhat more of a challenge, as it was heavily armored to the point the platform's bullets bounced right off. However, whoever was in charge must have taken issue with the noise or something similar, as the ship deployed various turrets to try and take the group out. The turrets weren't as heavily armored, and each destroyed turret damaged the tanker. With all turrets destroyed, the tanker went down, allowing the trio to return to the city, mission accomplished.

(1) For those who haven't played the game, in the original Daxter's fooling around results in just this, leading to the mission being on a time limit.

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