• Published 14th Sep 2015
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Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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Haven: Liberation

After finishing up at the Power Station, Jak, Shining, and Daxter decided to go get a drink and - hopefully - relax for a bit before heading out on the next mission. As they entered the saloon, however, they saw a large Crimson Guardsman in full uniform leaving. Krew practically pounced them once the guard was gone. "The Baron sent his goons to harass me, as usual," he moaned, as though trying to paint his lot in life as so terrible. "Health violations, back taxes...everyone wants a piece of me."

"Well, pieces of you would certainly violate the health codes," Shining joked.

"And you've got plenty of back to tax!" Daxter added, the pair bumping hoof to clenched paw in glee.

"...how droll," Krew replied blandly, plainly unamused. He turned back to Jak. "Destroying that cargo in the port was more important than you know. I've got a new project going, I don't need anyone snooping around my shipments."

Note to self: ask Keira if she's got a new model Scoutfly to sic on Krew's shipments, Jak thought quietly as he listened.

Noticing the looks the trio were shooting him, Krew smirked. "Let's just say...if things go as planned, I'm going to corner the market in Metalhead trophies."

"That's not ominous at all," Shining muttered to Daxter as Krew laughed.

"Anyway," Krew continued, "I have a job for you. An associate of mine, Bruta, works with me in the forced labor trade."

Jak's whole body clenched. "You mean the slave trade," he growled.

"I prefer 'freedom challenged'," Krew corrected delicately. He then leaned in conspiratorially. "Lurkers are the city's low class labor. Bruta pays me handsomely to help free Lurkers and get them out of the city." He let out an obviously fake heartfelt sigh. "It lifts my spirit to help those in need..." Rounding on the group again, his voice changed to a snarl. "And I need his money!"

"Lurkers?" Daxter gasped out, shocked. "We don't like Lurkers!"

"You like gun upgrades, don't you?" Krew countered, passing over an upgrade for their weapons' clips, letting them hold more ammo.

"How many?" Shining asked calmly, attaching the upgrade.

"Three Crimson Guard transports," Krew replied. "Pleasure doing business with you."

As the group left, Jak flexed angrily. "Keira," he muttered into the comms, "how much would it skew your plans if we went back in and slit Krew's throat?"

"Quite a bit, I'm afraid," Keira replied. "We need to keep him in place until we can take down his whole network."

"Then let's get this over with," Shining grunted.

Since the three transports were in close proximity, the trio decided to split into three groups to take them down. Each of them commandeered an A-Grav Zoomer, shifting into position near the transports. Shining and Jak took out all three transports at once with their Blasters. As the Lurkers ran and the Crimson Guard converged, each of the trio collected one of the Lurkers on their Zoomer before shooting off in three different directions.

Once all three had shaken off pursuit, they made their way to Bruta's trinket stand in the Bazaar, managing to get there all at the same time. Bruta - a rather large, red Lurker with nice hair - was quite pleased. "Little white warrior!" he proclaimed happily, shaking Shining's forehooves. "You have do great thing for Bruta and Lurker people!" He then proceeded to pepper Shining with kisses, much to Shining's displeasure.

"...thanks..." Shining muttered.

"You great guys!" Bruta proclaimed happily. "Bruta not forget! Bruta pay you back, you see!"

Back at the saloon, Krew had yet another job for them. "Years ago, when I was an art...collector, I hit the local museum to...borrow...a famous statue of Mar, the city's founder. In its hands, the statue held the Ruby Key to the city, an artifact of surpassing beauty...and of course, priceless worth."

"Let me guess," Shining muttered. "It's somewhere you can't get to, where you can't get anyone to go, and you want to send us?"

"Well aren't you the clever colt," Krew chuckled. "Yes. It is deep within the sewers, where dangerous floods and Metalheads discourage anyone from making their way-"

"We'll be done in an hour," Jak interrupted. Turning, he led the way back out.

It didn't take the group long to get back to the sewers, which - aside from being more empty - were no different than they had been on their last trip. It turned out that the path Jak needed to take to reach the Ruby Key was only passable via jet board, so Shining decided to wait for him to return. He didn't have long to wait, as Jak and Daxter were back in under five minutes. "So what now?" he asked.

At that moment, Bruta's voice came over the communicator. "I hear you three look for piece of Mar's shiny seal. Bruta love shiny, bright things too! I have piece, I thinks. It in water slums, hanging over me hut. You free to have! Gift from Bruta!"

"That," Jak replied to Shining as the message ended.

The piece of the seal proved to be exactly where Bruta had said. As soon as they collected it, another message from Bruta came through. "See? Nice and shiny, yes? All yours! ...uh oh! I think Red Troopers approaching!"

Bruta proved to be correct, as a Crimson Guard transport had pulled up and troops were jumping out of it...one at a time onto the narrow walkway over the water that led to where Jak and Shining stood, Blasters primed. "...Praxus needs to fire whoever's in charge of teaching these guys how to assault a fortified position," Jak grumbled as he opened fire.

"Or even a bottleneck point," Shining added, his own weapons fire backing up Jak's. "Why not leap over the buildings to flank us?"

"I'm not about to complain about having things too easy," Daxter suggested reasonably as the trio made their way safely out of the Water Slums.

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