• Published 14th Sep 2015
  • 11,514 Views, 3,294 Comments

Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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Spargus: Factory Falls

As Jak, Daxter, and Shining took to the sky in the new aerial gunship of Keira's design, they discovered that the codes alone weren't enough to get them into the flying War Factory. While the codes let them pass through the external shields, the defensive weaponry still fired upon them. "Evasive maneuvers!" Daxter called out as the first wave of laser shots passed just under their craft.

"Already on it, Dax!" Jak snapped, jerking the controls and performing an aileron roll out of the way. "Shining, we could use some defense!"

"On it!" Shining shouted back as he charged his magic. "But this size, I can't keep a perfect sphere up constantly, or we won't be able to fire back!"

"Then make it a half-dome on line of sight!" Jak ordered. "Dax, keep an eye out for weapons fire, and keep Shining sweeping the shield around."

"Right!" the two responded immediately, Shining casting the shield out in a wall that he rotated around to block incoming fire, while also moving it aside to let Jak fire the craft's weapons.

Jak carefully maneuvered the aircraft, locating each of the Factory's power points scattered about, which both kept the place afloat and kept them from getting inside. While taking out each individual one would take quite some time, they were grouped together, and Jak was able to target large groups with the Blue Eco bombs Keira had loaded the craft with, one bomb easily taking out as many as four when aimed properly. The larger problem proved to be the Factory's own fighter craft which swooped around it, trying to take the group out of the sky. Even with Daxter and Shining both keeping an eye out, their craft took a few bad hits.

After 32 of the power collection points had been destroyed, the four corner towers of the Factory unwound, revealing both Blue Eco propellers to keep it afloat and heavy turrets aimed to take the group out. The standard cannon fire from their craft didn't seem to inflict any damage on them, however. "Any ideas?" Jak asked worriedly.

"There's that weird crystal thing above the barrel of the heavy cannon," Shining suggested. "Maybe if you hit it with a bomb? Might overload it?"

"Sounds like a plan," Daxter offered. "Not sure why, but it does."

"Good a plan as any." Turning the vehicle carefully, Jak lined it up and fired off the bomb. The discharge of Blue Eco did, as planned, overloaded the tower, causing it to explode. "Nice!"

"Three to go!" Daxter called out.

Three towers later, the defenses of the Factory went down, allowing the trio to land safely and begin the interior assault.

The interior of the Fortress proved even more well fortified than the exterior, the halls patrolled by literal droves of KG Robots, which seemed to be replaced every time the trio turned around. On the other hand, there was a great deal of Eco ammo scattered about for the bots to reload from, which Shining and Jak were more than happy to 'requisition' for their own use.

"Damn, these guys are serious about protecting this place," Daxter panted after a particularly large group, his paw Eco blades somewhat faint from his exhaustion. "Do these guys ever end?"

"That's what we're here for," Jak replied, taking a few breaths of his own as he leaned on his gun. "To stop them from making more."

"Conserve your Eco, Daxter," Shining cautioned as they approached a turbine blocking the path. "Looks like we'll need to rely on you to get into the machinery and open paths for us."

"Damn!" Daxter grumbled, staggering over to a nearby pipe. "When I get back, I'm going to need a lift..."

"Will do, buddy," Jak promised as the ottsel clambered into the pipe.

Once at the other end of the pipe, Daxter went hand over hand from the bottom of a grate, before dropping down to turn off the turbine. He then clambered up to Jak's shoulder. "Lemme know when you need me again," he murmured drowsily as he clung to his perch.

The journey through the Factory continued in much the same way. Jak and Shining would take out any bots that attacked, guarding each other's backs. When they came to a point where Daxter had to crawl around the internals of the Factory, he would do so, making his way through to the next switch before returning to Jak's shoulder, where he conserved his Eco and physical energy. The trio would also carefully maneuver over floating platforms, making sure not to look down into emptiness to see just how far above the city they were...and how far they would fall if they missed a step.

After a few more such obstacle sets, all three managed to get a break when they found a vehicle they could drive across the nearby conveyor belts on for a while. Shining and Daxter gratefully flopped into it to relax as Jak took the wheel, using it to run down the KG bots in their way and smash through fence barriers. At the end of the ride, they found an elevator taking them deeper into the factory, and a path that was unguarded.

"Everybody check for traps!" Daxter warned as they all went on guard. The absence of hostiles was concerning, given how heavy the defenses had been until then. It implied there was something further in that didn't need backup.

As it turned out, they were not mistaken. Inside, Errol awaited them, his body turned almost completely metallic, as though his organic components had been fused with a hyper-charged KG Robot. "I've found some new friends to help me conquer this puny little planet," he growled out, his voice heavily synthesized.

"Yeah," Daxter grunted. "We got that."

"Before long, we will own this puny world!" Errol snarled, his voice glitching as he raged, struggling to get a reaction out of Jak.

"Over our dead bodies," Jak countered, drawing his weapons.

Errol grinned madly. "That's the idea." Leaning forward, he brought a homing rocket launcher to bear, attempting to lock onto the trio.

"How about no?" Shining asked, his horn flaring as he seized Errol and dragged him down from his high perch to their level.

"Grr...fine!" Errol growled. "I'd rather tear you apart with my bare hands, anyway!" Smashing his smaller right fist into his much larger left palm, he lunged in, even as the trio drew their own blades.

Jak and Shining lunged in, their blades clashing against Errol's arms. Unfortunately, his armor was far more durable than the standard KG Death Bot, and they weren't able to cut through. Daxter's Light Eco blades, however, caused some sort of error in Errol's systems, even if they couldn't inflict much physical damage.

"What's the matter?" Errol gloated. "Outclassed?" Bending down, he grabbed hold of Daxter and slammed him into Shining's face, before backhanding the both of them across the room with his larger hand. "Face it, Jak! Your little band of heroes stand no chance against the evolution I have undergone! You will fall to me Jak!" Lunging in, he knocked Jak's blades aside and punched him hard in the face, knocking him against a nearby wall. "But don't worry...I won't kill you yet! I'm going to lock your mind into a robot you can't control, so you can see what I do to this world!" He delivered another punch. "To your friends!" He kneed Jak in the gut. "Your family!" He brought his head down against Jak's nose. "And to Kei-"

To Jak's eyes, the world seemed to slow down. The flow of Eco through the air became visible to his eyes. Wisps of Blue, Yellow, Red, and Green floated through the air, guided by the Light and Dark that anchored them, shaping them to the world. Though he could barely breathe through his broken nose, he took in a deep breath, feeling the Eco flow into him. His wounds healed, his energy levels skyrocketed...and his eyes glowed. As the last punch came towards his face, he faded out, vanishing to sight.

"What the-" Errol demanded, confused, only to get slammed across the room into the opposite wall, his entire body sparking from the dent in his torso. "How is this-"

Errol's head slammed against the wall as something he couldn't see struck him hard in the face, tearing off some of the remaining skin. "I'm only going to say this once," Jak's voice said from nowhere as the next strike ripped his right arm from his body. "Don't...touch...Keira!"

Staring around in fear, Errol fled, clutching his sparking stump as he leapt through a nearby portal. Slowly, Jak reformed in front of Shining and Daxter, his eyes still glowing before he slumped backwards.

"Okay," Daxter murmured, "I don't care what the transformation does to you...Shadow Jak is awesome!"

"You okay, bro?" Shining asked worriedly.

"I'll...live," Jak breathed out, collapsing backwards. "I'm...I'm fine, really," Jak hastened to assure the others. "I just...need to rest..."

"How did you do that?" Daxter demanded. "You were out of ammo!"

"I...I drew in Eco...from the environment..." Jak murmured. "Lots of...tiny wisps...became a torrent..."

"You can do that?" Shining gasped out, stunned.

"...seems that way..." Jak murmured as he slumped over.

At that moment, the entire fortress began to collapse. Desperately, Shining bound Jak and Daxter to his back with his magic. "I hope this takes us someplace safe..." he murmured, racing for the portal and leaping through.

Author's Note:

Yes, Jak just unlocked the ability to restore his reserves of Eco while stationary...which I believe is one he gets in Lost Frontier?

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