• Published 14th Sep 2015
  • 11,513 Views, 3,294 Comments

Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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Spargus: Cleaning Up the Big City

Jak, Shining, Daxter, and the Baron returned to the Naughty Ottsel after dealing with the four remaining Blast Bots they'd gone out to deal with. Jak, Daxter, and the Baron seemed disgruntled, while Shining strutted about with a smirk on his face.

"So who won?" Keira asked impishly.

"Shining 2, the rest of us 1," Jak grumbled. "Smashing one blast bot into another with telekinesis shouldn't count."

"You're just mad because you didn't think of it," Shining teased.

"I can't pick a Blast Bot up and throw it," Jak countered waspishly.

As the debate bounced back and forth, Torn activated the comm link, deciding to send some important information. "Ashelin, it's Torn. Jak's back in the city."

Ashelin's face started to appear holographically over the table, but the signal became interrupted as another one overrode it. A different face appeared, one Jak recognized instantly. "Errol..." he growled deep in his throat.

Errol laughed wickedly as his holo-projected face silhouetted over the table. "I live!" he proclaimed dramatically. "Still fighting for the weak link, eh Jak? Well, I've had a few enhancements since we last met. Even the Metalheads have their biological weaknesses. But me? I'm pure metal now..."

"The Dark Eco tainted Precursors rebuilt you to act as their agent, didn't they?" Keira suggested grumpily.

Errol chuckled. "As brilliant as ever, my dear. I'm really looking forward to our next meeting once I've dealt with these-YOWCH!"

Shining withdrew his horn. "Jak's not the only one protective of Keira," he growled out, lightning sparking off his horn. "She's like a little sister to me. Look at her in a way I don't like, and I'll fry your circuits!"

"How did you manage to shoot me through a communication transmission?" Errol demanded, flabbergasted. "That's impossible!"

"Angry, overprotective, magical unicorn big brother figure," Shining growled out, his horn glowing again. "Care to test that theory?" He lowered it towards the holo-projector.

The signal cut out. "We need to unite the divided forces of the city," Torn stated quickly. "We need to disable the energy shields so we can move freely through the city."

"That could be a problem," the Baron pointed out. "The KG Robots floating factory makes more bots every day. We can hardly take a step outside, let alone mount an assault."

"Sounds like we have to blow something else up," Daxter sighed, stretching. "So, which way are we going about it here?"

"Can't," Keira countered. "The factory keeps moving, and its out of reach of any of our weapons."

"We need to break through the KG's defensive perimeter," Torn spoke up.

"There's a rocket launcher outside," the Baron pointed out. "But we can't get it close enough to the barrier to destroy it, and it doesn't have enough Eco payload to make it the whole way and destroy the barrier."

"Leave it to me!" Daxter insisted. "I'll ride it around the waters outside and pick up some extra Eco." Without waiting for anyone to respond, he raced outside.

"...since when did Daxter become the risk taker?" Keira asked, stunned.

"Huh," Jak mused. "Guess we've all changed more than we realized..."

Daxter's ride on the rocket proved showy but effective, clearing the way into KG territory. Jak started to lead the way in, only for Shining to hold him back. "We're starting to run low on ammo," he pointed out. "We should restock before charging into enemy territory, don't you think?"

"Good point," Jak agreed, seeing how low his own ammo stock had run. "The shooting range is nearby. Think they'll have some to spare?"

"Worth a try," Daxter offered.

When they reached the shooting range, they found Tess tinkering away with something, though she turned aside as the trio came in. "Daxter!" she squealed happily, opening her arms to catch the ottsel as he rushed forward for his own reunion. She cuddled him close, cradling him in her arms. "You're back! Ooo...did that mean old desert burn your itty bitty paws?" she cooed, gently caressing his four pads.

"W-whoa, whoa, Tess baby!" Daxter gasped out, wriggling. "Don't crusha the merchandise." Giggling, Tess set him down. "So how's biz?" he asked after brushing himself off and trying - and failing - to glare down Jak and Shining's amusement.

"I'm designing new guns to help with the war effort!" Tess replied eagerly.

"You make guns now?" Jak asked, stunned.

"Yeah!" Tess replied, turning to heft the weapon she'd been working on. "I just finished this new gun. It sports a multi-port, large bore, gyro-burst launcher with blowback breach assist, using full-jacket Eco depleted, armor piercing slugs, and a continuous kill zone scanner for tight groupings at a high-cycle rate of fire." As she spoke, she'd lifted the weapon - longer than she was tall - to a firing position, grinning ear to ear as she pumped the weapon, priming it for fire. Noticing the stares the three boys were giving her, she shrugged. "It's a hobby."

"...you and Keira must get along real well..." Jak murmured, stunned.

"How'd you know?" Tess asked, surprised.

Daxter only stared, his mouth hanging open slightly. "...so hot..."

Tess blushed brightly and giggled.

"Don't suppose you have one in my size?" Shining asked.

"If you and Jak can handle it!" Tess replied eagerly, jerking her thumb back at the gun course. "Sorry I couldn't make one your size, snookums," she apologized, stroking Daxter's head. "My tools just aren't small enough..."

"No worries, babe," Daxter replied. "I've got my own cannons to keep me safe." He lifted his paws, only for more Eco to blast out of them. "Damn! How do I make that stop?"

"Here!" Tess replied, attaching now bracers around Daxter's paws. "Keira mentioned you were having problems keeping your Eco buildup contained, so I designed some extra batteries so you can store the excess for more powerful blasts. It's the same design as the Wave Concussor, but I'm not sure how well it'll work for your Light Eco."

Daxter admired the new attachments for the bracers, feeling how his focused Eco was funneling into them for storage. "Seems to be working like a charm!" he replied. "Thanks, babe!"

"Silver Medal awarded, Jak," a computerized voice spoke up as Jak stepped out of the course.

"Not bad shooting, Jak," Tess complimented. "...for a guy."

Jak frowned, not really liking the qualifier.

"Now, I want you to protect my little baby with this," Tess instructed, handing over the gun while petting Daxter. She then narrowed her eyes at Jak, her voice taking on a surprising level of menace. "Or else I'll hunt you down and hurt you real bad!" She then returned to her usual bubbly self with a giggle.

"Wow!" Daxter yelped out, grinning ear from ear. "I didn't know you had so much...rawr!"

"Gold Medal awarded, Shining Armor," the computerized voice intoned.

"Wait, what?" Jak demanded, stunned.

"Beam Reflexor," Shining explained as he stepped out of the course. "Boosted a bit, the shots just keep going."

Grumbling, Jak took his Gyro Burster while Tess gave Shining his with a giggle.

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