• Published 14th Sep 2015
  • 11,513 Views, 3,294 Comments

Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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Haven: The Storm

When Jak stopped vomiting up Eco, Shining and Daxter decided to take him to the Hip Hog Saloon for some refreshing drinks and anti-nausea medicine. Since Krew was no longer a concern or among the living, Daxter started making plans to take over the management of the saloon as a way to make some money once the city was safer.

Once there, however, Tess had some interesting information for them. "Krew put something inside this game," she explained, indicating a machine labeled 'Metal Head Bonk', with eight holes and a scoreboard on top. "Whatever it was, he looked real nervous about it."

"Whatever it is, he won't be needing it anymore!" Daxter insisted as Shining helped Jak to a booth. "He's...not all together anymore." A little over here, a little over there... Daxter quickly suppressed his memory of the mess Jak had made of Krew before Jak wasn't the only one in need of anti-nausea medicine. "Now watch the game player do his stuff!" With that, he hopped up onto the machine.

"You're such an animal," Tess purred flirtatiously as she bent over the ottsel.

Over at the table, Shining rolled his eyes and shook his head ruefully. He then watched as Daxter played, bonking the Metalhead heads that popped up - grays and golds, but not electrified reds - while Tess continued to praise him. It wasn't long before Daxter beat the game, causing it to dispense a prize...the Time Map!

As Daxter started bragging about what he'd do to any real Metalheads that showed up, two large Metalheads entered the saloon. Jak struggled to get to Daxter and Tess' aid, only to stumble over Shining, as he wasn't fully recovered yet. As Tess screamed, Daxter lunged in and - as he'd bragged - bopped the Metalheads with the game's foam mallet.

Energy flashed from Daxter's body over the mallet with each impact. The focus crystals embedded in the Metalheads' skulls cracked and crumbled, and the Metalheads fell over dead. Tess stared in awe.

"Daxter...that was incredible!" Scooping him up, she kissed him on the cheek.

"...so that's what Gol and Maia meant about his Eco abilities," Jak muttered, staggering to his feet. "That looked like the Light Eco Keira got out of the Power Cell."

Daxter shivered in Tess' embrace. "That was terrifying!" he groaned, shivering. "Where's Sig when you need him?"

"Krew sent Sig on one last mission," Tess quickly informed him. "Something about using Mar's Ruby Key to open a secret door in the Under Port."

"We'll go check up on him," Jak stated firmly, feeling more stable at last.

"I'll take this to Keira!" Tess said quickly, scooping up the Time Map.

As they left the saloon, they got an emergency message from Vin informing them that Kor had turned off the Eco Dome, leaving Haven vulnerable to Metalhead attack. That message was quickly confirmed as the trio rode a Zoomer through the city to Under Port, as they could see Metalheads crawling about, engaging with the Crimson Guard and other members of the Underground.

"This is bad," Shining muttered under his breath as he stared out at the chaos.

"It'll be worse if we don't take out the Metalhead leader soon," Jak grumbled, gunning the engine.

Once in Under Port, Jak was relieved to see the Titan Suits awaiting them, meaning he would have more time to let his own body rest as they smashed their way through to wherever Sig was. However, as they leapt into the Titan Suits, the area began to fill with water...and the suits only had a limited air supply, forcing them to hurry. Thankfully, there were a few air vents they were able to use to replenish the air in their suits scattered about.

The water had a few squid like Metalheads and several mines scattered about that the pair needed to destroy and avoid as the situation demanded. Eventually, they reached the end of the passages and the water began to drain out, letting them leave the Titan Suits. Jak stabilized himself against the Suit as he got over the last of the damage he'd done to himself from OD'ing on Eco.

On the opposite side of a large door, the pair found Sig engaged in battle with Metalheads. When Jak moved to greet him, Sig nearly shot them. "Get your skinny ass over her and start shootin'!" he snapped. "I was set up! When I opened the door Krew sent me ta open with that Ruby Key ya found, Metalheads started streaming in from a passage outside the city walls! It's like they were waiting for me!"

"Krew's dead," Jak informed him.

"He's lucky then!" Sig snapped. "Cause he would not want me to catch him alive!"

"I crushed him under his own weapons."

Sig managed a smirk. "Won't argue with karmic irony!"

"Let's get you out of here!" Jak insisted. "Then you can give me directions to that passage, so the three of us can find the nest and take out the Metalhead leader!"

"You're crazy, you know that?" Sig demanded worriedly.

"Yeah," Jak confirmed with a shrug. "Kinda figured."

As they made their way forward, however, a large centipede shaped Metalhead burst through the wall, bearing down on them. The group fled as fast as they could, but it continued to pursue them. At one point, Jak nearly went down a pit when a bridge collapsed under the giant Metalhead while he was still on it, but Sig managed to grab hold of him and pull him up.

With the danger apparently passed, the group continued with Jak and Shining working to solve box puzzles to open the path forward...only for the centipede Metalhead to show up again, making them run for it.

They were almost out when Sig paused on a bridge. "Looks like we finally lost him, eh chili peppers?" he gasped out as he came to a halt. He gazed down at the trio proudly. "Now you boys are real Wastelanders! I say it's time we take this fight to the Metalhead leader himself!"

"That's the plan," Jak explained. "Any ideas how to pull it off?"

"If we find a way to juice up Mar's old gun, then boom baby!" Sig slammed his staff weapon into the bridge. "We storm the nest guns blazing! The four of us together! Side by side! Nothing'll stop us-"

"Maybe we could talk about this on the elevator?" Shining interrupted.

"What are you scared of?" Sig demanded. "We lost that creature a while back-"

As Sig spoke, the centipede Metalhead burst through the wall above Sig, crashing down atop him and taking him and the bridge down into the abyss with it.

Shining whimpered softly to himself. "...why didn't I speak up sooner?"

"It's not your fault, Shining," Daxter offered comfortingly. "Sometimes...these things happen..."

With nothing else they could do there, Jak, Shining, and Daxter went the few more feet to the elevator back to the surface...now more determined than ever to destroy the Metalheads.

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