• Published 14th Sep 2015
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Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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XCR: The Enemies

Jak pretended that his momentary confrontation with Rayn had never happened, and Rayn did likewise, letting the team dynamic return to seeming normal. The only change that occurred was that Rayn could often be seen watching Jak carefully, trying to take his measure. This, unfortunately, was once caught on camera, leading to Blitz doing a report about Jak being something of a ladies' man, and implications of a 'love triangle' or rivalry within the team. This wasn't helped by the fact that both Keira and Ashelin's chosen outfits for while working on the team showed a good amount of skin.

Much to Jak's frustration and confusion, Keira capitalized on this by actively engaging in 'rivalry' behavior with Rayn anytime someone was watching, to the amusement of Daxter and Shining. The crowning moment, in their opinion, was the actual cat fight Keira and Rayn got into - on live TV - when Keira 'caught' Rayn looking at Jak a little too closely, leaving Jak completely uncertain what to do or how to handle things.

After that particular interview, Jak managed to get some alone time with Keira to ask about it. "Why did you do that?" he asked bluntly.

"A few reasons," Keira replied simply. "First, the more 'sensational' we are, the safer we are in our victories from Meezo's retaliation. The more popular we are, the more money we bring into the racing scene by racing...and the more it'll lose if we get taken out off the track. If everyone wants to see what happens next with us, Meezo will have to confine his attempts to eliminate us to the track, and we've already shown we can handle anything they try there."

"That could easily backfire," Jak grumbled. "Meezo could easily set up an 'off-track event' that leads to a racing challenge to force us to lose. He's certainly not above that."

"True, but that we can guard against," Keira explained. "My second reason was to test Rayn's close combat skills."

"...why?" Jak asked, confused.

"To see just how much of a threat she'll be when we eventually end up on opposite sides," Keira explained. "I wanted to find out if she was the sort who could easily get her own hands dirty...and unfortunately, she is." She rubbed her thigh, wincing. "She landed quite a few blows."

Without even seeming to think about it, Jak shifted position so he could massage the pain out from her thigh. "And what's the third reason?" he asked as he worked, smiling as she sighed in relief.

"Because I didn't like how she was looking at you," Keira replied simply. "You're mine, and I wanted to make sure she knew that."

He chuckled softly at that. All things considered, he was glad she thought that way about him, if terrified he might lose it someday. "Yes, dear," he replied playfully.

"Remind me to yell at you when this is all over for having Vin work on the superweapon instead of me though," she murmured softly.

He flinched at that, then sighed ruefully. She knew him a little too well. "Yes, dear," he responded, his voice much more resigned now.

Nearby, Daxter chuckled at his discomfiture before making whipping sound effects.

Smirking, Jak and Keira both immediately responded, "Kinky."

"TMI!" Daxter screamed, running from the room. "TMI!"

While Jak was confident that all they had to do was win the races in order to get Meezo to meet his obligations and transfer control of all criminal enterprises to Rayn, he also knew Meezo was likely to be the only one who was so honorable. His underlings - especially Razor - were likely to play by their own rules at every opportunity.

Still, as Jak competed in race after race, he found the things he'd proclaimed while acting the bad ass proved to be true. He did relish the challenge this presented. He was eager to face off against people who were actively trying to kill him, both on and off the track. He felt his blood race every time he took the track against the other teams, even the few times their team tactics proved ineffective and one racer got close enough to actually hurt him. He'd found it exciting.

Even on the new event designed for team driving - a wide open space where Power Cells appeared one at a time throughout the arena, with the goal being getting it back to the team's base - Jak found himself focusing less on the objective and more on the combat. Chasing down an enemy driver and forcing them into a crash, or taking them out with a missile...it excited him.

He wanted to attribute this combat fever to the Dark Eco inside of him, but he knew better. Not only did the Light Eco inside balance the Dark so it didn't influence his behavior anymore, his enjoyment of such challenge predated his Dark Eco infusion. Even back in Sandover, he'd always been eager for the next thrill, the next crazy stunt...the next Lurker attack.

As much as he hated to admit it, he was forced to face facts. He'd always loved to push himself to his limits, and nowhere could he do that more readily than in combat. He was a battle junkie.

Still, the realization brought its own relief. With the world as it was, it was no bad thing to enjoy something that would likely always be a large part of his life. Even with how they were working to restore the world, it was still a battle just to survive. Still, it wasn't good to let it control him.

One thing at a time, though. First, he'd finish up in Kras City. Then, he'd ask Elder and Damas for advice on how to keep such urges in check. Maybe it was something that ran in the family.

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