• Published 14th Sep 2015
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Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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XCR: The Report

The further races continued to breeze by for the group, their team strategy blasting them past the competition. After each race, however, a new development revealed itself, giving them new information to act on or catalog as the situation demanded.

Early on, they learned that Pecker had been added to the annoying reporter's show as 'color commentary'. The group gave this development the attention they felt it deserved. However, he did mention on his first appearance that he had discovered a connection between the Championship Race and high level criminal elements, and his intention to report his findings as he discovered them on the show.

"Well, that's a clever way of feeding us information," Shining muttered, plainly impressed. "And to top it off, no one can accuse him of being on our side."

"You mean we actually have to sit around as a group watching that show now?" Daxter complained. "Lame!"

"We don't all have to," Samos pointed out. "We can assign one of us the job of gathering and summarizing Pecker's televised reports for us to review later."

Daxter grinned widely. "That's a great idea! I was thinking-"

"As the only non-race personnel amongst us whose eyesight is still 20-20, I nominate you Daxter," Samos interrupted with a wicked grin.

"What?" Daxter demanded angrily. "But I-"

"Seconded," Jak spoke up quickly, hiding his smirk.

"Thirded," Shining added, not bothering to hide his.

"All in favor?" Ashelin asked quickly.

"Aye!" Torn added as everyone but Daxter raised their hands.

Daxter slumped to the ground, glowering at everyone as he looked up at the TV. "Hate you all..." he grumbled halfheartedly. He blinked as he noticed the reporter - who, according to the screen, was named Blitz - reacting angrily both to Pecker's intentions and a smack to his shoulder dislodging his hair. "Huh. I think the reporter might be a bad guy."

"Oh, I hope so," Jak murmured softly, once more polishing his Eco Blade.

"Jak, I think you might be enjoying the violence a little too much," Samos observed worriedly. "Are you certain your Eco is completely balanced?"

"I'm fine, Samos," Jak responded easily, waving off the concern. "Just getting into character as a battle hardened hard ass."

Samos sighed worriedly. "Just...don't let it get too natural, alright?"

"Don't worry, Dad," Keira promised. "I'll keep an eye on him."

"Both eyes, in fact," Ashelin joked, making Keira hurl a seat cushion at her in response.

After another race, Jak was getting a drink at a nearby pub to relax and unwind when Blitz approached him. "Hey there Jak!" he greeted, still on camera as he approached. "Getting some local color?"

Jak, for his part, did his best to ignore him.

"You certainly need it," Blitz teased, leaning in close. "You're positively pale on screen."

Jak frowned. "Do you want your colonoscopy televised?" he growled as he grabbed the floating camera.

"Whoa there, buddy!" Blitz hastened to say, pulling back. "I just wanted to let you and your group know you can earn cool gadgets by performing odd jobs for the Commission and others."

"Oh?" Jak inquired softly releasing the camera. "What sort of jobs and gadgets?"

"Good stuff!" Blitz assured him. "For instance, some dirt forming robots that went berserk in the Cras dirt stadium. They need to be destroyed before somebody gets hurt. Hunt them all down, and you'll be rewarded."

"And I take it the rewards for this sort of task will help me progress further in the rankings?" Jak clarified. "Upgrades for the cars and the like?"

"You and your team, yes," Blitz confirmed. "But be-"

Jak grabbed the camera again. "That's all I need to know. You're done here."

Blitz had the sense to rapidly make his exit. Jak held onto the camera until its servos were straining as it tried to catch up to Blitz, then released, watching with smug satisfaction as it flew forward so fast it clocked the reporter in the back of the head.

As Jak prepared for the next race, Rayn approached him. "Jak, you're getting great points for the season, but I heard a nasty rumor that someone's throwing big money around, hiring top mercenary drivers to race."

"Good," Jak replied before she could continue. "The ones out to see us dead wind up bankrupt, and we actually get a challenge."

Rayn stared at him. "Are...are you really that overconfident?" she asked, stunned.

"It's not overconfidence if it's warranted," Jak responded readily. "I've fought giant Precursor Robots, Metalheads, and went hand-to-hand with a Dark Terraformer the size of a mountain, and you expect me to be afraid of a few mercenaries?"

"The mercenaries being hired are likely aware of your reputation, Jak," Rayn pointed out warningly. "They're probably aware of and prepared for your...unique capabilities."

"Good!" Jak crowed out. "The challenge excites me!" He paused, considering adding a few words to seem even more badass, but the only ones he could think of just seemed silly. Besides, Keira would get upset if he got shirtless in front of another girl.

As Rayn hesitated, Ashelin spoke up from where she was working. "I've heard these new drivers are getting bonuses for kills, and probably wouldn't think twice about cheating to win."

"Are you trying to scare me, Ashelin?" Jak asked quietly.

"No," Ashelin countered. "Just making sure you don't hold back when you deal with them."

Jak smirked. "No chance of that, Ashelin. I race to win."

"So I see," Razor began as he approached, a well built robot behind him. "By the way, have you met Meezo's newest racer? This is-"

"An interesting challenge," Jak purred, strutting up to the bot. "I look forward to meeting you on the track."

The robot responded in distorted language, but the way it strutted up to Jak showed he was plainly just as excited by the idea of the challenge.

Ashelin groaned, burying her face in her hands. "Men."

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