• Published 14th Sep 2015
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Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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Precursor: Robot

The trio rode the elevator to the top, seeing Gol and Maia already at work on the silo in the distance when they disembarked. Grabbing some nearby clusters of Blue Eco, they activated a mobile platform to carry them over to the primary silo. They were using a beam of Blue Eco from the robot to force it open.

Daxter glanced around, trying to come up with a plan, since he knew Jak and Shining's plan would be 'charge in and smash', and that ran the risk of letting the silo open all the way. Besides, he was supposed to be a distraction. Looking around, he saw a seemingly useless Red Eco vent - they couldn't get close enough to the robot to attack it physically - a large metal pipe with a pointed end, and several clusters of explosive Yellow Eco. An idea hit him. "Shining! Can you cast your shield like a ball around yourself and roll it around?"

"Uhh...yeah," Shining replied, somewhat confused.

"Do it!" Daxter spun around. "Jak! Grab that metal pipe, hit the Red Eco vent, and get ready to play golf!"

Jak, also confused but curious, raced to do as instructed.

"You're too late!" Maia proclaimed from the robot as Jak and Shining raced to work the plan. "Soon, the silo will be open, we will have all the Dark Eco we need to complete our research, and there's nothing you can do to-"

"I LOVE YOU MAIA!" Daxter shouted at the top of his lungs.

The robot froze where it hovered in the air, the Eco Beam shutting down as it swiveled to look at Daxter. Jak fell face first into the Red Eco vent, nearly impaling himself on the pointed metal pipe he'd grabbed. Shining's shield fluctuated as it held the gathered Yellow Eco. All were staring at Daxter now.

"Why are you not moving to destroy the giant robot?" Daxter demanded in a stage whisper. "That won't work twice!"(1)

Maia suddenly screamed in rage. "You miserable, lying rodent! Why I-"

Racing from the Red Eco vent, Jak drew back the metal pole and - putting the Red Eco he was filled with behind the swing - struck Shining's shield as hard as he could, shouting, "FORE!"

With a loud "THWACK!" Shining's shield ball flew threw the air, slamming into the side of the robot's face with a massive Yellow Eco explosion, eradicating the emitters it had been using to fire the Eco Beams. As Shining fell back - his shield still charged with Eco - Jak raced forward and struck again. They repeated this process to blast bits of the Precursor Robot apart with each explosion, at one point sending Shining through a Yellow Eco vent that activated to one side of the silo to recharge him.

"Nice!" Daxter crowed, leaping into the air. "I didn't think my makeshift plan would work this well!"

At that moment, Shining - in his explosively charged shield - slammed into the center of the robot, causing the entire thing to explode. Daxter let out a scream as he tumbled off the side of the silo, just barely managing to catch hold of two side indentations. Since he had nothing else to do, he decided to examine them until someone came and got him.

Atop the silo, Shining staggered around, looking drunk. "Mommy I don't want to ride the roller coaster again!" he chimed foolishly before slumping over in a heap.

Jak managed to catch his feet as Gol and Maia fell out of the head unit of their robot, the only part still in one piece. "You fools!" Gol proclaimed. "Without the Dark Eco, our research can never be complete! We'll never find the secrets of creation!"

"We'll never find a way to cure your little friend!" Maia added.

Blinking, Jak looked around. "Daxter?" he called out worriedly.

"I'm fine!" Daxter called out, sitting on Samos' shoulder as the Sages floated up on a wide platform the Blue Sage was powering. "Also, there's something you should see! Jak, bring that pole if it's still in one piece!"

"Gol, Maia, you both should come too," Samos instructed.

Confused, the trio boarded the platform, Jak carrying his unconscious brother.

"These are of interest, wouldn't you say?" Samos asked, indicating the indentations Daxter had grabbed hold of.

Gol leaned in close to the first one. "This is a...pressure guage?" he asked in shock.

"And from the looks of these Precursor runes, the silo's under...incredibly high pressure," Maia muttered. "If we'd succeeded in opening it all the way..."

"You would have flooded the entire world with Dark Eco," Samos finished for her. "Rather than perform any successful experiments, you would have killed everything, including yourselves."

"It's true," Gol murmured. "We lack the genetic markers...to achieve evolution via...the Dark Eco..."

"And there was no need!" Daxter pointed out, holding up a jar of Precursor alloy. "Observe. Jak, please put the pointed end into the other indentation!"

Noding, Jak inserted the pointed end. Dark Eco flowed down the pipe at a steady rate into the jar, which Daxter promptly capped once it was full and Jak had removed the pipe. "The Precursors obviously expected the study of Dark Eco," Samos explained, "and provided means to access it safely."

Gol and Maia glanced back and forth between each other, feeling incredibly foolish.

While the Sages discussed how best to handle careful Dark Eco studies, Jak sought out Keira. "Shining gave me your note," he told her softly, smiling.

"And you did save the day," Keira replied with a smile, hands behind her back. "Are you ready for your...suitable reward?" She looked up at him through fluttering eyelashes.

Jak nodded happily, smiling widely.

"I'm glad," Keira replied, leaning forward slightly.

Jak leaned forward as well, his eyes slowly closing.

Keira pulled her hands out from behind her back, holding a truly vile looking creation. "I baked you a cake!"

The sound of Jak's face hitting the floor echoed over Daxter and Shining's belly laughter.

(1) Scene inspired by this comment.

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