• Published 14th Sep 2015
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Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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Haven: Odd Jobs

Torn readily guided Jak, Shining, and Daxter into the Underground's hideout. Daxter, for his part, was more than ready to strut his stuff...but Shining came to a conclusion that dashed his ego. "You put that banner up there, didn't you?" he asked Torn.

"What?" Daxter demanded in shock.

"Good guess," Torn replied. "We used that tower to test anyone new who wanted to join the Underground, if they knew who to ask for and felt they were up to the challenge. You three are the first to make the attempt. Now we need to find a new way to test anyone else. But enough about that. Since you've proven so capable, there are a few things you three can do to further our goals."

"Go on," Jak murmured, nodding his head.

"The Baron's turned off all water to the slums, since he's figured out we're based in here somewhere," Torn explained. "He's willing to sacrifice innocent lives, just to stop us."

"Where's the valve we need to turn back on?" Shining asked.

"Outside the city," Torn confirmed, pointing to it on the map. "I've got a passkey that will let you get through the Eco Dome, but you still need to be careful. While it will let you pass through the Dome itself, it won't get you past the checkpoints. There's a large drain pipe in the north wall. It's a little dirty, but you can get through there without trouble."

"How do you get all this information, anyway?" Daxter demanded suspiciously.

"I used to be a member of the Crimson Guard," Torn explained. "I've still got some friends in it that feed me information on occasion."

"Can they be trusted?" Jak asked cautiously.

"As much as anyone," Torn replied worriedly.

"We're on the case," Shining promised.

Once at the drainage pipe in question, the pass worked as expected, letting them pass through the Eco Dome unharmed. Jak quickly hid it away in his clothes to keep it safe. The group caught their first sight of the Metalheads, which appeared to be varying sorts of creatures that were half flesh and half metal, with yellow crystals embedded in their foreheads. Destroying the Metalheads left the crystals behind, and Jak collected them on the off chance they'd prove useful.

The pumping station itself proved to be relatively easy to navigate for the trio, the path much more straightforward than similar areas back in the Sandover era. And between the extra toughness Jak's body had developed as a result of the Dark Eco experimentation and Shining's Scatter Gun, the few Metalheads and other creatures were easily dealt with.

When they found the valve in question, Daxter immediately leapt onto it, trying to turn it. Unfortunately, three things proved his undoing. The first was that his small size gave him no leverage. The second was that he was trying to turn the valve the wrong way. The third was the suction pipe directly above him when Shining added his magic to get the valve to turn.

Thankfully, it didn't take Jak and Shining long to get to where Daxter had become stuck in the pipes and release him, along with a spray of water. "Next time Jak," Daxter groaned, "you turn the valve."

With the task done, the trio returned to the Underground hideout to report and get a new task.

"The water's back on in the slums," Torn confirmed. "I'd love to see the heads roll when the Baron finds out."

"How about we give him more to be upset about?" Shining offered.

Torn grinned. "I like the way you think. Keep that attitude, fuzzy, and you might just get to meet the Shadow someday. For now, we've identified an ammo dump in the Fortress, and I'd like you three to take care of it." Noticing the wide grins spreading over the three faces, Torn raised a hand. "Not everyone who works in the Fortress or Palace is a bad guy. Some are just trying to survive. Just destroy the ammo dump, alright?"

"No worries," Daxter proclaimed expansively. "I'll keep these two in line."

"And now I'm worried," Torn snarked.

While getting to the Fortress passed without obstacles, trying to pass through into the Ammo Dump triggered the activation of a security tank. Glancing over his shoulder, Jak grinned. "I think we just found out how we're going to get rid of all the Ammo," he growled wickedly as he watched the spiked roller spin at the front of the tank which was following them.

The tank took shots at them, but Daxter kept his head back towards the tank, telling Jak and Shining when to jump and in which direction. The security tank, for its part, smashed through anything in its path in an attempt to hunt them down. There were a few other security guns, but Shining and Jak were able to evade them easily.

Eventually, they reached a point where the security tank couldn't follow, and they were confronted with Crimson Guards...though not for very long, as Jak and Shining made short work of them.

As they moved along, they found a red security pass. "That can get us through city checkpoints!" Daxter pointed out.

"Useful," Jak muttered, only to pause.

Down below through a grate, they could witness Metalheads inside the city. A pair of them were accepting a shipment of Eco from a pair of Crimson Guards, apparently on order from the Baron. Before they could react, however, the security tank caught up to them. Since they were in the ammo dump itself, they let the tank shoot out all the ammo, and a large missile. The trio managed to get out just before the missile exploded, taking the whole ammo dump - and nearly the three of them - with it.

"This place has too much excitement," Daxter groaned. "When can we move back to the country?"

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