• Published 14th Sep 2015
  • 11,513 Views, 3,294 Comments

Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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Spargus: Ride Into the Danger Zone

Damas watched carefully as Daxter slowly gathered his wits, taking in what just happened. "...not dead?" he finally asked, his voice barely a whimper.

"No," Damas confirmed, "not dead. But very brave."

Daxter glanced around slowly. "...Jak? Shining?"

"They're alright too," Damas confirmed.

"Oh. ...good." Daxter lifted his gaze to Damas. "...I'm gonna go ahead and faint now..."

"Go ahead," Damas allowed. "You've earned it, little warrior." He hadn't even finished speaking by the time Daxter fell limp in his lap.

"Your timing couldn't be better," Shining managed to say as he clambered into the vehicle, more than a little shaken up.

"I've always known how to make a good entrance," Damas confirmed, reaching over with his free hand to ruffle Shining's mane.

"You're a long way from the desert," Jak joked as he took the seat beside his father in the massive assault buggy. "Didn't I once hear you say a smart warrior never takes his opponent head on?"

Damas grinned widely. "That depends on how hard your skull is," he replied, gesturing to his own prominent dome. "And from all I've seen and heard of your exploits, I can confirm that's something that runs in the family." He set Daxter gently in Jak's lap. "Keep a close eye on your friend. He does our people proud."

Nodding, Jak stuffed Daxter carefully into the chest plate of his armor, nestling him against his shirt for safety. He then took hold of the controls on his side of the buggy. "Let's finish this!"

"Agreed!" Damas confirmed, taking his own controls.

"Shields up!" Shining crowed as he raised a protective dome around the buggy as they gunned the engine.

The assault buggy proved to be very effective through the remainder of the journey. The path was wide and level enough to drive through, the buggy was built sturdy enough that between it and Shining's shield very little could actually damage it, and the heavy cannon on the front could swivel to lock onto the Troopers that warped in, and a few shots could take out any of them. Considering it fired at somewhere upwards of ten rounds per second, very little stayed standing long after being locked onto. On top of that, the vehicle could initiate a turbo boost at any time to smash through any solid obstacles that weapons fire didn't destroy.

The only problem that occurred was when they encountered large shield walls blocking the path, but each time there were shield generators on the near side of the walls that could be destroyed by ramming to drop the shield. This tactic also proved effective for knocking towers over to become bridges, or just running over enemies. The only threat of any concern that occurred was the occasional air drop fire bomb that took a good deal of time to fall, so Jak's eyes on the radar enabled them to evade the projectiles easily.

As they drove, Daxter started to stir, and Jak took his eyes off the controls to let him out from inside the armor...and a fire bomb struck the rear wheel of the buggy under Shining's shield just as Damas made a sharp turn, sending the vehicle flipping end over end. Jak, Shining, and Daxter were blown clear...but Damas landed with the buggy on top of him, the metal frame crushing his waist.

"Dad!" Jak and Shining shouted out together as they rushed to his side, Shining's telekinesis flaring as he threw the vehicle away...only for both of them to gasp.

Part of the buggy's frame had broken when it flipped, and the broken metal spar had pierced straight through Damas' stomach. His body would not move below the crush damage, and the wound wept black blood even as Damas held the wound closed to the best of his ability.

"Dad...I..." Jak began, tears in his eyes.

"It's not your fault, Jak," Damas said quickly. "I was the careless one...but it's alright..." He coughed weakly, pushing himself upright. "I was ready to die for this war...long ago. I am just glad I got a chance...to see the young men my sons have grown into...warriors I can be proud of..."

As he spoke, Daxter pressed his paws into the wound. "Hang on, old timer!" he insisted, his voice quavering in fear despite how firm he tried to make himself sound. "I can heal...I can fix this..." He didn't truly believe it, but he had to try.

"Oh, don't bother," a familiar, oily voice spoke up.

Everyone turned to stare. "Veger!" Jak demanded angrily. "What are you doing here?"

"What else?" Veger countered. "Saving this ungrateful world! Deep below, the power of the Precursors awaits! I will make that power my own, and with it at my command, unleash the planetary defense grid! And don't bother trying to save him, fool," he addressed Daxter. "That color of blood means the liver's been penetrated. Nothing will save him now." He chuckled softly. "Rather fitting for my plans."

"What do you mean?" Daxter demanded even as Jak tried to add his own Light Eco to the healing efforts.

"Do you take me for a fool?" Veger demanded angrily. "It didn't take long for me to see what Jak was up to. With the Baron in his pocket, he could bring Damas back to Haven. He would have been able to unite the two cities...but his affection for his sons blinds him to the truth! When I save this world and bring it to the light, there will be no place for you Dark Eco Freaks in-"


That roar of unadulterated rage, fury, and bloodlust caught all attention, as every eye swiveled to the surge of dark power that was its source.

Shining Armor knew how dangerous his anger was. The Precursors had told him the only reason he hadn't undergone a Dark transformation like Jak's was because the Dark Eco had no true funnel of rage to anchor to in his psyche, no true hatred. As long as that remained so, he was in no danger of being truly corrupted by the Dark Power. And with the way his magic functioned, Samos had warned him that such corruption was far more dangerous to him than it had been to Jak. If he became lost to it, there was a very real possibility he would never break free of it and return to himself. The Light Eco inside him helped keep the Dark in check, but his rage was always the channel to unleash it, a channel he kept well dammed.

And now here was Count Veger, gloating over how Damas - Shining's long lost father - was dying, and how that played right into his plans. All the warning, all the fear, all the self control, washed right down a river of fury as the dam in his mind shattered with the force of an explosion, and the Dark Eco erupted inside him.


With that frenzied roar, the Dark Eco flooded his body, and the transformation began. He felt himself bulk up somewhat, not too much but certainly noticeable on his normally small frame. His blue and white tail darkened, losing the white and darkening to almost black as both leapt into the air, waving behind him like a nightmarish miasma. His horn twisted, curving upward from his brow, a reddish tint dying it from the tip to halfway down its length. His white coat paled and dimmed to gray. His hooves hardened and sharpened, digging into the ground as he pawed at it. His teeth sharpened, from a full mouth of molars to razor sharp fangs, and his tongue lashed out, forked and snake-like. His pupils narrowed to slits as purple and green smoke poured from the corners. The shield marks upon his flanks cracked down the middle and split as a black crystal sword dripping with blood erupted from each.

The transformation was complete. The Black Knight rode.

"Veger..." he hissed out, turning his attention towards the target of his hunger for blood. Licking his lips eagerly, he lunged.

As Jak and the others watched in disbelief, Veger just barely leapt out of the way as the barely recognizable equine lunged forward, blurring past them. Where his hoof impacted, the ground cracked, split, and cratered with the force of Jak's Dark Strike. Veger was then forced to dive away again as the equine's mouth opened, firing off Dark Blast after Dark Blast in his direction. Desperately, Veger leapt into a nearby vehicle, taking off down a long tunnel.

"Ve~ger...I'm coming for you..." A dark purple shield surrounded The Black Knight as he rose into the air, shooting off down the tunnel after his target.

There would be no mercy.

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