• Published 14th Sep 2015
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Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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Spargus: Reach the Sky

After a great deal of careful work, Daxter eventually managed to steer three of the Leaper Lizards into the pen, where they calmed down and remained. "You get the next ones, Shining," he grumbled.

"I have to admit," Kleiver admitted as he approached, "you three have got some talent. Have another one o' me vehicles. You've earned it."

The new vehicle appeared to have highly reinforced suspension and large back wheels. Shining wondered what the design could possibly be for.

"Damn straight!" Daxter insisted. "Any chance of a foot rub?"

Kleiver growled at Daxter, only to back away from Jak's glare. Sneering, he turned and left.

With Kleiver gone, the trio examined the new vehicle. "It's apparently called the Dune Hopper," Shining muttered, examining the nameplate stuck to the side.

"There's some different controls in here," Daxter murmured, looking at a strange lever that looked like it needed to be pulled.

"Then let's hop in and try it out," Jak suggested, climbing into the driver's seat. Daxter scampered up to his shoulder, while Shining strapped himself in in the passenger seat. Reaching out, Jak pulled the lever back, and the buggy crouched low to the ground. "Well, that's not much to write home about," he muttered, releasing the lever.

The lever snapped back, and the buggy bounced high into the air.

"Whoa!" Daxter screamed out as he fell back down to Jak's shoulder, taking a firmer grip. "Super jump!"

"Hey!" Shining called out, pointing to the buggy's built in map. "Looks like there's some tech left up here."

"Let's go check it out!" Jak suggested, gunning the engine before anyone could suggest otherwise.

While the Dune Hopper wasn't as heavily armored as the other buggy had been, it was equipped with two grenade launchers, which proved much more effective at keeping roving brigands at bay. Between that and some carefully timed super jumps, Jak was able to drive the buggy out past the shore by leaping from rocky outcrop to outcrop before driving up a mountain. When they reached the end of the trail the buggy could follow, the trio leapt out and progressed between the columns blocking the path. They soon entered a very large structure that went up the entirety of the inside of the mountain, the architecture very reminiscent of Precursor design.

Looking around, Jak saw only one way to progress, climbing up numerous shaky looking platforms and swing poles. "This is...going to be a problem..."

"Not really," Shining replied. "I can teleport straight to you as long as I can see you." Reaching into his saddlebags, he pulled out a powerful pair of electronic binoculars. "Found these in the Dune Hopper's glove box."

Jak grinned widely. "That works." Turning, he began making his way up the inside of the tower.

Shining carefully tracked Jak's progress upwards, waiting until he reached the very top before teleporting to his side. "So what's up here?" he asked, looking around. He paused as he stared out over the desert. "...other than an amazing view..." he breathed in awe.

"Looks like a glider," Jak pointed out, walking up to the device Shining hadn't noticed, little more than handlebars and a small platform attached to large wings. "Looks like the stuff Seem and their monks use."

"Well, Seem did say they lost an expedition of monks on the volcano," Daxter muttered. "I'm guessing that one." He pointed out into the distance, where a smoking mountain was barely visible. "Key word lost."

"Come on, Dax," Jak teased. "What's the worst that could happen?"

Daxter stared at Jak for a time, then hopped to Shining's shoulder. "Good luck, Jak!" he offered, waving. "I'll ride Shining to meet you there, assuming you don't crash!"

"That's the spirit!" Jak agreed jovially as he boarded the glider, pushing it off to glide towards the volcano.

Daxter gulped. "He's...he's going to be okay, right Shining?" he asked worriedly.

"I wouldn't put it past him to sprout wings if the glider starts to crash," Shining replied. "But I'm tracking him."

"Is he doing okay?" Daxter gulped, gnawing on his claws in terror.

"So far he's hit every single accelerator ring," Shining muttered. "Looks like quite the awesome ride. Wish I could have joined him on it..."

"Can...can I see?" Daxter requested.

Shining happily handed up the binoculars. "Just give 'em back to me in time to teleport."

Daxter watched carefully. "...huh. There are updrafts, too. Looks like Jak's going to be okay after all."

After a time, Daxter quickly handed the binoculars back. Getting a quick lock on Jak's position as he dove into the volcano, Shining teleported, landing in Jak's arms as he came in for a landing on a wooden crossbeam. "Nice timing," Jak complimented as he let the glider crash against the wall, smashing to bits.

"Nice flying," Shining replied.

"Well, there went our way out," Daxter grumbled, staring at the shattered glider.

Shrugging, Jak hopped down to the ground below. "We'll just find - or make - a new one."

"The volcano is surrounded by water," Daxter pointed out.

"We can swim," Shining countered.

"And if something in the water tries to eat us?" Daxter screeched out.

"I'll bite first," Jak joked, smirking.

Sighing, Daxter rolled his eyes. "Fine!" he relented, throwing his paws into the air in resignation. "Lead the way into almost certain doom with all the care of taking a stroll on Geyser Rock!"

"You say that like there's anything new about that," Shining commented dryly.

"One of us has to be sensible!" Daxter complained.

"Why?" Jak asked. "What's the fun in that?"

Daxter thought about that for a time, then shrugged his shoulders. "Alright. Let's just go and see what happens."

The available path inside the volcano was pure stone, leading deeper into it with the occasional steam geyser catching them off guard. The path lowered and raised alternatively with the natural shaping of the jutting rocks, occasionally guarded by scorpion shaped Metalheads that went down from a single strike of boot, hoof, Light Eco blast, or any of their weapons. As Shining discovered, the new modification for the Blaster slightly decreased striking power and accuracy, but caused the shot to bounce off walls or enemy targets to hit others.

Before long, they reached a rocky path high above a pool of magma, only to spot a nearby Leaper Lizard dashing off. Unlike others they'd seen, this one was pale and had a red saddle on its back. The trio immediately pursued it as it retreated. Larger Metalheads leapt out of the ground to attack, but went down quickly to the group's concentrated fire.

Once the Lizard was cornered, Jak managed to calm it down enough to mount, letting Shining and Daxter mount alongside him. He then turned the mount to continue exploring the volcano, making their way carefully over the magma via hovering to tiny platforms. When the lizard could go no further, they dismounted, climbing a ladder to another path, where they reached what appeared to be a dead end.

Spotting some mesh he could make his way across up above, Daxter leapt from Jak's shoulder to a dead tree. "Wait here," he instructed. "I'll be back."

He carefully made his way across the mesh, dodging plumes of magma, before leaping to rocky platforms. Timing his advance to dodge pouring lava and blast Metalheads, he made his way to a massive stone pillar. He leaned against it as he calculated the best way to push it over to make a path for Jak and Shining...and the pillar fell over on its own.

Jak and Shining quickly joined him. "Nice one, Dax," Jak praised.

"Ah, it was nothing," Daxter replied, taking his place on Jak's shoulder again. "Hope you don't mind if I ride for a while."

"Go right ahead," Jak agreed readily. "I get the feeling this is going to take a while..."

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