• Published 14th Sep 2015
  • 11,513 Views, 3,294 Comments

Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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Brink: Of the Ecoship Armor

Before long, Keira had the Crystal fully installed. "Well, time to try it out," she murmured softly, clambering back into the ship.

"Cross your fingers everyone," Jak instructed as he started up the engines.

Shining and Daxter stared at him. Daxter lifted his paw, showing how his fuzzy digits did not bend that way. Shining lifted a hoof, showing his total absence of digits.

"Right, my bad," Jak apologized, startling a giggle out of Keira.

As the engine purred to life, Keira let out a whoop. "We did it!" she proclaimed happily. "We can fly forever now! And if this works, then...the theoretical applications..."

"Will have to wait," Shining spoke up, pointing into the sky.

Almost directly above the group was a large white craft the size of the old palace in Haven. Numerous pirate craft were flying around the vessel, attacking it. "Looks like our swashbuckling 'friends' are at it again," Jak grunted as he activated the controls.

"We need to help that airship!" Keira insisted.

"Where do you think I'm going?" Jak demanded as their craft lifted into the air. "Buckle up, everyone!"

"We have safety harnesses?" Shining gasped out eagerly, glancing around.

"Uh, no," Daxter countered. "He was being metaphorical." Shining's face promptly fell.

After a quick run through of their Hellcat's systems, they got close enough to the larger craft to pick up a comm signal. "This is the ACS Behemoth," an authoritative voice began. "We have come under attack by Sky Pirates. Is anyone there?"

"Time to test the guns," Jak murmured softly as he locked onto the nearest pirate craft, even as Daxter shifted to control the guns at the back of the craft.

While the pirates were good fliers, Jak proved to be superior, especially with Shining using spot shields to block enemy shots. As each enemy ship was destroyed, the built in collectors on the bottom of the group's craft gathered the scrap metal that survived intact for use in later repairs and upgrades. The system had been designed because they hadn't thought there would be anywhere to buy resources. Before long, the attacking pirate craft were all destroyed. Once they were all destroyed, the larger craft - presumably, the Behemoth - opened its docking bay for them. Jak gratefully accepted the invitation.

As soon as their ship landed, a somewhat older man with grayish skin and dusty green hair approached. He was wearing a purple jacket over a red shirt and brown pants, and carried a cane topped with a gold sphere. "Impressive flying, friends," he greeted warmly, his voice identifying him as the one who'd sent out the distress call. "I am Duke Skyheed, leader of the Aeropan people and protector of the Sacred Eco."

"Heavy title," Shining murmured under his breath. Something about the gray tone to the man's skin was off putting. The only ones he'd ever seen with that coloration had been Gol and Maia...and himself when he'd been the Black Knight, or Jak as Dark Jak. Those four had one thing in common, Dark Eco. He didn't want to jump to judgments, but the way he was vague about what Eco he spoke of there put Shining's back up.

"I'm Keira," Keira introduced herself. "This is Jak, Daxter, and Shining Armor." She gestured to each of them in turn, and Shining pasted a polite smile on his face. After all, a Prince couldn't really insult a Duke for no reason.

"A mixed crew," Duke Skyheed observed pleasantly. "With impressive skills. Tell me, who was flying out there when you drove off those dreadful vagabonds?"

"That'd be me," Jak bragged. "I'm the best pilot in the world." As he preened, Keira put her hand to her face and shook her head.

"After seeing you in action, I can well believe that," Duke Skyheed offered warmly. "You have my thanks, all of you."

"Why were they attacking you, anyway?" Daxter asked curiously. "I mean, this seems like a pretty big ship for such a small group of Pirates to try and take down."

"Ever since we began looking for the Eco Core, the pirates have increased their attacks on us," the Duke explained. "I'm surprised to find anyone flying out here solo, with how aggressive they are."

"You're...searching for the Eco Core?" Keira asked cautiously.

"Yes," the Duke confirmed. "With the Eco situation out here, it is the only hope to save our people in the long term." He glanced speculatively at the group. "A pilot of your skills would be invaluable to our efforts, and I'm certain by looking at your group that I've seen but the tip of the iceberg as far as what you can all do."

"We'll...consider it," Jak offered calmly, his eyes oddly flat and empty of emotion. "We've had a rough flight, and this wasn't our first encounter with the Pirates."

"Well, while you think it over, do make yourselves comfortable," the Duke offered warmly. "The enemies of the Sky Pirates are most certainly our allies." He paused as he started to walk away. "I notice your ship has taken a great deal of damage. It's a testament to the skills of your mechanic that it can still fly at all, let alone as well as you can make it, Jak."

"Thanks for the compliment," Keira answered warmly. "I do what I can with what I've got."

The Duke chuckled warmly. "Brains, beauty, and humility? I envy the man you left waiting for you at home."

"I didn't wait," Jak spoke up intensely, putting his arm possessively around Keira's shoulders. It took all her self control not to punch him in the gut.

The Duke, for his part, laughed openly. "Ah, the exuberance of the young!" he gushed joyfully. "Please, allow me to escort you all to our Grand City Aeropa, where you can get repairs before you continue your quest." He then glanced slyly at the pair out of the corner of his eye. "It will take some small amount of time to get there, but I'll happily make a private suite available to you two in the meantime if you so desire." As this statement set them both to blushing, he laughed again as he went about his business.

Shining found himself conflicted. On the one hoof, he had his almost instinctive discomfort and suspicion about this Duke. On the other, he couldn't help but like him, especially when he was so skilled at embarrassing Jak and Keira. On the third hoof, he also noticed that he wasn't the only one who seemed suspicious. Nobody'd mentioned their own quest for the Eco Core, and Daxter had discreetly removed the symbols on his robe that marked his Eco abilities, as well as slipping fabric covers over his amplifier bracers to hide their nature.

On the fourth hoof, this wasn't Shining's quest. It was Jak and Keira's, and he wasn't even supposed to be here. Settling himself, he decided to keep his suspicions to himself unless asked, and simply assist in the quest. After all, Jak didn't have all that leadership and politics training for nothing.

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