• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 6 - When the Cat's Away...

Arc, Ember, and Sereb make their way down the beach together.

“You know Arc, we could get back home much quicker if you would just open a portal.”

He nods. “True, but I want some time to talk to our new friend here.”

Sereb turns to Arc. “I am at your disposal, master.”

“Yeah... let's start with that whole ‘master’ thing. I really don't like that, so just call me Arc, alright?”

“Very well Mas... Arc.”

Ember turns to Sereb and smiles! “I think you'll enjoy living with Arc. After all, I do!”

“If I may be so bold, do you live with the princesses Arc?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. I live at my base in Ponyville, Sereb. It's known as Light's Hope.”

Ember nods! “It's full of soldiers and lots of weapons! You'll love it!”

“Forgive me, Lady Ember, but unlike my brother and the rest of the tribe, I am not much for fighting.”

“That's odd... and you can just call me Ember.”

“I’m too care little for fighting, Sereb.”

Sereb turns to Arc and speaks in a surprised tone! “That is quite strange for someone who excels at it.”

“I generally only fight for those I care for. And before you ask, no, I did not particularly enjoy our earlier battle!”

“This one does not understand."

Ember laughs. “Hang around Arc long enough and you will!”

Arc attempts to change the subject. “So... the Matriarch said that your kind used to carry warriors into battle.”

Sereb nods. “This is true.”

“...can I ride you then?

Sereb nods. “Yes Arc. Please hop on.”

Arc throws his body over the large wolf as he kneels down. “This feels weird.”

Ember raises an eyebrow at the strange sight before her. “I'm sure it's no picnic for Sereb either!”

“Indeed! I have never been ridden before. There is a degree of uncertainty within me right now as well.”

Arc reaches a hand toward Ember. “Care to join me?”

“I'll pass. I prefer walking or flying over riding any day.”

The trio walk on for a time in silence.

“I'm not too heavy for you am I Sereb? Admittedly, humans weigh quite a bit more than ponies do.”

Sereb shakes his head. “No Arc. I am fine. As you no doubt found out during our battle, I am actually quite strong.”

“Yes indeed. However, your methods of fighting leave a lot to be desired.”

“What do you mean?”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Well, for one thing, it didn't appear to me that you had any plan of attack whatsoever! I mean, the lightning attack was indeed quite impressive. However, I didn't sense you had a backup plan in place for if it failed! Your step two was to charge headlong at me!"

Ember turns to Sereb. “You saw how well that went! Don't feel too bad about it though. I made the same mistake when I fought Arc myself!”

Sereb nods to Ember, surprised! “You too have a Life Pact with Arc?!”

Ember looks uneasy. “Not... exactly. Truthfully, I had wanted him to take me as his mate, but... let's just say that things don't always go as you would like them to! In truth, I'm in his custody until my appeal before Princess Celestia.”

“You... are his prisoner then?”

“Ember is my friend. Due to a very large... misunderstanding, she was convicted of a crime she did not commit. I'm just... looking out for her until she is officially cleared of the charges. That and I do enjoy her company.”

Ember smiles slyly at him! “Really Arc? I'll have to remember that come bedtime!”

Arc sighs. “I can do without your company in my bed though, Ember.”

“Aww... you're no fun!”

He turns back to Sereb. “In any case, you must learn to think as many steps ahead as possible. Start with two.”

“I will try.”

Ember laughs! “You're one to talk Arc! It feels like just yesterday that you were still coming up with half-baked plans!”

“True. But haven't you noticed it has been quite some time? I’ve learned much of tactics and maneuvers from reading AND experience!”

“Arc, I must ask... how did you defeat me so easily? Is it because I was not powerful enough?”

“By using a tactic I learned quite some time back. Use your opponent's own strength against them!”

“I do not understand.”

Arc nods as they continue on. “Well, let's talk out our earlier battle. When you used your lightning magic, what did I do?”

“You redirected it back at me.”


Ember nods. “Think of it this way Sereb. If your magic had been stronger, there would just have been more for Arc to throw back at you!”

“That does make sense.”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Next, you lunged at me. What did I do?”

“You took the blow and threw me?”

Ember chuckles. “Arc took the strength of your attack and used it against you!”

“Close. I merely ‘redirected’ your attack away from me with my legs! While at the same time moving myself out of the way!”

Sereb sighs. “It sounds complicated when you say it. All I remember is landing on my back, dumbfounded.”

“The faster you ran at me, the more force I had to work with. For example, had you been walking instead of running, my counterattack would not have worked!”

“I am beginning to see. And your fire attack?”

Ember thinks back to the fight. “I have to admit, that was a good one! Even if it was such a slow-moving projectile.”

“I wanted it to pass by you slowly, Sereb. At the time, I figured you would dismiss the threat as soon as it passed. And it appears my assumption paid off.”

Ember looks to Arc skeptically! “So tell me Arc. What where you planning on doing had you been wrong?”

“I could have done any number of things. For example, I could have detonated my attack prematurely and used the blast to move to a better position. Or, if Sereb had chosen to charge at me, I was planning to Blink in front of my own attack and rebound it in an effort to try and hit him in the back!”

Ember nods, surprised! “Huh! I gotta hand it to you Arc! You've sure come a long way from your ‘I'll think of something’ days!”

Sereb sighs, ashamed. “I am loathed to admit it, but that is how I went into our fight, Arc.”

“Ember and I will see about teaching you the fine art of planning ahead.”

“Thank you. I would like that.”

“Okay, hold on a minute Sereb! I gotta get off!”

Sereb stops and Arc dismounts. Arc walks away stiffly and rubbing his backside!

“Man! That's hard on my rear!”

“Not to complain, but it really wasn't a picnic for me either.”

Arc turns to Sereb. “When we get home, I'll see about getting some kind of a saddle made.”

Sereb nods. “That would most likely make things much more comfortable for both of us.”

They continue on.

“As long as were on the subject, how do you feel about wearing armor Sereb?”

“I have never considered such a thing.”

Ember laughs! “That would be adorable! You two can be all matchy!”

Sereb looks away nervously. “Um... I'm not sure I like this idea...”

“Well, storming into battle isn't exactly a beauty contest. That and I don't want you dying on me now!”

“Very well. If it is your will, then it is also my wish.”

“Great. Now that we have that settled, how about we have some more of that Dragon Fruit, Ember?”

Ember turns to Arc, dumbfounded. “Huh?”

Arc points at the nearby Dragon Fruit trees.

“Wow! The trip back just flew by!”

Arc walks toward the trees. “Let's not waste this opportunity now! Shall we?”

They make their way over to the trees. Arc plucks a couple pieces of fruit and turns to Sereb.

“So, what do you eat?”

“We mostly eat meat. However, my kind can eat fruits and vegetables if we're really hungry.”

Ember looks to Arc nervously. “I hope you realize that Sereb is going to eat you out of house and home! You'll have to assign a couple soldiers to do nothing but hunt for him!”

Sereb shakes his head. “Fear not. I believe I have the solution.”

Arc and Ember look on surprised as Sereb, for all intents and purposes, appears to de-age and shrink!

Ember looks at the puppy before her! “What the heck?! How did you DO that?!”

“It is a magical technique that has been passed down from ancient times. Back when we were still allied with the various pony races, they quickly found that we needed quite a bit of food to stay fighting fit! Some of their wisest sages were tasked with finding a solution to this problem. The spell you just bore witness to was the fruit of their labor.”

Arc nods as he looks Sereb over. “Let me guess... you shrink yourself down at mealtime?”

Sereb nods. “Yes. When we are done eating, we simple cast the counter-spell and return to normal size.”

Ember shakes her head. “But... how is that possible! I mean, a cub eats significantly less than an adult! How do you not starve to death?!”

“That is unknown to us. Somehow the meager amount of food we eat in this ‘Cub Form’ is enough to sustain us.”

Arc holds a Dragon Fruit out to Sereb. “I guess the ancient ponies thought of everything!”

Ember frowns! “Yeah! Everything but how to get along!”

“Kinda reminds me of humans. Always trying to one-up their enemies. Not realizing they could be so much more productive if they would just let bygones be bygones.”

“Do you think they'll ever change?”

Arc shakes his head. “It's doubtful. We've been like that pretty much since the beginning of time. Why should we change now? I can't do anything to change my race any more than you can change your father's mind, Ember.”

Sereb nods. “Nice analogy.”

“Thank you, Sereb. I try.”

The trio eats their fill and sits under the trees to rest.

“Think you'll have room for supper Arc?”

Arc nods. “Don't you worry about that! I'm sure I'll manage!”

Ember laughs! “Of that I have little doubt. After all, Dragon Fruit makes a nice snack, but it doesn't really stick to your ribs.”

“Indeed. I look forward to sampling some Equestrian cuisine.”

Arc nods! “Well, I'll have Saffron cook up a victory meal for us tomorrow. This entire trip has been a resounding success!”

Ember turns to Arc. “So, what do you think your squad has turned up in the Decimus investigation?”

“I can't even begin to guess. Right now I'm more concerned with the princess' behavior the other day!”

Ember nods and leans back against a tree. “Twilight said she would check up on them. If anyone can figure it out, she will!”

“Is there something wrong with your leaders Arc?”

“Well... that's complicated. Let me explain...”

Arc and Ember bring Sereb up to speed on what they know about the princesses’ recent shift in mood and his investigation of Captain Decimus.

“That is quite the tale you tell Arc. Should we not hurry back? Your princesses may be ill.”

“Sereb's right, Arc! Who knows what could have happened in the last couple days!”

Arc stands up. “While I do have faith in both my troops and Twilight, I agree. Let's get back home you two!”

He opens a portal. Ember walks through, while Sereb looks a bit apprehensive.

“What is this?”

“It's a portal that leads to my base in Ponyville. There's nothing to be scared of! I use these portals all the time.”

Sereb shakes his head. “I am not frightened, merely... cautious.”

Arc nods. “Let me up! We'll go through together.”

Sereb kneels down and allows Arc to ride him. He then carefully walks through the portal. In an instant they find themselves back at Light's Hope! Arc immediately turns to Raven’s desk!

“Raven, don't freak out now!”

Ember looks over from the desk. “Don't worry Arc. I already warned her.”

“Good idea!”

Arc turns back to Raven.

“Has there been any word from Canterlot since I left?”

Raven nods. “Yes Commander. Twilight called earlier this morning to tell Flash Sentry that she agreed that the princesses were indeed acting out of character! However, she believes they are just happy to have their old friend Captain Decimus back!”

Arc shakes his head. “I'm not sure if I should be encouraged by that report or not.”

Ember nods. “We could always check on them ourselves.”

Arc thinks for a moment. “I may just do that later. Raven, how about my squad? Any news from them?”

“They've been hard at work in the Conference Room since you left. Last I checked they hadn't discovered anything of note.”

Arc looks down at Sereb. “Well, I guess now is as good a time as any to introduce you to the troops. Onward Sereb!”

Ember follows them. “Arc, are you really going to ride Sereb INSIDE?!”

“Why not? I need to get used to riding. That and who's going to tell me not to?”

Ember shrugs. “I guess you have a point!”

As the trio walks away Raven smiles after them. “It's nice to see the commander with a pet!”

Arc, Ember and Sereb make their way to the Conference Room. Ember opens the doors to allow them to enter. He looks at his speechless squad and Flash Sentry.

“I'm back! Did I miss anything?”

Flash Sentry is the first to speak. “Sir?! What is that?!”

Xenos marvels at the beast before him! “That is one big pile of fur!”

Hugh laughs! “Nice dog sir!”

Viktor shakes his head. “Somehow I get the feeling there is quite the story behind this one!

Max approaches Arc cautiously. “You never do anything halfway, do you sir?”

Arc hops off Sereb. “Boys, I'd like you to meet Sereb. He's from ... uh... a forgotten tribe of wolf-like warriors deep in the Dragon Lands.”

Flash Sentry narrows his eyes. “How did my sense of logic degrade to the point where that sentence sounds normal to me?”

Ember turns to Flash Sentry, smiling. “Simple. You've been hanging around Arc too long!”

Max looks the beast over. “Commander?! How...?!”

Arc turns to Sereb. “These are my troops. This is Max, Viktor, Hugh and Xenos.”

Sereb nods. “It is a pleasure to meet other servants of the great Arc!”

Xenos looks confused. “Servants?”

Ember nods to the others. “He's Kane's brother. Don't you see the resemblance?”

Flash Sentry puts a hoof to his chin. “I guess now that you mention it...”

“My squad aren't servants! They're... um... subordinates.”

Hugh shrugs. “Eh! Potato, potatoh! It sort of comes to about the same thing.”

Viktor turns to Ember. “Looks like you were right Ember! The commander really can make friends with anyone!”

Ember laughs! “You know it!”

“Okay. Now that the formalities are out of the way, have you guys learned anything from those papers we found on our infiltration of Canterlot Castle?”

Flash Sentry shakes his head. “Sadly no sir. Most of the papers had to do with botany logs and various alchemical experiments.”

Viktor gestures to the table covered in papers. “We're not done going over everything yet, but I'm not too hopeful we'll find anything useful.”

Hugh nods! “We'll certainly do our best though, sir!

“How did things go in the Dragon Lands sir?”

“Pretty well, Xenos! Both Hydra Prime Ikis and Matriarch Iris are both interested in talking with Equestria.”

Ember nods. “That's in no small part to you, Arc!”

“I didn't really do all THAT much Ember.”

“Are you joking?! Those two groups considered Equestria ENEMIES up until you showed up! By the way, I really liked the speech you made to the hydras! Very thought provoking without sounding intimidating OR groveling!”

“Well, I'm glad you liked it, Ember. I wish I had said more, but I guess it's water under the bridge now. So, do you boys have anything else to tell me?”

Max shakes his head. “No sir. We'll let you know if we find anything in these papers though.”

“Alright. I'll let you get back to work then.”

Arc, Ember, and Sereb leave the conference room. Max closes the doors behind them

“That is one big pet!”

Xenos nods in agreement. “I sure hope we don't have to feed and walk it.”

Hugh shudders! “Yeah! Or clean up its...”

Flash Sentry interrupts. “Okay, that's enough of that! It seems to me the commander views this new... addition to our forces to be more than just a mere animal.”

Xenos looks confused. “I don't get it.”

Max nods at Flash Sentry. “I think I understand.”

Viktor turns to Max. “Care to enlighten the rest of us? If it's not a pet, then what is it?”

“An equal.”

Arc, Sereb and Ember make their way back to Arc's quarters.

“These are my personal quarters Sereb. Do you need a bed of some kind?”

Sereb shakes his head. “No Arc. I will be quite comfortable in front of the fireplace.”

“Arc, if you don't need me right now, I think I'll grab a bite to eat.”

"Sure Ember. See you later."

Ember leaves Arc's quarters.

“Forgive me Arc, but it appears everyone in your base has a task. What should I be doing?”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Hmmm... how about you just follow me around for now. It will give us a chance to get to know each other better. That and you need to learn how things work in Equestria."

Sereb nods. “I understand. Lead on and I will follow.”

“Follow me. I need to see how work is coming along in the armory. And could you please go back to your Cub Form as it were? I don't want to scare the Hammers to death now!”

“Very well.”

Sereb returns to his Cub Form. The pair leave his quarters and head to the Armory. They find the Hammers are busy at work. Platinum Valve looks up!

“Mr. Arc! Hey, a puppy!”

“Hi Platinum Valve! His name's Sereb! How are things coming along?”

Platinum Valve talks as she pets Sereb. “Great! We're working really hard to fill this room back up!”

Steel Hammer walks over to Arc with his wife. “Hi boss! How were the Dragon Lands?”

Silver Hammer looks down at Sereb and smiles! “Awww... did you bring this little guy back with you?”

“Actually yes! In fact, he's what I need to talk to you about.”

Steel Hammer chuckles. “We don't really know much about pets, Arc. Back in our day we were too busy with our duties to take care of anyone else.”

Silver Hammer sighs wistfully. “I do wish we could have had a dog, or something.”

Platinum Valve smiles broadly! “It's never too late mom!”

“Well, to tell you the truth, Sereb here is not a dog.”

Steel Hammer looks closely at Sereb. “Really? You could've fooled me!”

Arc nods. “Straight stuff! He's actually a member of a forgotten tribe of warriors that happen to live in the Dragon Lands.”

Platinum Valve giggles! ”Cool!”

Arc turns to Sereb

“Sereb. I'd like you to meet some friends of mine. This is Steel Hammer, Silver Hammer, and their daughter Platinum Valve.”

Platinum Valve waves! “Hi Sereb!”

Sereb sits down on his haunches and looks up at the Hammers. “Good day.”

“It can talk?!”

"But how?!”

Sereb shakes his head. “Arc. Why do ponies believe they alone can speak?”

“Please remember Sereb... up until recently the only creatures in Equestria that had the gift of logic and reason were ponies, griffons and dragons. The citizens of Ponyville were equally surprised when they learned I could talk!”

Sereb nods. “There is wisdom in your words, Arc.”

“Yes well… Sereb, would you please show the Hammers your true form?”


Sereb returns to his normal size

Silver Hammer steps in front of Platinum Valve! “Good heavens!”

Steel Hammer shakes his head. “If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it!”

Platinum Valve giggles! “He's so big! Why, I bet he's strong enough to carry YOU, Mr. Arc!”

Arc nods! “That's the idea! Steel Hammer, do you think you could make Sereb a saddle? I tried riding him earlier and it was REALLY uncomfortable... for both of us.”

Sereb nods. “Indeed.”

“It doesn't have to be fancy. Just functional would suffice.”

Steel Hammer thinks for a moment. “I suppose I could. If we go to my shop right now, I can probably have it ready by tomorrow morning.”

“Great! Just don't overwork yourself. I don't need it THAT fast.”

Silver Hammer cautiously walks over to Sereb and places a hoof on his side. “Don't you worry! We'll have you two riding properly before you know it!”

“Thank you, ma’am. I look forward to it.”

Arc heads for the door! “Let's get started then.”

Sereb returns to his Cub Form. He, Arc, and the Hammers head out the door and walk toward the Blacksmith's Shop. Silver Hammer walks in the front door of the shop with the others.

“Let me get a few tools. Then we can take some measurements.”

Sereb returns to his normal size. “I appreciate your willingness to help me.”

Steel Hammer closes the shop door behind them. “Think nothing of it, Sereb. You're in good hooves.”

“Can I help too dad?!”

“Of course, Platinum Valve. I'll show you how these things are done.”


Silver Hammer returns with her tools and gets to work taking Sereb's measurements.

“Please hold still now. This won't hurt a bit.”

“Thank you. I shall.”

Silver Hammer calls out various measurements as Steel Hammer writes them down.

“That should be all everything we need.”

“Well get to work on it right away!”

“Great! But what about the weapons and armor you were making for my troops?”

Silver Hammer nods. “Not to worry Arc. Your armory now has enough equipment to fully outfit all your soldiers, and then some!”

Platinum Valve giggles! “Yeah! We've been busy!”

“We'll get back to working on them tomorrow morning, bright and early.”

“Sounds good! How about I let you three get back to work then?”

Platinum Valve waves as Arc and Sereb leaves the shop. “See you tomorrow, Mr. Arc!”

“I'll bring the finished saddle to Light's Hope tomorrow morning!”

Arc looks back over his shoulder. “Thanks. I'm looking forward to seeing what you three come up with!”

Sereb returns to his Cub Form as they walk back toward town.

“Sereb, would you mind accompanying me on another errand?”

“Certainly. Will we meet more ponies along the way?”

Arc nods! “Yes. What did you think of your first encounter with pony-kind?”

“I was a bit nervous at first. But if all ponies are like the Hammers, I believe I will be quite happy in this land. Where are we off to now?”

“You'll see.”

Arc leads Sereb to the Carousel Boutique. The pair enter the shop together to find Sassy Saddles hard at work at a sewing machine.

"Sassy Saddles, I'm back! How are things going?"

“Just wonderfully! I think you'll be very happy with our progress! In fact, Auriel is getting changed right now!”

“Good. I'm looking forward to seeing what the two of you came up with.”

Sassy Saddles walks over to the changing room curtain. “Auriel? How are you doing in there?”

“I'll be out in a few moments.”

“Arc is out here. He's waiting to see how well I did.”

Auriel sounds suddenly nervous. “Oh dear! I'll do my best!”

Arc calls out toward the curtain. “Don't worry Auriel. I'm sure you'll look great!”

“…I sure hope so. Well, are you ready?”


Auriel steps out of the changing room. She is wearing a simple, yet beautiful black dress.

Arc nods. “You look great, Auriel! Sassy Saddles, you did good!”

Sassy Saddles breathes a sigh of relief. “Good! I was afraid you wouldn't like it Arc, as I had absolutely no idea what humans would find attractive!”

“Oh… Um... okay. Well, it looks good on you Auriel.”

Auriel smiles shyly. “Thank you Arc! Sassy Saddles has made me several outfits so far. I really like how they make me look!”

She looks suddenly depressed.

“I... hope the rest of Ponyville can stand the sight of me now.”

“Now don't you worry about that! We’ll have them seeing you as just another resident in no time!”

“Thanks Arc. I don't really want to scare anyone though.”

Arc nods. “Been there, done that!”

Rarity's cat Opal walks into the room. She takes one look at Sereb and flees in terror!

Sassy Saddles looks over to Sereb. “New dog Arc?”

Auriel notices Sereb for the first time and narrows her eyes. “That's no dog!”

With supernatural speed Auriel lunges at Sereb!

“Arc! Look out!”

He steps in front of Sereb and catches Auriel midair!

“Woah there, Auriel! What's the problem?!

Auriel points a claw at Sereb! “He's not what he appears!”

“I know that.”


Sassy Saddles looks at the scene before her, confused. “Can somepony please explain to me what's going on here?”

“Arc has a living, breathing, killing machine following him around!”

Sassy Saddles shakes her head. “Okay... that certainly did not clear things up for me.”

“Calm down! I told him to take that form! The citizens of Ponyville aren't ready to see him as he really is yet!”

“But Arc! He's a MONSTER!!! Their tribe helped the ponies of old imprison my people in Tartarus!”

“Did they deserve it?”

“I... I never really gave that much thought before.”

Auriel thinks for a moment.

“I... suppose so. They never really gave pony-kind much choice! But that doesn't change the fact that his kind are ferocious beasts!”

Arc frowns. “You mean like demons and humans are? Listen Auriel. You said you wanted the ponies of this town to be able to accept you, right?”

“Well... not entirely in those words, but yes.”

“Well, you're acting a lot like the townsponies whom you are trying to befriend.”

Sassy Saddles nods. “Arc's right Auriel! You're judging this creature... whatever it is, before you even get to know it!”

Auriel hangs her head. “You... you're right Arc. I'm sorry for the way I acted.”

She turns to Sereb and sighs.

“From one monster to another, can you ever forgive me?”

Sereb nods. “Such is the will of Arc. I forgive you, pretty young demon girl.”

Sassy Saddles jumps back at hearing Sereb speak for the first time. “WOAH!”

“Easy there Sassy Saddles! Remember, he's with me.”

“Alright... I'll try.”

“Getting back to the matter at hand, how are things coming here?”

Sassy Saddles composes herself and turns back to Arc. “I've managed to make her several outfits for day to day activities. What you just saw was an early idea I had for a bit of formal attire. You never know when it may come in handy!”

“Good point.”

“She also asked me to make her some new… lab coats for some reason.”

Auriel blushes slightly! “It helps me feel more comfortable! Like I was back home. I hope that's all right.”

Arc nods. “As long as you're happy, I'm happy.”

“Thank you Arc. That is most reassuring!”

“Well, I won't delay you two any longer than I already have. Sassy Saddles, keep up the good work!”

“I'll try.”

Arc turns to Auriel. “Don't fret too much about being accepted, Auriel. The others will come around in due time.”

“Thanks. I'll do my best to earn your trust Arc.”

Arc turns to walk out the door with Sereb. “You already have Auriel. You already have.”

Arc and Sereb leave Carousel Boutique as Auriel turns to Sassy Saddles

“I don't get it. Why didn't you tell him the truth?”

Sassy Saddles shakes her head mischievously! “Because he can't know!”

Auriel frowns. “I don't like this plan of yours, Sassy Saddles. It just seems... wrong to keep this from Arc. Even more so after he put so much faith in me."

Sassy Saddles looks to Auriel with a sly grin on her face. “Now, now, my dear Auriel. You're just going to have to trust me on this one! You would be surprised just how much fun it can be to pull the wool over somepony's eyes.”

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