• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 3 - Mingling

Arc arrives aboard the Lunar Destiny. He quickly makes his way to Ashe’s room. Knocking, she answers momentarily. Upon seeing who it is she glares at him.

“Oh, it’s you.”

“There are refreshments in the Dining Room.”

Ashe frowns. “Very well. You may escort me.”

She extends her talon to Arc, but he turns to walk down the corridor.

“This way.”

Frowning, she follows him. Arriving at Luna’s room they enter. Ashe steps onto the sigil and looks at him impatiently.

“Well? What are you waiting for?!”

“I think you and I need to have a talk about why you’re here.”

Ashe smiles mischievously at him. “Whatever could you mean? I’m just the simple daughter of Lord Gestal, after all.”

“You know what I mean.”

“An explanation?”


Ashe rolls her eyes. “You can’t figure it out yourself?”

“Humor me.”

“Like I told you last time we met. I want to see this so-called magical land you spoke of.”

Arc frowns. “And you did. I showed you the inside of Canterlot Castle’s Hanger and the view from the sky.”

“Idiot! I want to see MORE!”

“Do you now? What happened to all that griffon national pride I kept hearing over there?”

“Come now. We both know that’s just propaganda to keep the masses in line.”

“And you want to see how we do thing so you don’t have to rely on such a tool?”

Ashe scoffs. “Not a chance. Clearly your princesses are masters of the art. I simply wish to learn their ways of manipulation.”


“Yes. Such a tool will serve me well when I’m queen, after all. Now then, are you planning to try and stop me?”

Arc shakes his head as he steps onto the sigil. “No.”

“Really? Why not?”

“Because you and I apparently want the same thing.”

“Do we now? And what might that be?”

“For you to see the truth.”

Arc powers up the sigil and teleports them back to the Main Hall. Ashe steps off and walks down the corridor as Arc extends his arm to her cordially. Ashe takes it with a smile and whispers.

“Now then, why don’t you and I at least try to play nice now. There are so many eyes are on us.”

“Agreed, Lady Ashe.”

They make their way to the Dining Room. The rest of the guests are talking cordially with one another. Arc and Ashe make their way over to Gestal who is chatting with Princess Cadance. Arc extends Ashe’s talon to her father.

“Your daughter, sir. Safe and secure.”

“Thank you, Lord Arc.”

Gestal turns and smiles at his daughter.

“How are you liking the trip, my dear? I do hope it’s not too boring.”

Ashe smiles and moves to stand at her father’s side. “Not at all. Lord Arc was just explaining to me the basics on how Equestria’s government conducts business.”

Cadance smiles. “Is he now?”

Arc chuckles. “Not to worry, Princess Cadance. I didn’t give up any state secrets.”

They laugh easily. Arc looks around.

“In any case, I should probably mingle and make sure everyone’s having a nice time.”

Gestal raises his glass. “We understand. Duty calls.”

Arc nods and excuses himself. Spotting Ember and her entourage he quickly walks over to her and extends a hand politely.

“Hello again, Dragon Lord.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Uh… who are you? And what have you done with Arc?”

Brightwing flutters around happily. “Brightwing remember friend! Head need remembering?!”

The little dragon flutters over to Arc and starts knawing on his head. Ember frowns at her.

“Stop that!”

Brightwing cheerfully obeys.

“Okay, friend!”

“Sorry, Ember. Just trying to stay in character. By the way, you look nice in your new armor.”

Ember blushes. “I… thank you. It’s just ceremonial though. My father insisted that I look the part during the summit.”

Arc looks down at the unfamiliar dragon before him.

“And it appears you brought a friend.”

The newcomer glares at him.

“Dragons don’t do friends!”

Ember frowns at her. “Show him respect, Smolder! Or else!”

Smolder rolls her eyes at the threat. “Or else what?!”

Ember turns to Brightwing and points at Smolder.

“Outside! High!”

“Yes, Dragon Lord!”

Brightwing tackles Smolder, grabs her wings, and Blinks away. Arc looks around.

“Where did she…?”

Ember sips on her drink nonchalantly. “Give it a minute.”

A few moments later the sound of a scream can be heard outside. Everyone looks out the window to see Smolder land face first on the ground. Brightwing lets go of her wings and Blinks the pair back over to Ember

“Now then, are you ready to listen?”

Smolder looks to her and frowns. “Fine…”

Arc reaches down to help her up

“You okay?”

Smolder slaps his hand away and glares at him.

“Keep your claws off me!”

“Brightwing! Again!”

“Yes, yes!”

Brightwing again Blinks outside and drops Smolder from above. Arc looks to Ember as the baby dragon Blinks the pair back inside.

“Uh… do you really need to keep doing that?”

Ember shrugs. “She has to learn her place.”

“Fine, fine. She’s your guard after all.”

Smolder stands up angrily. “I’m not a guard!”

“Then what are you?”

Ember frowns. “A… brood mate of mine.”

Smolder scoffs. “I think you pony types call it ‘family’.”

“We’re not related!”

Arc puts a hand to his forehead. “I’m confused.”

Ember sighs. “Do you remember what I told you about me being willing to share?”

“What about it?”

“She’s from another of my father’s mates.”

“So she’s your half-sister, huh?”

Ember and Smolder glare at one another as they respond in tandem.


“Okay! Sheesh. Forget I asked.”

Ember turns to Smolder. “Get yourself something to eat.”

Smolder storms away as Ember turns to Arc apologetically.

“Sorry about her. She’s just… high strung.”

“Like someone else I know.”

Ember looks confused. “Who? Pinkie?”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Right.”

Ember leans in closer, looks around suspiciously, and lowers her voice. “Now then. As the Dragon Lord, I’d like to request a private meeting between the two of us.”

“Now’s not the time for that, Ember.”

“Hmph! This isn’t going to be very fun then.”

A voice rings out from across the room. Arc turns to see King Felix and Queen Fiona waving to him. He turns to Ember and excuses himself before heading over to them.

“I must say, Lord Arc, this is quite the base you have here!”

Fiona laughs. “Yes. If the rest of your military facilities are this lavish your nation must be doing well.”

“We do all right, I suppose.”

“My wife and I were just having a rather interesting conversation with one of the emissaries from the Dragon Lands.”


Fiona looks around. “They were here just a moment ago.”

A voice rings out.

“We’re behind you.”

The king and queen whirl around to see Iris flanked by Sereb and Kane. Fiona appears surprised.

“How did you do that?!”

Iris makes a sound that one can only assume is laughter. “Every species is good at something, your highnesses. This is what The Forsaken excel at.”

Sereb nods. “Indeed. What is it that defines Abyssinians?”

Kane looks the monarchs up and down. “Yes. You do not appear to be gifted in the art of close-quarters combat.”

Iris frowns. “Kane.”

Felix shakes his head. “No, he is right. We are not much for paw to paw or taking blows.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “But…?”

Fiona smiles. “We have a saying. The best way to win a fight is to not be hit.”

Iris tilts her head to one side. “I do not understand.”

Felix nods. “The Forsaken are masters of martial combat. But even the strongest warrior is ineffective if they cannot hit their opponent.”

Kane chuckles. “A very difficult task one would think. To get close enough to strike requires one to risk getting hit themselves. It is inevitable.”

Fiona shrugs. “One would think so. But we have ingrained this mantra into our culture’s fighting style.”

Kane narrows his eyes. “Just because one has done the same for generations does not make it best.”

“Brother! Show respect for our Abyssinian neighbors!”

Felix nods. “He is correct. Perhaps a test is in order.”

Fiona turns to her husband. “Yes. Let’s see here…”

She looks around. Spotting a cupcake on a plate she picks it up and sets it on a table nearby as Felix turns to the Forsaken.

“Now then, I will try to take that sugary treasure. Would one of you please attempt to stop me?”

Iris looks to Kane. “As you have shown such mastery of our ways in the past, Kane, I believe you are the logical choice.”

“Very well.”

Kane takes up a battle ready position as Felix removes his royal cloak and gives it to his wife.

“Now then, shall we begin?”

Kane shakes his head. “Agreed. Anytime you are…”

Felix lands back where he was but a moment ago. The cupcake in his paw. He takes a bite victoriously.

“And that’s how it’s done.”

Kane whirls around. The plate is empty. Arc nods approvingly.

“Very impressive, your highness.”

“How did you…?!”

Sereb chuckles. “You let your guard down, brother.”

Iris nods. “Agreed. The king saw an opening in your defenses and took it.”

“That was merely a fluke. Let us try again.”

“Very well.”

Fiona picks up an apple and sets it on the plate. Kane narrows his eyes, not taking them off his target.

“You may begin.”

Felix licks the frosting off the cupcake before putting it behind his back and reaching forward with his other.

“Now then, I call this one ‘keep your eye on the birdie’.”

Iris raises an eyebrow. “Birdie?”

Arc shrugs. “I don’t get it either.”

Sereb turns to the pair. “Perhaps if we watch closely it will become clear.”

Ikis and the Marquis lumber over.

“An exhibition?”

Iris nods. “Yes, Ikis. The Abyssinians are showing us their fighting style.”

The Marquis chuckles. “This should be interesting.”

Meanwhile Felix crumbles up the remains of the cupcake behind him. With a flick of his wrist he tosses the crumbs into Kane’s face. The wolf turns away and takes a moment to brush his eyes. When he looks up Felix is standing before him with the apple in his paw.

“See? Nothing to it.”

Kane growls. “Your methods lack honor!”

Iris looks to her son, coolly. “How would you have him oppose you, Kane?”

“Face to face like a true warrior!”

Sereb frowns. “How is he supposed to do that, brother? We are much larger than he himself is.”

“With diligent training and perseverance, of course!”

Iris glares at him. “Kane!”

Fiona nods. “He is correct. That is how our race trains. It may lack the straightforward technique of your fighting style, as you yourself said a moment ago, as we are much smaller in stature. However what we lack in muscle, we compensate for with wit and guile.”

Arc turns to Kane. “Sereb was able to best you using similar tactics if you recall.”

“Sereb won by using misdirection and trickery.”

Iris shakes her head. “No. He was victorious by controlling the flow of battle and keeping his emotions in check. You would do well to study his tactics.”

Sereb looks to his mother. “They are not mine, but Arc’s, Matriarch.”

Kane turns back to Felix. “I would like you to try again.”

Felix nods. “Very well. And you have my word that I will not use any tricks or deception to win this time. Just good old fashioned speed and intelligence.”

Kane nods as he takes up a battle ready position. “Good. I shall not fail then.”

Ikis sets an orange on the plate with a tendril and steps back. “Let’s watch closely here. Perhaps we can all learn something.”

Felix turns around several times with his paws in the air. “Now then, all of you can see that I have nothing on me. No cloak, no crown, no hidden tools, nothing.”

Iris looks him over. “Agreed. This will certainly be a true test of skill for both sides.”

Kane stands resolute. Every muscle in his body poised, taunt, and ready for anything as the king looks him in the eye.

“I only ask one thing. Do not hold anything back.”

Kane nods. “Very well.”

Felix looks over his opponent for a moment before glancing at the orange behind him. Lowering himself to all fours, the king charges headfirst at Kane. Swinging a mighty paw at the feline, Felix flattens himself out as he uses the momentum to slide underneath Kane’s body on the polished floor. Scraping the claws on his right front paw on the floor to spin around, Felix leaps onto the wolf’s back, grabs the orange with his tail as he passes, and jumps off Kane’s head to land nimbly on his hind legs next to the queen. Kane gasps.

“This is impossible!”

Iris shakes her head. “No, Kane. It has been proven three separate times now. How much longer will you hold onto your opinion?”

“There must have been a flaw in my technique then! Perhaps I must still train more. If I were bigger…”

The Marquis shakes his head. “…the result would still be the same.”

Fiona turns to him. “Sir Hydra?”

“I am known as The Marquis, your majesty. This fighting style is known to me.”

Iris raises an eyebrow. “Is it now? I was not aware the hydra used such tactics.”

“We do not. However Arc used similar methods to defeat me. Full size, of course.”

“That is indeed impressive.”

Arc chuckles nervously. “Truth be told, I was out of ideas at that point. Putting you off balance with my words back there was really all I had left.”

Ikis turns to Kane. “As I said earlier, this is how Sereb defeated you in the Dragon Lands.”

“Yes. A victory without honor to be sure.”

““You are only half right, my son.”


“Honorless, perhaps. But a victory is a victory.”

The Marquis nods. “There is not much room for such things on the battlefield. Honorable or dishonorable do not matter. Little else other than, when the dust settles, who is alive and who is dead.”

Fiona smiles at him. “Well put, sir.”

Felix shrugs. “We like to think of it as being creative.”

Kane turns around and walks toward the corridor.

“Thank you for the… demonstration.”

“Brother! Come back here!”

Iris turns to Sereb. “Let him go. Kane needs time to consider that which he has learned.”

Ikis nods in agreement. “King Felix has just proven everything Kane holds dear is but a deeply held misconception. Give him a chance to think about what transpired here today.”

Arc turns to the king. “Agreed. Thank you for the show, King Felix.”

“It was my pleasure. Although I hope to never meet you on the battlefield, Lord Arc.”

Fiona nods. “We believe you would certainly be able to give us more than we could handle.”

Arc holds up a cupcake. “Maybe. But as you said, I certainly hope we never have to find out.”

Shining Armor approaches Arc and salutes.

“Sir! Princess Luna would like to speak with you.”

“Very well. One moment.”

He turns back to those assembled and smiles.

“Sorry. Duty calls.”

Turning away, he walks over to Luna with Shining Armor.

“You needed me, Princess Luna?”

“Yes, Arc. Lord Gestal was just telling me all about your adventures in his land.”

Arc chuckles. “Probably not the word I would have used.”

Everyone laughs cordially except for Ghaleon. Ashe turns her attention to Arc.

“That is certainly a matter of opinion. From what my father told me you kept yourself quite busy.”

Cadance smiles. “Did he now?”

Gestal nods. “Indeed. Lord Arc’s trip to Griffon’s Gate was certainly enlightening, as per Lieutenant Natalya’s report.”

Goldstone frowns. “Yes. Some of the nobles even went so far as to call it ‘meddling’.”

Arc shrugs. “I prefer to think of it more like ‘actively observing’.”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “That is an interesting way of looking at it.”

Ashe turns to her father. “Although the Griffon Kingdom certainly got what it wanted in the end.”

Goldstone chuckles. “We did, yes. Although it did feel as if Equestria got the short end of the proverbial stick.”

Arc shakes his head. “Not at all. You found a way to take care of your youngling problem and we have one less country to go to war with.”

Ashe smiles slyly. “Are you certain that’s all you were after, Lord Arc.”

Ghaleon narrow his eyes but says nothing.

“Oh yes. Security and the rule of law. Two things our nations have in common.”

Cadance attempts to change the subject. “That and perhaps even certain economic advantages to both our countries.”

Goldstone smiles. “An interesting subject there. I’ve already been in contact with several of your citizens regarding international trade.”

Luna appears genuinely surprised. “Have you now?”

Gestal nods. “That was certainly fast.”

“The wheels of commerce may not always move quickly. But when they can, they must. In fact, one of them wanted me to pass on a message to you, Lord Arc.”


Goldstone nods. “A Mr. Rich asked me to personally thank you for your part in negotiating the treaty. He wanted you to know that your actions have opened the floodgates of potential business dealings and may have allowed him to one day become the richest stallion in the land.”

Ashe sighs. “How wonderful for him.”

Luna turns to her. “Does that bother you, Lady Ashe?”

“Not particularly. Forgive me, but business talks are quite boring to me.”

Gestal looks to his daughter. “You should learn to understand them though, Ashe.”

Goldstone smiles proudly. “Indeed. Politics and the nation’s economy are quite often intertwined.”

Luna nods. “Countries and their inhabitants are raised up by a good economy.”

Ashe turns to Goldstone. “Really? Tell me, is this the case in the Griffon Kingdom?”

Goldstone nods nervously. “Yes. When the economy charges forward, everyone wins.”

Ghaleon rolls his eyes as Ashe continues.

“Even the lowest citizens?”

“To a degree, yes. We call it the ‘trickle-down effect’.”

Ashe frowns. “I see. Tell me, is the opposite also true?”

Cadance looks confused. “Meaning if the economy suffers, so do the citizens?”


Goldstone nods. “It works both ways, Lady Ashe. But this new treaty should help us begin to slowly climb out of the economic doldrums we’ve been in for so long.”

Luna nods. “Hopefully the same will be true for us.”

Gestal raises an eyebrow. “Your economy is sour as well?”

“To a degree, yes.”

Ashe turns to Luna. “If I may, how bad is it you highness?”

“Not too terrible as of now. We’re hoping our own economy will benefit from both nation’s continued cooperation.”

Gestal turns to Ashe. “The economy is like a slippery river bank. Once you start sliding down, it is very hard to stop. If nothing changes you’ll fall down into a muck pit.”

“I see. Thank you for the lesson everyone. I will take this conversation to heart. Although I admit I know very little about such things.”

Goldstone chuckles. “Perhaps Lord Arc could give you some advice.”

Arc looks confused. “On economics?”

Gestal nods. “You did run this nation for a time. Tell us, how did you prevent economic disaster during you reign?”

Ashe smiles. “Yes, I too am curious to know that. All three princesses incapacitated or away certainly would make the masses and business moguls nervous, if not downright frightened.”

“Well… my first order of business was to address the nation.”

Goldstone smiles. “A bold move.”

He turns to Ashe.

“This is a tactic known as ‘damage control’. Using any means necessary a leader must keep the masses from knowing the full story about a situation.”

“Did that work, Lord Arc?”

“Truth be told, I actually told the complete truth about what we knew at the time.”

Gestal appears surprised. “Really?”

Arc nods. “Yes. I was handed several pages of speech notes to help make the announcement as eloquently as possible. However a few lines into my speech I dropped the script and just spoke from the heart.”

Ashe gasps. “So you didn’t read from your notes at all?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. In fact I handed them off to someone to dispose of.”

Ghaleon grins. “A show of charismatic strength.”

Luna nods. “What exactly did you say?”

“I told everyone that you and Princess Cadance were very ill and bedridden.”

Goldstone scoffs. “I’m sure that went over well.”

“Admittedly my audience didn’t appear to know what to think. Fortunately I was able to convince the citizens that I was capable of leading the nation through this trying time. Or at the very least giving me the benefit of the doubt.”

Ashe looks to him with genuine interest. “How did you do that?”

Gestal turns to Arc. “Did you perhaps lower taxes temporarily?”

Goldstone shudders.

“No. I merely displayed my intent and ability to give them what they wanted most of all.”

Cadance puts a hoof to her chin. “Security?”

“Peace. A nation can have everything. However without peace it’s difficult to enjoy your prosperity.”

Ghaleon folds his talons over his chest. “An interesting concept. But hardly a new one.”

Ashe nods. “Agreed. Thank you for sharing that, Lord Arc. I feel as though I’ve learned much already.”

Arc sighs inwardly. “You are welcome, Lady Ashe.”

Gestal turns to him approvingly. “I appreciate your candid nature, Lord Arc. Perhaps there are a few things we could learn from you.”

He turns to Goldstone.

“Perhaps even you could learn something from his example.”

Arc chuckles. “Oh, I don’t believe so. Lord Goldstone has probably been practicing monetary policy since before I was born.”

“That I have.”

Ashe giggles. “Yes. But no one is so wise they can’t learn a few tricks from others.”

Gestal smiles. “Well put, Ashe. I do believe you’ll make a fine leader one day.”

Luna mutters under her breathe. “I doubt it.”

Arc clears his throat. “Yes, well… I should probably let you all get back to mingling. Try the chocolate cupcakes. They’re delicious.”

Cadance smiles. “Yes, I can attest to that!”

Arc bows at the waist and heads over to a guard carrying a platter of cupcakes. Ashe watches him from across the room as she muses to herself.

“I was not aware you were such a scheming ruler, Lord Arc. Convincing your citizens that you have their best interests in mind while maintaining the peace should be impossible. Could it be that you’re more than just an oafish buffoon?”

She considers this for a moment.

“Your personality, mercy, and brains must all be a façade! A leader you are not. But a master deceiver, yes. I must know your ways!”

Goldstone turns to Gestal. “I believe I’ll try some of that punch the princesses were talking about earlier.”

He turns to Luna.

“By your leave.”

She nods as Goldstone walks away. He frowns and mutters to himself as a servant pours him a cup.

“Me learn anything from that wet behind the ears youngling? Ha!”

He takes his cup and walks toward a window.

“You just wait, Lord Arc. Very soon you will be put in your place, and everyone will see you for what you really are. Young, incompetent, and very, VERY naïve.”

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