• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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REMASTERED - Chapter 4 - Research

A few days later, having failed to find an answer in the Golden Oaks Library, Twilight expands her search to the Royal Canterlot Library. Fortunately she had the foresight to bring her friends with her to help with such a task. Rainbow Dash tosses another book on an ever growing pile and groans.

“Argh! There's nothing new from this book either!”

Fluttershy sighs as she puts her own book on the pile. “Yes, these books all say about the same thing.”

Applejack joins them with yet another book in her hoof. “Tartarus, blah blah, bad place, blah blah, only the worst are sent there, blah blah, unproven theories. That 'bout sum it up?”

Rarity nods sadly as she levitates her own book onto the stack. “Pretty much.”

Twilight looks over the bookshelves for the hundredth time. “I have an audience with Princess Luna and Princess Cadance soon. Hopefully they’ll have some idea of what to do. These books aren't helping a bit.”

As if on cue a Lunar Protector enters the library and walks over to Twilight.

“The princesses will see you now, miss.”

Twilight looks relieved. “Thank goodness! Let’s go, girls.”

The guard leads the way to the outer room with the rest of the mares and stallions waiting patiently for an audience. He speaks to the officer present before motioning for her to approach.

“You have been granted a priority audience and may now enter, miss.”

“Thank you, sir. This way girls.”

The officer gasps as he hurries to stand in front of them. “Apologies, miss. But only you were granted an audience.”

Rainbow Dash grits her teeth. “WHAT?!”

Applejack rolls her eyes. “Come on now, Rainbow Dash. We don’t really have all THAT much to add anyways.”

Pinkie nods as she hops around. “Right! That and she’ll be right back!”

Fluttershy smiles at Twilight. “We’ll be waiting for you out here.”

Rarity smiles. “Good luck in there.”

“Thanks. I’ll need it.”

Twilight enters the Audience Chamber while the others wait just outside. She approaches the princesses and bows respectfully before rising and speaking.

“Princess Luna... Princess Cadance... thank you for taking the time to see me.”

Cadance laughs. “Twilight! No need to act so formal. We're friends, remember?”

“Sorry, it's just... well... I really made a mess of things this time. Please understand that I wouldn't normally bother you with these things, as I know you two are quite busy. But right now I'm at my wit's end!”

Luna looks down at Twilight stoically. “If we can be of assistance, we will be.”

“Thank you! Both of you!”

Twilight recounts the tale of how Arc came to Equestria by her earlier mistake. How he had fought to protect the citizens of Ponyville during a monster attack along with his deeds in helping Derpy by delivering her foal. She then confesses to her own grievous error in judgment in hastily sending him to Tartarus.

“So, I guess all I have left to say is... what do I do?”

Twilight looks up at the princesses. They can only stare at her, their eyes wide and mouths agape. Luna shakes her head.

“So let me see if I have this clear in my mind, Twilight. The human whom has been living in Ponyville, for months now mind you, has done nothing but render aid to the local populace, sometimes at quite the cost to his personal well-being, is currently trapped in Tartarus… why now?”

“It just seemed like the right thing to do at the time. There was blood all over the room and all over him! The evidence seemed overwhelming!”

Cadance considers the situation. “I see. And what did Arc have to say in his defense?”

Twilight looks down at the floor and sighs. “Nothing. I... never gave him the chance.”

“Twilight. Although you may not be one of us, Aunt Celestia constantly speaks quite highly of you. While I know you would never intentionally let her down, know that she will be quite displeased when she hears of this. Never rush to judgment. Events such as this can often times be avoided with a bit of rational thought.”

Luna nods at Cadance. “Agreed. And well put."

Twilight again hangs her head in shame. “I know what I did was wrong and that I should be punished accordingly. But please... can you help me save Arc? I will take on any risk in addition to any punishment from the Royal Sisters in order to right this wrong.”

Luna sighs. “There is a way to enter Tartarus. However it is quite dangerous. Not just for those entering Tartarus, but all of Equestria.”

“Oh? What is it, Princess Luna?”

“When Celestia and I first agreed to make Tartarus an inescapable prison, my sister created an artifact to act as a sort of 'fail-safe' in case the need ever arose. The barrier can be bypassed if somepony were to use the ‘Tear of Forgiveness’.”

Twilight looks up. “The Tear of Forgiveness? I didn't see any mention of it in any of the books I read regarding Tartarus.”

“It is one of Equestria's greatest state secrets. With this item, anypony could release every prisoner from Tartarus. All they would need to do is hold the Tear in front of the barrier and it would be passable for as long as the Tear remained present. I'm only telling you this as you are my sister’s… favorite pupil.”

“And where is this ‘Tear of Forgiveness’?”

Cadance looks to Twilight soberly. “It's kept in the deepest, most protected section of the Royal Armory behind a heavily enchanted door, Twilight. The items contained inside are so dangerous that to open the door requires the magic of no less than TWO alicorn princesses.”

Luna nods. “Yes. To unleash any of those items upon the world is not something anypony, not even a Princess, should do unilaterally.”

Twilight appears hopeful “So, I guess the real question here is... can I borrow it to save my friend?”

Cadance looks over at Luna. “It would be fine with me. Arc sounds like a wonderful human. He doesn't deserve to rot in Tartarus. What do you think, Luna?”

Luna says nothing for a time as she appears to be weighing the risks in her mind. Twilight looks over at Luna nervously.

“Princess Luna?”

“You have asked a... difficult thing of me, Twilight. On the one hoof, I can't allow an innocent to languish in Tartarus for crimes they did not commit. However, on the other hoof, letting the Tear of Forgiveness out of our protection, even for a short time could spell disaster for all of Equestria. That and, if it were anypony else, I am sure my sister could be convinced to lend the Tear to save an innocent. However, Celestia would NEVER allow such a risk to be taken to save a human's life.”

Twilight frowns. “I’ve heard Princess Celestia speak on several occasions on the evils of humans. But I honestly had no idea she hated them so much Can you tell me why?”

Cadance shrugs. “I once asked her, but she wouldn't say. Do you know, Luna?”

Luna grimaces. “Let me just say that my sister's hatred of all things human is... justified. However, I will not tell that sad story to anypony. If my sister wants to share the tale, that is her right.”

“But, Princess…!”

Luna holds up a hoof for silence. “I am sorry, Twilight, really I am. But I can't allow the Tear to leave the safety of the vault.”

Cadance gasps. “So, she is just supposed to abandon her friend to the claws of the demons?!”

“I have made many difficult choices in my time as princess. However, I have a feeling this one will haunt me for quite some time. Once again, I am sorry for your loss Twilight. There is one last thing I can tell you to give you hope.”

Twilight moans. “What hope is there for Arc now?!”

Luna sighs. “The barrier around Tartarus doesn't allow anypony to enter. That much everypony already knows. However, before a criminal is banished, they are told the secret to escaping Tartarus.”

“WHAT?! HOW?!”

“It's actually quite simple. If they were to come to terms with their crimes and be reformed the barrier would no longer hold them. In Arc's case, since he committed no actual crime, all he would have to do is walk to the gates of Tartarus and he could easily pass right through the barrier.”

Cadance gasps. “But he doesn't know that!”

Luna grimaces. “I am aware of that fact, Cadance. However right now we can only hope he can figure it out for himself. Unfortunately is nothing more I can do for you Twilight. I hope someday you will understand...”

Twilight nod, bows respectfully, turns around and hangs her head as she slowly walks out of the Audience Chamber to her friends waiting outside. Rainbow Dash flies up to Twilight as the doors close behind her.

“Well?! How did it go?!”

Rarity looks at Twilight nervously. “Not well by the look on her face.”

“The Princesses have an item called the Tear of Forgiveness that would allow us entry into Tartarus.”

Applejack smiles broadly. “That’s great Twilight! Where is it?”

“It's locked in the Royal Armory.”

Twilight bows her head sadly as she continues.

“And that is where it will stay.”

Her friends stare at her in disbelief as they cry out in unison. “WHAT?!”

Twilight slowly walks over to a nearby window and looks back toward Ponyville.

“Princess Cadance was okay with lending it to me. But Princess Luna said the risk to Equestria was too great. It takes two alicorns to access the vault, so they would have to agree before it could be opened.”

Fluttershy appears nervous. “So… what now?”

Twilight hangs her head sadly. “Return to Ponyville… and hope Arc can escape on his own.”

Rainbow Dash hovers nearby. “But... that's IMPOSSIBLE! Nopony has EVER escaped from there!”

Twilight begins to cry. “The only hope Arc has is that fact he hasn't actually committed a crime. As an innocent, he should be able to walk right through the barrier at the Gates of Tartarus. But, he doesn't know that! I just wish I could enter Tartarus and tell him! I'm a terrible friend! I wish Arc had never met me! I have done NOTHING but make trouble for him since day one!”

Applejack pats her friend’s shoulder. “There, there sugarcube. I know for a fact the Arc doesn't believe that for a moment.”

“Well, he SHOULD! Because it's true! This hurts so much, but... I don't know how to... how to...!”

Pinkie slowly walks over to her sad friend. “How to what, Twilight?”

Twilight looks up to her friends as she tries, and fails, to compose herself.

“...how to tell Derpy! Remember, I promised her I would find a way to bring Arc back! I don't know the details of what happened in that dream state they shared, but she was closer to him than I probably ever will be! What do I say?! Sorry Derpy, but I let you down just like I let Arc down?!”

The Mane 6, having no more words to say, can only stand there and hold their inconsolable friend. Slowly they help her up and escort her from the castle. Making their way back to the train station Applejack heads for the ticket counter as Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy help Twilight sit down on a nearby bench. Rarity sits down next to her.



“I… just wanted to say that I have faith in you.”

Twilight sighs as she looks to Rarity out of the corner of her eye. “Well, all things considered, you probably shouldn’t. Or at the very least, have faith that I’ll mess things up.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “Look, everypony makes mistakes, Twilight. Well… other than me, I guess.”

Fluttershy nods. “Yes. That’s very true.”

Rarity puts a hoof on her friend’s shoulder. “And I have faith that you’ll find a way to make this right.”

Pinkie bounces up and down happily. “Yeah! Since when does the personal student of Princess Celestia ever fail?!"

Twilight puts a hoof to her forehead. “All the time actually.”

Applejack walks up with six tickets in her mouth. Setting them down next to Rarity, she looks to her sad friend.

“Yeah, I suppose failure’s always in the cards. But it’s more about how you deal with it than the actual failure.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well… I suppose everypony messes up sometimes.”

Rainbow Dash puffs out her chest. “Not me!”

Fluttershy frowns. “Shush!”

“But it’s what we do to fix a mistake that really counts, sugarcube.”

Twilight shakes her head. “At this point all I’d do is to make this bad situation worse. If that’s possible.”

“The way I see it, we have two options here. One… give up and hope for a miracle. Or two… do our best to find a solution.”

Applejack puts a hoof under Twilight’s chin and raises it to look her in the eye before speaking again.

“So what’s it gonna be, sugarcube?”

Twilight turns her eyes to look away. “I… I can’t.”

Applejack steps back and nods soberly. “Because you might make another mistake, huh?”

“Yes. Like I said, I might just make this worse.”

Rarity turns to her. “Not to be crass, Twilight but… how do I say this delicately…?”

Pinkie giggles. “I think what you mean to say is how could this possibly get any worse! Right, Rarity?!”

“Yes, I suppose that’s so.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “She’s right! Arc’s at rock bottom!”

Fluttershy sighs. “That may not be the best way to put it, Rainbow Dash.”

“Hear me out on this! When somepony hits rock bottom, there’s only one way to go!”

Pinkie grins and turns her head upside down. “Sideways?!”

Rainbow Dash groans. “No, Pinkie! UP! The only way to go is up!”

Applejack nods. “You know, she does have a point there.”

Rarity shrugs. “I suppose that’s true. But as it stands nothing will change.”

As the sun sets their train arrives and stops at the platform. A voice booms over the loudspeaker system as it does so.

“The train to Ponyville now arriving. Please stay behind the red line to avoid injury. Thank you.”

Pinkie looks over. “That’s for us!”

Fluttershy nods. “Guess we’d best get aboard.”

Applejack stands. “Right. I got us all a semi-private room too. After all, I think everypony could use some time to rest.”

Rainbow Dash hovers nearby. “Heck, I could go for a nap.”

Fluttershy smiles. “Me too.

Pinkie bounces toward the train. “Let’s go then!”

As they head for their car Rarity turns to Twilight. “Come on. Let’s get you aboard.”

Twilight groans. “All I want to do is sit here and wallow in my failure though.”

Applejack shakes her head. “You coming or not?”

Twilight does not answer. Frowning, Applejack stands in front of Twilight and turns around as she looks to Rarity.

“Go ahead.”

Nodding, Rarity casts a Telekinesis Spell on Twilight. Carefully pushing her off of the bench and onto Applejack’s back, the trio turn and board the train together. Heading to their shared room they enter as the others look out the windows. Rarity helps Applejack lay Twilight down on one of the beds as the others walk over to her. Rainbow Dash is the first to speak.

“Get some rest, Twilight.”

Fluttershy nods. “Yes, you’ve been working very hard on this since… um…”

Twilight sighs. “Since I banished Arc?”

Rarity shakes her head. “We’ll figure it out.”

Pinkie looks to the beds happily. “Slumber party!”

As the others pick their bunks and lie down the train gets underway. Applejack turns to the others as she removes her hat.

“The ticket counter said we’d be arriving back in Ponyville first thing tomorrow morning.”

Rarity smiles. “That’s good. Sweetie Belle’s school play is tomorrow. She’d have been heartbroken if I’d missed it.”

Applejack gasps. “It’s tomorrow?! Thanks for bringing it up!”

Rainbow Dash chuckles. “Forgot?”

“Completely. While I’m sure Apple Bloom would have said something, it’d have been quite the shock.”

Fluttershy sighs. “Well, we have been pretty… occupied lately. I’m sure they’d have understood.”

Pinkie looks over the side of her bunk. “Anypony else up for a midnight snack?!”

Rarity shakes her head. “I’m a bit too tired to be traipsing all over the train looking for the dining car.”

Pinkie giggles. “No need for that, silly!”

Reaching behind her she pulls out a tray of cupcakes seemingly out of nowhere. Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow.

“Where were you hiding THOSE!?”

Pinkie shrugs. “I dunno! Want one?!”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “Guess so.”

Pinkie passes out the cupcakes to the others. Walking over to Twilight, she extends the last treat to her.

“Here you go, Twilight! I know it’s not much, but I hope you enjoy it!”

Twilight sighs. “I’m not really in the mood for something like that.”

“Come on! Just like Jell-O, there’s ALWAYS room for a cupcake!”

Pinkie sets the sugary confectionary on the pillow and in front of her friend’s face before hopping back up onto her bunk to munch on her own snack. They lay down to finish as Rarity uses her magic to turn off the lights.

“Good night, everypony.”

Applejack sighs contentedly as she closes her eyes. “Home again tomorrow.”

Fluttershy nods. “I do miss my critters.”

Pinkie giggles. “And I miss my super-secret party planning bunker!”

Rainbow Dash raises her head. “What?”


Rolling her eyes, Rainbow Dash lays back and immediately falls asleep. The others follow suit shortly thereafter. Everyone but Twilight, that is. She stares out the window at the night sky overhead. Eventually her eyes lower and rest on the cupcake before her. Frowning, she uses her magic to pick up and toss the cupcake into the corner wastebasket before rolling over to face the wall. Early the next morning the train arrives back at the Ponyville Train Station. The mares disembark together and head down the street. Fluttershy turns to Twilight.

“So… what should we do now?”

Twilight sighs. “Tell Derpy that I failed.”

Rainbow Dash grimaces. “Do we have to?”

Applejack frowns. “Rainbow Dash!”

“I mean… do we have to do it right now? How about tomorrow? Or the day after that?”

Rarity shakes her head. “No. Now would be best.”

Pinkie nods sadly. “She deserves to know the truth.”

Fluttershy looks to the sun for a few moments before speaking. “They should be just finishing up with breakfast now.”

Rainbow Dash appears surprised. “How do you know?!”

“From the position of the sun.”

Applejack nods. “She’s right. After all, that’s how we tell time out in the orchard.”

Twilight nods sadly. “Yes, well… let’s get this over with.”

Heading to the hospital, they approach the front desk. After receiving word that Derpy is well enough for visitors they make their way to her room. Opening the slightly ajar door Twilight and company step inside to see Derpy feeding Dinky a bottle. She smiles hopefully as they approach.

“Hi, everypony! How’d it go?!”

Applejack sighs and removes her hat. “Not too well, actually.”

Derpy gasps. “Were you not able to see the princesses?!”

Pinkie grins. “They’d only let Twilight in!”

Twilight nods. “Right. But… it didn’t exactly go as I had hoped.”


Rarity grimaces. “Twilight was told there is a way to pass through the barrier.”

“Great! What is it?!”

Fluttershy sighs. “A relic called the ‘Tear of Forgiveness’ that acts kinda like a key of sorts.”

“And did you get it?!”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head. “Nope.”

Derpy appears confused. “Why not?!”

Twilight bows her head nervously. “Because… Princess Luna said it would endanger all of Equestria.”


Applejack sighs. “Because as long as the artifact was in place, anypony could leave Tartarus. Arc, other ponies, demons even.”

Rarity nods sadly. “While it hurts to hear it, I do believe she was right to deny us the artifact. After all, Princess Luna has a duty to protect this land as a whole.”

Rainbow Dash groans. “And even if she had lent it to us we couldn’t get to the Gates of Tartarus until spring anyways.”

Pinkie’s mane deflates. “Yeah. But that puts us back at square one.”

Twilight smiles strangely. “Not quite.”

Derpy looks to her, confused. “Oh? But I thought you couldn’t…”

“That’s right. I can’t open the Gates of Tartarus from the Equestrian side. However I can always open a portal there.”

Applejack frowns. “What are you saying, Twilight?”

“That I could open a portal and just banish myself!”

Rarity gasps. “But such a portal is one way only!”

“I know.”

Fluttershy looks to Twilight. “Then how were you planning to get back to Equestria.”

Twilight smiles. “Simple. All I have to do is find Arc, travel to the Gates of Tartarus with him, walk through the barrier, and together head back to Ponyville.”

Pinkie gasps. “Through the snow?!”

Rainbow Dash glares at her. “You’d never make it!”

Rarity nods. “Right! The two of you would freeze to death!”

“I’ve already thought of that. Before I open a portal I’ll pack a tent, blankets, some rations, and water for the return trip. It may take us a few days, but I’m confident I can get us back to Ponyville in due time.”

Applejack narrows her eyes. “And if you can’t?”

“Then at least I’ll have died trying to fix this.”

Derpy shakes her head vehemently. “Twilight, no!”

“Don’t you see! This is the only way! If my life has to be sacrificed to pay for my mistake then so be it!”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “What’s with you all of a sudden and throwing away your life, Twilight?! I mean… I thought you were smarter than THAT!”

Twilight sighs. “It my fault Arc was brought to Equestria and my fault he’s in Tartarus.”

Rarity sighs. “What would Princess Celestia say?!”

“Actually there was something she told me numerous time when I would screw up.”

Derpy appears hopeful. “What was that?”

“That she didn’t blame ponies for their mistakes. But she did ask that they pay for them.”

Pinkie appears confused. “What does that mean?!”

“For example, if an experiment went wrong and made a big mess, she wouldn’t be angry. But she would insist that they clean it up alone.”

Twilight walks to the window and look out across the snow and ice before continuing.

“Everypony… this is my mistake. And I need to be the one to clean it up.

Rainbow Dash shakes her head. “Yeah, I’m sorry. But I don’t agree, Twilight?”


“With all due respect, when Princess Celestia was talking about cleaning up your mess, she was talking about spills and the like. Not risking your life to make up for a blunder.”

Applejack nods. “Right. She’d be awfully upset if she came back and we had to tell her something had happened to you.”

Rarity looks out the window. “Your plan isn’t even much of a plan, Twilight.”

“But it’s our best chance!”

“Is it now? All I see is a lot of luck based on assumption based on your emotions.”

Twilight frowns as she turns to her friends. “So what would you have me do?! Leave him there?!”

Fluttershy shakes her head. “No, Twilight. But we would ask that you think about it from Arc’s point of view.”

Derpy nods. “Right. He wouldn’t want to live with your death on his mind.”

“Then what are we going to do?!”

Applejack joins Rarity at the window. “Carry out the plan with the best chance of success.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Which is…?”

“We wait until spring and the first big thaw. Then we all head over there and see if we can attract his attention from the safety of the Equestrian side.”

Pinkie nods as she hops around. “SOMEPONY would eventually see us there and would get the word out!”

Rainbow Dash nods soberly. “It’s not the best plan. But definitely the safest.”

Derpy looks down at Dinky in her fetlocks and sighs. “Since becoming a mother… I now see the world differently. It’s not just ‘me’ anymore. From now on, it’ll be ‘us’.

Twilight appears confused. “Derpy? What are you talking about?”

“What I mean is… when you have a family, it’s not just about you anymore. If something happened to you in Tartarus, others would be sad.”

Rarity nods. “That we would.”

Fluttershy bows her head. “You’re one of us now, Twilight.”

Applejack narrows her eyes. “All of Ponyville would miss you.”

Rainbow Dash hovers nearby. “Yeah! This town wouldn’t be the same without you!”

Pinkie giggles happily. “We need you, Twilight!”

Derpy pats Dinky’s mane gently. “And I’m sure Princess Celestia would agree with your friends.”

Twilight groans as she looks at the floor. “Everypony… you’re right. But I still don’t feel right about leaving Arc in Tartarus until spring.”

Derpy nods sadly as Dinky falls asleep in her fetlocks. “I agree with you, Twilight. But one thing I’ve learned about Arc… is that he’d rather die himself than watch a friend come to any harm.”

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