• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 13 - The Creature Within

The pair leave the office and go their separate ways. Colonel Langrisser walks for some time before coming to a gentle curve in the hallway. A large double-wide steel door and a dozen sentries stand guard behind two artillery style cannons bolted to the floor. They straighten up as he approaches and salute him.


Langrisser returns the salute. “I’ve come for my daily inspection.”

“Yes sir.”

The sentry pulls out a keycard. Turning to the reader built into the doorframe he inserts it as Colonel Langrisser reaches into his pocket, removes his own card, and does the same. After a few moments the reader processes the request. After verification completes the sound of massive locks releasing can be heard within before the door slowly slides open. The colonel steps inside as the doors shut behind him. Langrisser frowns and muses to himself as he slides the card back into his pocket.

“This never gets any easier.”

Walking down a wide but dimly lit corridor he comes to a large double wide steel door at the end. Approaching another card reader he inserts his badge. A light flashes green and releases the lock. With a hiss the large doors slide open to reveal a stone room. A spotlight overhead illuminates the room which is needlessly large for what it contains.

“It’s me.”

Stepping into the room the colonel walks to the center He carefully steps over two thick chains anchored to the stone floor before sitting down next to their captive. A large contraption covers most of her head and obscures her vision, leaving only enough room for her mouth to open part way. The large white head slowly turns to face him. The colonel reaches into his pocket and pulls out an apple. Sniffing, the beast quickly moves its head toward the fruit.

“No! Bad girl!”

The creature lays its head back down obediently as Colonel Langrisser pulls a pocket knife out and begins cutting. Hearing the knife slicing away she whinnies and tries to get away. However the chains prevent it.

“Sorry. I forgot you don’t like that.”

He sighs as he turns away to finish cutting the apple into chunks.

“All things considered, you’re fear is certainly warranted.”

Putting away the blade, he turns back to her as she slowly arches her neck toward his hand as he pulls it out of reach.

“No! You know how we do this.”

The white head backs away from him. Slowly, the colonel carefully sets the apple chunks on the floor before quickly pulling his hand back.

“Go ahead.”

Cautiously the beast lays its head down next to the pile. Sticking out her tongue she slowly begins to eat as the man watches. He sighs as she is able to open her mouth just wide enough to ingest a single chunk at a time.

“Looks like you can open your mouth a little wider today. That’s good. While this isn’t the best, I’m sure it’s an improvement to your daily feeding tube.”

He stands as the creature slowly continues eating and walks around to her back. She turns her ears as best she can in an attempt to keep her bearings on the colonel.

“Easy now.”

Slowly he kneels down behind her.

“I’m coming.”

Gently he puts a hand on her back. She winces and pulls back.

“It’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you.”

Slowly he strokes her matted rainbow colored mane in an attempt to pacify the creature whose breathing had noticeably increased. Eventually calming somewhat to his touch he begins slowly massaging her side.

“I’ll see if I can loosen you up. Lying on this floor all the time certainly can’t be good for your muscles.”

He continues this procedure for some time as the white beast finishes eating. Carefully he touches the base of one of her wings. She gasps and squirms frantically.

“Easy! I just want to see how your wounds are healing.”

The man continues massaging the area around the base of her wing. Eventually she relents and allows him to carefully extend the wing. He runs two fingers up and down the length of the bones several times before laying it down on the floor and rubbing it. The creature sighs contentedly as he works.

“Looks like it’s healing well enough. I imagine everything around the wound is itchy though.”

A short time later he gently folds the wing and puts it back against her side before returning to his task of massaging her back.

“There you go. I’m sure that must feel better.”

The beast sighs contentedly as a low moan escapes its lips. The man looks at her quizzically.

“I didn’t know horses or unicorns… or whatever you are, made those sounds.”

Frowning, he shrugs and continues his task. Making his way back to her wings he begins massaging their roots. The creature shudders and attempts pull back in pain. However the man stays with her.

“Now, now. I know this doesn’t feel too good. But I’m sure they’re cramping up from lack of use.”

Langrisser sighs as he works.

“You just want to stretch them and be free, don’t you?”

The creature turns its head and ‘looks’ to him momentarily. Although she cannot see, her eyes turn toward him.

“Sorry. While I wish I could, you’re too valuable a prize to let roam free.”

Meanwhile, the moon rises over the town as Max carefully helps Shelly up the outside stairs to the apartment. He opens the door and leads the young woman into the Living Room.

“Here we are again, safe and sound, Miss Shelly.”

“Thank you, Max.”

“Shall I help you over to the couch?”

Shelly nods. “Please.”

Max carefully lowers Shelly onto the sofa. She winces as he does so.


Shelly forces a weak smile. “It’s okay. I think I might’ve pushed the limits of what I should be doing quite a bit tonight.”

Max turns to her, a pained expression on his face. “My apologies, ma’am. I was warned not to do that by… Arc before I came here.”

Shelly pats the cushion next to her. “It’s fine. After all, I was the one who didn’t say anything.”

Max looks confused as he sits down. “Begging your pardon, but why not?”

“Because I… I was having a lot of fun tonight. As I’m sure Arc told you, I don’t get out much these days.”

“Yes, that he did. But should I call for Miss Lily? You should probably get some rest now.”

Shelly nods. Max moves to stand up but Shelly grabs his hand.

“I’m sorry, but… um…”


“There’s… something I wanted to ask you, Max.”

“What is it?”

“Um… would you please say my name?”

Max appears confused. “I don’t understand.”

“It’s just you and your friends always call Lily and I ‘miss’. Just for once I’d like to hear you call me ‘Shelly’.”

“Oh! Um… I… it’s just…”

He sighs.

“I can’t.”

“Why not?”

“Because… it’s… something to do with how things are done where my friends and I are from.”

“Where’s that?”

“I’m sorry, Miss Shelly, but… I can’t really talk about it.”

Shelly nods sadly. “Oh. It’s alright. Truth be told I just wanted to get to know you better. It’s not like I was trying to pry.”

“Yes, well… I should probably go get Miss Lily now.”

Shelly sighs as he stands. Walking to the bedroom door he lightly knocks. A few moments later Lily opens it and smiles out at him.

“Hello, Max. Is Shelly ready for bed?”

“Yes ma’am.”

He steps aside to let Lily pass before following her into the Living Room.

“I’ll get your last pills of the day along with some milk.”

Shelly smiles. “Thank you.”

Max looks away nervously. “Well, I should be going.”

“Let me see you to the door.”

“Oh, that’s alright. I know that you…”

Shelly slowly rises. “I can…”

Lily gasps. “Shelly, don’t…!”

Her legs give out, but Max rushes forward and catches the young woman as she falls forward.

“Are you alright?!”

Shelly blushes and nods. “Y-yes, I’m fine. Thanks to you.”

Lily breathes a sigh of relief. “Right! Quick thinking, Max.”

Shelly smiles up at Max. “Well, as long as I’m up how about I show you out?”

“But I… very well.”

The pair slowly walk towards the front door as Lily shakes her head and makes her way to the Kitchen. As Max reaches for the doorknob he turns back to Shelly.

“Would you like me to help you to the Kitchen before I go?”

Shelly shakes her head. “I’ll be alright. Getting up is the hard part, after all.”

“Are you sure, ma’am?”

Shelly smiles and nods. “Yes. Thank you for tonight. I had a wonderful time.”

She leans forward and gives him a small kiss on the cheek.

“Tell Arc ‘hello’ for us.”

Max nods nervously. “Y-yes, ma’am!”

He takes her hand and awkwardly gives it a shake before hurrying out the door. Shelly sighs and closes it behind him as Lily approaches with a glass and some pills.

“I believe you were a bit forward, Shelly.”


Lily giggles. “Judging from the speed by which he descended the stairs, that is.”

Shelly sighs. “Maybe you’re right. I’ll call Max tomorrow and apologize.”

Lily shakes her head as she puts the pills in her friend’s hand. “Oh, I don’t think that’ll be necessary.”

“But you just said…”

“Come on, Shelly! Max is totally into you!”

Shelly blushes. “I hope so. He’s really nice.”

“I guess. But he’s really formal all the time. Doesn’t it bother you?”

Shelly shakes her head. “Not really. In fact, he kinda reminds me of someone.”

“Really? Who?”


Meanwhile, Max jumps into the Jeep. Breathing heavily, he shakily reaches for his jacket pocket.

“I… Shelly, she… she kissed me!”

Pulling out the keys, his hands sweat as he puts them in the ignition. Slowly he pulls out of the parking lot and begins driving.

“I saw her coming, but didn’t stop her! Should I have?! How could I?! What should I have said?!”

He takes a deep breath and grips the steering wheel tightly with one hand while hitting his head with the other.

“Come on… THINK! There has to be a solution to this! I just have to find it!”

Considering the problem for some time Max eventually leans back in his seat and groans.

“I’ve got nothing! No ideas, no solutions, no… wait a minute! Where the heck am I?!”

Looking around in the moonlight he sees farmland on either side of the road.

“Great. How long was I driving?!”

He looks at the dash clock and groans.

“A solid HOUR?! The commander HAS to be wondering what in Celestia’s name happened to me by now!”

Pulling over he stops and gets out of the vehicle to think.

“I don’t recognize this area. Even if I did it would take me over an hour to get back to Angel Grove.”

Looking around he spots a tall tree a little ways away across a field.

“It’s a long shot, but maybe I can get my bearings if I climb up there. With any luck I’ll be able to see the lights of the town.”

Walking across the field he comes to the tree. Putting his hands on a low hanging branch he hefts himself up. A voice rings out nearby.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

Max drops to the ground and looks for the source of the voice.

“Who’s there?!”

A figure in a navy-blue cloak steps out from behind the tree. Max gasps.


“Tis I, yes.”

“Great! Can you give me directions?!”

Wiseman nods. “Certainly. Don’t try to climb a tree in those shoes. They don’t have any tread. And be mindful of those pants. The material that went into making them is quite expensive in Equestria.”

“Uh… okay. But I meant directions back to town. Why are you…?”

“You didn’t specify. However, I do have some advice for you.”

Max appears confused. “What? But how did you know I would be here?”

“Arc used to ask something similar. However, lately he’s been a bit more open-minded on the subject of how I do what I do.”

“Can I assume you’re not going to answer that question?”

Wiseman shrugs. “Something like that.”

Max sighs. “Fine. What is it? Some message you want me to relay to the commander?”

Wiseman shakes his head. “No. Tonight my words are just for you, Max.”


“Come. Follow me.”

Wiseman turns and walks away. Sighing, Max follows him. They come to a stream beautifully illuminated in the moonlight.

“This place is perfect!”

“Oh? How so?”

“It’s just really pretty here. I’m sure Shelly would…”

His voice trails off as Wiseman chuckles.

“Someone has a special someone on their mind.”

“I can’t get her out of my head! Trying to figure out what to do is what got me lost out here, after all.”

“You were wandering in search of answers. Hoping against hope that they would find you.”

Max nods. “Yeah.”

“What did it gain you?”

“An eventual reprimand from the commander.”

“At least it’s not a total loss. After all, you’ve discovered this spot, eh?”

“Well, in reality you were the one whom showed it to me.”

Wiseman shrugs. “True. But you were the one whom stopped.”

“Only because I was lost. I… why does this place feel so familiar?”

“It’s a very special spot. Truth be told, there are only a few places in all the world like it. But to answer your question, it’s because of the magic in the air.”

Max gasps. “Magic?! Here on Earth?!”

Wiseman nods. “Yes. You see, the fabric of space and time that separate Earth from Equestria is much thinner here.”

“Just like at the commander’s house?!”

“Correct. Now then, I have a bit of a proposal for you.”

“A what?”

Wiseman chuckles. “You scratch my back, I scratch yours. You understand, right?”

“I do. But I can’t promise anything.”

Wiseman reaches into his cloak and pulls out a folded piece of paper. Handing it to Max he cautiously accepts it.

“Have Rose scan these coordinates for transdimensional energies. I think Arc will find them useful in the days to come.”

“What? How?”

“He’ll figure it out. Now then, if you’ll do that for me I’ll tell you how to get back to Angel Grove.”

“Great! The commander’s not going to be happy when I get home so late.”

“Yes, well… there is one bit of personal advice I’d like to share with your first.”

“Um… okay.”

“Don’t live with regrets, Max.”

“What does that mean?”

Wiseman sighs. “Take it from a man like me whose been around, seen the sights, lived the life, but let certain… opportunities pass him by.”

“I don’t understand what you mean.”

“Yes, you do.”

They are silent for a time. Eventually Max nods soberly.

“I’ll… keep that in mind.”

“You do that.”

“How do I get back to town?”

Wiseman turns and points back toward the road. “Keep driving. Take a left at the next stop sign. Drive for ten miles and you’ll come to the highway. I believe you’ll be able to find your way from there.”

“I… guess I can.”

He looks back to the Jeep before turning around again.

“Tell me more about…”

But Wiseman is nowhere to be seen. Max looks all around but to no avail. Eventually his eyes return to the paper in his hand. Frowning, he turns around and walks back to the Jeep. Getting in he starts the engine and pulls back onto the road.

“Did that really just happen?”

Reaching into his pocket he feels the paper. Following Wiseman’s directions, he soon spots the highway.

“I’m really out there. But at least now I know the way back.”

Sighing he turns onto the highway toward Angel Grove.

“Now that just leaves the problem of what to tell the commander about this.”

Sometime later the Jeep pulls into the driveway. Arc sits on the Living Room couch watching the eleven o’clock news. The back door opens and Max walks in. Arc turns to him as he enters the Living Room.

“You sure took your time.”

“Y-yes sir.”

Arc grins. “Shelly must’ve have a really good time to let you keep her out this late.”

“Um… yes, she did. But it’s fortunate I took her home when I did.”

“Her muscles started giving her trouble again?”

Max nods. “That they did. I helped her to the couch and went to get Lily. She brought her some medicine.”

“So where did you two go?

“To Roberto’s like you said. That private dining room is really nice. Thanks for calling ahead for a reservation, sir.”

“Yes, well… I did that just in case Shelly had an episode. That way you could take the food to go if need be. That wasn’t the case though, was it?”

“No sir. She was fine all through dinner.”

“Good. But why are you so late getting home? I can’t imagine you were at Roberto’s THAT long.”

Max looks away nervously. “I was… a bit… lost.”

Arc raises an eyebrow skeptically. “You took a wrong turn getting Shelly home?”

“No, sir. I… may have taken a bit of a drive to think and lost my way.”

Arc looks at the clock. “That must’ve been some deep thinking to get you THAT lost.”

“Sorry if I made you worry.”

“It’s alright. But it’s pretty late. Why don’t you get some sleep?”

“I… yes sir. Thank you.”

Max turns to leave.





Arc smiles. “For taking such good care of Shelly. I really appreciate it.”

Max nods. “You’re welcome, sir. Goodnight.”


Max heads down to the basement as Arc climbs the stairs to his parent’s room. Finding the others already asleep, he spots Rose at the computer.

“Uh… are you busy?”

Rose smiles. “A bit, yes. However it can wait if you need me to do something for you.”


He reaches into the jacket pocket and pulls out the paper.

“I know this might sound a bit… strange, but could you please look into these places tonight?”

Rose appears confused. “You want to know what’s there?”

“Kinda. Um… it’s just… I have reason to believe these places are… special somehow.”

“You’re not making much sense, Max.”

“Sorry. I know it’s a longshot. Can you do it though?”

Rose nods. “Yes, I’ll get right on it.”

“Thanks. Um… do you think we could keep this just between us though?”

“I suppose so. But why?”

“Like I said before, this really is a long shot. If it turns out these places are just normal, run of the mill… well, I don’t want to get everyone’s hopes up needlessly.”

“I suppose that makes sense. Alright, I’ll let you know when, or if, there’s anything to your theory.”

“Thank you.”

“Please rest now. My sensors show that you’re quite fatigued.”

Max yawns. “That I am. Goodnight, Rose.”

“Good night.”

Max heads for the basement bathroom to change as Rose begins typing.

“Quite mysterious. I wonder if I should…”

She thinks for a moment before shaking her head.

“No. Arc trusts Max, so I should as well.”

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