• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 9 - Leathery Wings

Arc and Snowflake emerge from the forest together that evening. Snowflake looks over the list for the hundredth time.

“That was a LOT of materials!”

“I’ll say. This must be SOME potion! Any idea what it could be?”

Snowflake shrugs. “No clue. There’s any number of concoctions my mom could make with these reagents.”

“Well, I hope whatever it is…”

Shadow walks out of the shed. “You get everything?”

“Yeah, dad.”

He points toward town. “Sunshine wanted me to tell you to bring this stuff to the shop when you got back.”

Snowflake frowns. “What about me?”

“You can help me process some materials.”


Shadow chuckles. “You two are so efficient, I can’t keep up.”

Arc turns to head down the path. “I’ll come back as soon as I can to lend a hand.”

“Nah. Help Sunshine at the shop. With me here and Snowflake foraging she has to be behind on quite a few things.”


Shadow calls after Arc as he leaves.

“And be sure to tell her to mark that potion’s price up! We don’t typically forage for individual needs!”

“I’ll let her know.”

Heading for town, Arc sighs.

“A full day trudging through the woods and now more work. I really have to get my memories back.”

Arriving at the shop Arc walks in the front door. The bell overhead jingles as he enters. A few moments later Sunshine emerges from the back room in her work smock. Smiling, she walks over to him and eyes his satchel.

“Did you get everything?”

“Yes. Snowflake checked the items off as we found them, and triple checked before we came back.”


Taking a few steps past Arc, Sunshine walks over to the sign. Flipping it to ‘closed’, she heads for the back room.

“This way, please.”

Following the mare, Arc steps into the back room. Innumerable pills, potions, and reagents line the shelves that stretch from floor to ceiling. Sunshine motions to a workbench. Arc sets his bag down and begins unpacking it.

“Looks like you two found everything I needed, and then some!”

“That’s good, right?”

Sunshine nods. “Yes. With all this I’ll be able to make a few other things I’ve been wanting to try.”

“That’s good. Um… Shadow told me you might need some help around here though.”

“Oh… yes. Uh… how about you sweep the floor.”


Taking the broom, Arc gets to work. Sunshine looks over her shoulder at him as she works to prepare the mixture.

“Big Brother?”


“There is… one other reagent I need for this to work.”

“If you need me to, I can head back to the forest.”

“No, no. It’s something we have right here in town.”


“A few drops of blood.”

Arc looks nervous. “Mine?”

Sunshine shrugs. “Really any stallion will do. But you’re right here though, and I just need a few drops.”


Sunshine hands him a small knife. Looking at it for a moment, Arc brings it across his palm. Taking his hand Sunshine holds it over the liquid she’s been compounding for several moments before pulling his hand to herself and dabbing at it with a cloth.

“That’s enough.”

“Anything else you need?”

Sunshine shakes her head. “No, that should do it. Now all that’s left to do is to let this mixture steep for one day.”

“Some kind of chemical reaction?”

“Yes. It should be ready tomorrow evening at dusk. But in any case, we should probably get back home now. I need to get supper going and you need a bath.”

“Sorry about that.”

Sunshine giggles. “It’s fine. After all, I’m the one who told Shadow to send you right over with these reagents.”

She leads the way out the door and down the road. Sunshine turns to Arc as the moon rises to light their way.

“Tell me, how is Snowflake doing?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean… does she know… what Shadow and I are doing at night?”

Arc shakes his head. “I don’t think so. We go right to sleep once we get to the barn.”

“Good! She’s still a bit… young to understand.”

“Yeah, probably. Um… but…”


“I… I just wanted to say… that I don’t agree with what Shadow is doing to you.”

“But this is how foals are made.”

“That may be. But I haven’t seen anyone else in town who’s backside looks like yours did not that long ago.”

Sunshine stops and looks around a few moments before beckoning Arc to lean down close.

“I… don’t really want this getting around, but… Shadow has certain… reproductive issues.”

“Oh. Um… is that who the potion is for?”

“It is.”

“But he wanted me to tell you to raise the price on the customer.”

Sunshine sighs. “He doesn’t know, but I’ve been administering this to him daily for quite some time.”

“How long?”

“Since we decided to try and conceive again.”

“Was that how you had Snowflake?”

Sunshine nods. “Yes. But please don’t tell her. I don’t want her thinking she’s less special because of that.”

“I kinda see it as her being more special.”


“Think about it. You went through all that trouble to get pregnant. It shows how dedicated you are to her. At least to me, that is.”

“Thank you for saying so. Shadow was so proud when he became a father.”

“But if that’s the case, why does he drink so much?”

Sunshine sighs. “I don’t know for sure. But I think it has to do with him being depressed. It’s likely he knows that he’s the reason I’m not pregnant yet. But that new batch of potion will change everything.”

“How so?”

“Taking it will greatly increase a stallion’s potency. This new batch is perfectly made with only the finest ingredients and care. It can’t fail.”

“So you’ll finally be impregnated?”


“Um… congratulations, I guess.”

Sunshine frowns. “Not happy about another mouth to forage for?”

Arc shakes his head. “That’s not it. I just… don’t think Shadow’s a very good father, that’s all.”

“I do agree with you, considering how he treats Snowflake. But the new addition to our family will give him another chance.”

“Just because…”

A colossal crash rings out behind them. Turning, Arc and Sunshine see several figures fly down the road toward them. A stallion runs after them from a nearby building.

“They got into the storehouse!”

Sunshine gasps. “Look out!”

“I got em!”

Stepping in front of Sunshine, Arc reaches out and grabs the creature as it passes and slams it to the ground. As it struggles weakly to free itself, Arc punches it in the face. It’s companion hovers in front of Arc and hisses violently. Sunshine tugs at Arc’s tunic.

“Let it go! That’s a Crimson!”

Arc looks at the sack it’s carrying. “Sure. As soon as it drops what it took.”

The Crimson screeches angrily. Even in the moonlight Arc can make out the unmistakable shape of its fangs dripping hungrily. It flies straight at the young man in an effort to knock him down. Arc ducks and grabs the satchel of supplies. His opponent tries desperately to fly away with the bag, but Arc holds it tightly. With a colossal tug and grunt Arc swings the beast and bag into a nearby tree. A loud thump rings out as his opponent is crushed between the supplies and tree trunk. It falls to the ground and does not rise. Arc leans down and rolls it over as Sunshine runs over with most of the village behind her.

“Is it dead?!”

Arc shakes his head as the mayor walks up. “No. Just unconscious. What is this thing?”

The mayor scowls. “A Crimson. Savage beasts that make our very existence here a constant chore.”

“Sunshine mentioned that, yes. But I want to know more.”

Arc grabs a torch from a nearby post. Running back to the creature, he hold the light to it. Everyone gasps.

“It… it’s a… pony?”

The mayor shakes his head. “No. It’s a beast.”

Arc frowns. “But it looks so much like everyone else.”

“Are you blind?! It’s ears are misshapen, it’s mane longer, the coat’s unkempt, it has fangs, can’t converse in anything more than screams, and is significantly stronger than any of us here! So what makes this monster like us?!”

“Just a general observation.”

Sunshine steps forward. “He’s right, Mayor. This thing looks very similar to a pegasus. Just with different wings.”

The mayor puts a hoof to his chin. “Interesting.”

Arc turns to him. “You see it now?”


He points a hoof at Sunshine as he turns to the others.

“She may be with them!”

Sunshine gasps. “What?!”

“Think about it, everypony! Every time these beasts attack, she’s been nearby!”

Arc clenches a fist. “Wait! That doesn’t prove anything!”

“Right! I’m innocent! See?!”

Sunshine opens her mouth wide to reveal her normal pony gums and teeth. The mayor nods, skeptically.

“Maybe you’re right. Then again… there was somepony else in town during many of the attacks.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “You don’t think I’m one of them now do you?”

“We don’t believe so, no. But nopony has seen her daughter without that black cloak since she was very little! She could be one of them too!”

Sunshine screams. “What?! NO!!!”

The mayor frowns. “Then take us to your daughter and pull that cloak off of her. Show us all what she really looks like.”

Those assembled nod angrily as they close in around Sunshine. Arc steps in front of her and clenches a fist.

“You want to get to Sunshine or Snowflake, then you’ll have to go through me first!”

He gestures to the unconscious Crimson.

“I took TWO of them down! Does anyone REALLY want to take me on?!”

A guard steps forward and looks to Arc.

“I’m going to have to ask both of you to step into the cage. You’ll be released after we examine the filly’s body.”

Sunshine grits her teeth. “Stay away from her!”

Arc nods fervently. “Right! That and neither of us are going in there!”

The guard points his spear at Arc. “Oh yes you are!”

Angrily, Arc grabs the spear from the guard and smashes it against the nearby tree. The head shatters as several more guards approach. Pointing what’s left of the spear, Arc glares at them.

“Either let us pass, or take me on right now!”

“But how do we know you aren’t with them?”

“Simple. I sounded the alarm when the first one escaped, and I stopped these two. Had I been a traitor I would have just let them pass.”

Those assembled look to each other and nod as Arc stares down the guards.

“So what’s it going to be?”

The mayor sighs. “You do make a strong case. But Sunshine and her family may yet be sympathizers. We can’t…”

“I’ll watch them both then. After all, they wouldn’t dare try to get away from me.”

Arc tosses the spear aside as he steps toward the guards.

“Let us pass.”

The mayor turns and nods to them. Everyone steps back as Arc motions for Sunshine to follow him. The mayor pokes one of the Crimsons with his hoof.

“Now then… what do to with these?”

Arc shakes his head. “Lock them in the cage. What else would you do?”

The guards move to do so as Arc and Sunshine walk down the deserted path. Leaving town, Sunshine suddenly sits down and gasps.

“Are you alright?”

“I… kinda. That was quite the harrowing experience back there!”

“Yeah. Um… is that normal?”

Sunshine shakes her head. “No. I mean… everypony’s always been a bit on edge. But they’ve NEVER openly accused anypony of being a traitor before!”

She looks to Arc, sheepishly.

“You don’t think I’m with the Crimsons… do you?”

“No way. You were home with Shadow the first time. And this time you were with me. There’s no way you could have had anything to do with either of those attacks.”

Sunshine breathes a sigh of relief. “Thank you! I really don’t know what happened back there!”

“Let’s just get home and tell Shadow.”

“Yes, he can probably think of a way to fix this.”

Arriving at the cottage, Arc and Sunshine walk inside. Shadow is just tapping a new keg.

“Took you two long enough.”

Arc sighs. “We had a bit of trouble in town.”

“Oh? What happened?”

Sunshine frowns. “There was an attempted theft. The mayor and townsponies believe Snowflake and I are with the Crimsons.”

Arc nods. “I stopped the Crimsons, but somehow they blamed Sunshine because she’s supposedly in the general area when things like this happen.”

Shadow grits his teeth angrily. “That’s just ludicrous! Of COURSE she was in town during pretty much every attack! Sunshine runs the shop all day, EVERY DAY! Where else would they expect her to be?!”

“What are we going to do, dear?!”


Arc raises an eyebrow. “Nothing?”

“Right. We’ll continue foraging and working from here. Me in my shed and Sunshine in the house.”

“But wouldn’t that just make us look more guilty?”

Shadow shakes his head as he grins wickedly. “On the contrary. I want to show those fools just how much they really need our shop.”

Arc shrugs. “Not a bad idea, I suppose.”

Sunshine sighs. “That and it’s not like we have a shortage of work to do here.”

“Right. Now if you’ll get over here, Sunshine, I’ll pour some of this brew and we can get started.”

Arc backs toward the door. “I’ll… let you two get to it then.”

He looks around momentarily.

“Uh… where’s Snowflake?”

Shadow pours a tankard. “In the barn for some reason.”

Arc looks to Sunshine. “You going to be okay?”

“Yes. Thank you.”

Shadow chuckles. “I’ll take care of her.”

Sometime later that night, Dinky lays on her bed in the hospital staring up at the ceiling. Hearing a strange sound outside she sits up. Sereb raises his head as she turns to him.

“Did you hear that?”

Sereb growls “Yes, I did.”

Dinky gets up quickly. “Come on. We have to figure it out this time.”

Slowly making her way toward Sereb’s saddlebags in the corner, Dinky pulls out her father’s magic cloak. Pulling it over herself and Sereb they walk to the door and down the corridor. Reaching the exterior door, Dinky Blinks them both outside. Looking around they see a pony in a long white robe looking up at the sky. A few moments later two rough looking stallions with leathery bat wings land in front of her. Dinky gasps.

“Do those stallions have fangs?!”

Sereb frowns. “Yes. As well as red eyes and rather strange looking ears.”

“What’s wrong with them?”

“Unknown, as I’ve never seen anything like it. But… their scent is rather… strange.”


“You see…”

Sereb is cut off as another figure in a black robe with the same leathery wings sticking out lands behind them. A strange looking crossbow hangs from their back as they approach the white cloaked individual.

“Got em back, Chief.”

“Good work.”

She turns to the pair and speaks harshly.

“What were you two THINKING?!”

“We were just trying to get some food for the village.”

“There isn’t much left, and they have a ton over there!”

“Every time you do that is a risk! Especially without my permission!”

The crossbow wielding individual nods. “Yup. Especially when you get caught.”

Gasping, the chief looks to both of them. “You two were captured?!”

“Yes, mistress.”

“But it wasn’t our fault! You see…!”

“I don’t want to hear it! Get to your dwellings, now!”

“Yes, mistress.”

They run off together as the Chief turns to the stallion’s liberator.

“How did it go?”

“Not too bad. I saw those two in a cage when I flew over the village. It was a simple matter to knock out the guards, take their keys, and open the lock.”

“Did they give you any trouble?”

“Nah. But they couldn’t really resist. After all, I’m more powerful than they are.”

“That is true. Thank you for your assistance tonight, Guardian. Sorry you had to come all this way for those two.”

“It’s fine. Then again, it’s not like I have a choice, right?”

The pair chuckle for a moment before continuing.

“In any case, you’re welcome to stay here.”

“For the night, or permanently?”


Guardia shakes their head. “I can’t. There’s a lot of ponies that need me. Thanks for understanding though. I mean… you could always just order me to stay.”

“Yes, well… I understand you have a life in the land beyond. Just remember to keep who and what you truly are a secret.”

Guardian sighs. “No arguments there. I don’t think anypony would understand if they knew the truth.”

“Now if you’ll excuse me… the night is young, and I must feed with the others.”

“Take care, mistress.”

“ You too, Guardian.”

The pair spread their leathery wings and take flight before parting ways. Dinky turns to Sereb and motions for him to turn back to the door. Blinking them back into the hospital, they walk quickly back to their room and close the door. Frowning, Dinky pulls off the magic robe and puts it back in the saddlebag as she turns to Sereb.

“What was that all about?!”

“Unknown. While I did not sense any malice in their voices or body language, the entire event made me feel uneasy.”

“Me too. Um… do you think we’re in danger?”

“I do not believe so, no. After all, these ponies have done nothing but care for us since our arrival.”

“That’s true. But it’s obvious they’re hiding something big here!”

“Had they wanted to bring about harm to us I do believe they would have done so when we were badly injured. Letting us heal gives us the opportunity to defend ourselves.”

“That and risks us learning their secret.”

“What do you mean?”

“Think about it. They don’t have anypony guarding our rooms. We’re free to come and go as we please, day or night.”

“Perhaps they merely assumed that little fillies would be asleep at such a time.”

“Maybe. But it was still quite a risk. What do you think she meant by ‘joining the others to feed’?”

“There were others flying high overhead during the conversation. I had assumed them to be pegasi at the time. However, given what we just witnessed, they may have been more of those strange creatures.”

“I guess the real question now is where we go from here?”

“That answer I do have.”



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