• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 15 - Wounds

A few days later Arc and the others put a large number of wrapped toys and games in the back of the Jeep. Ember looks to him as she stands up and looks around.

“This snow stuff sure doesn’t know when to quit!”

Derpy nods. “Agreed! It hasn’t slowed down much since this storm started!”

Arc chuckles. “Luckily since it’s Christmas Break, the town’s children can stay home where it’s warm and safe.”

Dinky smiles. “Just like back home?”

“Exactly. All the kids get two weeks off for Christmas and New Year.”

Max looks at the road from the driveway. “Are you sure this is a good idea, sir?”

Xenos nods as he sets a large box of presents on the passenger seat. “You could hold off a few days. Wait for a break in the weather.”

Viktor frowns. “That and there is your ‘partner’ to think of.”

Hugh scoffs. “Right! I mean, you’ll be going there with the leader of the Shards!”

Ember nods. “Let me come with you!”

Derpy looks suddenly worried. “Take SOMEONE with you! Anyone!”

“I’ll be okay. Like I told you guys before, Frank and I do this every year. And as far as the roads go, his car may be the safest way to travel right now. Other than a snowmobile, that is. I just have to make it as far as the Shard Hideout.”

Max sighs. “That begs the question, can you GET there?”

“It’s not THAT far.”

Dinky looks worried. “What if you crash?!”

Derpy shudders. “No one would be able to get to you, dad!”

“My Jeep can take sliding off the road. That and I can always push it back on the pavement with a bit of Telekinesis Magic.”

Xenos puts a box on the back seat and closes the side door. “That’s the last of it, sir.”

“Great job everyone!”

Arc pulls out his pocket watch and checks the time.

“It’s almost time for me to get going. Don’t want to be late now.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Yes! We wouldn’t want you to keep the leader of the Shards waiting, now would we?!”

“I’m sensing the sarcasm in your voice rising.”

Ember frowns and raises her voice. “Well I would hope so! Because I’m laying it on PRETTY thick!”

Cherry sighs. “Ember is right, Arc. This is not wise!”

Arc turns around to go back inside with the others. “Neither is passing this up. The orphans look forward to this every year.”

“But… “

“Please Derpy… just… just let me do this, okay?”

Ember angrily storms upstairs. “Fine Arc! Don’t listen to us! Go! Have a good time out there with you buddy Frank!”

A few moments later the sound of Ember’s door slamming shut can be heard. Xenos looks to Arc, surprised.


Arc sighs. “I kinda expected it to end like that.”

Dinky nods. “Dad. Miss Ember is just worried about you!”

Derpy sighs. “As we all are.”

Arc picks up his keys and wallet. “Wish me luck everyone. I’ll have my earring and Cherry with me, so I should be okay.”

Derpy and Dinky walk over and give Arc a hug.

“Be careful out there, okay?”

“I will, Derpy.

Dinky squeezes Arc’s midsection. “Come home safely, dad!”

Arc nods, tousles Dinky’s hair, grabs his coat, and walks toward the door.

“I’ll try to be home before dark.”

Max nods. “We’ll call you if anything comes up, sir!”

“Thanks. I’ll be alright.”

Arc closes the front door behind him as Dinky turns toward her mother.

“Mom? Why is dad so set on going out in this weather?!”

Derpy looks out the window at the falling snow. “I don’t know sweetie. I just don’t know.”

Meanwhile, Arc makes his way to the Jeep and gets in. He starts the engine, puts the vehicle in four-wheel drive, and proceeds slowly down the street. As expected, the roads are very slippery as new snow falls almost as fast as the city plows can clear it. Arc clutches the steering wheel tightly as his vehicle fishtails slightly.

“Maybe the others were right about this being a bad idea.”

About halfway to the Shard Hideout some of the packages behind him shift as his vehicle drifts yet again. Arc quickly regains control and frowns.

“Lovely weather.”

A familiar voice rings out behind him.

“Well, you were the idiot who wanted to…”

Arc quickly pulls to the side of the road and stops. He puts the Jeep in park and turns around.

“What are you DOING here?!”

Ember sits on the back-seat’s floor with her arms crossed over her chest, angrily.

“Sticking by a fool I care about, that’s what!”

Arc faces forward and puts the Jeep in drive. “I’m taking you home right now!”

“Go ahead! I’m not getting out though!”

Not taking his foot off the brake, sighing. “Ember, I… at least sit up front with me and put your seatbelt on.”


She gets out and clears the presents from the passenger seat. Arc pulls back onto the road and the pair continue their journey in silence.


Ember stares forward, her arms folder across her chest. “Well you should be! Trying to ditch us like that!”

Arc sighs as he keeps his eyes on the road. “I wasn’t trying to leave you behind.”

“Then why…”

He suddenly snaps at her. “Because I didn’t want you to get hurt, okay?!”

Ember sighs and puts a hand on his arm. “Look Arc, I get that. But you need to understand that we feel the same about you.”

“Yeah… look, I’m sorry for blowing up like that. It was completely uncalled for.”

She leans back in her seat. “Yeah, it was! At least that’s what I’d like to say! Truth is, I’ve probably done the same thing a time or two myself.”

Arc mutters under his breath. “More than that.”

“Did you say something?”

“Um… I should probably focus on driving now.”

Ember chuckles. “Fine! Keep your secrets!”

Sometime later they arrive at the Shard Hideout. Frank’s big, black car with the tinted windows is idling just outside the gate. Frank himself gets out with the driver and one of his guards as Arc and Ember pull up. As Arc slowly approaches the pair, Frank extends a hand to him.

“Arc! Glad to see you made it here safely!”

Arc replies coolly as he shakes Frank’s hand. “Sorry for making you wait.”

“Oh, it’s quite all right.”

Frank looks over at Ember as she moves to stand next to Arc. He smiles and bows at the waist to her.

“I was not aware you were planning on bringing such a lovely friend, Arc!”

“She… insisted on coming along.”

Arc looks over at Frank’s car.

“Is there room?”

“There is always room for such a lovely lady! Oh now, where are my manners?! I am Frank Fontaine, leader of the Shards. It is my great pleasure to make your acquaintance, miss…”

Ember blushes as Frank kisses her hand like an old-fashioned gentleman. “I… uh… Ember.”

“A very unique name, for a very unique young woman!”

He turns to look at Arc sheepishly.

“Forgive me if you two are an item.”

Ember looks confused. “A what?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Frank. We’re just good friends.”

Ember sighs. “Yes… that we are.”

Frank turns around and slowly walks back toward his car. “A shame. However, I wouldn’t want to come between you two.”

He turns to his associates.

“The young lady before you is my second in command, Stingray.”

She nods at Arc and Ember.

“Forgive her. She’s not much for talking.”

Arc nods. “It’s fine.”

“Normally I would just take any of my guards. But she worries about me.”

Stingray turns to him. “You’re too important to risk on such long trips, sir. Especially with the weather so bad. If I can’t talk you out of it, the least I can do it accompany you.”

Cherry Jubilee giggles telepathically. “Remind you of someone, Arc?”

Arc sighs inwardly. “That she does.”

“And this is my driver, Jackal.”

The gang member waves happily at her.

“Hi again, miss! You the one with the cute doggie, right?!”

“Um… yes. That’s me.”

Jackal looks at Frank as he points to Ember. “I see her walking around town with her doggie!”

Frank smiles at him. “That’s fine, Jackal. Just don’t make the young lady feel uncomfortable when you see her on the street.”

“Yes sir! I won’t!”

Frank turns to Arc and Ember. “Why don’t we get inside where it’s warm though. My driver and lieutenant can load the car.”

Ember rubs her hands together and heads for the door. “Thanks!”

Arc, Ember and Frank get into the spacious back seat of the car. Ember sits down next to Arc as Frank takes his seat directly across from them. Jackal and Stingray approach the Jeep and transfer the packages to the trunk of Frank’s car. In no time they are on their way. Arc looks to Frank as the car begins to move.

“The big guy is the driver?”

Ember chuckles. “I would have thought he was the muscle.”

Frank nods and pushes a button to raise the window separating the front seat from their compartment.

“Yes, well, Jackal may be a bit… simple minded. However, he’s our organization’s best driver. Don’t you two worry. He’ll get us there safely.”

They are silent for a time as the car continues on its way.

“So tell me Arc. How on Earth did you meet such a lovely and charming young lady?!”

“I… uh… actually met her in prison.”

Frank raises an eyebrow. “Prison? You?!”

Ember nods. “It’s true. We were both there for crimes we didn’t commit.”

Arc nods. “We quickly found out we had much in common.”

Frank smiles. “Really?”

Ember sighs. “Yes. I was there for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Some… individuals were found brutally murdered, and I was passing through.”

Frank frowns. “So they made you their patsy?”

“Pretty much.”

“And what were you in there for, Arc?”

“The same actually. I too had been accused of brutally murdering someone. It took some time, but my innocence came out in the end.”

Frank smiles. “Glad to hear it! Tell me, how long were you two in there?”

Ember shrugs. “I was there about a year.”

“Six months here.”

Frank shakes his head and speaks with conviction. “What a waste! In the community I envision, such things will not be allowed to happen! Innocents will NEVER be thrust into cages while they try desperately to prove their innocence! Justice must be done, of course. However not until a full and detailed investigation has been completed!”

“That would have saved us the trouble of rotting in jail.”

Ember smiles at Arc. “True. But then we wouldn’t have met.”

“I suppose you’re right. It wasn’t all bad, I guess.”

Frank turns to Ember. “So are you staying with Arc, my dear?”

“Yes. He has quite a nice Guest Room.”

Frank nods. “That he does!”


Arc sighs. “He’s… been there.”

“Yes. A long… long time ago.”

Silence ensues for some time before Arc finally breaks it.

“So… what have you been up to… old friend.”

Frank laughs. “You never were much for subtlety, Arc.”

“And you were never much for thinking things through.”

Frank leans forward. “I assure you, that much about me has changed! I’m not the man you knew before, Arc! Now… now I have… a vision! A grand design for the future!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Which is…?”

“Ah, Arc. Always the detective. Trying to figure me out?”


“Very well. All I want is to build a place where those who are shunned… who are broken… who are hated and reviled… and who are unloved can come and know community! Know… family.”

Ember looks to Frank. “Family?”

“Yes, my dear! The one thing Arc and I never had growing up! A loving home to come back to after a hard day!”

He looks to Arc.

“You left everything behind over a year ago, Arc. I can only assume you went looking for something. Tell me. Did you find it?”

“I… I did actually!”

“Really? Where?”

“In a faraway land filled with rainbows and unicorns. I found what we both sought. Acceptance and a family to call my own.”

Frank grins. “A wife, huh? You sly dog!”

“Not… exactly. I was engaged to someone, but she was murdered… right in front of me!”

Frank suddenly becomes very angry. “Tell me everything you know about them, my friend, and I promise I will use every resource at my command to find the scoundrel who committed this heinous act!”

Ember shakes her head. “That won’t be necessary.”

Franks frowns. “But it is! Justice must always prevail!”

Arc looks Frank in the eye. “The coward who did that to Cherry will never hurt anyone else ever again!”

“How can you be so certain of that?!”

“Because I took care of them myself! Permanently.”

Frank nods approvingly. “I didn’t know you had it in you, my friend. Are you certain they are gone for good?”

Ember nods. “He is! Believe me, I was there! You don’t usually survive a blade to the chest, after all.”

Frank smiles. “You’ve changed, Arc! I could certainly use such a man in my organization!”

“What, a killer?”

“No. A man who sees what must be done and does it without hesitation! A murderer cannot be allowed to walk among the innocent!”

Ember nods! “Right! He got what he deserved!”

“Your time behind bars has certainly changed you! The old Arc I grew up with would never have been able to do such a thing!”

“Life has taught me much in that regard, Frank.”

“Such as?”

“Life isn’t usually fair. Not everyone can be trusted. Look as far down the road as you can. And always take care of your friends.”

Frank is silent for a time.

“Bravo! If you should change your mind about joining us my door is always open to you, old friend! Although I don’t understand why you’re so hesitant to join up. You and I have the same goal in mind, after all.”

Arc sighs. “Yes, well… we have very different ways of achieving said goals.”

Ember puts a hand on Arc’s arm. “The past year has been very… enlightening. For both of us, that is. We’ve changed… together.”

“That we have.”

Arc sighs.

“Maybe someday I can tell you the rest of what happened this past year, Frank. But that day is not today.”

Frank smiles. “I understand. We all have our secrets and skeleton filled closets. Similarly, I hope to one day welcome you into the community I am building and show you ALL that I have done in the name of family!”

Two hours later they arrive at a large run-down brick building. A sign over the door reads
‘Farburg Orphanage’. Ember gets out of the car with the others.

“So this is it, huh?”

Arc sighs. “Yup. This was home.”

Frank slowly, and with great effort, gets out of the car. “I’m sure you use that word lightly, my friend, as this was no home to anyone back then.”

Arc nods to Frank as Stingray and Jackal open the trunk and start removing packages. “You come here often?”

Frank shakes his head. “Not nearly as often as I’d like. My… business keeps me quite busy after all.”

Ember frowns. “Business?”

“The Shards are my passion and my life! If that does not describe a businessman, I don’t know what does!”

They walk in the front door and up to a reception desk as Jackal and Stingray start bringing in presents and setting them in a corner of the entryway. It is a sparsely furnished room with only a handful of chairs and a sliding window dividing the room from the secretary. Frank taps his cane on the window as he approaches.

“It’s me and Arc. Headmistress Kulara is expecting us.”

The secretary smiles at him.

“Yes, Mr. Fontaine!”

She looks over at Ember.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t recognize the young woman.”

Frank smiles at her. “Don’t worry. She’s with me.”

The secretary pushes a button to buzz them into the orphanage. “Very well! Come in!”

Frank bows slightly. “Thank you, ma’am. We’ll head over to the Headmistress’ Office now to announce ourselves.”

They slowly walk down the familiar corridor. Arc turns to Frank.

“Guests don’t need to be escorted anymore?”

“Not when they’re with me they don’t.”

Ember looks around. “This place feels more like a prison than a place for orphans.”

“It’s gotten a lot better since Frank and I lived here. Miss Kulara has done wonders for this place.”

Ember frowns. “Well, I still don’t like it. This is nothing like the Little Hooves Orphanage!”

Frank turns to her. “Where is that?”

“It’s… uh… near the prison Arc and I met!”


Arc touches Frank’s arm and lowers his voice. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t mention my serving time to Miss Kulara. Innocent or not, it would still get to her.”

Frank nods. “I understand. But I would ask the same of you.”

Ember looks confused. “The... same?”

“As far as she knows, I’m just a businessman. Let’s try to keep it that way.”

Arc sighs. “Agreed.”

Ember looks back. “What about your guards?”

“They’ll probably go get lunch and gas up the car while we’re here.”

“No, I mean… Stingray seemed very concerned for your well-being. I’m surprised she didn’t want to accompany you inside.”

Frank chuckles. “She usually does. However, only authorized personnel are allowed back here. That and this place is perfectly safe.”

A short time later they arrive at the door to an office marked ‘Headmistress Kulara’. Frank knocks and enters the office first with Arc and Ember following behind. A rather small young woman in her late thirties with long brown hair and brown eyes is seated behind the desk. She rises and walks over to them as they enter. Frank embraces her.

“Miss Kulara! It’s been a long time!”

“Far too long, Frank! I see you brought Arc with you this time!”

Arc gives her a hug as well. “Sorry I’ve been gone for so long. It’s been a crazy year!”

Kulara nods. “Frank keeping you busy?”

Frank shakes his head. “Oh no, he doesn’t actually work for me! Arc here has been doing some traveling!”

“Good! See the world while you’re young! The truth may disappoint you, but in the end it’s all we have.”

She looks past the pair at Ember.

“You’re a new face, miss. Are you perhaps one of Frank’s employees?”

Ember shakes her head. “No ma’am. I… I’m a good friend of Arc. Name’s Ember.”

“Yes. We met in our travels and have stayed together ever since.”

Kulara smiles at her. “Well, you’ve done a good job finding Arc. He was always such a good boy. I’m sure you two will have plenty of happy years together.”

“Um… thanks.”

Arc sighs inwardly. “Why does everyone always assume Ember and I are a couple?!”

Cherry speaks to him telepathically. “Well, she does look at you in that way. Mares can see that a mile away/”


“Oh yes! That and the two of you really do go well together!”

“Not you too, Cherry!”

Frank gestures back the way they came. “We brought this year’s gifts with us. The secretary is looking after them.”

Kulara smiles at Frank. “You always do so well providing a nice Christmas for the children living here, Frank!”

“Actually, Arc insisted on buying all the gifts this year.”


“I… uh… just felt that I hadn’t really done anything for them lately.”

Ember mutters to herself. “That and Frank’s gifts would have been bought with blood money!”

“In any case, I’m glad to see you following in Frank’s footsteps of remembering those in need.”

Frank nods. “Did the maintenance crew I sent over fix everything on the list?”

“They did! Thank you for sending someone over. They’re little things, but they build up quickly.”

Arc looks to her. “Money still tight around here?”

Kulara sighs. “It is. We’ve had to dip into some of our discretionary fund to make ends meet. Unexpected expenses and all.”

Ember sighs. “Some things you can put off, while others you can’t?”

“Exactly! That and we just got another dozen children a few weeks ago.”

Frank frowns. “Uh oh. Did we bring enough gifts?!”

Arc shakes his head. “I packed a few extra just in case. But not a dozen!”

Frank walks slowly toward the door. “I’ll head over to the toy store and buy some more. Is there anything in particular they want?”

Kulara nods. “I doubt they carry such things, but most of the boys have expressed a desire for some Hero of Light action figures. While the girls are looking for dolls of his female partner.”

Ember smiles. “Really?!”

Frank stops at the office door, grimacing. “I’ll… see what I can do.”

Arc follows him. “We’ll come too, Frank. See you in a bit, Miss Kulara.”

“Drive safely out there!”

They leave the office and head back the way they came. Arc turns to Ember as they slowly follow Frank down the corridor.

“If they do have such things, I want one too!”

Ember winks at Arc. “I’ll take the doll of his partner!”

Frank sighs. “I do wish he would have taken me up on my offer to meet with me. Together, we could realize my dream of a better world exponentially faster.”

Arc shrugs. “I believe the Hero of Light just wants to help.”

Frank nods. “While I am certain of that, this world needs more than just a hero in a cape running around haphazardly.”

He reaches into his suitcoat and pulls out a cell phone.

“Stingray, we need to make a quick detour. Where are you?”

“Still in front of the orphanage, sir.”

“We’ll be there momentarily.”

He hangs up and returns the phone to his pocket. As he and Arc step out onto the icy front steps Frank sighs.

“There’s a store not far from here.”

Ember looks to him. “Are you sure they’ll be open?”

Arc nods as they get into the car. “Ember’s right. This whether has closed quite a few businesses in Angel Grove. That and the snow is worse here.”

Frank sits back in his seat and looks Arc in the eye. “Then we should hope they are. After all… no child should have to go without a gift on Christmas morning.

“We can agree on that much.”

The car speeds off toward the toy store. Arc and company arrive and find the store open but barely. They grab a cartful of toys, pay, and begin the return trip to the Farburg Orphanage. Ember turns to Arc as they help load the car.

“So tell me. Why do you two do this?”

“Back when Frank and I used to live at the orphanage, Christmas was pretty much just another day.”

Frank sighs. “Indeed! There were no toys, no music and few decorations. What we had was that which we had made ourselves.”

Arc chuckles. “The only perk to the holiday was Christmas Eve!”

Frank smiles at the memories. “Yes! Everyone would meet up in the Commons Area and eat ice cream that that Arc and I had… liberated from the kitchen! The staff would always be too busy with their own holiday party to notice what we were doing.”

Ember frowns. “Everyone just sat around eating ice cream?”

Arc nods. “Yes. That and watching the snow fall. “

“It almost made us forget about our troubles. You see, snow does wonders to beautify an otherwise bleak landscape.”

Sometime later they arrive at the orphanage. Arc and Ember carry the gifts into the entryway. As they set their load down in a corner, Ember turns to Arc.

“This should be more than enough, right?”

Arc nods as he puts a large box of goodies to one side. “I would hope so.”

Frank hobbles over to the locked door as the receptionist buzzes them in. “Let’s return to Miss Kulara’s office and let her know we were successful in our mission.”

They follow Frank back to the office. The Headmistress is just closing her office door.

“We’re back, Miss Kulara!”

Frank shakes his head. “Sadly, the toy store did not carry those action figures you asked for.”

Kulara smiles at them. “Well, thank you for trying. It was a long shot after all. All the children have wanted to watch the news every night in hopes of catching a glimpse of this real live hero!”

Ember nods, clearly proud. “Anything else we can do to help?”

“Actually, yes! Several of the orphanage’s helpers have gone home due to illness.”

Frank smiles at her. “Do you need assistance?”

“That I do. It’s nearly story time for the younger children. I was going to fill in myself, but if you three could do it I might be able to get caught up on some paperwork. That and the children haven’t seen either of you in quite a while.”

Frank nods. “We would be honored to help.”

Arc smiles. “Sounds good.”

Ember shrugs. “I don’t know what good I’ll be, but I’ll give it my best shot.”

The group heads down the hallway toward the Common’s Area. Children’s artwork lines both sides of the hallway. Ember looks at the pictures before turning to Kulara.

“You have a very happy looking place here, ma’am.”

“Thank you. I try my best to keep our residents happy and their spirits high. However I can only do so much.”

Frank gives her a reassuring look. “You did your best with us, Miss Kulara.”

Arc nods. “Yes, ma’am. We’re grateful for everything you did.”

Kulara sighs. “Thank you, boys. I only wish I had come along sooner.”

They arrive at the Common’s Area. It is a large room with many tables and chairs. Board games, toys and pictures fill the room giving a happy ambiance. Some of the older children sit in small groups and chat with one another. Kulara calls out as they enter.

“Everyone! We have guests!”

The children look over and run to them happily. They crowd around Frank as he slowly kneels down to their level.

“Hello again! Sorry it’s been such a long time.”

Kulara continues. “We have some special helpers to spend the afternoon with us! We’re going to start with Story Time! Now, which book should we read?”

A number of the orphans run over to the bookshelves and return with their favorite books. Kulara looks to Ember.

“Would you like to read to them, miss?”

“What? Me?! But I’m not very good at reading!”

Arc laughs. “They’re just children’s books, Ember. Nothing terribly difficult.”

Kulara nods. “That and you have such a nice voice. I’m sure you’ll do just fine.”

Ember takes one of the books from an orphan. “Well, okay. I’ll do it.”

“Everyone, this is Miss Ember! She’ll be reading to you this afternoon, so be sure to pay close attention!”

The orphans smile and nod.

“We will!”

“Yeah! She’s pretty!”

Frank points with his cane to the reading corner as Kulara leaves the room. “This way children.”

They lead the group over to their little corner and help him sit down as Ember takes her place in the reading chair. She sits down nervously.

“Arc? Would you care to join me in reading the story?”

He walks over to sit next to Ember. “I’d be happy too.”

Arc and Ember read several stories together. She reads the majority of the story with Arc reading certain character’s lines. After the fifth story Ember looks up, happily.

“Okay! What should we read next?!”

Arc and Ember look up at the children’s happy faces. Ember picks another book and opens it as Arc notices a small child sitting alone in a corner under a blanket. He stands up.

“Would you excuse me a moment, Ember?”

Ember nods. “Sure. I’ll keep reading.”

He walks over to the child. She is a small girl with unkempt blonde hair and striking blue eyes. Although Arc sits down next to her she does not look up as he speaks.

“It’s kinda hard to hear the story from all the way back here, miss.”

The child does not move.

“Wouldn’t you like to sit with the others?”

Her only response is a sad shaking of her head.

“Was someone mean to you?”

Again she wordlessly shakes her head without looking up. Arc is unsure what to say. Cherry sighs inwardly to Arc.

“She must be new here! Poor little thing!”

Arc thinks for a moment before continuing.

“Let me ask you a question. If you could have anything for Christmas, what would it be?”

The little girl slowly turns her head to look up at Arc with her small, red, puffy eyes. Tears course down her face as she responds in the most heart-wrenchingly sad voice imaginable!

“I… I want my mommy!”

She brings her hands out from under the blanket to cover her face as fresh tears begin to flow. It is then that Arc sees the bandages completely covering both her hands. He puts an arm around her in an effort to comfort her as she continues to cry. Arc tries unsuccessfully several times over the course of the afternoon to get her to say more. Miss Kulara returns to the Commons Area as the sun begins to set.

“Time for supper everyone!”

The orphans happily run out of the room. However the girl does not move. Arc turns to her.

“Are you hungry?”

As before the girl gives no response. Kulara walks over with another volunteer. He picks the young girl up and carries her out of the room after the others. Arc stands up as Ember and Frank walk over.

“Miss Kulara? That girl… she’s new, isn’t she?”

Kulara shakes her head. “No. She’s been here for weeks.”

Frank frowns. “That is out of the ordinary. Everyone always acclimated to their new life here after a few days. A week at most!”

Ember sighs. “There’s more to it in her case, isn’t there?”

Kulara nods. “Yes. I’ve never seen such a forlorn child! Child Protective Services brought her here from Angel Grove after her father passed away.”

Frank leans on his cane as he bows his head. “Most regrettable! If we may ask, what happened?”

“The girl and her father were recently victims of a terrible accident in Angel Grove. She was saved, but her father died on his way to the hospital.”

Ember nods. “It must be awful to lose a parent like that! How did he die?”

“Smoke inhalation, I’m afraid.”

Arc looks to her, wide-eyed. “Was that by any chance…?”

Kulara nods. “Yes. The apartment complex fire on the news.”

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