• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 7 - Light to the Matter

Arc returns to Derpy’s small house. Derpy and Dinky lie asleep on the mat in front of the fireplace. Ember is lying on the couch with Arc’s helmet under her arm. He walks over to them and smiles.

“Pretty as a picture.”

He wastes no time picking up Derpy and Dinky. Arc puts them in his bed before returning for Ember. She stirs ever so slightly as Arc picks her up before falling back to sleep. Putting her to bed he carefully takes back his helmet before turning to his sleeping family as he heads toward the door.

“Good night you three. We’ll talk in the morning.”

He closes the door and walks back to the couch. As he sits down, Arc looks at the helmet.

“You still awake, Cherry?”

“I am. How did it go?”

“Pretty good. Better than I thought it would anyways.”

“I can’t wait to hear all about it!”

Arc yawns. “Well, you may have to. I’m beat.”

Cherry giggles. “How about you and I have a nice chat on my front porch then?”

“That does sound nice.”

Arc puts the helmet to his forehead momentarily.

“Okay, I’m in! Now how about we…”

Her voice is cut short as Arc falls asleep on the couch. A moment later he finds himself on Cherry Jubilee’s front porch. Looking out over the orchard, Arc smiles.

“Love this place…”

The screen door opens and Cherry joins him on the porch. She moves to stand by him as she nuzzles his side.

“You really like it here, don’t you?”

Arc kneels down to give her a hug. “I do.”

Cherry smiles and nuzzles his chest. “Oh? And why’s that?”

“Because you’re here, Cherry.”

She points to the porch swing with a hoof. “Why don’t we sit down and enjoy it together then?”

Arc walks toward the swing with Cherry. “Nothing would make me happier right now.”

The pair talk late into the night about Arc’s date with Princess Luna before sitting in silence to overlook the orchard and enjoy each other’s company. Cherry leans her head against Arc’s shoulder.

“I wish we could stay like this forever!”

Arc nods with his arm around her shoulder. “As do I. But… it’s not meant to be.”

Cherry sighs. “I… I know.”


Derpy awakens early the next morning. She sits up and rubs her eyes as Dinky stirs and looks around bewildered.

“Mom? How did we get here?”

“I imagine your father came home rather late last night.”

Dinky sniffs the air. “Do you smell something?”

“I do! Breakfast!”

The pair get up and walk slowly to the door. Opening it, they find Arc standing at the stove cooking eggs and hash browns.

“Good morning you two. Did you sleep well?”

Dinky nods and runs over to give her father a hug.

“Good morning dad! How was your date?!”

Arc kneels down. “It was a lot of fun!”

Derpy smiles happily. “We can’t wait to hear all about it!”

Ember walks over to the bedroom door. She appears half asleep.

“Anyone seen Arc’s helmet? I thought I had it last night.”

Eidolon’s Ward giggles as she sets the table. “I’m over here, Ember!”

Ember looks from the armor to Arc and back again. “Never quite got used to seeing your armor move around without you in it, Arc.”

“Sorry Ember.”

Arc nods. “I admit it is a rather… strange feeling. But one I am completely happy dealing with.”

Together they finish making breakfast and sit down together to enjoy it. Ember turns to Arc as they eat.

“So tell us, Arc. How did last night go?”

Dinky grins. “I bet you two had a blast together!”

Derpy smiles at her daughter. “Now, now dear. Maybe your father would rather not talk about it so early in the morning.”

“No, it’s fine. First we went out for a Canterlot dinner.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “One of those fancy places?”


Dinky looks to him excitedly. “Was the food yummy?!”

“It was so-so. Truth be told, I’ve made better food myself.”

Derpy frowns. “Really?! I always assumed Canterlot had the best of everything.”

Arc shakes his head. “Well, their sense of taste is apparently broken.”

Ember chuckles. “Did you two go back to the castle for some real food?”

“No. I wanted to get her out of the castle after all. Not go running back as soon as we could. Rarity helped with that.”

“Miss Rarity did?”

Derpy looks confused. “How?”

Arc takes a sip of his tea. “She provided a dress that covered her wings and cutie mark. It fit her quite well after I shrunk her down.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Shrunk her?!”

Eidolon’s Ward walks over to the table with a pan. “Would you like some more eggs, Arc?”

“Yes, please!”

She puts three more eggs on Arc’s plate.

“Thank you, Cherry. Now… where was I?”

Dinky giggles. “You had shrunk down Princess Luna!”

“Right! As it stood, she appeared to look like any other unicorn one might see anywhere.”

Ember nods. “So she looked like a commoner?”

“Exactly! We found a little gem of a restaurant tucked away from the hustle and bustle of Canterlot’s Restaurant Row called ‘The Tasty Treat’.”

Dinky turns to her father. “Can you take mom and I there sometime, dad?!”


Derpy smiles. “It must have been pretty good for you to speak so highly of it.”

Ember chuckles. “Did Princess Luna agree?”

“Oh yes! She’s hoping to have some meetings there at some point. Maybe then the owner will get some business.”

Eidolon’s Ward looks over from the stove. “Was it really that slow in there?”

“Yup. No customers when we arrived and none while we were there.”

Dinky frowns. “That’s sad! To have such good food, but not be given a chance!”

“Right. Apparently no one goes there because the place isn’t rated, or some other kind of nonsense.”

“So what did you do after dinner?”

“We went to the shopping district to look for a birthday present for Princess Cadance.”

Derpy smiles as she finishes her food. “Did she find anything?”

Arc nods. “A nice heart shaped pendant. I think it’ll be a hit!”

Eidolon’s Ward giggles. “Sounds like you two had fun!”

Dinky nods. “Are you going to take Princess Luna out again, dad?!”

“Maybe next year. I mean… this wasn’t really a date, date! Just two friends going out for dinner mostly.”

Derpy smiles. “Nothing wrong with that.”

Ember looks suddenly peevish. “WHAT?!”

Eidolon’s Ward looks to her. “Ember?”

“We went through all that trouble for a nice dinner with a FRIEND?!”

Arc nods. “Pretty much. You heard the word ‘date’ though and went a bit overboard.”

Ember blushes and turns away. “D-did not!”

Arc chuckles as he finishes his breakfast. “Sure Ember. Whatever you say.”

Eidolon’s Ward looks to Arc as she begins to clear the table with Dinky’s help. “So… any plans for today?

Arc nods and stands. “I have to run a few errands such as running over to Carousel Boutique to pick up Princess Luna’s clothes from yesterday.”

Dinky looks confused. “Her… clothes?”

“We left them there with her crown and hoof protectors last night when she changed. Didn’t want her to be recognized. That and Twilight wanted me to come see her about their recent experiments.”

Ember nods. “As excited as she was the last time we were there, I think we’re in for a treat.”

The group quickly does the dishes and puts them away. Derpy and Dinky head for the door.

“Dinky and I are off to work now, Arc!”

Arc waves to them. “Have a good day you two.”

Dinky grins. “You too, dad! See you at suppertime!”

“I’ll be here!”

They leave just as Eidolon’s Ward finishes wiping down the table.

“Should we be off as well?”

Arc nods. “I suppose so. You want to come along, Ember?”

“Wouldn’t miss it!”

Arc dons his armor and, after allowing Cherry to enter his head again, recalls Eidolon’s Ward to his ring. They head out the door toward Sugarcube Corner. As they approach the building the distinct scent of sweets baking fills their noses. They walk into the bakery as Pinkie Pie comes out with a tray of cupcakes.

“Good morning Pinkie!”

“Arc! I see you survived last night!”

Ember frowns. “Um… why wouldn’t he have?”

“Sorry, but I was worried that Princess Luna was gunna GET ya!”

Arc smiles at her. “Well, she didn’t.”

Pinkie stands there and blinks a few times expectantly.

“Did she try?!”

Arc folds his arms over his chest and narrows his eyes. “Um… no.”

Pinkie looks around the empty shop and lowers her voice.

“Did she do anything… weird?!”

“No Pinkie. She was a bit quiet, but other than that…”

“That proves it beyond any shadow of a doubt!”

Cherry sighs. “Proves what?”

Pinkie shrugs. “I dunno! I was actually hoping Arc could tell me!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Fine! She’s a very nice princess who just needed a break from her job.”

Ember chuckles. “Satisfied?”

Pinkie puts on a serious face as she narrows her eyes and puts a hoof to her chin. “I would… if you weren’t under her control!”

Arc facepalms. “Oh for the love of… look Pinkie, I’m not under anyone’s control!”

Ember nods. “Yeah! You’re just blowing this out of proportion!”

“Am I?! Tell me this then?! How did she like… the pineapple?!”

“Um… she seemed… happy with it, I guess.”

Cherry giggles. “What is that supposed to prove?”

Pinkie sighs. “I don’t know! Maybe you’re right Arc! But I can’t help but believe my Pinkie Sense about her!”

Ember frowns. “Pinkie Sense?”

Arc sighs. “What do you mean, Pinkie?”

“It keeps telling me she’s a bad pony who’s hiding a wicked secret!”

“Well, she didn’t try to off me last night. Does that tell you anything?”

Pinkie thinks for a moment. “Maybe. What did you do last night?!”

“Dinner and window shopping. Then back to Canterlot Castle for a bite of dessert before I took her back to her room.”

Pinkie frowns. “Are you SURE nothing else happened?!”


She looks down sadly. “Okay. I guess you’re right about her then.”

Ember sighs. “Listen Pinkie. Princess Luna has been in full control of the nation for some time now. If she was bad, wouldn’t she have done… something by now?”

“I suppose.”

Arc nods. “I’ll keep my eyes open for you Pinkie. Even though I’m fairly certain there’s nothing more to find in that regard.”

“Please do! Equestria couldn’t go on without you, Arc!”

“I’m sure it would, Pinkie. Anyways, we should probably be getting over to Carousel Boutique now. Thanks for your help the other day!”

Arc and Ember walk out of the bakery and head down the street. Pinkie lays her head down on the counter and sighs sadly.

“Arc… please be careful! Princess Luna isn’t what she seems! I just know it!”

Meanwhile… Arc and Ember continue down the road. Ember frowns and looks to Arc.

“What’s got into her?!”

Cherry calls out to them. “I’m not sure. Pinkie Pie’s always been a bit on edge. But nothing like this!”

“You don’t think she’s right, do you Arc?”

Arc shakes his head. “I doubt it. But I’ll keep a watchful eye out as always.”

The group makes their way to Carousel Boutique. As they approach the building they find Sassy Saddles just unlocking the front door. She holds it open for them.

“Good morning you two. My, you’re up early!”

Arc smiles at her. “One must get an early start if they are to get ahead.”

Ember yawns. “Do you and Rarity always open at this time?”

Sassy Saddles walks into the shop with them. “Yes. While we don’t usually have customers at this time, it gives us a chance to get the shop in order for the day’s activities.”

Hearing voices, Rarity heads downstairs and trots over to them.

“Good morning! What brings you and Ember here today?”

“I need to pick up the things Princess Luna and I left here yesterday.”

“Of course.

Sassy Saddles turns to Arc. “We already dry cleaned and hung her dress up.”

“You didn’t have to go through all that trouble.”

Rarity shakes her head. “Oh yes we did! It’s not every day I get to work on clothes for royalty, after all!”

Sassy Saddles nods. “It was an honor to help Princess Luna!”

“That it was! Please pass on our thanks to her for allowing us to help!”

Arc nods. “I’ll do that.”

Sassy Saddles heads for the back room. “Let me get her things for you.”

She trots off as Rarity stays with Arc and Ember. Rarity looks excited.

“So… how did it go?!”

“Our evening?”

Rarity trots in place excitedly. “What else?! Tell me, what was it like?!”

“Well, I admit she wasn’t really much for conversation. Not that our evening was dull, mind you. Thanks to you we were able to walk down the street together without fear of the population bowing and scraping.”

Rarity nods. “I can see how that would make the evening that much less romantic.”

Ember smiles. “Yeah! A bunch of ponies bowing at my feet would certainly be a turn off.”

“I wasn’t really going for romance, you know.”

Cherry giggles. “That may be, but you certainly gave her a nice evening. At least in your mind you did.”

Sassy Saddles returns with a bundle which she levitates over to Arc.

“Here you are! Her dress, crown and hoof protectors!”

Arc nods as he accepts the bundle. “Thank you.”

Rarity looks at him a bit sheepish. “I… may have taken one liberty.”


“I had an impromptu photo shoot last night with the crown and hoof protectors.”

Sassy Saddles nods. “It’s not every day you have the opportunity to do such a thing, Rarity!”

Arc sighs. “Please don’t share those pictures, Rarity. If it ever got back to Princess Luna…”

Rarity giggles. “Don’t worry! They’re going in my private collection! The hard part was getting the right angle, as the hoof protectors were quite a bit bigger than what I can wear!”

Arc looks at the hoof protectors in the bag. “I suppose that makes sense.”

Rarity blushes. “Yes well… Princess Luna is probably twice the mare I am!”

“I suppose she is quite a bit…bigger. In any case, we should be getting over to Twilight’s place. She wants us to see what she and Auriel have been working on.”

“Good! She’s been pretty tight-lipped about their current project.”

Ember frowns. “Should we be worried?”

“I think not. After all, she’s always been a bit… reclusive.”

Sassy Saddles nods. “That and I’m sure she’s just been working very hard on whatever goes on down there.”

Cherry giggles. “Well then, why don’t we go over there and see her?

Ember nods. “Good idea.”

Arc turns to leave. “See you two later. Thanks again for last night.

They leave the shop. Sassy Saddles turns to Rarity.

“You don’t suppose there’s anything going on between Arc and Princess Luna, do you?”

Rarity walks over to her sewing machine. “Not likely. He may be the Hero of Light, but she’s royalty!”

“I suppose so.”

“Still… he’s quite the catch! If Princess Luna WAS looking for a potential mate, he’s the one she should choose!”

Sassy Saddles looks up, surprised. “Really?! What about you?”

Rarity looks up at her, confused. What about me?

“I see how you look at him! The two of you would make a really cute couple!”

“Yes, well… he doesn’t feel the same way about me.”

“Are you sure?”

Rarity nods. “I am! We’re just friends!”

Sassy Saddles puts a hoof on her boss’ shoulder. “After that incident with Applejack, I would have thought you were so much more!”

Rarity blushes feverishly. “I… that wasn’t me! I mean, I wasn’t myself!”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes! We’re both too busy to settle down now. I have my business and he has Equestria to look after.”

Sassy Saddles turns back to her workbench. “A shame. I’m certain you two would be very happy together. Say, how would you feel if I asked Arc out?! We could…”

Rarity whirls around! “You stay away from him!”

Sassy Saddles laughs heartily. “Just friends, huh?”

“I know I’d like to be more but… it just isn’t in the cards for either of us.”

Meanwhile, Arc, Ember and Cherry Jubilee make their way to the Golden Oaks Library. Cherry calls out to Arc.

“Isn’t it a bit early to go visiting?”

Ember nods. “I agree. Why you insist on getting up so darn early is beyond me, Arc!”

“Twilight knew we’d be coming this morning. In fact she wanted us here bright and early for some reason.”

Cherry sounds confused. “Why do you suppose that is?”

Ember shrugs. “Maybe she has a lot to show us?”

“That’s probably it.”

They arrive at the library. Arc knocks. A few moments later a very happy looking Twilight answers the door with Auriel by her side.

“Good morning everypony! Thanks for coming!”

Arc chuckles as they walk past Twilight into the library. “Thanks for having us, Twilight.”

Auriel smiles. “We have a lot to show you!”

Ember laughs. “Looking forward to it!”

Twilight and Auriel lead Arc and Ember to their basement lab. As they reach the bottom step, she turns to them.

“We’ve been really busy lately! But it’s finally paying off! Auriel, why don’t you go first?”

“Thank you!”

As they walk over to Auriel’s side of the lab Arc turns to her. “How goes your experiments of growing plants without sunlight?”

“Not as well as I had hoped. Let me show you.”

She leads them over to a rather large machine in the corner as Twilight pushes a button on the wall. The lights switch over to that of a photo darkroom. Ember looks around.

“What’s with the lights, Twilight?”

“For this experiment to yield proper data we have to be absolutely sure that no sunlight, or any light the plants could use for that matter, gets to them.”

Arc nods, understanding. “Applejack said the seeds grew very quickly.”

Auriel opens the device. “Well… they’re not doing so well here.”

She opens the door to allow the others to see her experiment. Inside are several very weak and distorted looking seedlings. Cherry sighs.

“I’m sure I already know the answer to this, but what’s wrong with them?”

Auriel shakes her head. “It looks like even these trees still require sunlight. Just like any other plant.”

Twilight sighs. “We had hoped their latent magical abilities would have allowed them to grow. Albeit slower than normal.”

Cherry thinks for a moment before responding. “Have you tried anything else? Some magically enriched plant food perhaps?”

Twilight nods. “We’ve tried everything we can think of! More nutrients don’t seem to be helping.”

Auriel sighs as she closes the device. “It appears that no matter how you look at it, all plants still need the sun to carry out photosynthesis.”

Arc nods. “So you’re saying that even with all Equestria’s magical advancements, this is still not possible?”

Twilight looks to Arc, sadly. “Right.”

Auriel sits down heavily in a lab stool and sighs. “I… I just really wanted to grow something for my father. Tartarus is a cold and unforgiving landscape, but I had hoped to transform it into something the other demons could call home.”

Ember walks over to her. “I’m sorry, Auriel. But some things just can’t be done. Princess Celestia did create Tartarus to be a prison, after all.”

Arc looks up. “You think she purposefully made it so nothing could grow there?”

Cherry sighs. “It would appear so.”

Twilight frowns. “I know criminals that are sent there are really bad and all. But… I think separation from nature in its entirety is going too far!”

Arc nods. “Agreed. That’s what I was hoping could be fixed.”

Ember turns to him. “Is that really all you wanted, Arc?”

Twilight looks confused. “What are you talking about?”

“Look, Arc. I know you. There’s more to it than you’re letting on.”

Arc sighs. “You’re right. I… I was hoping Auriel could finally go home.”

He looks over at Auriel.

“I’m not trying to get rid of you or anything. But I figured if you were welcome in Tartarus again, you could see you father whenever you wanted.”

Auriel walks over to him. “Thank you for giving me this chance, Arc. You too, Twilight…”

Twilight nods soberly as Auriel looks back to Arc.

“Sorry I let you down.”

Arc shakes his head. “You didn’t let me down, Auriel.”

“I most certainly did! The experiment was a failure, as am I!”

Twilight joins her. “Just because THIS experiment didn’t go so well doesn’t mean there’s no solution. After all, even Star Swirl the Bearded didn’t always accomplish what he set out to do.”

Arc nods. “No one is perfect. Mistakes will always be made. But it’s where we go from there that really makes the difference.”

Ember mutters to herself. “Yeah. I’ll figure this out someday.”


Cherry interrupts. “Begging everypony’s pardon, but I think Auriel might just be looking at this problem from the wrong direction.”

Twilight looks up. “You have an idea, Miss Cherry?”

“Maybe. I spent my whole life growing cherry trees after all. How about this? Instead of trying to grow plants without sunlight, what if you tried finding a substitute for sunlight itself?”

Auriel looks confused. “How?”

“We already have grow lights. Why couldn’t we adapt them to work in Tartarus?”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin and thinks. “That’s a tall order, but probably the best idea we have.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “But you can’t grow a tree with a grow light!”

Arc looks up. “What if you had a really big one?”

Auriel shakes her head. “That would take quite a bit of power to run. Vengeance doesn’t have the ability to generate THAT amount of electricity.”

Cherry calls out to Auriel. “Where does their power come from?”

“Geothermal currents that run under the city.”

Arc nods. “Any way to generate more?”

“Possibly. But that would only solve one problem. The other being that no one has yet invented a light big enough to cover Tartarus!”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin. “I suppose magic and machine would have to be combined.”

Ember stands up. “Okay, maybe a crazy idea but… would it be possible to create something that resembles the sun?”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Well, it IS a really big grow light after all. That and Tartarus needs to be warmer if it’s going to support plant life. How about the soil? Is it hospitable?”

Auriel nods. “I’ve taken plenty of soil samples over the years. Tartarus’ soil is actually more fertile than Equestria’s. Maybe one of the only things there that’s better than here.”

Arc nods. “So if we figure out this whole sunlight issue, things should work, right?”

Twilight shrugs. “I don’t see why not. But I don’t see how…”

Auriel suddenly jumps to her feet. “What about an artificial sun?!”

Twilight’s eyes grow wide. “That would take an insane amount of magical power to create, let along stabilize, let alone POWER!”

Arc smiles. “A sun, huh? That would certainly cover most if not all of Tartarus. But how could we make one?”

Ember turns to Arc. “What if you and I were to combine your fire magic with my flame breath, Arc?”

Arc shakes his head. “We would need something for it to consume.”


Twilight nods. “What he means is fire requires a source of fuel to burn.”

“Right! While I’m casting, my magic is keeping the fire going. If I stop channeling, the fire goes out.”

Auriel sighs. “Unless it ignites something else, or casting continues.”

Cherry giggles. “I don’t think even Arc could keep casting forever.”

“Nor would I be able to generate enough light or heat to be an effective sun.”

Twilight frowns. “Even if you could, we would still need something to sustain it. Like starting a campfire, a spark may burn for just a moment before the wood takes over. Sorry, but I can’t think of any other way to explain it.”

Arc looks back to them. “Any ideas on what could burn for an extended period of time, be sustainable, and not turn Tartarus into an inferno?”

Auriel thinks to herself. “It would have to be closely regulated and mostly self-sustaining.”

Twilight looks over to them happily. “I may have somewhat of an idea from my own research.”

Auriel looks over. “Something self-sustaining, Twilight?”

Twilight nods as she walks toward her side of the lab and pulls back the dividing sheet. “Yes, Auriel! It’s possible! Let me show everypony what I mean!”

She holds the sheet back and allows Arc, Ember and Auriel to enter. There are a myriad of machines all around a single workbench. Something under it is concealed under yet another white sheet. Auriel looks excited.

“Maybe now I can finally see what you’ve been working on, Twilight.”

Ember looks confused. “You mean you don’t know?!”

Twilight looks over her shoulder. “I haven’t told or shown anypony yet.”

“Why’s that?”

She sheepishly looks to Arc. “I… didn’t want anypony to know in case I couldn’t do it.”

Twilight walks over to the workbench and smiles broadly as she pats the sheet happily.

“This… this has been my greatest challenge yet! I’ve worked harder on this than anything that’s come before!”

Arc nods. “Very praiseworthy!”

She turns to the various machines and checks the gauges before turning to the table once more.

“It’s ready!”

Twilight turns around and looks at everyone one by one before grabbing the sheet with her magic and pulling it aside.

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