• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,627 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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The next day Arc, Frank, Shelly, Lily, and Max sit in the Observation Lounge around a table eating breakfast together. Looking around it, Arc smiles.

“This reminds me of the past.”

Max appears confused. “But I don’t recall us ever doing this before, sir.”

“I meant Christmas morning breakfast.”

Frank chuckles. “We used to get together every year.”

Lily nods. “And it always started with breakfast.”

Shelly takes Max’s hoof and smiles. “But now there’s a fifth person to join our little group.”

“I’d like that, Shelly.”

He turns to Arc nervously.

“If that’s okay with you, sir.”

Arc chuckles. “I don’t think I have much say in that.”

Frank offers him a thumbs up. “Guess you’re in, Max.”

“Thank you, everypony.”

He smiles at his commanding officer.

“I’ll do my best not to disappoint you, sir.”

“I have faith that you won’t, Max.”

Lily looks to Arc. “What’s the plan today though, Arc?”

Shelly points to the window. “Are we going to fly around all day?”

Frank smirks. “Not a bad plan there, as the views of certain areas are breathtaking.”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah. Truth be told, I had a plan for today. I’ll just alter it a bit to accommodate everyone here.”

Lily smiles. “What are we going to do?”

“Meet my Equestrian friends and family, for starters.”

Shelly looks down at her wrinkled t-shirt and shorts. “But we’re not dressed for something like that, Arc.”

Lily sighs. “And we don’t have anything to change into.”

Arc stands. “Don’t worry about it. I have a plan. Please wait here.”

Pulling the Rainbow of Light from his ring, Arc channels his magic into it and opens a portal. Stepping through he vanishes. Shelly turns to Max.

“What do you suppose he’s up to?”

Max grins. “I’m not sure. But you can trust the commander’s judgment.”

Lily giggles. “That we know.”

A short time later, as they finish eating, a portal opens on the sigil nearby. Stepping through Arc walks back over to the table.

“Okay, everything’s ready.”

Frank raises an eyebrow. “What did you do, my friend?”

“Placed a sigil in their Living Room.”

Lily grins. “You mean...?!”

Arc nods. “A direct line back to your place, yes.”

Max helps Shelly stand as Arc uses the Rainbow of Light to open a portal. Stepping through with the others they find themselves in Shelly and Lily’s Living Room. The pair look around, astonished. Shelly is the first to speak.

“We... we’re really back?!”

Arc nods. “Safe and sound, yes.”

“The commander’s portals are very convenient.”

Lily grins. “We can shower and dress properly!”

Shelly sniffs herself. “That sounds wonderful! I feel a bit grungy.”

Frank chuckles. “Sponge baths will do that to a person.”

Lily turns to her friend. “Would you like to go first, Shelly?”

“Thank you, I would.”

Lily takes her friend’s hand. “I’ll help you get situated then.”

They leave the room and head to the bathroom together as Arc and his friends sit down. A few minutes later Lily calls out.

“Arc! Can I see you for a moment please?!”


Standing, he excuses himself and heads down the corridor. Hearing the water from the bathroom as he passes Lily waves him into Shelly’s room.

“What’s up?”

“Shelly wanted me to ask you what she should wear to meet the Equestrians. After all, we don’t want to make a bad first impression.”

“I recommend something warm. Long pants and warm shirts. Remember, it’s snowing over there too.”

“But we’ll be inside, right?”

Arc nods. “Yes. However, Equestrians keep their buildings a bit cooler than we do here on Earth.”

“Oh? Why’s that?”

“Probably because they have fur coats.”

“Ah! I suppose that makes sense. Anything we specifically shouldn’t wear?”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah. They’re pretty laid back as far as clothes go.”

“So casual then?”


“Okay. We’ll still have you look us over before leaving though.”

“Sounds good. I’ll wait for you with Frank and Max in the Living Room.”

Arc returns to the others and sits down. They hear the bathroom door open and close as Lily joins Shelly. Sometime later they return to the Living Room together. Both are wearing long pants and sweaters.

“Well, how do we look?”

Max gasps. “Amazing!”

Frank nods approvingly. “Toasty, to be sure.”

Arc gives them a ‘thumbs up’. “Good choices.”

Lily smiles. “That’s a relief.”

Shelly wrings her hands. “We don’t want to make our hosts uncomfortable.”

Max walks over to Shelly. “I wouldn’t worry too much about that. We’re really accommodating in that regard.”

Frank prepares to stand up. “Well then... shall we be off?”

Lily grimaces. “Actually, can we talk first, Arc?”

“Um... sure.”

They sit down and turn to him before starting.

“Shelly and I just wanted to know one thing, Arc.”

Shelly nods. “Why didn’t you tell us you were the Hero?”

“Yes, we wouldn’t have told anyone.”

Arc sighs. “I’m sorry for not being Honest about it sooner, you two. But please understand that I was just doing it to protect you.”

Shelly raises an eyebrow. “Protect?”

Arc nods. “You’d just worry about me had you known. And I couldn’t risk anyone at all knowing.”

Frank bows his head. “If it had ever gotten out, a less than scrupulous individual may have tried to use such information to force Arc to do their bidding.”

Lily frowns. “But how?”

Arc sighs. “By threatening to hurt you or Shelly, for starters.”

“The commander was very worried about your safety.”

Shelly puts a hand to her chin. “I... suppose that does make sense.”

Lily frowns. “But I do still wish you had come to us sooner, Arc.”

“Maybe I should have, yes. However I’m willing to be as Honest with you now as I can be. Any question you ask from here on out will be answered truthfully and immediately. Assuming their answers aren’t related to any top secret projects or matters of national security, mind you.”

Shelly smiles. “That is appreciated, Arc. However we should probably save those questions for later.”

Max appears confused. “But we’re not exactly on a schedule here, Shelly.”

“Yes, well... I’m actually very interested in meeting some of your friends back in Equestria, Arc.”

Arc grins. “Alright. However I have a lot to tell you two once we get there.”


Frank chuckles. “Arc’s had to skirt the truth on numerous occasions to maintain his cover story.”

“Right. But that ends today. And I know right where to start being Honest.”

Standing, Arc opens a portal as Lily fetches Shelly’s wheelchair. She and Frank help her into the chair as Arc motions for the others to enter. They reappear inside a small house as the portal closes behind them. Lily looks around, confused.

“Arc, where are we?”

“A good friend of mine’s house. Her name is Derpy Hooves.”

Shelly smiles nervously. “Very... interesting name.”

Frank shrugs. “The inhabitants of this land have names that are just as colorful as their coats are.”

Shelly turns to Max. “Is that true for you too?”

“What do you mean?”

Arc chuckles. “She’s asking if ‘Max’ is your real name.”

“Ah! Yes, it is. Our subrace doesn’t hold to the same standards as normal ponies do.”

Lily raises an eyebrow. “Subrace?”

“So all ponies don’t look like you, Max?”

Max shakes his head. “No. We’re... an anomaly.”

Arc frowns. “I prefer the term ‘different’.”

Frank clears his throat. “In any case, might I ask why we came here, Arc? After all, it’s a ways from town.”

“Well, you see...”

The front door opens and Dinky runs inside as her mother follows.


Jumping into his arms, she wraps her small hooves around his neck and grins.

“I missed you so much!”

Arc returns the hug. “And I missed you too, sweetheart.”

Derpy walks over. “Welcome back, Arc.”

Dinky giggles. “We came as soon as we could!”

Derpy looks over to Lily and Shelly before continuing.

“I see that you brought our friends with you.”

Lily appears confused. “You sound familiar.”

Arc smiles as he puts a hand on Derpy’s mane. “Shelly... Lily... I’d like to reintroduce you to Dawn and her daughter, Daisy.”

Shelly gasps. “What?!”

“This is them?!”

Dinky hops up and down happily. “Yup! We’re ponies!”

“Hello there. My name is actually Derpy.”

“And I’m Dinky!”

Lily smiles nervously. “Um... hello.”

Derpy bows her head. “We’re very sorry for the deception.”

Dinky nods. “But it was really important that everypony thought we were humans!”

“It’s alright. But, um...”

“Is something wrong, miss?”

Shelly breaks into a huge smile. “Nothing. I just can’t get over how similar your hair and mannerisms are to your human forms.”

Lily walks over to Dinky and grins. “And you are still just the most adorable little thing!”


Lily looks to Arc. “Would it be okay if I... touched her?”

“That’s up to Dinky.”


Lily reaches forward but stops and looks to Arc for guidance.

“I’m sorry, but I’m not really sure how to properly do this.”

Derpy appears confused. “Do what, Lily?”

“How to touch a pony without doing anything... inappropriate.”

Max turns to his commanding officer. “Maybe you should explain it to her, sir.”

“Sure. But do you think you could help me, sweetheart?”


He sets Dinky down and whispers in her ear. Nodding, Dinky runs over to the couch as her father follows. Putting her front hooves up on the side of it, she uses the extra support to stand on her hind legs as Arc kneels down next to her and puts a hand on her head.

“The mane is just like a human’s hair. Well, other than the fact that it flows down a pony’s neck, that is. Any part of the mane and face can be touched normally among friends.”

He points to Dinky’s small horn before continuing.

“The only exception would be a Unicorn’s horn. That should never be touched intentionally. If in the course of normal everyday activities you happen to brush up against one, that’s fine. But doing so on purpose isn’t appropriate.”

Lily nods soberly. “We’ll be sure to remember that.”

Arc moves his hand down Dinky’s mane and back. “Anywhere here is alright. But keep away from their flanks.”

Gesturing to Dinky’s tail, he continues.

“It probably goes without saying, but touching a pony’s tail is generally considered to be inappropriate.”

Max shrugs. “Unless you’re their parents or a healthcare professional, that is.”

“Right. I’ve seen ponies grab onto their foal’s tail with their mouths if they’re being naughty and drag them away.”

Derpy grimaces. “It’s also how a pony is forcefully removed from a situation. Well, for non-magic users, that is.”

Shelly appears confused. “Can you give us an example?”

“Well... one time Rainbow Dash was acting kinda rude to somepony else. Another friend of ours, Applejack, grabbed her tail and pulled her back to diffuse the situation.”

Arc chuckles. “As a human I probably would have just picked her up around the belly though.”

Dinky grins. “Show them, dad!”


“Pick mom up!”

“Go ahead, Arc. After all, it’s just a demonstration.”

Shrugging, Arc walks over to Derpy. Wrapping his arms around her midsection he picks her up. She giggles as he does so.

“That tickles!”

Arc looks to Shelly and Lily as he puts her down. “Please note where my hands are. Any further back is considered highly inappropriate due to a pony’s mammary glands on a mare.”

Max nods. “Or a stallion’s... other stuff.”

Lily looks down. “What about their hooves?”

“Shaking hooves is a thing here. Touching the front hoof itself and the fetlock is fine. However any further back is going too far.”

Frank smiles. “Basically, think of them as humans. If you wouldn’t touch that spot on a woman it’s probably not okay on a mare.”

Shelly nods. “That does make sense, yes.”

Lily looks to Arc. “Anything else we should know?”

“Just a few speech traits that you’ve already heard here. Ponies say ‘anypony’ instead of ‘anyone’ and ‘somepony’ instead of ‘someone’.”

Dinky grins. “There’s a few other things, of course. But we’ll point them out if they come up.”

Shelly smiles at the filly. “Thank you for the explanation.”

Dinky trots over to Lily. “So now you’re ready to touch me!”

“Okay. If you’re okay with that.”

“Sure, go ahead!”

Kneeling down, Lily puts a hand on Dinky’s mane. She pats her head and moves her hand down Dinky’s neck a few times before speaking.

“Just let me know if I’m doing anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.”

“You’re doing just fine. Um... but can I ask you something?”

“Um... sure. What is it?”

“Do you want to pick me up?”

“I would actually. Is that okay?”


Lily looks to Arc. “Um... how do I do that to a filly?”

“The same way you would a human child. Put your hands where her armpits would be and carefully lift her to you.”

“I’ll try.”

Doing as she is told, Lily carefully picks Dinky up. Bringing her to her chest, she puts a hand on her back as Dinky gives her a hug.

“You’re so light!”

Frank chuckles. “Well, she is just a filly.”

Arc smiles. “Ponies are a bit lighter than one would think just by looking at them.”

Lily nods and smiles as she touches Dinky’s little nose.

“And just so CUTE!”

Dinky giggles. “That tickles!”

Shelly looks to Arc for guidance. “Is it okay to touch their noses though?”

Arc nods. “Yes. It has a term though. Can’t remember what it is off the top of my head though.”

“ ‘Booping’, sir.”

Max turns to Shelly and Lily before continuing.

“While not culturally unacceptable, booping is something that’s generally only done amongst foals and adult close friends.”

Derpy smiles. “Or family.”

Arc walks over to Lily and tousles Dinky’s mane. “But how can one resist the urge when they’re just so adorable!”

Frank turns to Lily. “One last thing. Ponies don’t usually hug.”

“They don’t?”

Dinky giggles as she lets go of Lily’s neck. “Yeah! But my dad and I hug all the time!”

Derpy shrugs. “She’s just used to that.”

Shelly puts a hand to her chin thoughtfully. “What do they do to show affection then?”

Max puts a hand on Shelly’s shoulder. “Nuzzling, mostly.”


Derpy nods. “Right. Let Dinky and I show you.”

Lily sets the filly down. She trots over to her mother and begins rubbing her side with her face. Derpy does the same as the others watch. Arc chuckles.

“Pony huggles.”

“Huggles, sir?”

Frank raises an eyebrow. “Is that actually a word?”

Arc shrugs. “No idea. But that’s what I think of every time I see ponies nuzzling.”

Derpy smiles. “I like that word.”

“Me too, mom.”

Arc motions to the door. “Well, we should probably get moving.”

Derpy nods. “Yes, lots to do today.”

Shelly appears confused. “Where are we going though?”

Arc smiles. “The Little Hooves Orphanage.”

Max looks to Shelly. “Miss Derpy is the cook over there.”

“Should we walk or take a portal over though?”

Arc thinks for a moment “Well...”

“Oh, could we please walk?!”

Max raises an eyebrow. “Shelly?”

“I’d really like to see the town and its inhabitants!”

Frank frowns. “Is that really such a good idea though?”

Dinky points a hoof toward the window. “They plowed the streets too so the wheels won’t get stuck!”

Derpy shivers instinctively. “It is pretty cold out.”

Shelly grins. “I don’t mind!”

Arc shrugs. “If you really want to, then sure.”

They put on their coats as Derpy grabs a blanket from the bedroom. Flying over to Shelly, she carefully drapes it over the young woman and tucks it in.

“There. That should help keep you warm.”

“Thank you.”

Max walks over to the wheelchair. “Might I push you, Shelly?”

Shelly nods. “I would love that, Max.”

Derpy flies over to the door and opens it. Max pushes Shelly as Arc, Frank, and Lily follow them. They look around to see the small town stretched out before them. Pegasi fly around with wrapped packages as Unicorns walk by levitating gifts of their own. A few Earth Ponies here and there pull wagons laden with Hearth’s Warming goods. Shelly and Lily gasp as they look around.

“It’s... just so beautiful!”

“Like a page from a storybook!”

Max chuckles. “That it is.”

Arc gestures with a grand wave of his hand. “Shelly... Lily... welcome to Ponyville.”

Frank smiles at them. “They appear impressed.”

Derpy smiles nervously. “That’s good... right?”

“Yeah, mom.”

Shelly looks all around as Max pushes her down the street. “The air’s so clean here! It’s like a dream!”

Lily giggles. “But I sure don’t want to wake up!”

Max smiles. “This town stays pretty peaceful.”

“Are they all like this?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. There are larger towns and even cities like back on Earth.”

Frank motions to the sky overhead. “Looks like there’s some work in progress going on up there.”

Looking up, Shelly and Lily appear puzzled.

“Are those Pegasi... pushing the clouds?”

Derpy nods. “That they are.”

Shelly raises an eyebrow. “But why?”

Dinky giggles. “Because it’s Hearth’s Warming!”

Max laughs. “It’s tradition for it to snow today.”

Arc points skyward. “Right. Here the weather is controlled by the Pegasi. They’re making sure the clouds are equally dispersed so things don’t get out of hand.”

Frank chuckles. “Wouldn’t want a blizzard.”

Shelly giggles. “So they can say when it’s going to be sunny and when it’s cloudy?!”

Arc nods. “Yup. Even storms too.”

Lily gasps. “Amazing!”

Derpy looks up. “I don’t see Rainbow Dash anywhere though.”

“She has the day off, mom.”

“Ah! Right!”

Arc clears his throat. “In any case, we should probably tell you two a bit more about this orphanage we’re going to.”

Shelly looks to Frank soberly. “Is it a place for ponies with no parents?”

“And griffons.”

Lily grins. “Griffons?!”

“They’re about what you’d imagine. Front half bird back half lion.”

Shelly looks to Arc. “I think I remember you saying something about that during the interview.”

Lily appears hopeful. “But are they friendly?”

Dinky grins. “Yeah!”

Derpy giggles. “They’re the sweetest little things too!”

Frank nods. “You’ll see for yourselves soon enough though.”

A short time later they arrive at the building. Arc gestures with a wave of his hand.

“Here we are... the Little Hooves Orphanage.”

Derpy and Dinky push the double doors open as Max approaches with Shelly. Entering the building the sounds of happy foals and younglings playing rings out. The girls look around as a mare approaches them. She looks to Arc and smiles.

“Good morning. Are these your friends from Earth, Arc?”

“Yup. Shelly and Lily, this is Coco Pommel. She’s the Matron here at the orphanage.”

Coco Pommel smiles happily. “How do you do?”


“Good... day?”

Frank chuckles. “No need to be shy, girls.”

Max grins. “Right. Miss Pommel helped raise me along with the rest of the commander’s squad.”

Shelly gasps. “She did?”

Coco Pommel nods. “That I did. However I was but a young mare back then.”

Derpy smiles. “You still are, Miss Pommel.”

Dinky giggles. “Yeah!”

Arc looks to the classroom. “I thought lessons were done for the season.”

Derpy motions to the open door. “Miss Cheerilee and Miss Peachbottom are having extra programs.”

Frank turns to Shelly and Lily. “This is also the town school.”


“Are they behind in their studies?”

Coco Pommel shakes her head. “Oh no. You see, the younglings that came over from the Griffon Kingdom weren’t allowed to go to school in their home country. So they had to work extra hard to catch up to their foal classmates. But now that they are, the little ones just can’t get enough learning.”

Arc smiles. “That’s good to hear.”

Shelly appears hopeful. “Can we watch?”

Frank frowns. “It would be a bit rude to interrupt their class time though.”

Coco Pommel smiles. “I think they’d like the chance to meet somepony new though. As long as you don’t mind them asking a lot of questions, miss.”

“That’d be fine with me.”

Coco Pommel motions to the door with a hoof. “Go right ahead then.”

Turning to Max, she nods. Pushing the wheelchair toward the classroom they spy a large group of younglings gathered around two mares. Cheerilee looks up at they enter.

“It looks like we have some visitors today. Let’s all be respectful and remember to use our inside voices everypony.”

The younglings look at Shelly curiously as Max wheels her up to the front of the room. She smiles as they run over, put their talons on her chair, and look up at her with wonder filled eyes as they call out in unison.


Shelly giggles. “And hello to all of you too.”

Arc looks to Cheerilee. “Sorry to barge in like this, but my friend here really wanted to meet all of you.”

“It’s quite alright. I’m Miss Cheerilee.”

“And I’m Miss Peachbottom. We teach and tutor the younglings that are enrolled here.”

Shelly nods respectfully. “How do you do?”

Gigi looks to Shelly. “Hi!”

Geoffrey points a talon. “Are you a... what’s that creature called again?”

Ginny shrugs. “A human?”

Shelly nods. “That I am.”

Glynda looks at her seat. “Why are you in that chair with wheels?”

“My legs don’t work very well at the moment.”

Max nods. “That’s why I’m pushing her around.”

Lily gestures to the classroom. “This is a very nice place of learning you have here.”

Geoffrey grins. “We love it here!”

Gigi points to the teachers. “Yeah! Miss Peachbottom and Miss Cheerilee are REALLY nice!”

Glynda looks out the window at the others playing outside. “And we made a lot of new friends!”

Ginny looks up at Shelly. “Are you an orphan too?!”

“Why yes, I am.”

Lily sighs. “So am I.”

Frank raises a hand. “As are Arc and I.”

Coco Pommel smiles warmly as she puts a hoof on Max’s fetlock. “Us too.”

Arc looks to Cheerilee. “Tell us, what’s the lesson today?”

“We’re teaching the younglings about the story behind Hearth’s Warming.”

Peachbottom nods. “And the history of our nation’s forming.”

Frank puts a hand on his chin thoughtfully. “Friendship and getting along with others, right?”

Coco Pommel smiles. “Exactly. But we should probably let the lesson continue.”

Shelly sighs. “I suppose we should.”

She looks to the younglings and pats their heads.

“Thank you very much for letting me see your classroom. Study hard.”

The orphans all call out together. “We will!”

Max pushes Shelly out of the classroom and back to the Main Hall. She looks over at Arc happily as Derpy and Dinky rejoin them.

“I’m glad this nation’s orphans are so well cared for.”

Max gestures to Arc. “That’s all thanks to the commander here.”

Lily appears confused. “Arc?”

“Early into my tenure as the Hero of Light I was told that the matron of the original orphanage was abusing her wards. When I found the allegations to not only be true, but far worse than I thought, I personally drove her from her post.”

“So you saw to it she was fired?”

Max snickers. “No, he physically removed her.”

Dinky grins. “Smack, pow!”

Arc motions to Coco Pommel. “Yes, well... she’s gone now and someone whom actually cares about raising orphans is in charge.”

Coco Pommel turns to Derpy. “Gallus and Natalya are in the kitchen getting this afternoon’s meal ready. Is the plan unchanged?”

“Yes, Miss Pommel. I’ll head over there now and give them a hoof.”

Lily looks over. “Do you need some help in the kitchen?”

Dinky giggles. “That we do. It’s a really big meal.”

Shelly smiles. “I’d like to help too if I can.”

Max looks over. “Then I’ll join you, Shelly.”

Frank chuckles as he claps Arc on the shoulder. “It looks like our path is set, old friend.”

“Let’s start walking then.”

They head for the kitchen together. With the extra help the meal is prepared in record time. As noon strikes, the orphans file into the cafeteria and sit down at the tables. Derpy, Natalya, and Gallus bring the food out and fill the buffet as Coco Pommel stands before the foals and younglings to speak.

“This week you’ve all been learning about Hearth’s Warming and how it’s an important part of Equestrian history. Our ancestors were able to build this great nation by putting aside their differences and getting along. Much like all of you have.”

The orphans appear confused as Coco Pommel continues.

“We all have our differences. Some of us have hooves while others have talons and paws. Some of us have muzzles while others have beaks. Some of us were born here while others came later in life. But Hearth’s Warming is a time to look past our differences and focus on what brings us together. What makes us whole. Pony... griffon... human... it doesn’t matter what you are. But that we can work and play together side by side to make this land bright and joyous. Not just for me... not just for you... but for the future generations that will come. Now then, let’s keep working together for a brighter tomorrow and a blessed future.”

The orphans clap their hooves/talons together happily. Frank nods to Coco Pommel, signaling that they are ready.

“Now then... I’ve been told that a very special surprise has been prepared for all of us by Hero of Light Arc. Even I don’t actually know what it is. But I do believe that we’re in for a treat.”

Arc walks over to stand with Coco Pommel. Looking around at the happy orphans he smiles and begins to speak.

“A long time ago I too sat in an orphanage. It wasn’t nearly as nice as this one, of course. But I was happy, as my friends Shelly, Lily, and Frank were there with me. Together we spent each day running, jumping, and playing. As the years went on not much changed. Well, other than our size, I suppose.”

The orphans giggle for a time before Arc continues.

“One thing that was looked forward to each year was the Christmas Eve ice cream party. Frank and I would sneak into the freezers and take the tubs of ice cream stored there for everyone to enjoy. Then we’d go back to the others, eat ice cream, and just talk. It was a simple pleasure, but one that we all loved. So much so that every year since then I would go back to the orphanage to give them ice cream and presents.”

He looks around the room before speaking again.

“However, this year I’m going to be here in Equestria. Frank’s buddies will be taking care of the yearly ice cream ritual though. But us... oh, I’ve planned something so much better than frozen treats. Now then... is everypony ready?!”

The orphans reply in unison.


“Okay! Now I need everyone to close their eyes tightly while I do this!”

Giggling, the orphans obey. Arc looks to his friends in the back.

“Hey now. I said everyone. Frank, Shelly, Lily... you too. If we don’t all do it, the magic trick won’t work.”

Smiling, they comply. Arc double checks to make sure everyone is complying before continuing.

“Alright, good. Now then, I’m going to need a bit of help from all of you to make this work. Everyone count backwards from ten to zero.”

“Ten... nine... eight... seven... six... five... four... three... two... one!”

“Very good! And here... we... GO!!!”

Raising his hands they glow brightly as the entire room is filled with an intense light. As it subsides Arc calls out.

“Alright. Everyone open your eyes.”

They do so and collectively gasp. Looking all around they find themselves on the back patio of Light’s Hope. The buffet and tables being the only vestiges of the room they just left. Chuckling, Arc calls out.

“Everyone... time to eat!”

Cheering, the foals and younglings hop up from their chairs and form a line in front of the buffet. Lily and Shelly look around as he approaches them. Shelly is the first to speak.

“Where... are we?”

“My base down the road from the orphanage.”

“But where did all the snow go?”

Frank chuckles. “I’m guessing this is your Sanctuary, Arc.”

Arc nods. “That it is.”

Dinky runs over. “Yup! It’s my dad’s pocket dimension!”

Max grins. “So none of this is real, sir?”

“Just what I brought with us from the orphanage.”

Shelly appears confused. “But what’s a pocked dimension?”

“It’s literally what it sounds like. An alternate plane of existence that I created with my magic.”

Dinky giggles. “My dad’s SUPER powerful!”

Arc grins as he kneels down and tousles her mane. “That I am, sweetie. Now then, why don’t you go get something to eat while I fetch the others?”

Lily smiles at him. “You have more little ones to bring over, Arc?”

“Not quite. I invited my friends to join us here in my Sanctuary for this party. I just need to open a portal here to let them in. That way you can meet and greet everyone while the line goes down.”

Shelly smiles. “That sounds lovely!”

“They should all be gathered by now. So let’s get started.”

Waving his hand a portal opens. A few moments later figures start passing through a few at a time. Shelly giggles and waves.

“There are your friends, Max.”

“Right. Viktor, Hugh, and Xenos you already know.”

Lily grins. “Hey! Long time no see!”

Shelly calls out. “Glad to see you all together again.”

Arc waves a hand to return the squad to their pony forms. Max looks to Shelly with his big pony eyes and smiles sheepishly.

“Guess the guys and I back to fur and wings again.”

“Well, I think you’re cute like that!”


Lily looks to the others. “So are your friends.”

Xenos turns to Hugh. “Hear that? Lily thinks we’re cute.”

Hugh rubs his armor to shine it. “We need to keep up appearances.”

Viktor smiles. “Good to see you two safe and sound again.”

A mare and filly pass through next. They hurry over to Arc and smile as he leans down to hug them. Turning to Shelly and Lily, Arc smiles widely.

“This is Rarity in her true form.”

Rarity smiles warmly. “Hello! It’s good to finally be able to meet Arc’s wonderful childhood friends.”

Arc turns to the filly. “And this is her daughter, Belle.”

“Right! But my real name is Sweetie Belle!”

Shelly giggles as she looks to Rarity. “She’s adorable!”

Lily nods. “And looks just like you, Rarity!”

“Why, thank you! I hope she was a good little filly when she visited you on Earth.”

“Rarity... you’re embarrassing me!”

Arc nods. “Yes, she was a little angel.”

Another group passes through the portal. Arc motions to them as he speaks.

“This is Applejack. Her family here owns the local apple orchard.”

Applejack waves happily. “Hey there! Nice to finally meet you two. This here’s my little sister Apple Bloom.”

“Nice to see you again!”

Arc chuckles. “We called her April when you first met.”

“And this here is my big brother, Big Mac.”


“He don’t say much.”

She turns to the matriarch of the family before continuing.

“And this is Granny Smith. Say hello, granny.”

Granny Smith looks around, confused. “Where’d all the snow go?!”

Apple Bloom sighs. “We explained that earlier, granny. It’s a pocked dimension.”

Applejack nods. “Right. Nothing here is real.”

“Darn crazy newfangled magical doohickeys.”

Apple Bloom takes her grandmother’s hoof. “Come on, granny. We’ll get you something to eat.”

Arc snaps his fingers to materialize a special table and chairs for them. “There’s a rocking chair for you Granny Smith over there.”

“Thank you kindly, youngin’.”

Looking to the portal again they see Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy step out. Arc motions for them to approach as he speaks.

“This is Rainbow Dash. She’s the one Dinky mentioned earlier.”

Lily nods. “You mean the pony whom controls the weather?”

“Right. She had the day off today though.”

Rainbow Dash grins as she hovers proudly. “Glad to see you looking healthy, Shelly! Arc told us you weren’t doing too well.”

“I’m doing much better now, thanks to Arc.”

“Next we have Pinkie Pie. She’s our town’s party planner and part time baker.”

Upon seeing Shelly and Lily, Pinkie gasps hugely as she floats cartoonishly in midair. Dashing away for a moment, she returns with a literal welcome wagon. Pressing a large red button, she begins to sing as the wagon plays a tune.

“Welcome, welcome, welcome! A fine welcome to you! Welcome, welcome, welcome! I say how do you do?! Welcome, welcome, welcome! I say hip-hip hurray! Welcome, welcome, welcome to Ponyville today!”

Shelly and Lily giggle and clap as confetti flies out of the wagon. Pinkie grins.

“Hi there! I’m Pinkie Pie! But you can just call me Pinkie! I helped Arc plan this party, because I’m a party planner! It’s what I do! Hope you have a nice time here in Ponyville, or Arc’s pocket dimension, or wherever we are!”

Lily giggles. “Pleased to meet you!”

Shelly brushes the confetti from her lap. “Thank you for that enthusiastic greeting.”

“Did you like it?! Oh, I’m always SO happy when somepony smiles! But I’ll heave-to for now! Lots of other ponies for you to meet!”

She bounces aside as Arc gestures to Fluttershy. Slowly stepping forward, she extends her hoof to Arc whom takes it.

“This is Fluttershy. She’s our town’s resident animal expert.”

“Um... h-hello. Nice to meet you.”

Lily gasps. “Oh my!”

Fluttershy cowers back slightly. “D-did I do something wrong?”

Lily shakes her head. “Oh no! I just can’t get over how pretty you are.”

Shelly nods. “And your sweet voice is just amazing.”

Fluttershy blushes slightly as she turns away. “Why thank you.”

A large group comes forth as Arc continues introducing them one by one.

“Next we have my friends from Canterlot Castle. This is Hammer and her sister, Mio.”

“Hey there!”

“Good afternoon.”

Arc nods. “They’re humans just like us.”

Hammer laughs heartily. “Anyone else saying that would sound completely nuts!”

“But it’s true, sister.”

Shelly waves. “Hello.”

Lily nods. “What part of Earth are you two from?”

Hammer jerks a thumb behind her for some reason. “That base Arc broke you out of!”

Shelly gasps. “What?!”

Mio groans. “My sister means that we defected from them and joined Arc here in Equestria.”

“Right. Hammer keeps the castle secure and Mio is her aide.”

Lily smiles. “It’s nice to be able to work with family.”

Hammer grimaces. “Yeah. Even if it’s a pain sometimes.”

Mio glares at her. “Hammer!”

“What?! It’s true!”

Frank clears his throat loudly. “You should probably continue, Arc.”

“Yes, I think you’re right.”

He puts a hand on Ember’s shoulder.

“Ember you know already.”


Shelly smiles. “Hello again, miss.”

Lily appears confused. “So do we call you Dragon or Ember now?”

“It’s Ember.”


Shelly giggles. “We’ll try to remember that.”

Arc motions to another woman. “Then we have Doctor Maria Knowles. She’s the one you saw when you woke up aboard my ship yesterday.”

“Hello again you two. Feeling alright?”

“I am.”

“Somehow, yes. Even considering all this excitement.”

Arc gestures behind Maria. “Next we have her daughter, Auriel.”

“Glad to see you two up and about.”

“She’s half demon, half human...”

Arc gestures to King Malevolence as he continues.

“...which makes sense due to her father being a demon.”

Malevolence bows respectfully. “Good day.”

“Um... hello.”

“Do we... need to be worried?”

Malevolence shakes his head. “Not to worry, as I’m reformed.”

Ember narrows her eyes. “Are you sure?”

“Watch yourself, lizard.”

Maria glares at him. “Now honey, remember that you promised not to start trouble if you came.”

Malevolence sighs. “Yes dear.”

Lily looks past them. “Is that Scarlet back there?”

Arc nods. “Yup. Come up here and say hello.”

Doing so, Scootaloo smiles shyly and waves a small hand.

“Hi again.”

Arc snaps a finger and turns Scootaloo back into her pony form

“She’s a Pegasus though.”

Shelly smiles warmly. “You’ve very cute, Scarlet.”


“I beg your pardon?”

“It’s my real name. Big Brother changed it when we went to Earth.”

She looks around before continuing.

“But it looks like he saved the most important for last.”

Shelly appears confused. “Oh?”

Arc nods. “Right. There’s one more guest left.”

A mare steps out of the portal and walks over to Arc. He puts a hand on her back before speaking.

“Shelly... Lily... this is Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

Shelly gasps. “Princess?!”

“This country’s ruler?!”

Twilight waves a hoof happily. “Hi!”

Shelly grabs Lily’s hand as she does her best to stand. Leaning on Lily, the pair quickly kneel respectfully. Arc chuckles.

“You two don’t need to do that.”

Twilight nods. “Right. I’m just like everypony else here.”

Rainbow Dash snickers. “Yeah. Except with the fancy crown.”

Frank steps forward to help Shelly up as Lily looks to Twilight nervously.

“I-I’m sorry, your highness.”

Shelly bows her head. “We’ll do our best to...”

Arc interrupts her. “Now, now... Twilight is very down to earth about most things. You can just talk to her like you would anyone else.”


Applejack motions to the others. “After all, it’s not like she’s the only royal here.”

Ember raises a claw. “Right. I’m the Dragon Lord. Well... kinda.”

Applejack smirks. “Aren’t you kinda still a princess?”

“That too.”

Malevolence flexes. “I’m the king of the Great Demon Kingdom.”

Maria facepalms. “And I’m his queen.”

Auriel giggles. “That makes me a princess too.”

Sereb walks over. “And I am the Warchief of my tribe.”

Fluttershy appears confused. “When did you get here?”

“I followed the group from the castle.”

Frank puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “So Sereb is really high up there.”

Sereb shrugs. “One might say that.”

Hammer raises a hand. “I’m a lieutenant!”

Mio groans. “That doesn’t exactly put you on the same level, Hammer.”

“Sayin’ it anyway.”

Dinky points with a hoof. “What about my dad? He’s the Hero of Light. That kinda makes him above the princesses.”

“That’s complicated, sweetheart.”

Shelly grins. “Well... just so we do this right... my name is Shelly.”

“And I’m Lily.”

“Arc, Frank, and I grew up together.”

“Thank you for this kind welcome to your land.”

Shelly looks around. “Such a nice place. I see oh so many friends here, Arc.”

Lily smiles. “You’ve been busy.”

Auriel giggles. “Moreso than you know.”

Max turns to Arc soberly. “Sir, you might want to tell them the rest now.”

“I will. But we should probably eat now while the food is still warm.”

He looks to Shelly and smiles as he steps aside.

“After you.”

She giggles happily as Max pushes the wheelchair toward the buffet. Arc turns to the others and greets them one at a time. Exchanging hugs and nuzzles, Arc makes sure to greet each of his guests before they all head toward the buffet for lunch. Noticing that the orphans have mostly finished, Arc stands up and calls out to them.

“Hey! I have a questions for all of you!”

They stop playing and look to Arc expectantly as he continues.

“Do you wanna build a snowman?!”

Coco Pommel looks to him, confused. “But it’s far too warm here for snow, Arc.”

Apple Bloom nods. “Right! This is like early spring weather.”

Dinky grins. “Yeah. But I bet you have a plan, dad.”

“That I do. Watch!”

Snapping his fingers, a thin layer of snow forms on the grass. The little ones look at it confused as Arc walks over to the field and looks around.

“Not bad. But we’ll need more to be able to do anything.”

Holding his hands out, Arc quickly raises them. The bit of snow immediately turns to a foot and a half. The little ones giggle as the pop their heads out and look around at each other. Arc chuckles as Derpy calls out from a table.

“A bit much.”

Ember smirks. “You must not know your own magical strength, Arc.”

Sereb grins toothily from his place on Shelly’s lap. “Indeed.”

“Let’s try again.”

Slowly lowering his palms, Arc causes the snow to recede a bit. Only coming up to their fetlocks, the orphans begin running and jumping. Apple Bloom grins.

“This is fun!”

Sweetie Belle giggles. “It’s not even cold like real snow though!”

Dinky peeks out from behind a drift. “That’s the best part!”

Babs Seed holds up her hooves. “Snowball fight!”

They begin pelting each other, laughing happily. Coco Pommel walks over to Arc as he returns to the patio.

“Are you sure that’s good idea, Arc?”

Lily grimaces. “Yes, they might hurt each other.”

Ember frowns. “How?”

Shelly shudders. “Remember when we were kids, Arc? Someone accidently made a snowball with a rock inside.”

Lily turns to Frank. “I don’t remember that. What happened?”

“They needed a dozen stitches.”

Arc chuckles. “Not to worry. My Sanctuary is completely rock free. For that reason.”

He turns back to Coco Pommel before continuing.

“And if by chance they do hurt themselves we have a doctor here as well as a princess whom can heal wounds.”

Twilight smiles nervously. “Just small ones.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “Since when, Twilight?!”

Applejack groans. “She announced it at the last meeting.”

Pinkie giggles. “Yeah! Where were you, Dashie?!”

Hammer smirks. “Cupcake was probably sleeping.”

“I was really busy, okay?!”

Fluttershy steps forward. “Rainbow Dash is telling the truth. Her and I were working on getting a nasty stain out of her bedsheets.”

Rarity gasps. “Oh my! Were you able to get it out?!”

“Yeah, yeah. It was no big deal.”

Ember laughs. “You wet the bed, or something?!”

“What?! NO! I just spilled a drink! That’s all!”

Derpy giggles. “I suppose we’ve all done that before.”

Maria smiles at her daughter. “That brings back memories of you, sweetie.”

“Me spilling drinks?”

Malevolence laughs. “No. You often wet the bed.”

Auriel giggles. “Well, I’m happy to report that I almost never do that now.”

Dinky and her friends run over to them breathlessly.

“Dad! Do you wanna build a snowpony?!”

Apple Bloom grins. “We’re trying to make a life-sized one!”

Sweetie Belle groans. “But none of us is strong enough to do it.”

“Well, I suppose I could...”

Scootaloo interrupts. “Um... Big Brother?”

“Yes, Scootaloo?”

“Can I... can I talk to you about something?”

“Sure. Do you want to go somewhere private?”

“Kinda. Uh... but could Derpy come?”

Derpy appears surprised. “You want me there?”

Scootaloo nods. “And Dinky too.”

“Alright. Let’s go back to my quarters for a little meeting then.”

He turns to Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle before continuing.

“Sorry, but I’ll help you when we get back.”

“It’s okay.”

“Take your time.”

Arc leads the pair into the base and down the corridor to his room. Opening the door, he snaps his fingers to start a fire in the fireplace. Gesturing to the couch he smiles.

“Why don’t we all take a seat?”

Scootaloo sighs. “Thanks. That might help.”

They sit down together as Scootaloo looks to Arc.

“I’ve been thinking about what you said to me a while back, Big Brother.”


“About friends and having a family.”

She bows her head and continues.

“Two things I’ve spent most of my life without.”

Derpy smiles at her. “I know what that feels like.”

“I can tell that you really do.”

Dinky frowns. “But that’s not her fault.”

Arc nods. “Nor is it yours, Scootaloo.”

Scootaloo sighs. “For years I thought it was. Ponies would give me a wide berth... talk about me behind my back... and treat me like a monster.”

She smiles and looks to Arc.

“But not you, Big Brother. You really cared about me from the beginning. Even when you didn’t even know whom you were”

“You needed someone to care for you. Anyone could have seen that.”

“Well, if they did, nopony said anything. That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. All of you, that is.”

She turns to Derpy before continuing.

“I... both of us were used by others in the past and were treated badly. But it didn’t seem to seep into you like it did to me. So I wanted to ask how you can still be so positive about life in general?”

Derpy puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Well... in truth, I was about the same as you when Arc found me. But he showed me what love was and cared for me in the last days of my pregnancy. I think that if he hadn’t done that I would have died in the middle of my Living Room floor when the time came to give birth. After all, I was alone with nopony to guide me. But Arc took me and made sure my little Dinky was able to be safely born.”

Dinky giggles. “And then he stuck around and helped care for me.”

“You built a family, Big Brother.”

“That I did.”

“And I... I was kinda jealous of Derpy and Dinky.”

Dinky frowns. “Jealous?”

“That you seemed so happy. Even considering what happened, you were content with each other. Derpy and Dinky tried to include me in that. But I resisted.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Why though?”

“Because I didn’t believe they could be so... so caring. The things you two said and did... I thought it was all an act. Or that Big Brother had told you to try and bond with me.”

Arc shakes his head. “Nope. That was all them.”

“Yes, I see that now. And I want to see more.”

Derpy appears confused. “What... are you saying, Scootaloo?”

“I need... I need help.”

Arc nods. “And I’ll see to it that you get whatever it is you need.”

“Right now, Big Brother?”

“If you need it, sure.”

“Thanks. But I really just need a favor.”

“What do you need?”

Scootaloo reaches into her cloak and pulls out a paper. Handing it to Arc she speaks.

“This is my copy of my emancipation papers.”

Pulling out another paper she hands it over.

“And this is the one that was sent to Canterlot.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “How did you get this?”

“I have full access to the whole castle, Big Brother. Including the archives. Removing them isn’t actually allowed, but I needed to do so if I was going to get what I wanted.”

“And what should I do with these?”

“Destroy them.”

Derpy gasps. “What?!”

Dinky shakes her head. “But those are legal documents! You can’t do that!”

Scootaloo points to Arc. “The Hero of Light can.”

“That would make you a foal again. Well, in the eyes of the law, I mean.”

“I know. So... will you do it, Big Brother?”

Arc nods soberly. “Alright. But only if you’re sure this is what you want.”

“I am.”

Grabbing both papers at the top, Arc rips them in half right down the middle. Giving them a quarter turn he does so again before handing them back to Scootaloo. She looks them over for a few moments before tossing them into the roaring fire. Looking back to Arc, she smiles nervously.

“So... I’m an orphan filly again.”

“I suppose you are, yes.”

“Would you please take me to Coco Pommel, Big Brother?”

“Um... I can. But why?”

“Because the law says that all orphans are the wards of the matron.”

Derpy gasps. “You want to turn yourself over to the orphanage?!”

Scootaloo nods. “It’s the law.”

Dinky frowns. “But... but why?!”

“In truth, because I’d like Big Brother to ask her to fill out adoption papers.”

Derpy smiles. “You mean...?”

Scootaloo nods. “Yes. I’d like to be adopted by him and you.”

She turns to Dinky before continuing.

“And I want Dinky to be my sister.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin. “This is all very sudden, Scootaloo. Are you sure this is what you want?”

Scootaloo nods. “Yes, Big Brother. I want to be your daughter and to have a place in your family. If that’s okay.”

“love to adopt you. As long as you’re okay with staying here in Ponyville and going to school with Dinky.”

“Yes, I want that too. A normal life in a normal town. But if you ever need my help, I’ll still be your thrall.”

Arc turns to his friend. “Derpy?”

“She can live with us, yes. As long as it’s okay with Dinky.”

“It’s okay with me. But only if you’re willing to learn.”


Dinky giggles. “How to be a foal!”

“But I know how to...”

Dinky shakes her head. “Playing, sleepovers, spending time with friends.”

Arc sighs. “No more helping guard the castle, or stuff like that. You need to just focus on being a foal and having fun.”

“I’ll try.”

Dinky hops off the couch and holds out a hoof to Scootaloo. Stepping forward she cautiously takes it and the pair shake hooves. Derpy stands and gives them both a hug as Arc joins in. Scootaloo looks to Derpy and smiles nervously.


“What is it, dear?”

“Well... if it wouldn’t be too much trouble... could I... could I call you ‘mom’?”

Derpy smiles widely and nods. “Yes! Yes, I’d like that!”

Scootaloo grins and buries her face in Derpy’s chest.

“I promise I’ll be good!”

Derpy puts a hoof on her back. “I know you will, sweetie.”

Dinky grins. “And I’ll teach you everything I know about being a foal!”

“Like what?”

“How to play, for starters! Come on! Let’s build a snowpony!”

Scootaloo hurries after Dinky. Stopping at the door, she turns and looks back to Arc.

“Wait! Big Brother... what do I call you?!”

Arc smiles. “Whatever you want.”

“I don’t know if I’m ready to call you anything other than Big Brother though.”

“And that’s fine. Do what you will in your own time.”

“Do you think you could do something else for me though?”

“What is it?”

She removes her black cloak and looks at it for a long moment. Eventually, Scootaloo holds it out to Arc.

“Would you hold onto this for me?”

Derpy gasps. “You mean...?!”

Scootaloo smiles. “I don’t think I’ll be needing it anymore.”

Nodding, Arc walks over and takes the cloak. Grinning, Scootaloo runs out the door as Derpy moves to join him.

“That was amazing!”

Arc chuckles. “You mean the fact that we now have another daughter?”

“I was worried she’d never come out of her shell. That she’d just become a workaholic and burned out.”

“Like me?”

“At least you communicate, Arc. Her... not so much.”

“We’ll have to work on that. But why don’t we get back to the others?”



“That really was an amazing talk. Scootaloo was so honest and forthcoming about her feelings.”

“Yes she was.”

“But there’s somepony else whom needs to communicate with their loved ones.”

“Me, huh?”

Derpy nods. “You know what I’m talking about.”

Arc sighs. “That I do. But I can’t put it off any longer.”

They walk back outside to where the others are sitting in a large circle talking. Twilight waves Arc and Derpy over as they giggle together.

“Arc! Derpy! Come join us!”

Applejack chuckles. “We were just telling stories about all the stuff you’ve been up to since coming to Equestria.”

Shelly grins. “It sounds like quite the adventure!”

Lily grimaces. “I’ll say! Did you really defeat something the size of a building?!”

“Which time?!”

They all enjoy a laugh as Arc and Derpy take a seat. She looks around, confused.

“Where did Miss Pommel go?”

Frank points with his cane. “To play with the little ones.”

Fluttershy smiles warmly. “It’s nice to see them all getting along so well.”

Pinkie nods happily. “Yeah! Especially with her foalhood!”

Rainbow Dash glares at her. “Pinkie!”

“What?! She needs to make up for lost time!”

Auriel looks around. “It’s an amazing place you’ve created, Arc.”

Arc sighs. “Something for everyone here.”

Max looks to Shelly. “Even us.”

Shelly squeezes his hoof. “Are we an ‘us’?”

“Can we be?”

“I... don’t really know. I mean... is that legal here?”

Xenos shrugs. “Probably.”

Hugh taps the table with a hoof. “At the very least, nopony says anything about it.”

Rarity grins. “Yes. I’ve yet to hear a word about Arc and I.”

Lily smiles. “That’s good. And I do hope you’ll both be very happy together.”

Viktor laughs. “A regular ‘happily ever after’ for the commander.”

Shelly looks to Max. “For us too.”

“I’d like to come back to Earth with you and Lily, Shelly.”

“That would be nice, Max. But humans and ponies aren’t allowed to have relationships there.”

Lily appears concerned. “Then what are you going to do, Shelly?”

Max pipes up. “I could have somepony turn me back into a human. Then nopony would have to know.”

Shelly sighs. “That could work, yes. However, Lily told me everything that happened these past couple of days.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Like what?”

“How Lily and I were kidnapped and held in a military base, for starters.”

Arc groans. “That one was kinda my fault.”

Frank shakes his head. “Rieper was just trying to save you, Shelly. Although I’m still not sure why they tool Lily too.”

Lily looks away. “When they came to get Shelly I was asking a lot of questions. Next thing I knew I was waking up in that horrible cell.”

Mio turns to Hammer. “It might not be safe for them to go back there.”

“And Shelly should probably be monitored for a bit longer.”

Maria nods. “That would be wise, yes.”

Shelly sighs. “I’m sorry to be such a burden.”

Frank smiles at her. “You’re no such thing, Shelly. There’s plenty of room for you here.”

Arc nods. “Right. My homeland is your home too.”

Lily grimaces. “But would that be allowed? I mean... we didn’t go through a custom’s check or show passports.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “Huh?”

Hammer chuckles. “I’ll explain it to you later, cupcake.”

Twilight looks to them. “Not to worry. As the Princess of Friendship, I hereby declare that Shelly and Lily are honored guests here in Equestria for as long as they’d like.”

Shelly appears relieved. “Thank you very much, Princess Twilight.”

“Yes, we promise to do our very best to respect your land and its customs.”

Derpy looks to Arc. “And speaking of customs...”

“Right. I need to say something.”

Standing, Arc walks over to Rarity and takes her hoof. Turning, they face Shelly and Lily.

“Shelly... we’re all really happy that you and Max were able to come together again. That whole mess came about because I wasn’t willing to be Honest with both of you.”

“I understand your reasoning behind it though, Arc.”

Max looks to Shelly lovingly. “And things did work out in the end.”

“Well, I need to come clean about something else.”


“Some time ago I asked Rarity to marry me.”

Lily giggles. “You told us that back on Earth, silly!”

“Yes, well... there’s more to it than that. You see... there were others whom wanted to share their lives with me as well.”

Shelly appears confused. “Others?”

Applejack removes her hat and raises a hoof. “It was me.”

Derpy smiles nervously. “And me too.”

Lily frowns. “But... but you’re engaged, Arc. Why are others claiming their feelings at that point?”

Twilight bows her head. “It’s a very old custom here in Equestria. One that was for centuries buried in the dustbin of history. You see, I too confessed my feelings for Arc to my friends here. It was then that we realize how much he meant to all of us.”

Shelly appears confused. “To what end though?”

“I suggested the ancient idea of forming what is known as a ‘herd’ with Arc.”

Arc nods. “It’s where a stallion, or in my case a man, cohabitates with numerous mares.”

Lily frowns. “Cohabitates?”

Twilight sighs. “It predates the idea of modern marriage.”

Applejack motions to the others. “Right. So we all agreed that a herd would be in the best interest of everypony.”

Arc looks to Shelly. “Admittedly I was a bit... concerned when they brought it up. As you know things like that have been illegal on Earth for a long time. But as I got to know each of them, the idea began growing on me.”

“So you’re engaged to more than one mare, Arc?”

“Yes. Three actually.”

Rarity steps forward. “Derpy, Applejack, and myself.”

Twilight smiles. “But it didn’t stop there. We’ve been systematically dating in the hopes that all of us might join one day.”

Lily raises an eyebrow. “How many total, Arc?!”


Shelly gasps. TEN?!

“Please, Shelly. Hear the commander out first.”

“Now I know this whole thing sounds really, REALLY weird, yes. But I insisted on a long engagement period so we can slowly figure out whom is going to join us and how this is going to work.”

Rarity giggles. “While I was the first to fall in love with him, I would still enjoy sharing my life with Arc and our friends. It all started with a simple romantic dinner at my place. In my attempts to impress him though I accidently burned him with scalding tea. However Arc wasn’t upset at all. In fact, he was more concerned with my safety than his own. One thing led to another and before we knew it I was head over fetlocks in love with him.”

Applejack removes her hat as she speaks. “Same here. Arc and I lived together in a magical simulation for about a week. I’d had my eye on him for some time though. But I’d always been too reserved to say anything. So another princess put us in their personal realm so that we might bond. In that time I learned so much about both Arc and humans. By the end, I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.”

Derpy grins. “Arc cared for me when no one else in all of Equestria did so. He was my first ever friend and protector. Not only did he feed me when I had nothing, but even went so far as to personally deliver my little foal when the time came. But his care for me didn’t stop there. He was even willing to sign Dinky’s birth certificate and take her on as his legal daughter. Arc’s been so loving to her and I since we met, and I honestly can’t imagine my life without him at this point. I look forward to standing by his side for the rest of my life.”

Hammer smirks. “We all feel that way too.”

Auriel smiles. “Right. Arc just... kinda completes us.”

Pinkie nods fervently. “He’s just so... so NICE too!”

Rainbow Dash looks to Arc seductively. “And a heckuva good looker too! I mean... check out those muscles!”

Fluttershy smiles shyly. “Arc’s so very gentle though. I know he could really hurt somepony if he wanted to. But he’s always doing his best not to.”

Ember licks her lips. “Which is downright sexy in its own way.’

Shelly smiles uneasily as she looks around at those assembled. “It’s nice to see so many of you dedicated to my oldest friend.”

Lily frowns. “Well, I think it’s kinda creepy.”

Frank turns to her. “Lily?”

“I mean... ten females all looking to share one man!”

Arc nods. “It’s a lot to take in all at once, I know.”

Mio sighs. “I agree. This whole thing just seems wrong to me.”

Hammer clenches a fist. “We’re gonna make it work though!”

“Maybe you are, Hammer.”

“Whaddya mean ‘maybe’, Mio?!”

Arc chimes in. “She’s right, you know.”

Hammer groans. “Not you too, Arc!”

“Think about it. This is all new to everyone. There’s really no guarantee that it’ll work out. But we’re all going to give it our best shot.”

“Right. And... um...”

Mio looks to Hammer before continuing.

“...I really do hope you find happiness in this, Hammer.”


Mio nods and smiles as she looks Hammer in the eye. “Yes. After all, I want the best for my sister.”

Lily groans. “But... how could she be happy competing with nine others?!”

Applejack smiles. “Because we won’t be competing.”

Rarity nods. “Right. It’ll be an equal footing for all.”

Derpy giggles. “We do understand that we’ll have to share his time, yes. But that’s the beauty of this plan.”

Pinkie bounces up and down happily. “Yeah! When we’re not with Arc, we can share one another!”

Fluttershy blushes slightly. “That... may have come out wrong.”

Ember shrugs. “She’s not wrong though. I mean... there’s probably going to be a lot of pairing up amongst us.”

Rainbow Dash grins as she jumps up and grabs Hammer’s hand. “I’m with cupcake then!”

Hammer nods. “Sounds good to me.”

Shelly grimaces. “That’s just a little... out there for us. I mean... I feel like everyone here is old enough to know what they’re doing. But it’s just... I don’t want to think about... you know...”

She gestures to Hammer and Rainbow Dash before continuing.

“...a human woman and a mare having sex.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “Say what now?”

Lily looks away. “She means you two pairing up.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Yeah, yeah. We get that. But what makes you think we’ll be having sex?”

Shelly frowns. “You mean you won’t?”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head. “Wasn’t planning on it, no.”

“I like cupcake and all, but... not really into that sort of thing with her.”

“Me either. It’d kinda make for an awkward relationship for the others too, what with having sub-marriages.”

Ember shrugs. “I’ve only ever slept with Arc by my side. And while Auriel was there at least twice, I didn’t consider her and I doing anything.”

Auriel smiles nervously. “Um... I may have.”

Arc turns to her. “Auriel?”

“You all have to understand that demons view things like sexuality very differently than ponies.”

Twilight nods. “That’s true. At least from what I know on the subject, yes. What can you tell us about your thoughts though, Auriel?”

“Well... I was in bed with Arc and Ember after the mission to save Princess Celestia. They were asleep after all that and I was snuggled up to him. Ember reached across as she got closer to Arc and... um... put her hand on my hip.”

“I did?!”

Auriel nods. “Yes, Ember.”

“Sorry about that.”

“It’s fine. After all, you were asleep. But it did make me think certain thoughts that I’ve been keeping to myself.”

Rarity raises an eyebrow. “Oh?”

“It made me feel... really warm. And good inside too. That and a bit more turned on than I was previously.”

“My touch did all that?!”

Auriel giggles. “It was more than that though. My body pressed against Arc’s and your hand on my hip just made me wish that I was between you two. Being sandwiched between two individuals whom cared for me.”

Rarity puts a hoof to her chin. “So you were considering intimacy with both of them?”

“Maybe not so far as sexuality, no. I know it might sound weird what with a demon wanting the touch of a dragon. But I really would like to know more about my own feelings regarding the others.”

Twilight smiles. “I think I know how you felt, Auriel.”

“You do?”

Twilight nods. “Yes. I felt very loved when I fell asleep with Arc in the past. However you have to remember that you and I have done the same.”

Fluttershy gasps. “You and Auriel?!”

Applejack’s eyes grow wide. “What happened?!”

“We’d sometimes just fall asleep on the floor together. A few times we did make it upstairs to bed, of course. But there were days where it was just enough to make it to my bed with her.”

Frank chuckles. “So you two have slept together in the past, Auriel?”

“A number of times, yes.”

Twilight giggles. “It felt very different from sleeping next to one of my friends. But that was probably due to her claws over their hooves.”

Auriel blushes slightly. “I do remember waking up with my arms around you a few times, Twilight.”

“Me too. At the time I just kinda wrote it off as our subconscious trying to keep us warm. But now that I’ve heard all of this I believe it was our minds trying to tell us something.”

Pinkie gasps. “What though?!”

Applejack bows her head. “That we all need physical intimacy.”

Rarity raises an eyebrow. “Need?”

Rainbow Dash grins. “I’m liking this more and more as it goes on!”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin. “Maybe ‘need’ was a strong word. But I do know that ponies are advised to get a certain amount of social interaction to stay healthy. Looking into it further, I learned that it’s also advisable to have a certain amount of physical interaction as well.”

Ember smirks. “You mean sex?”

“Not necessarily. While that is something that could be done, it also includes nuzzling, patting, hugs, and even cuddling to a degree.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “So cupcake and I hugging is healthy?”

“Right. We all need to be open about any kind of interactions we have with one another though.”

Rarity tilts her head to one side. “Open?”

“To help everypony understand what does and doesn’t work to us.”

Applejack gestures to the group. “So... we should spend time with both Arc and each other?”


Pinkie giggles. “But what if we accidently fall in love with one another?!”

Derpy appears confused. “In love?”

Rarity nods. “She means romantically.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin. “I hadn’t considered that before.”

Auriel smiles. “All the close quarters time spent together may bring about more deep relationships.”

Frank looks to Arc. “How do you believe such a thing should be handled?”

“I think if such a thing came to pass that we should all be honest and forthcoming about it. Make sure the others know and understand what is going on.”

Hammer nods. “Yeah. Secrets won’t help anyone.”

Ember steps forward. “How about if, for example, Auriel and I wanted to get closer than friends though? Would the herd try to stop us?”

Rarity shakes her head. “I don’t think we should, no. After all, that wouldn’t do anything to prevent it.”

Derpy looks to Arc. “So we could develop feelings for others within the herd?”

“I’d be surprised if we didn’t. After all, so many individuals living together and bonding makes for friendship. And love is just a deeper form of friendship.”

Rainbow Dash hovers next to Hammer. “So just to clarify, you’d be okay if I were to announce that cupcake and I were having feelings for each other, right?”

Arc nods. “Yes, I would. As long as you and her told everyone as soon as possible versus us just kinda putting two and two together and figuring it out for ourselves.”

Hammer shrugs. “Sounds fair to me. After all, if we didn’t allow for such things I wouldn’t have been able to get this far in joining the herd.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “But Arc hasn’t asked you to marry him yet.”

“You either though.”

“We haven’t gone out yet.”

“Neither have I. Well, real dates, I mean.”

Arc clears his throat loudly. “My suggestion is that everyone get together and talk through any new developments as they arise.”

Ember smirks. “Like we’re doing now?”

Auriel grins. “Makes sense. But can we try something right now?”

Derpy turns to her. “What is it?”

“I want to do an experiment. A simple one to explore what we’ve talked about here today.”

Rarity smiles. “What did you have in mind?”

“I’d like to be allowed to hug Ember.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Um... what?”

“That way I could explore my feelings and report to everyone how I feel.”

Arc shrugs. “It’s fine with me. Ember?”

“Sure, I guess.”

Auriel steps forward and wraps her arms around Ember. Pressing their bodies together as they do so Twilight walks around them.

“How do you feel, Auriel?”

“Very... nice.”

Ember turns to the mare. “It’s a warm fuzzy feeling inside.”

Auriel nods. “Indeed. But it’s certainly not romantic.”

“Agreed. It feels good though.”

“This is something I’d like to explore further as a study.”

Twilight nods. “Yes, it should be recorded for posterity. However I’d like to propose a bit of a side option.”

Arc looks to her. “What’s that, Twilight?”

“Would you please hug me, Arc?”


Kneeling down, he puts his arms around Twilight and holds her close as she does the same. A few moments pass before Twilight speaks.

“At the moment I’ve feeling very warm and loved.”

“Same here.”

Twilight grins. “It’s almost like I’m melting into him.”

Auriel smiles. “I feel the same when Arc and I hug.”

Ember sighs as she steps back. “Agreed. But I’m not getting that from Auriel right now.”

Twilight turns to the pair as she and Arc break off their embrace. “I believe that’s because you two aren’t feeling a romantic or sexual connection. Just a very friendly one.”

Arc nods. “Let’s test that theory a bit further than.”

He turns to Rainbow Dash before continuing.

“Would you come here please?”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Sure. What for though?”

“So I can hug you properly.”

“Let’s do it!”

Stepping forward, Rainbow Dash wraps her hooves around Arc’s body. Standing there for a few moments she frowns.

“This doesn’t feel anything like what you said it would, Twilight.”

“How do you feel?”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “A bit warm. But other than that not much.”

Applejack grins. “I get it.”

Fluttershy appears confused. “Oh?”

Rarity looks to her. “What’s happening then, Applejack?”

“Simple. It’s because they’re not in love yet.”

Arc nods as he lets go of Rainbow Dash. “I guess that makes sense. After all, we haven’t had time to go out and do anything yet.”

Hammer appears hopeful. “But that’ll change when he does, right?”

Twilight giggles. “Probably, yes. That is, if they bond.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Then I REALLY want to do that!”

Arc smiles at her. “And we will.”

Fluttershy looks to Arc. “After Hearth’s Warming, right?”


Shelly sighs. “Please think long and hard about this though, Arc.”

Lily nods. “Remember, we care about you too.”

Max looks to Shelly. “The commander’s always been fair with everypony that I’ve encountered though. But it’s certainly not something that can just be done over the course of a few days.”

Frank turns to his friend. “That goes for you and Max too, Shelly.”

“I do understand that. After all, a woman and a pony in a relationship would be unthinkable back on Earth due to bestiality laws.”

Lily smiles. “But here it kinda makes sense. I mean, sex with an animal is illegal back on Earth because they can’t properly consent to such an act. However everyone here appears fully able to make the decision for themselves.”

Arc nods. “We all need to keep each other appraised of our feelings and opinions going forward.”

Maria appears impressed. “That’s very mature of you, Arc.”

Malevolence grins. “Agreed. I have no qualms entrusting our daughter’s future to you.”

Auriel grins. “Thank you. It’s good to know that I have my parent’s approval in this matter.”

Arc turns to Shelly. “You and Max have my approval too.”

Shelly giggles. “That’s good to know. And I’m sorry if I sounded critical of your decisions earlier, Arc.”

Lily smiles nervously. “We really do love you, and want you to be happy.”

Frank puts a hand on Arc’s shoulder. “Agreed.”

Applejack moves her hoof in a circular motion as she looks at Shelly and Lily. “So... where do you two stand on this whole herd idea?”

Shelly turns to her. “I’m really glad that all of you seem so forthcoming with your feelings. And it sounds like everyone here does care for one another.”

Fluttershy giggles. “We’ve all been friends for quite some time, after all.”

Lily sighs. “That’s good and all, but I’m still not so sure about this idea of yours, Arc.”

“Thank you for being honest with me, Lily.”

“I do hope it works out for you all, naturally. But please don’t feel bad if it doesn’t go as planned.”

Rarity looks around the group. “Even if it doesn’t work out for the others... and it’s just Applejack, Derpy, and myself we’ll still remain friends with the others too.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Right. It’ll be kinda weird, but our friendship is stronger than that.”

Ember sighs. “I’m a bit of a special case here. But Arc’s already told me to do what I have to do and that we’ll always be friends.”

Hammer smirks. “All I want is a chance to see what’s possible between us.”

Mio smiles at her sister. “And I wish you the best of luck, Hammer.”

Frank looks around the group. “Does anyone else have anything to add before we adjourn this meeting then?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Meeting?”

Rarity giggles. “Yes, Arc. This is our normal tea time, after all.”

Derpy puts a hoof on his side. “It’s about time you came to one.”

Fluttershy nods. “They’re very informal, as you can see.”

Applejack shrugs. “Lots of talking frankly and honestly. Just like you wanted, Arc.”

Arc chuckles. “I guess everyone was right about that. And I’ll try to attend more of them in the future.”

Auriel grins. “Me too.”

Twilight sighs. “I wish I could. Audiences take up so much time though.”

Rarity smiles warmly. “We’ll schedule more for you then, Twilight.”

Applejack clops a hoof on the table. “That we will. And with that this meeting is adjourned.”

Everyone laughs together heartily as Arc stands and smiles. Snapping a finger they all freeze in time along with the foals and younglings. Turning to look out at the reader, he chuckles.

“What a nice way to end this year’s Christmas. Shelly’s cured and we’re all together again.”

Stepping forward slowly, he continues speaking.

“As you know I don’t generally step out of character. But I’d like to take this moment to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. My friends and I will be back soon with more adventures than you can shake a stick at. But at the moment there’s just one thing I want to do.”

Turning back to the festivities Arc snaps his fingers again and calls out as time begins to flow again for the others.

“Hey, Dinky!”

“Yeah dad?!”

“Wanna learn how to build a snowman?!”

“That sounds like fun!”

Arc hurries toward her. “Let’s do it then!”

The scene fades to black as the book is closed... for now.

Author's Note:

And there we have it. Another Christmas Special has come and gone. :twilightsmile: For the first time since I started posting my story, both you the reader and my wife are completely caught up with what I've written thus far. Every chapter has been translated and posted. Looks like I'd better get back to writing so you and her have something to read in the coming months. :trollestia:

We've come a long way since that fateful day Arc was brought to Equestria. Coming from nothing, Arc now wields power and influence over much of Equus as well as some back on Earth. Where will this road lead though? Be sure to tune in for future chapters as we draw closer to the final conclusions... one day. :twilightsmile:

But for now... I rest.

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