• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 9 - Forced Confessions

Arc and the others look down at the baby Ursa Minor as his mother lies by his side. He turns to Fauna.

“If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t believe it. I mean… he looks like a newborn cub.”

“Neither can I! It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before.”

Applejack looks to Twilight. “So this little guy is just fine now?”

“According to the readouts, yes. ”

Rarity sighs. “But how is really anypony’s guess at this point.”

Rainbow Dash proudly pats her Element with a hoof. “These things are AWESOME!”

Pinkie hops around. “Right! I wonder what else they could do?! Oh, oh! Do you suppose we could try using them to make the perfect cupcakes?!”

Fluttershy looks nervous. “Um… I don’t think the princesses would approve of that.”

Arc grins. “What they don’t know won’t hurt them.”

Cherry sighs. “Really, Arc?”

“I can’t help it. All that magical exertion made me hungry, and all. But we should probably get back to Light’s Hope soon.”

Fluttershy turns to Doctor Fauna. “Are you sure you don’t need me to stay? I don’t mind helping out.”

“Thank you, but I can handle him now. After all, his brain activity and physiology is now that of a very young cub.”

Twilight writes as they walk toward the door. “I’ll certainly add this to the record I’m keeping.”

Rainbow Dash looks confused. “Record?”

Applejack chuckles. “Twilight’s been writing down everything relating to the Elements for posterity.”

Rarity smiles. “Yes, it may be very helpful one day.”

They approach the outside door. Arc kneels down next to Fluttershy.

“You doing to be okay?”

Fluttershy forces a small smile. “Um… can I have that mask back again?”


Arc removes his mask from his ring and carefully puts it over Fluttershy’s head. He then picks her up and carries her out the door and down the path with the others. Applejack turns to Rainbow Dash.

“Well, I’m sure we’re all glad to have this mess behind us.”

“Yeah. And be able to rest now.”

Twilight frowns. “How can you even think of sleep after all this?!”

Pinkie giggles. “I know, right?! I’ll be up all night!”

Rarity sighs. “You do what you will, but I have to get some rest. Tomorrow will be quite the day for us.”

Fluttershy sounds confused. “It will be?”

“Yes. We have to fix all the damage to the decorations.”

Fluttershy gasps. “I didn’t even think about that! Was it bad?”

Applejack sighs. “Kinda. But if the six of us work together it’ll get done pretty quick.”

Twilight smiles. “Many hooves make light work, after all.”

Arc nods. “I’ll help too.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow skeptically. “You sure you have time for that? I mean, I’m sure you’ll be busy with the diplomats.”

Arc sighs. “Yeah. I was kinda thinking using that as an excuse to be late tomorrow. This whole thing really isn’t much fun.”

Pinkie giggles happily as she hops down the path. “I’m sure you’re doing fine! I mean, nopony’s been killed yet, right?!”

“There was some friction at the start. But we worked through it. Hopefully the rest of this thing will go smoother.”

They arrive back at The Equinox. Arc carries Fluttershy back to her room as the others say goodnight. He sets her carefully on the bed and removes the mask.

“Here you are, Fluttershy. Safe and sound back in your cabin.”

“Th-thank you.”

“You okay?”

“I suppose so. It’s just… I wanted to thank you for what you did this evening.”

“Which part?”

Fluttershy blushes slightly. “For not giving up on the cub. It was really very sweet of you.”

Arc nods and heads for the door. “He deserved another chance. But in any case, you should get some sleep. Moring comes early.”

Fluttershy calls out after him.



“I, uh… almost forgot to thank you for carrying me around tonight. Sorry I’m such a bother.”

“It was no trouble. You’re light after all.”

“In any case, it was very nice of you. Well, I won’t keep you any longer.”

“Good night, Fluttershy.”

Arc leaves the room, closing the door behind him. Fluttershy stares at the closed door for some time before sighing.

“I can see why the others like him so much. Arc is very understanding. Very… Kind.”

She sighs before heading to the bench in front of the mirror to look at herself.

“I should have said something! But… I suppose it has to be this way. He’s a very special human to all of us! And I’m… I’m not… he…”

Fluttershy’s hooves shake as she touches her face”

“…he can’t know the truth! Nopony can! Ever!”

Meanwhile, Arc returns to his room aboard The Equinox and lies down on his bed.

“That was a day and a half.”

Cherry sighs. “Yes, it was.”

“I’m just glad it’s finally over.”

Arc’s earring chirps. Cherry gasps, clearly surprised.

“Who in Celestia’s name would be calling you at this hour?”

Arc shrugs. “One way to find out.”

He props himself up on a pillow and touches the earring.

“Arc here.”

“Sir, it’s Shining Armor. My apologies for disturbing you so late, but things just recently calmed down over here.”

“Is there trouble?!”

“Not at the moment, no. After Twilight and her friends did… whatever it was they did it was pandemonium.

“I see. Well, I suppose that wasn’t something they see every day. But I assume the princesses were able to calm everyone down.”

“Yes sir. But Princess Luna had to give in to a certain… demand by the attendees.”

“A demand?!”

“That’s what I called to talk to you about. You see…”

Arc listens intently as Shining Armor explains the situation.

“I understand.”

“Thank you, sir. Again, I apologize for calling you about this so late.”

“It’s fine. I’ll take care of it in the morning.”

“Good night, sir.”

“Good night. Arc out.”

He touches his earring and severs the connection. Back in Light’s Hope, Shining Armor sighs.

“I don’t envy your position right now, sir.”

The next morning Arc opens his eyes to the first rays of dawn hitting his face. He sits up and stretches as Cherry calls out to him.

“Good morning, Arc.”

He sighs. “Morning.”

“Is something wrong?”


“You usually bound out of bed.”

“Well… I don’t know. Maybe I’m just… overworked, or something.”

“That much is obvious. Perhaps a break is in order?”

“Yeah. After the summit is over and the diplomats safely back home, I think I’ll take Derpy and Dinky aboard ship and take a flight.”

“Where to?”

“Anywhere really. Heck, I’d be okay just flying in circles.”

Arc sighs and stands up.

“That and I don’t like the business at hand.”

“You can do this. Just take things one step at a time.”

“It’s not so much me I’m worried about. But the others.”

He walks out the door and toward the Cafeteria.

“I need a coffee.”

“But you hate coffee.”

“Does that tell you just how low I am?”

“That it does.”

As Arc walks through the Cafeteria door aboard ship the smell of pancakes and eggs greets him. The Royal Guards eating stop, stand at attention, and salute.

“As you were.”

They sit and go back to eating. Arc spots Twilight and her friends at a table in the corner. He walks over to them.

“All of you are up early.”

Rarity nurses a cup of coffee with her magic. “Lots to do.”

Rainbow Dash nods with bags under her eyes. “And not much time to do it.”

Twilight nods as she pushes a tray of food toward him. “Sleep well, Arc?”

“I suppose so.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “Something wrong, sugarcube?”

Fluttershy appear worried. “Yes. You don’t look like yourself.”

“It’s just… Shining Armor called me last night after I left all of you.”

Pinkie giggles. “Wowie! He must NEVER sleep!”

“Probably not much right now. But the message he had was important.”

Rarity frowns. “Is something amiss?”

“Kinda. You see, the diplomats saw you six use the Elements of Harmony on the security cameras. I guess it wasn’t common knowledge internationally that Equestria had weapons of that caliber.”

Twilight looks confused. “Weapons? But they’re non-lethal.”

“I understand that. But the diplomats were… I guess very nervous and impressed at the same time would be the best way to describe it.”

Applejack nods. “Can we do anything to put their minds at ease?”

“That’s what the Princess Luna had in mind. You see… they wanted me to ask if all of you could possibly… join the summit.”

Rainbow Dash gasps. “US?!”

Fluttershy shrinks back. “But… but we don’t know the first thing about diplomacy.”

Pinkie shrugs. “What’s there to know?! Just smile and wave!”

Rarity holds her head high. “You’re close, Pinkie. We must show them that we’re just as regal and refined as they are. It’s important now that Equestria has taken up such a place on the international stage.”

Twilight nods. “We’ll help in any way we can.”

Rainbow Dash groans. “Fine. What do we have to do?”

“Well, after breakfast there’s going to be an official forum amongst the representatives. We’re going to attend.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “I don’t mind, but why?”

Pinkie stands up and puts her front hooves on the table. “Probably to show we aren’t a bunch of murderous mares, or something!”

“Kinda, yeah. You see, every single country asked to meet you six. And after what happened last night, we don’t really want to say ‘no’ at this point.”

Rarity puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Indeed. They’d think we were trying to cover up some kind of secret weapon, or something.”

Arc nods. “Yeah. Now let’s finish eating and head back to our rooms to shower and change.”

Fluttershy looks confused. “Change?”

Twilight turns to her. “We need to look the part. Fancy summits call for formal attire.”


Rarity looks around the table. “I can call Sassy Saddles and ask her to bring over our gala dresses.”

She suddenly gasps as her hooves fly to her mouth. Rarity looks to Arc apologetically.

“Arc, I am so sorry for bringing that up after… what happened back then!”

Arc nods sadly. “It’s okay, Rarity. But there’s one other addition needed.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “There’s more?!”

“Just one last detail. Princess Luna wants you six to wear your Elements.”

Twilight turns to Arc. “Wouldn’t that be interpreted as flaunting our nation’s power?”

“Maybe. But she was very insistent.”

Rarity finishes her coffee. “Very well. Let’s get the grounds cleaned up so we can get to work making ourselves look presentable.”

“I do have some good news on that. Princess Cadance had some guards working outside all night. Rarity will have to look it over to make sure they did everything correctly, but it should save us some time.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Well that was a lucky break.”

Arc chuckles. “Not really. It was MY condition.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “Condition?”

Pinkie giggles. “Ohhh! Arc was bargaining with them!”

“Well, it is a summit. That and we don’t have time to do both.”

Pinkie jumps up excitedly. “Let’s go see how they did!”

The group leaves the Cafeteria. Arc looks over to them.

“Follow me.”

Fluttershy points a hoof. “But the Main Hatch is this way.”

“Right. But the Observation Deck is over here. We’ll be able to see the whole grounds from there.”

Twilight smiles at him. “Good idea!”

The group reaches their destination and look out the perimeter windows. Rarity nods approvingly as she surveys the grounds.

“Not much is out of place. I’ll have to change a few minor things. But at least we’re not starting from scratch.”

Arc looks out at the grounds. “I’ll send a messenger to Carousel Boutique for you, Rarity. Do you need anything else from your shop?”

“No. I believe I have enough supplies to make everypony here glamourous.”

Applejack chuckles. “As many suitcases as you brought aboard, I’d reckon that’s accurate.”

“One must always be prepared.”

Arc turns to leave. “I need to get cleaned up and report to the princesses. Fluttershy, could you fly over to the vet’s office and check up on our furry guests over there?”

“Sure. I suppose they would want an update on that this morning.”

“That’s what I was figuring. Can you stop by my quarters aboard ship when you get back?”


“I’ll escort everyone to the base when you’re ready.”

Twilight nods. “We’ll make the princesses proud!”

“Thanks. See you in a bit.”

Arc leaves the room. Pinkie leans in and whispers loudly.

“He’s cracking up!”

Rarity raises an eyebrow. “Really? I though he looked a bit tired, but…”

Twilight sighs. “It’s stress. He really needs more time off.”

Rainbow Dash turns to the others. “Should we do something?”

Fluttershy puts a hoof to her chin. “Maybe we should invite him to one of our spa days.”

Applejack shakes her head. “I wouldn’t. Last time I mentioned that, he looked really uncomfortable.”

Pinkie laughs. “Why’s that?! The spa is amazing!”

Twilight sighs. “Probably a human modesty thing.”

Meanwhile, Arc stops by his office aboard ship to call Carousel Boutique before heading back to his quarters. He steps into the shower and sighs contentedly. Cherry calls out to him.

“Feeling more relaxed now?”

“A bit. Showering really helps me relieve stress.”

“I was talking about breakfast with the others.”

“Oh. That was nice too.”

“Twilight and the others are really dedicated to you.”

Arc smiles. “Yes, they’re good friends.”

“Just friends?”

“What do you mean?”

“You didn’t see what I did?”

“I was kinda out of it back there. Why?”

“They were all ogling you.”



“Uh… what’s that mean?”

Cherry giggles. “It means they were checking you out!”

“Oh no… should I teleport over to Canterlot for some more of Zecora’s cure?”


He chuckles. “I’m kidding. But in all seriousness, no I honestly didn’t notice them… ogling me as you put it.”

“They’re all fine mares.”

“I suppose so.”

Cherry sighs. “Arc… the day’s going to come when you need to make some serious decisions on whom you’re going to spend your life with. Come on, now. I know you’re not blind.”

Arc puts a hand on the tile wall and puts the other to his forehead. “Fine. I… I guess I’ve been in Equestria long enough to find certain mares… attractive.”

“What about me?”

“You were the first.”

Cherry giggles.

“I can understand your hesitation. I mean… it was hard for me to come to terms with the fact I was physically attracted to a different species. Believe me, my parents would not have approved of that.”

Arc sighs. “Mine either. But admittedly this whole species thing has been holding me back for the longest time.”

“Well you need to get over it and put yourself out there, Arc. Start spending time with somepony special.”

“Who though?”

“That’s up to you. Who do you like?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Wow, that was forward.”

“Come on, Arc. Don’t change the subject. You know I could just go into your mind and see for myself.”

“Why don’t you?”

“Because I want to hear it from you.”

Arc sighs. “Okay. Let me think for a minute.”

He stands under the warm water for several minutes collecting his thoughts.

“This is hard.”

“Which part?”

“Where to begin.”

“Should I start you off?”

“I think you’re going to have to, Cherry.”

“Okay. I’ll say a name, and you tell me how you feel about them.”



“Can we start somewhere else?”


“Fine. Natalya is a very… dedicated griffon. She’s very loyal to her brother and to her kingdom. Even after they betrayed her, she didn’t seem to want revenge. But I have to be honest. I’m really not romantically attracted to her. Even though I do think she’s kinda cute.”

“That’s fair. Now how about Ember?”

“Ember’s certainly pretty. Human or dragon form, that is. She’s completely dedicated to me, and can always be counted on to watch my back. I do care about her. Just not more than a friend though. And that’s probably for the best, what with her being the next Dragon Lord.”

“That’s understandable. Next… Twilight.”

“Twilight is… really sweet. She’s nice, pretty and smart. I’m kinda flattered that she worries so much about me. But I do think she goes too far sometimes.”

“Kinda like you.”

“Very funny.”

“I wasn’t… let’s continue. Applejack.”

“Applejack is hardworking, honest, dependable, understanding, and… very pretty to look at. Don’t tell anyone I said this, but… I kinda have a thing for blondes.”

Cherry giggles. “Your secret’s safe with me. Keep going.”

“She always puts her family first and doesn’t like to tell others when something’s wrong.”

“Again, very much like you. Pinkie?”

Arc chuckles. “She has an amazing zest for life and making others happy. Pinkie is the most energetic mare I’ve ever met, and she lives to make others smile. Sometimes even when she herself is hurting inside. Like when I apologized that day in the bakery. After she confessed her feelings, I honestly didn’t know what to say. But admittedly I saw her in a new and better light.”


“Kind and compassionate. She’s definitely the counter to some of the hotter tempers amongst her friends. Quite the peacemaker that one. I… uh… don’t mind saying this to you, but… I believe she’ll make an amazing mother one day.”

“Very much so like you yourself in the parenting department, Arc. Rainbow Dash?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You’re joking, right?”

“I am not. Now talk.”

“Fine. Rainbow Dash is strong, loyal, brave, and high-energy. Not sure if there’s a feminine side to her that she chooses not to show, or what.”

“It’s there, trust me. I saw the memories of her coming on to you at Sugar Cube Corner.”

Arc blushes. “Oh. I, uh…”

“Her eyes were quite different from the others.”

“What are you talking about?”

“They were filled with sadness.”

Arc frowns. “Was that before or after she threw up? I mean, I just assumed she momentarily regained her senses and was disgusted at the thoughts running through her head.”

“That she was. But not with you.”


“She was sickened that her body was being forced to do something that made you uncomfortable. Rape is certainly not what I would call loyal.”

“I didn’t notice that back then. But what does that have to do with her feelings now?”

“Rainbow Dash was impressed by you protecting her innocence back then. That and you worked so hard to save her friends. Each of them represent their respective element, right?”

Arc nods. “So I’m told.”

“Well, you’ve certainly shown each of them actions that are befitting their Element. I can only imagine they find such character traits in a stallion very attractive.”

“Really? I hadn’t thought of that.”

“You need to stop thinking less of yourself. Believe me when I tell you that you’re the total package, Arc! That’s why I was so drawn to you myself.”

“I honestly don’t know what to think about this whole thing.”

Cherry giggles. “Well, we’re not done yet. Rarity?”

Arc is silent for a time. The only sound to be heard is the water splashing against his skin.

“I… until we had dinner together, I hadn’t really considered her anything more than a very nice friend. But that night we really… I don’t know… clicked. She tried so hard to make sure everything was perfect that evening. Even after she dropped that teapot on me, she did her very best to make things right.”

“I believe she’s been trying to do that for a very long time. Trying to make up for what happened to her years ago.”

Arc’s eyes grow wide.

“What?! But no one’s supposed to know about…!”

“And I won’t say a word to anypony. That I promise.”

Arc breathes a sigh of relief. “Thank you. She doesn’t need the whole town knowing about that event. But what did you mean about trying to make up for it? She didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Arc. A mare who goes through something like that feels dirty, used, and disgusted with themselves. By doing things for others, she is able to soothe her own wounds. You were the first one to find out about her little secret. And when you didn’t tell anypony or try to use that information against her, that just made her trust you more. After all, right now she just wants a stallion to hold and love. That and a father for Sweetie Belle.”

“Are you sure that’s how she feels?”

“Yes, Arc. Now how do you really feel about her?”

“But I just told you…!”

“I can tell you’re holding back. Now please… be completely Honest.”

Arc sighs.

“That night… as I lay next to her in my shorts… it just, I mean…”

“Take your time, Arc. Compose your thoughts and then answer.”

“Okay. That was the first time I ever felt a warm coat on my skin. I mean, as I was in just my shorts I was pretty much naked.”

“Were you embarrassed?”

“Not at all. In fact, it felt absolutely amazing having our bodies pressed together like that. I mean, I’ve slept with Derpy and Ember before but… the time with Rarity was much more… romantic. Her room was just so inviting and pretty.”

“Kinda like her?”

Arc nods. “Yeah. I mean…! Uh…”

“Glad you finally said it. Come on and finish.”

Arc sighs. “Her eyes just looked so trusting, and her coat was just so soft. I couldn’t help but stroke her.”

“You were doing more than comforting her back then.”

“I suppose I was.”

“Nothing wrong with that.”

“Truthfully, I kinda feel bad about it.”


“Because I don’t really know how I feel about her! Leading her on and then finding out it isn’t what we think it is would kill her inside!”

“But if you don’t try, you’ll never know.”

Arc sighs. “What about Sweetie Belle?”

“I know you’ll treat her well. Whether as her mother’s friend or as her father one day.”

“Admittedly, I really don’t know what to do about this.”

“You should probably talk to Rarity about it. Hear her side of things. I mean… it might have been a spur of the moment decision on her part for some physical pleasure. But she doesn’t seem the type to do something like that. Handle this like you would anything else, Arc. By listening first and then coming to a logical conclusion.”

“But what if Rarity and I really are interested in one another? What about Derpy and Dinky?”

“You’ll always be Dinky’s father, Arc. Nothing will ever change that.”

“But what about Derpy? That would certainly make things difficult for her.”

“So marry them both.”

Arc frowns. “That has GOT to be illegal.”

“Oh, it is.”

“Then how…?”

“You forget, the Hero of Light is above the law. If you wanted to take multiple wives you could.”

“But I’m planning on retiring before I settle down. I won’t be the Hero of Light then.”

“Every law can be given an exemption at the princess’ command. All you would have to do is get one of them to sign a royal decree and you wouldn’t be bound by that single law.”

“I don’t think Derpy would go for that. I mean… if I were to ask her that is.”

“Really now? How do you feel about her?”

Arc looks confused. “About Derpy?”

“Yes. She’s the only other mare you’ve been in bed with. Other than Ember, I suppose.”

“Well… I… I do care about her. She’s just so kind and nurturing. Perfect motherly material in my opinion.”

“That I’ve noticed. So what’s the problem?”

Arc sighs. “After what Moonlit Dusk did to her, I… I don’t think she’s interested in any kind of romantic relationship.”

“Have you spoken to her about it?”

“Well, no.”

“Then how do you know?”

Arc sighs. “What would I even ask? How she feels about polyamorous relationships?!”

“Back in the old days they used to be called ‘herds’.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Wait, what?”

“Such things used to be fairly common. After all, mares outnumber stallions here in Equestria by at least three to one.”

Arc frowns. “So you’re saying mares were treated like cattle?”

“No, no. They found a stallion they liked and just co-habituated.”

“So no one got married?”

“No. It wasn’t until Princess Celestia made a law about a thousand years ago making herds illegal that things changed. She was also the one who instituted the idea of marriage. Exemptions are quite rare, but do happen.”

“Well, I don’t really like the idea of forming a ‘herd’. It just feels so… impersonal.”

“I knew you would say that.”

“Then why did you bring it up?”

“To let you know that you had the option. Who knows? Maybe one day you’ll change your mind and take them all.”


Cherry giggles. “I know you’d make everypony very happy, after all.”

“Uh… you’re not serious about that whole ‘herd’ idea, are you, Cherry?”

“I am if you are.”

“Well, like I said, I’m not really interested. But… thanks for telling me though.”

“You’re welcome, Arc. But you should probably get out of the shower soon.”

“Why’s that?

“Because your hands are starting to look like raisins.”

Arc gasps. “What?! How long have I been in here!”

“Long enough.”

Arc turns off the water and grabs a towel. “Well, this talk certainly didn’t end the way I thought it would.”

“Agreed. I can’t believe I finally got you to confess!”

“You can see my thoughts. Why did you…?”

Cherry giggles. “Like I said earlier, because I just wanted to hear you say it.”

Arc rolls his eyes as he dresses. “Well if you’re so in tune with my potential future wives, if you were me, who would you choose.”

“That is a tough question. Even more so as a mare.”

“Come on. I won’t tell anyone.”

“Okay. But I’ll just whisper it in your mind.”

Cherry does so. Arc looks surprised.

“Interesting choice there, Cherry.”

“You asked and I answered.”

“I suppose so. Well, in any case, Fluttershy should be back anytime now.”

“Agreed. Let’s just be sure you’re groomed and ready for the day ahead though. Wouldn’t want you to look silly now.”


“No problem. I’ll try to make sure you look your best.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, no. I mean, thanks for the earlier talk. It really made me think about my options.”

Cherry giggles. “Like I told you before Arc. I want you to move on.”

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