• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 8 - A Dinner Date to Remember

Sometime later, as the sun approaches the horizon, Kibitz turns to Arc as he looks at his pocket watch.

“It’s about time to go, sir.”

Arc straightens up and nods. “Alright. Lead the way.”

Kibitz and Arc head through the room and out the door to the corridor. As they walk the stallion turns to him.



“While I’m certainly no closer to discovering what exactly is wrong with my granddaughter, I do appreciate the talk.”

“I’m sorry I couldn’t give you any more information.”

Kibitz sighs. “As you said before, that should come from Raven though, sir.”


Arriving at the door to Twilight’s chambers, Kibitz turns to Arc as the guards salute.

“Here we are, sir. You are now precisely on time.”


“Have a nice evening, sir.”

The guards step aside to let Arc approach the door as Kibitz continues on his way down the corridor. He takes a deep breath and prepares to knock before a guard turns to him.

“Sir, Princess Twilight wanted us to pass on a message to you.”


“She asks that you knock three times and enter the room.”

“Um… okay. Did she say why?”

“No sir.”

“Fine. I’ll do that.”

Raising a hand Arc knocks three times as asked. Pushing on the large double doors he enters as the guards pull them shut behind him. The sunset pouring through the windows is the only light source to be seen. Stepping into the room he looks ahead to a wondrous sight standing in front of the balcony doors.


The young demon smiles silently and nods as she steps carefully toward him. She is wearing an elegant yet simple black dress with slipper-like shoes. As she reaches him Auriel curtsies and bows her head.

“Good evening, kind sir.”

“I… “

“Do you like what you see?”

Arc nods, wide-eyed. “Yes, of course! You look amazing!”

Auriel giggles as she looks him up and down. “As do you.”

“I hope I’m not too early.”

Auriel shakes her head. “Right on time actually.”

Arc looks around. “Is Twilight still getting ready?”

“She’s not here.”


Auriel points to a scroll on a table nearby. “She wanted me to give you this when you arrived.”

Reaching out a hand Arc casts a Telekinesis Spell to pull the scroll to himself. Breaking the seal he unrolls it and begins to read.


As you know, tomorrow is the attack on Light’s Hope. I and the others have asked you numerous times this week to try and get some rest before the battle. While I understand that this matter is quite important, your feelings are just as important to us. Therefore Spike and I will be spending this evening directing the loading of supplies, weapons, armor, medical supplies, and military personnel onto The Equinox. Lists will be checked, rechecked, and checked again before I will deem the ship ready for departure.

In the meantime I want you to use this evening to relax and have a good time. While I had hoped that would be with me, it would appear that I’ll be rather busy tonight. However I didn’t want to leave you without a suitable replacement. As you know, Auriel has been looking forward to spending an evening with you for quite some time. She has been very patient thus far, but I believe she has waited long enough. My personal Hoof Maidens have seen to it that she has been properly prepared for tonight as well as given an itinerary for possible places to go after dinner. Please enjoy each other’s company and I’ll see you tomorrow morning.


Arc rolls up the scroll and looks to the expectant young demon before him.



“Would you… do me the honor of going out with me?”

Auriel nods fervently. “I would love to!”

Arc extends a hand as Auriel hurries toward him. Taking it in her claws she latches onto his arm happily.

“Twilight said that the kitchen staff will be waiting for us.”

Arc chuckles. “Then let’s not keep them waiting.”

Heading for the doors, they leave the room and head down the corridor together. Auriel looks up at him with a massive grin on her face. Coming to the Dining Room they see that the large table traditionally present has been removed. In its place sits a much smaller round table with two place settings across from each other. Two of the staff are waiting for them.

“Please have a seat.”

They pull out the chairs for the couple and allow them to sit before hurrying to the side of the table to address Arc.

“Your meal will be done cooking momentarily. The chef will bring it out personally as soon as it is ready.”

“Thank you. We’re in no hurry.”

They bow and return to the kitchen as Auriel turns to Arc and sighs happily.

“I’ve wanted to do this for such a long time.”

“Me too.”


Arc nods. “Yes. Getting to know you is important to me.”

Auriel blushes slightly “I… didn’t know that. How long?”

“Ever since I found out that you were… interested.”

“So it’s been a while.”

“Yeah. Sorry I’ve been too busy to act on it though.”

Auriel reaches across the table and pats his hand. “It’s okay. We’re together now.”

“This should happen more often.”

“Dinner together?”

“Yes. One on one meals as well as group time will help everyone get to know one another better.”

“I’d like that.”

The doors to the kitchen swing open and a familiar mare pushing a dinner cart walks out. Approaching them she levitates two covered silver platters onto the table. Pulling the covers off with her magic she looks to them happily.

“Here you are, sir. Two jumbo steaks with a side of salad for you both as per Princess Twilight’s orders.”

Arc grins at her. “Thank you, Saffron.”

Auriel gasps. “This looks amazing!”

Saffron gestures to the plates. “Why don’t you two cut into them and make sure they’re cooked to your liking?”

They do so. Looking the centers over they both nod.



Saffron smiles as she levitates a bowl of rolls onto the table. “I’m glad. Now then, can I get you two anything else?”

Arc shakes his head. “I’m good.”

“Me too.”

Saffron nods respectfully. “Very good.”

She reaches back to the cart and picks up a small crystal bell. Setting it on the table she turns to Arc.

“The waitstaff have orders not to interrupt you meal, sir. However you can ring this if you require more drinks, additional food, or when you’re ready to order dessert.”

“Thank you, Saffron.”


Saffron heads back to the kitchen and sits down at the table in front of her own plate of food. Smiling she picks up her utensils. Meanwhile the couple begin to eat. Auriel is the first to speak.

“It’s so flavorful!”

“That it is! Saffron’s pretty good at what she does.”

“I’ll be sure to tell her that when she comes back out.”

Arc chuckles as he picks up a bottle of juice and fills Auriel’s empty glass. “Yes, I’m sure that would make her happy.”

“Tell me, do they have food like this back on Earth, Arc?”

“Yes. They’re called ‘steakhouses’.”

“Are they common?”

“That they are.”

“I remember you telling me once that you took Hammer to one.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “If memory serves correctly that was our second date.”

Auriel smiles at him sheepishly. “Could… you take me to one someday?”

“I don’t see why not. It sounds like fun. But I get the feeling there’s a particular reason you wanted to go.”

Auriel looks out the window at the sunset as she speaks. “Earth. I want to know more about it. Learn the culture of humans… eat their food… speak with them… walk among them.”

“Your mother?”

Auriel smiles and nods. “While I never met her, I take comfort in the fact that I was able to tread the same land as she did. As a human no less.”

She thinks for a moment before continuing.



“Do you think I should become a human?”

“In form?”


“Which makes you more comfortable?”

“Either is fine for me. But do you find my demon form or human form more attractive?”

“That’s a tough one.”

“I would assume that you would find my human form more pleasing to the eye. We’re more similar that way.”

“To be completely honest with you, I’m more interested in your personality than your body, Auriel.”

Auriel blushes slightly. “It’s nice to know that you feel that way. I’d be willing to be in either form for you, Arc.”

“And either form works for me. Whichever makes you happy.”

“Thank you.”

They go back to eating. However Arc notices that Auriel appears to be thinking.

“Everything okay?”

Auriel nods nervously. “Y-yes. I was just going over something in my head.”

“What about?”

“My mother. Do you suppose she’d be proud of me?”

“I would hope so. After all, you’ve turned into quite a woman.”

“Have I though?”

“What do you mean?”

“Most of the time I just feel so… inadequate.”


Auriel puts down her utensils. “As you know, my father is the Demon King. He’s ruled the Great Demon Kingdom for centuries and is both feared and respected. My mother was a very intelligent scientist and, judging from the notes we took from Damocles Base, she accomplished great things in her field.”

She sighs and looks at her claws before continuing.

“But I’m just me. What have I done?”

“You helped us rescue the Shards and Princess Celestia for starters.”

“That was more you than me though.”

“What about your artificial sun idea?”

Auriel sighs. “That was partially Twilight’s idea.”

“But you figured it out.”

“It was a joint project though.”

“Auriel, you need to have more belief in yourself and your abilities.”

“But everything I do is with others.”

“And that’s just fine. What more could you want?”

“To do something great alone.”

“Why’s that?”

“Ultimately I want to be like my mother. Accomplishing great things. Her notes don’t mention anyone else helping her, after all.”

Arc smiles at her. “If that’s what you really want, fine. But I feel as though your mother could have accomplished so much more had she worked with others.”

Auriel sighs. “I still lie awake at night wondering what happened to her.”

“You father said that she just vanished though.”

“As smart as he said she is I can’t imagine her being dead. I can only assume that she found a way out of Tartarus.”

“That sounds reasonable. But I think someone here in Equestria would have seen her had she been wandering the land.”

“I’ve considered that. As strange as it may sound, I can only assume that she somehow ended up somewhere else.”

“You don’t think she’s back on Earth?”

Auriel shakes her head. “No. The Organization would have found her by now were that the case.”

“Wherever she ended up I hope she’s okay.”

Auriel picks up her utensils again. “Me too. But I’m sorry to make this meal’s conversation all about my problems.”

“No, no. That’s part of getting to know each other.”

“It is?”

“Sure. A relationship is a two way street, after all. We share the good times as well as the bad.”

“The bad does seem to be when a friend is most needed, I suppose.”


“But what about you, Arc?”


“Your own mother.”

Arc sighs. “Yes, well… she died when I was a young boy.”

“Do you miss her?”

“I guess. While I know that sounds callous, she was often a very negative person. Probably because she was always drunk though.”

“Sorry to hear that.”

“It’s not your fault, Auriel. But like you I do wonder if she would be proud of me.”

Auriel giggles. “I would hope so. After all, you have a long list of accomplishments to your name.”

“But like you they generally involve others helping me get the job done.”

“I suppose so. But how many sons can claim to have sat on a country’s throne?”

Arc chuckles. “Not many I would guess.”

“You handled it well from what I’ve seen. Any mother would be proud of that level of dedication.”

“Mine… wasn’t exactly the kind of person whom approved of helping others. But then again that might also have been years of alcoholism talking too.”

Auriel reaches across the table and takes Arc’s hand as she smiles at him.

“Either way, know that I’m proud of you.”

“And I of you, Auriel.”

Sometime later they finish their meal. Arc reaches for the bell and grimaces. Auriel appears confused.

“Is something wrong?”

Arc sighs. “Not… exactly. I just can’t bring myself to ring that thing.”

“But she asked us to.”

“I know, but…”

Auriel interrupts him. “If it makes you uncomfortable why not try calling out to her?”

“Worth a shot.”

He turns his head and looks toward the kitchen.


A few moments later the pair hear the sound of hoofsteps approaching the door. Saffron enters the Dining Room and hurries over to them.

“Forgive me, sir. I didn’t hear the bell.”

“Not to worry. I didn’t ring it.”

Auriel nods. “Arc just wanted to call you the old fashioned way.”

“Ah. Was there anything else I could get you two then?”

Arc shakes his head. “I’m pretty full.”

Auriel giggles. “Me too.”

“Those steaks were amazing though.”

“I’m glad you liked them, sir. And I hope we have a safe mission tomorrow.”

Auriel appears confused. “We?”

Saffron nods. “I volunteered to come too. After all, an army fights on its stomach.”

Arc grins. “Thanks. I’m sure they’ll be plenty of hungry individuals both before and after the battle. Well, we won’t keep you any longer then. You probably have a number of things to do before tomorrow.”

“All I have to do is check that the kitchen’s supplies were delivered.”

Auriel shakes her head. “Twilight’s handling the organization of the supplies personally.”

“Then I’m sure I have nothing to worry about. But I’ll still head over and see if I can lend a hoof.”

Arc stands. “Good idea.”

He extends a hand to Auriel before continuing.

“Shall we?”


Leading Auriel around the table, he turns to Saffron.

“Thank you again for the meal.”

Saffron smiles and bows respectfully. “Enjoy the rest of your evening, sir.”

She watches them leave before picking up the dishes and heading for the kitchen. Meanwhile, Arc and Auriel walk down the corridor together. Arc turns to her as she leans against him.

“Twilight’s letter said you had a list of things we could do after dinner.”

Auriel nods. “That I do.”

“If you’d like to do something special…”

“There is one thing I’ve always wanted to do with you, Arc.”

“Oh? What is it?”

Auriel gestures with a wave of her claw. “This way.”

She leads them to the Castle Gardens. Arc looks around, confused.


“I’ve always liked this place.”

“Being surrounded by plants, huh?”

Auriel nods. “Yes. After spending a lifetime in Tartarus I’ve come to LOVE the color green.”

Arc chuckles. “Then living in a tree with Twilight must’ve been a dream come true for you.”

“It was. For more reasons than you know.”

Arc takes her hand and leads her down a path. “Tell me about it?”

“Being around someone whom shared my interests was wonderful as was the smell of the tree itself every day.”

“Sounds like paradise.”

Auriel sighs. “It was, yes. I miss those days.”

“Hopefully one day you and Twilight can work on another project together.”

“That’s not likely now that she’s a princess.”

“I’m hoping that normalcy can be restored after we take care of Celestia.”

“It’s not just that. Remember, Ponyville was completely destroyed along with the Golden Oaks Library. That’s not something that can just be rebuilt.”

“Yes, well… maybe something can be done about it.”

“Like what?”

“Maybe you and Twilight could grow another library.”

Auriel giggles. “Even though I know what you meant, that sentence still sounds strange.”

“I know. But think about it this way. The Golden Oaks Library had to have been grown magically to be able to survive with most of its interior removed, right?”

“To say nothing for the basement.”


Auriel smiles. “That would be a nice project, yes. I’ll bring it up with Twilight the next time I see her.”


Auriel stops and looks around before lowering her voice.

“I’d like to show you something here, Arc.”

“What is it?”

“A very special place I found some time ago. This way.”

She pulls Arc toward a hedge. Getting down on her hands and knees Auriel crawls through a small break in the foliage. Following her, the pair reach the other side of the bushes and stand up. Looking around Arc sees a number of trees.

“What is this place?”

Auriel grins. “A bit of a nature preserve. I’ve found that the gardeners don’t tend to the area outside of the hedges.”

“Everything does looks more… natural here.”

“Whenever I have a moment I like to come here. It’s peaceful and I can easily be alone.”

“Are you having problems adjusting to castle life?”

Auriel shakes her head. “No. After all I lived in splendor with my father in Tartarus. But at least there I had the library all to myself. Here it’s used quite heavily by so many. Sometimes I just have to get away from it all.”

Taking his hand, Auriel motions for Arc to follow her. Doing so they come to the top of a large hill.

“Quite a ways down.”

Auriel nods. “True. But one might look at it another way.”


“It’s probably just easier to show you, Arc.”

Reaching behind a tree, Auriel pulls out a very large pan. Arc eyes it suspiciously.

“A wok?”


“A kind of pan back on Earth. But this one is truly massive!”

Auriel giggles. “I found this in the castle kitchen’s storage room. It was sitting in a corner all dusty and dingy, so I figured no one would mind if I borrowed it.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Borrowed it for what?”


She steps forward and sets it on the ground. Sitting down Auriel turns to him.

“Get in behind me.”

“Well… okay.”

<Arc does so as Auriel grabs his hands. Putting them around her waist she giggles.

“Hold on tight!”

Grabbing the wok’s handles, Auriel leans forward sending them sliding down the hill. Leaning left and right she steers the wok around trees, rocks, and potholes in the ground. A minute later the ground levels out amongst a small group of large trees whose branches and leaves cover the sky completely. Auriel steers them toward a pair of trees before using her magic to slow them down.

“Here we are.”

“Where though?”

Auriel giggles as she stands up. “My little hideaway. It’s a bit down the mountain though.”

“How far?”

Auriel points. “Let’s just say that you don’t want to go past that funny looking bush and leave it at that.”


“Come on. It’s not much, but I want to show you what I do here.”

Taking Arc’s hand she leads him over to a pair of trees. Reaching inside a large knothole Auriel pulls out a rolled up cloth. Laying it on the ground she gives it a slight kick to unroll it. Attaching one end to a tree she motions to another loop in the cloth.

“Can you hang that up for me, Arc?”


Spotting a small hook jutting out of the tree nearest him Arc latches the cloth to it as Auriel steps back and smiles.

“There we go.”

“A hammock?”

“A what?”

Arc points to the device before him. “Humans lie in these sometimes to relax. We call them hammocks.”

“Oh. I didn’t know that. And here I thought I had invented something extraordinary and new.”

She gestures to it before continuing.

“But please give it try.”

Arc carefully sits down and tests it with his weight.

“Feels pretty sturdy.”

“I was very careful not to strip out the hooks when putting them in.”

Lying down, Arc sighs contentedly.

“Well, it works.”

Auriel giggles and looks down at him.


Arc smiles and closes his eyes. “Very.”


Lying there for a few moments, Arc suddenly feels the hammock shift slightly. Opening his eyes, he spies Auriel sitting down on his thighs. Leaning over, she lays down on him and presses her lips against his cheek lovingly before speaking again.

“How about now?”

Arc chuckles. “Even better.”

“Look up at the branches overhead.”

Arc does so as he speaks.

“What am I supposed to see though?”

“Keep looking.”

They are silent as Auriel rolls over to lay next to him on her back. Together they continue looking up at the last bit of light from the sun shining through the branches. Eventually Arc speaks.

“I still don’t understand what I’m supposed to see.”

“Nothing, Arc.”


Auriel nods. “Clear your mind. Let it go blank as you concentrate only on the leaves overhead and the sounds they make.”

Arc does so. As time passes he begins to stroke Auriel’s cheek lightly. Eventually she speaks.

“Inner peace.”


“That’s what I feel when I do this. Think of it kinda like pressing the reset button on one’s mind.”

“I don’t understand.”

Auriel sighs. “You’re not much for relaxation.”

“Not really, no.”

“I’m not either. For me it’s always been rush, rush, rush to complete projects or do whatever research presents itself.”

“Some things can’t be put off.”

“But most can.”

“Why are you telling me all this, Auriel?”

“Because I don’t want you to drive yourself insane working toward a moving finish line.”

“A what?”

“Your career, Arc. You said before that it’s coming to an end. And that you’re looking forward to retirement.”

“Yes, but…”

Auriel interrupts him. “You planned to retire when Princess Celestia came back. But she was unfit to rule in her condition. So you accepted the mantle of Lord Regent to allow her sister and niece time to care for her.”

“I suppose that’s true.”

“Then you wandered the land with the Scarlet Filly for a long time searching for whom you really were.”

“It was quite a journey, yes.”

“Then when you remembered, you returned to Equestria and started a cloak and dagger campaign against Decimus and Celestia.”

“Which didn’t work out very well if you recall.”

Auriel continues. “This led to Ponyville being utterly destroyed. After rescuing and relocating the citizens to Abyssinia to keep them safe from Decimus you returned to Equestria to continue your offensive against the powers that be. Falling back into your old habits however, you tried to face her alone in an effort to try and talk things over. That led to you being jumped, knocked out, arrested, and sent to prison awaiting trial.”

Arc frowns. “Not the best time I’ve had.”

“After that you began a more aggressive and open campaign which led to Decimus and Celestia fleeing the capital. After you installed Twilight as the new ruler of Equestria you stayed by her side whenever possible to aid in the leading of the nation.”

“Which leads us to about now, I suppose.”

“What I’m getting at is the finish line you’re running towards is indeed in sight. However, circumstances are constantly conspiring to move it further and further away.”

“That makes sense, yes. But I don’t really know what I can do about it.”

“Make time for yourself. Take a walk, catch a nap, play a game with a friend, talk on the phone with us… whatever gives you a break.”

She leans in close to his ear and whispers seductively.

“Or… I’d be willing to give you some… special attention.”

Arc nods. “You’re right, Auriel. I know you’re right in my mind, of course, but… there’s just so much I need to do.”

“Then tell me this. If nothing changes, what will happen to you?”

“I… don’t really…”

“You will literally drive yourself to have a nervous breakdown.”

“That might be going a bit far, Auriel.”

“I don’t think so, Arc. Listen… I’m just worried about your mental health. As your future potential bride I’m really worried about you.”

Arc sighs. “Well, it’s kinda late to do anything about it now.”

“The attack tomorrow?”

“This has to end.”

“I know, Arc. We all want that as well. But we’re worried that it will end you too.”

“Remember, I’m not going in there alone.”

“That’s true. But I was referring to your responsibilities overwhelming you eventually.”


“Please, Arc. I love you so… SO much!”

“And I love you too. But I have to do what I have to do. After all, I can’t stop now. Not when we’re so close.”

Auriel sighs. “Yes, I… understand that. However, I’m not trying to get you to stop.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Then what…?”

“Like a vehicle, you can’t just immediately stop. You have to slow down first. Fight your battle tomorrow as you see fit. But after that you really need to start slowing down and stepping back. If not for me, then for little Dinky.”

Arc nods. “Yes… she needs a father.”


“Thanks for the talk, Auriel. I do appreciate it.”

Auriel smiles and traces his face with a claw. “That’s what I’m here for. Now then, I want you to just lay there, look up at the leaves, clear your mind again, and rest.”


Doing so, Arc lies there wordlessly with Auriel. Eventually his eyelids grow heavy and he closes them. A short time later Auriel hears his light, whiffling snore. Smiling silently in the darkness she pulls the sides of the cloth hammock over them as a makeshift blanket and snuggles up to him.

“Good night, Arc. Rest well.”

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