• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 6 - Dead End

Minerva hurries down the stairs to the main level. Reaching the bottom she quietly opens the door and steps into the corridor. Cherry whispers as Minerva runs quietly toward the back of the hospital.

“Someone’s coming this way!”

Minerva looks around frantically. “Gotta hide!”

“There’s a broom closet to your left!”

She rushes over and tries the door. “Worth a shot!”

Quietly opening the door Minerva hurries inside. The closet contains nothing but a few brooms, a mop, and various cleaning supplies. She closes the door all but a crack to peek out. A few moments later several thugs walk by in Shard uniforms. They are led by the three Shard Lieutenants whom look around, clearly disgusted. Stingray is the first to speak.

“Slobs, the lot of them!”

Hammer nods. “I’ll say!”

Mio sighs. “A little organization would go a long way for The Riders.”

Stingray turns toward their guards.

“Get everything ready.”

They nod silently and hurry back to the front of the building. Mio turns to Hammer.

“Are we really going to do this?”

“Heck yeah!”

Stingray frowns. “You heard the boss’ instructions, Mio. We just need to take care of a few things in the meantime.”

“I know. But this just doesn’t seem right to me.”

Hammer shrugs. “Yeah, well… he wasn’t asking us to like it. He was telling us to DO it!”

“Hammer’s right. Orders are orders. Come on. Let’s get to the docks.”

The trio head toward the back of the hospital. Minerva slips out of the closet and looks around as Cherry whispers to her.

“What do you suppose those three intend to do?”

“No idea. But they’ve unknowingly cut off our escape routes!”

“Those guards headed to the front, and those women are headed for the docks. They’ve trapped us!”

Minerva nods soberly. “I’m open to suggestions.”

Cherry muses to herself. “What would the Hero do…?”


“If the Hero was here he would find another way.”

“But the exits are covered!”

“Then he’d make an exit!”


Cherry sighs. “I’m not sure.”

“Don’t you have any magical powers that could get us out of this?!”

“No. I’m… just a voice in a helmet.”

Minerva sighs. “Great.”

“Well, we know we can’t do anything from the front or back door. What about a window?”

“They don’t open, and smashing one would give us away in a heartbeat.”

“Let’s head back upstairs then.”

Minerva frowns. “What?! But there’s nothing to help us up there!”

“It will put some distance between us and them, for starters. Maybe there’s something we missed.”

Minerva sighs as she heads for the stairwell. “Fine. But I have a bad feeling about this.”

The pair hurry up the stairs. Cherry calls out to her as she stops at the second floor’s door.

“Head up to the third. There’s nothing on two.”

“All right.”

Rushing up the stairs to the third floor, Minerva quickly opens the door to Bloodletter’s floor. She enters and allows the door to quietly close behind them.

“What now?!”

“Look around for… something big!”

“Like what?!”

“I don’t know. Something that would make a lot of noise I guess.”

Minerva’s eyes grow wide. “That would make them come running!”


“Cherry, have you lost your mind?!”

“I know it’s risky, but we need to lure them upstairs.”


“To get them away from the exits. With luck we can sneak out and no one will know we were here.”

“Sounds risky.”

“Do you have a better idea?”

Minerva sighs. “No. Fine, help me look.”


The pair look around for inspiration. Minerva points to a workbench with a large number of tools on it.

“What about grabbing a hammer or something and smashing a window over there?”

“Too spot on. That and we couldn’t jump that far.”

“I meant just to cause a distraction. Get them up here.”

“That COULD work. But a window would let them know for sure somepo… someone was up here. We really need something that casts a little more doubt on its source. Maybe we should check the basement.”

Minerva shakes her head as she continues to look around. “Don’t you know what they keep in hospital basements?!”


“The morgue.”


Minerva shudders. “I’d almost rather get caught than go down there!”

“You think there’s dead bodies?”

“This hospital hasn’t been used in many years. I know they wouldn’t have left anyone down there, or anything. But… that’s just too creepy for…!”

“Wait! Do you hear that?!”

“Hear what?”

Cherry gasps. “Someone’s coming up the stairs! There’s another stairwell on the other end of the floor!”

Minerva runs. “Are you sure?!”

“About what?!”

“Someone coming, or the other stairs?!”

“Yes to both!”

Minerva bursts through the stairwell door. It closes behind her just as Stingray steps out onto the floor. She looks around for a few moments and frowns.

“Odd. I thought I heard something up here.”

She stands there silently for a few moments listening.

“Must be rats.”

Stingray heads to Bloodletter’s office and looks around as she mutters to herself.

“What did you leave, you fool?”

Meanwhile, Minerva leans against the wall breathing hard.

“They’re everywhere!”

“True. But we need to stay focused.”

“Y-yeah! Do you know any of those Shards?!”

“Yes, but we can talk about that later. We need to move, Minerva!”

“Where to?!”

“The only place they won’t be.”

Minerva gulps. “You… you mean…?”

“The basement, yes.”

“I… I can’t!”

“It’s okay. I know it can’t be easy to…”

Minerva begins to shake in fear. “You don’t understand! I…!”

“Minerva! Snap out of it! We have to go now!”

Minerva nods and fumbles down the steps to the basement door. She pauses as her hand touches the cold metal of the doorknob. Cherry calls out to her.

“I’m right here, Minerva. Whatever’s down there we’ll face it together.”

Minerva looks over her shoulder as the sound of a door above them opening can be heard.

She opens the door and hurries inside. Minerva carefully and silently closes the door behind them as the footsteps above them head upward. Minerva presses an ear to the door and listens intently.

“I think they’re heading up.”

“They must not want to come down here for the same reason you don’t.”

Minerva shudders. “I doubt that.”

“Come on. Let’s see if there’s anything down here we can use as a distraction of some kind.”


Minerva walks down the dark corridor. She looks around nervously.

“I don’t like it down here!”

“Neither do I. But what else could we do?”

“I know that, but…”

The grating sound of the stairwell door opening rings out behind them. Cherry gasps.

“This room! Hurry!”

Minerva lunges toward the nearest door. Finding it unlocked she hurries inside and quietly closes the door behind them. Turning the lock, she breathes a sigh of relief as she rests her head on the door.

“We should be safe in here for a bit.”

“Good! Do you think this is a Records Room of some kind?”

“What makes you say that, Cherry?”

“There’re a lot of really big filing cabinets behind you.”

Minerva’s pupils shrink as she gulps. “Big… filing cabinets?”

“Yes. What’s wrong with that?”

Minerva slowly turns around to look at the far wall. Built into it are a large number of small doors one on top of another. She begins to shake in fear.

“Th-tho-those aren’t filing cabinets!”

“What else could they be?”

“Slabs! This is where the hospital takes dead people!”

“You mean…?”

Minerva nods as she takes a step back and presses her back against the doorframe. “Yes! The Morgue!”

The sound of the doorknob turning can be heard. Minerva takes a quick step forward out of fear. She whirls around to look at the door as the sound of keys jingling can be heard.

“Oh no!”

Cherry gasps. “There’s no other way out of here!”


“Just one, but you’re going to have to trust me.”

“At this point I’ll do anything!”

A few minutes later the door swings open. Hammer and Mio walk in. Holding her flashlight, Hammer fumbles to put away the massive ring of keys.

“Can’t see ANYTHING in this here hole!”

Mio nods as she holds her wand in one hand as she casts a Light Spell. “We’ll have to hurry and get out of here then.”

“I’m going as fast as I can, Mio!”

“We all are, I’m sure.”

Hammer shudders as the beam from her flashlight hits the morgue wall. “This place gives me the creeps!”

Mio walks over to a pile of boxes in the corner. “Agreed. Here’s part of what we came for though.”

“Good! Let’s get this stuff upstairs!”

Hammer points to the morgue’s drawers.

“Uh… what do we do about all THAT?!”

Mio picks up a few boxes as she does her best to maintain her Light Spell. “We’ll send a few grunts back for them while we take care of these. Can you get the rest of…”

Hammer picks up the rest of the boxes from the corner effortlessly. “I got em!”

The pair head out the door and back toward the stairwell. Hammer turns to see Mio struggling under the weight of her load.

“You know, you really should work out, Mio.”

“You know I don’t have time for that!”

Hammer sighs as she holds the stairwell door open. “Studying your magic non-stop isn’t helping you get any stronger you know.”

Mio sets her boxes down at the base of the stairs, breathing heavily. “I know. But magic IS my strength.”

Meanwhile, Minerva and Cherry breath a collective sigh of relief.

“That was close!”

Minerva nods. “Yes, but I almost wish they had caught us!”

She puts her hands on the stainless steel beam above and pushes with her feet. The slab she is on slides neatly out of the wall.

“I know that was hard for you, Minerva, but…”

“Hard?! I…”

“Wait! What is that?!”

Minerva glances down at the slab. “A sheet. Why?”

“It doesn’t look like it. Can you pick it up?”

“I’d rather not.”

“Minerva, please.”

Sighing Minerva picks up the navy blue cloth. Cherry growls.

“That’s not a sheet!”

Minerva looks it over. “You’re right! It’s a garment!”

Her face turns green as she holds her stomach.

“Something a dead body would…”

Cherry interrupts her. “No, it’s not!”

“Then what…?”

“Put it on! Hurry!”


“There’s no time! Trust me!”

Minerva does so.

“Now what, Cherry?”

“I think that’s a magic cloak!”

Minerva’s eyes grow wide. “Like what the Hero has?!”

“Something like it, yes.”

“How do I use it?!”

“You have to have some knowledge of magic to make it work.”

So I can’t…?”

“I… I’m from somewhere magic exists. I might be able to activate it and cloak you.”

Minerva looks toward the door, nervously. “Sounds like they’re coming back!”

“Almost… got it!”

A few moments later Minerva vanishes from sight. Cherry speaks to her telepathically.

“You’re invisible! Step to the side!”

Minerva silently does so as two Shard members enter the room followed by a third. They walk over to the slabs. Jackal points a massive finger at the slabs.

“There! Lieutenant’s want stuff inside!”

The other two open the slabs one by one and start removing more cloaks and a few crates. Cherry does her best to reassure Minerva.

“It’s okay, they can’t see or hear either of us. At least as long as I speak to your mind like this.”

Minerva silently but fearfully nods.

“Just think the words and I’ll hear you, Minerva.”

“Can… can you…?”

Cherry interrupts her. “…hear you? Yes I can.”

“How?! More magic?!”

“…kinda. The enchantment on my helmet, or now myself I suppose, allows me to do this.”

“Just… who are you really?!”

“I’m Cherry, remember.”

“No, no! I mean… WHAT are you?!”

“I… don’t understand.”

“The first time I put the helmet on, I…”

Cherry gasps. “Look! They’re pulling out weapons!”

The Shards pull out strange looking guns and several staves with gems on top. They stack them on top of the boxes in Jackal’s rather full arms. Snake turns to Jackal.

“Just a few more things. You okay, big guy?”


Wolf looks around nervously. “Yeah. I don’t like this place either. You, Jackal?”

Jackal shrugs as they head out the Morgue door. “Nah. I’m just hungry. By the way, Snake. What’s TNT?”


“What that?”

Wolf chuckles. “Think of them like really powerful fireworks. That’s why we told you not to drop them.”

Snake nods. “Yeah. We wouldn’t want them going off before we’re ready.”

“Can we watch?!”

Wolf grins. “You’ll be able to see from the truck after we leave.”


Snake pats Jackal’s back. “Don’t worry, big guy. That blast will be visible for miles!”

“You sure?”

Wolf laughs. “Yeah. Remember how many boxes we brought in?”

“A lot!”

Snake nods. “Right!”

“It okay for us to do this?”

Wolf turns to Snake. “Sure. I mean, no one’s anywhere near this building. Right?”

Snake nods as he picks up a crate. “Yeah. This place shut down long ago. But we need to get moving. Wolf, grab that last box and let’s get going.”

“Sure. You think Stingray’s friend can really handle that stuff on the first floor?”

“I sure hope so.”

The pair head down the corridor and up the stairs. Minerva breathes a sigh of relief as she hears the stairwell door clang shut. She leans against the wall.

“They’re gone!”

“Thank goodness!”

Minerva frowns. “But now we REALLY need to get out of here!”

“I didn’t like what they were saying. What do you think they were talking about on the first floor?”

Minerva peeks out the door and looks both ways. “Sounds like they’re planning to blow up the building!”


Minerva frowns as she moves quietly down the corridor. “Probably to destroy the evidence.”


“Who knows what The Riders were up to here! But whoever is up there wants it to stay a secret though! Who were those guys?!”

“Some Shard members. The Hero has fought them in the past.”


“Well, it wasn’t much of a fight. Pretty one sided in his favor.”

“What about those women?”

“Stingray, Hammer, and Mio. Lieutenants of the Shard gang. They’re working for Frank Fontaine.”

“What are they doing here then?!”

“No idea. But Hammer was here the night The Riders took on the Hero.”

“I remember that. It’s obvious they’re working together. But to what end?!”

“You’re guess is as good as mine. Just be sure to stay out of sight of Mio.”

“Why? Can she sniff me out?”

Cherry sighs. “Kinda. That and she can make you visible again.”

“What?! How?!”


“That doesn’t make sense! Are you sure?!”

“Yes. She’s done that to Hero and Dragon a couple times now.”

Minerva sighs. “Great.”

“All we have to do is avoid her. How hard could that be?”

Minerva sighs as she arrives at the door. “So do we go up?”

“Nowhere else to go but up after all.”

“I guess.”

Creeping back up the stairs Minerva slowly opens the door to the first floor and saunters down the corridor.

“What are all those wires for on the floor? They weren’t here when we came by the first time.”

Minerva looks at them nervously. “I’m not fully sure. But I have an idea.”

“What’s that?”

“A bomb.”

“I hope you’re wrong.”

“Me too.”

They make their way back toward the main entrance. A figure in a navy-blue cloak is working on a large black box sitting on the receptionist’s desk. Snake, Jackal, and Wolf hurry past Minerva and head for the robed figure. They look over to display a strange looking white mask. Cherry frowns.



“Someone who keeps visiting the Hero. No idea who they are though.”

“Wait! Weren’t they at the apartment fire?!”


Minerva gasps. “Yes! They jumped from the roof of a building across the street! I thought he was a good guy!”

“The Hero isn’t really sure, but…”

Snake walks over to the robed figure and salutes.

“We’ve taken care of everything you wanted.”

“Good. Where are the others?”

Wolf points a thumb down the corridor. “Stingray is still upstairs and Hammer is taking care of business at the loading dock.”

“And Mio?”

Jackal shrugs. “She say something about chasing down a magical dis-something or other.”

Snake sighs. “Disturbance. A magical disturbance.”

The figure stops working and looks around.

“A what now?”

Wolf shrugs. “She said she felt something magical was going on… whatever that means.”

“That’s just our cargo playing tricks on her. Find Mio and tell her to stop wasting time.”

Jackal nods happily. “Okay. I go find her!”

He turns to walk back down the corridor past Minerva. Turning he stops suddenly. Minerva calls out to Cherry nervously.

“Does he see us?!”

“He can’t.”

Jackal points a finger down the corridor. “There she is!”

The lieutenants round a corner behind them. Stingray calls out to the blue robed figure.

“We just finished…”

Mio’s eyes grow wide as she pushes past the other two and angrily raises her wand.


As he staff glows, Minerva again becomes visible. Wolf steps back, clearly surprised.


Snake talks nervously as she sees the familiar helmet. “Him again?!”

Jackal points happily. “Hey, it’s that nice guy from…”

Stingray pulls her whip. “Not smart, punk!”

Hammer grins and draws her gun. “You gotta lotta guts coming here and spying on US!”

Mio frowns. “This… is new.”


Mio looks to the other, her staff aglow. “I can’t seem to counter his magic this time! Be careful!”

The blue robed figure steps forward. “ I’ll do it myself!”

The figure raises a hand and strains as Minerva looks around frightfully and calls out to Cherry telepathically.

“Wha… what do I DO?!”

“I… I don’t know! Run?!”


“The front door is the closest! Make a break for it?!”


Minerva runs as fast as she is able toward the door. Stingray lets loose with her whip. She grabs Minerva by the heel and pulls her roughly back to land on her stomach. As Minerva rolls over and attempts to sit up Hammer fires a single shot at the young woman hitting her squarely in the face. The helmet absorbs the damage but knocks her senseless. Minerva’s head hits the floor with some force as Mio Blinks over and puts a glowing staff to her helpless victim’s chest.

“S-stay down, Hero.”

The blue robed figure walks over. “Who… is that?”

Jackal laughs happily. “Hero from…”

Snake nervously interrupts him. “There’s no way! That person’s WAY too small to be HIM!”

Wolf gasps. “Hey, you’re right!”

The figure turns. “You boys go back to the trucks and head back to base. We’ll handle this little problem.”

Snake, Jackal, and Wolf nervously nod and head out the front door. Stingray steps forward cautiously.

“Let’s take care of this!”

Hammer nods as she keeps her gun leveled at the figure on the ground. “Keep your eyes peeled! He’s a slippery one!”

Mio nods, not moving her wand. “Right!”

Stingray carefully kneels down and snatches off the helmet.

“What the…?”

Looking down the trio see Minerva’s face covered in blood oozing from her nose. Hammer turns to Stingray as she steps back, helmet in hand.

“Who the heck IS that?!”

Mio frowns. “No idea. But I’m guessing the recoil from your shot hit her nose, Hammer.”

Stingray shakes her head. “THIS is the so-called hero that’s been causing us so much trouble?!”

The figure shakes their head. “Doubtful. I don’t sense any magical energy emanating from her.”

Mio gasps. “That would explain why I couldn’t seal them.”

Hammer nods. “And the person I fought DEFINITELY had a man’s voice.”

Stingray holds up the helmet. “I agree. But where do you suppose she got this from then?”

The figure turns back to the box on the receptionist’s desk. “No idea. But in about twenty minutes it won’t matter.”

Mio looks up, confused. “What… what do you mean?”

“You three have set the charges, have you not?”

Stingray nods. “We have.”

“On all three floors?”

Hammer grins. “Yup! This place is ready to go BLAMMO!”

The figure pushes some buttons on the box before them. “Good. I’ll set the timer and we’ll be off.”

Mio gasps. “W-wait!”

“What is it, Mio?”

“What do we do with… whomever this is?”

“Leave them where they are.”

“What?! B-but… we can’t DO that!”


The figure walks over to Minerva. Reaching down they grab the strap and rip the camera from her shoulder. Stingray gasps.

“She saw everything.”

Hammer frowns. “And recorded it!”

The figure holds the camera and nods. “Correct. She can’t be allowed to live.”

They drop the camera onto the floor and stomp on it. The sound of buckling plastic fills the otherwise silent room. The remains are kicked next to Minerva as the figure turns back to the device.

“Just a few more buttons, and… there.”

A timer appears on the display and begins counting down. They turn back to the lieutenants.

“Let’s go.”

Stingray nods. “We’ll be right behind you.”

The figure calls out from the doorway as they leave. “Don’t tarry. Unless you want to be a memory.”

The three lieutenants looks soberly to one another as Mio falls to her knees next to Minerva and looks to the other two.

“We… we aren’t going to do this, are we?!”

Stingray frowns as she looks away. “Yes, Mio. We have to.”

Hammer sighs. “I don’t like it either. But… this woman’s seen too much.”

Stingray walks over to Mio and puts a hand on her shoulder. “It has to be this way. Don’t worry. She won’t feel a thing.”

“What about the boss’ dream! To make a better world?!”

Hammer turns to look down. “Sometimes you have to break a few eggs. Or in this case… just one.”

Stingray looks at the helmet in her hands before turning around and dropping it to the floor. It rolls toward Mio and bumps against her leg.

“Let’s go.”

Hammer nods. “Y-yeah. Right behind you, Stingray.”

The pair slowly walk out the main entrance together. Mio bites her lip and looks down at the unconscious woman for a few moments before casting a spell and putting the helmet back on her. She then picks up the camera and looks it over as she stands up.

“I… I don’t know if you can hear me or not, but… I’m sorry.”

Mio pauses a moment longer to fiddle with the camera before carefully putting it in Minerva’s hand and walking out to join Stingray and Hammer. The figure stands next to a truck talking to Hammer.

“Did you secure the exits?”

“Yes. Everything was locked when I got there.”

“Good. Back to base.”

As the blue robed figure and Mio get into the back of a truck. Stingray climbs into the driver’s seat as Jackal, Wolf, and Snake drive their trucks away. Hammer hops on her motorcycle and puts on her helmet before starting the bike and leaving. The figure looks to Stingray as she starts the engine.

“Not yet.”

Stingray looks over her shoulder. “What?”

The robed figure looks out the back window and raises a hand. Using their magic they effortlessly uproot a large tree. Turning it on its side they launch it toward the hospital. It slams into the main entrance completely blocking the doors.

“Now we can go.”

Stingray nods and pulls away.

“What was that all about?”

The figure stands up, removes their mask, and allows it and their cloak to fall to the floor, revealing themselves as Diva.

“Just a little insurance policy. Little missy isn’t getting out of there even if she does wake up.”

Mio’s eyes grow wide as she looks out the back window at the building shrinking behind them. She sighs.

“What… what have we done?!”

Diva walks over to the passenger seat and sits down.

“Our jobs.”

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