• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,627 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 12 - The Day "Evil" Came to Equestria

Arc awakens in an unfamiliar room. He looks to his left and sees Shining Armor lying on a bed next to his. The Bloodstone on the nightstand between them. Feeling something warm on his right side, Arc looks over to see Trixie lying on the bed next to him, snuggled up to his side.

“Hey... Trixie. Wake up.”

Trixie slowly raises her head and looks around a bit dazed. “Wait. That really happened?”

Arc nods. “Um... I think so. Where are we?”

“Some village just outside the Gates of Tartarus. The residents here carried you and Shining Armor to the hospital.”

Arc looks over at the stallion in the bed next to his! “Shining Armor! How is he?!”

“The doctor said he’d be fine. He just needs some more rest.”

Shining Armor groggily raises his head and looks over to the pair.

“Did we... win?”

Arc nods. “Um... so it would seem.”

Shining Armor looks over at Arc in the hospital bed, slowly regaining his senses. “You okay, Arc?”

Arc sits up slowly. “More or less. My memory is a little... hazy though...”

Trixie pushes on Arc's chest! “Please Arc! You still need to rest!”

Arc puts his hand to his head. “Trixie… how did I escape from Tartarus? The last thing I remember is... Auriel looking down at me. What happened after that?”

“Some demon-girl helped you back to the village. And by ‘helped’ I mean she pretty much did everything! It was the strangest thing though... I thought demons couldn't pass through the barrier!”

Shining Armor’s eyes grow wide! “Wait! There's a DEMON in Equestria?!”

“Where is she now?!”

“She said I looked hungry and offered to ask the nurse for some food. I can't believe I'm saying this but…. she's actually pretty nice! For a demon, I guess!”

The door opens and Auriel walks through carrying a tray of hospital food. She looks at Arc a bit nervously.

“Oh, you're awake! I... uh... brought some food. I hope that's okay...”

Shining Armor jumps out of bed, his horn glowing!

“Don't worry you two. I got this!”

“Shining Armor, stop!”

The confused stallion turns to Arc. “Um... what?”

“She's on our side, I think...”

Arc turns to Trixie.

“Is she on our side? Again... my mind’s still a bit fuzzy.”

Trixie nods. “Considering what she did earlier, I'm leaning toward yes.”

Auriel nervously walks forward with the tray and offers it to Trixie, Arc, and Shining Armor.

“Please eat! You all look very hungry!”

Arc nods. “Thank you Auriel! That was very kind of you!”

He reaches for the food before stopping and looking at Auriel.

“I'm sorry. Where are my manners?! My name is Arc. I'm Equestria's Hero of Light. Sorry there wasn't time for a real introduction earlier.”

“I'm Trixie Lulamoon. Thanks for not... um... killing Arc earlier.”

“Um… hi. The name's Shining Armor. If the Hero of Light says you're okay, I believe him. But don't think for a minute that I won't be watching you!”

Auriel nods, shyly. “Considering the circumstances at the time, I understand. I know I already told you my name Arc, but... for the sake of the others, my name is Auriel and I... um...”

She looks quite worried about something! Squeezing her eyes shut, Auriel speaks hastily!

“I'm the daughter of King Malevolence! I hope that's okay!”

Arc’s eyes grow wide! “Wait! You're the Demon King's daughter?!

Auriel, quickly becoming frightened, backs away hastily! “Y-yes. Please don't hurt me!”

Arc shakes his head. “Don't worry Auriel. I have no intention of hurting you.”

Trixie nods. “Let's hear her out Arc! I know this may sound crazy, but I really think she means us no harm!”

“I don't think it sounds crazy at all Trixie.”

Arc looks Auriel up and down before continuing.

“Auriel, you don't really look like or act like the other demons I’ve met so far.”

Auriel nods, nervously! “Um... thank you? Oh, that's right! A nurse told me someone named Mythic Honor wanted you to meet him in the Town Square as soon as you were awake!”

Trixie turns to Arc. “We should see what he wants Arc! It sounded urgent!”

Arc sighs. “I doubt it. In fact, I'm almost certain I already know what he wants.”

He tosses the covers off and throws his legs over the side of the bed. Grabbing the Bloodstone off the nightstand, Arc puts it safely in his pocket.

Trixie puts a hoof on Arc’s knee. “Don't push yourself too hard! Please, rest some more! A blind pony could see that you're not back to full strength yet! Not even close!”

“Thanks for your concern Trixie, but I really need to get back home soon.”

Shining Armor gets to his hooves. “What's the rush, Arc?”

“Well... I may have run off to rescue the two of you without telling anyone else where I was going, as I figured I’d be back by nightfall. Derpy, Dinky and Ember must be worried sick!”

Arc stands up and heads for the door.

“Let's get this over with...”

Auriel looks to him. “Um, Arc... can I... um... you know...”

Arc nods. “Of course! I'm not leaving you alone in a strange land!”

Auriel lets out a sigh of relief! “Whew! Thanks! Sorry for being so burdensome!”

“It's no trouble! To tell you the truth, I felt the same way when I came to Equestria.”

Auriel looks at him, confused. “You weren't born here? Then where?”

“Another world called Earth. But we can talk more about that another time. Shall we?”

Arc and the others make the short walk to the Town Square. Mythic Honor is pacing in front of a large white sheet. He screams for help upon seeing Auriel!


What may very well be the entirety of the town's guards come running at Mythic Honor's command! Auriel appears terrified and almost leaps into Arc's arms! Arc looks down at her.

“It's okay! Don't be scared!”

Arc turns to the approaching Town Guards.

“Don't worry. She's with me!”

The Town Guards lower their weapons and step back. Mythic Honor looks to Auriel apologetically.

“I sure am sorry about that miss! But I really did think you were a demon!”

Auriel looks to Mythic Honor, confused. “But... I am a demon.”

Mythic Honor looks confused. “Ah... are you sure about that?”

She looks at him, warily. “Um… yes.”


The Town Guards again raise their weapons! Auriel tightens her grip on Arc as he turns to the guards!

“What did I just tell you?! She's with me!”

Arc turns to Mythic Honor.

“Calm down! She won't bite! Just look at her! She's more afraid of you than you are of her!”

Mythic Honor squints at Auriel. “You wouldn't be Lady Auriel, now would you?”

Auriel nods. “I am. Have we met before?”

“Nope! I just remembered the rumors about you that were floating around Tartarus. Word is that you're more of a thinker than a warrior! That true?”

“Y-yes. I prefer my books to the company of others any day.”

Shining Armor rubs his chin with a hoof. “Hmmm... she reminds me of somepony... who though...”

“I've invented most of the technology the demons use. Too bad all my father wants to use it for is to escape Tartarus and conquer Equestria.

Mythic Honor nods. “I also heard that you’re quite timid and cowardly. That's pretty rare for a demon, much less the daughter of the King.”

“Well, I... um...”

Arc interrupts. “Okay, enough about Auriel. I'm almost afraid to ask this but... why did you call us here, Mythic Honor?”

“I did? What for?”

Mythic Honor appears lost in thought.

Trixie whispers to Arc. “Is this pony for real?!”

Arc nods. “Just give him a minute. It’ll come to him.”

Arc turns back to Mythic Honor.

“Would it have anything to do with the rather large sheet behind you?”

“Ah yes! Now I remember! It's the large sheet behind me! Or more accurately what's UNDER the sheet!”

Arc does his best to herd everyone away from the sheet, in an embarrassed tone. “Well, we really need to be going now. Maybe you can show us next time, Mythic Honor!”

“Aw, don't be silly! You're here now and it won't take but a minute!”

Trixie looks to the sheet, anxiously! “Come on, Arc! He really wants you to see what he has there! And I have to admit, I'm a bit curious myself!”

Arc sighs. “Fine...”

Mythic Honor turns to address the townsponies. “Now, without further ado... behold!”

He pulls the sheet off to reveal a bronze statue of Arc looking heavenward! The statue is clad in Eidolon's Ward, his helmet under one arm, a spear raised to the sky in the other. Next to it is another bronze statue of Ember in a similar pose standing next to Arc.

Arc shakes his head. “This isn't happening... again!”

Mythic Honor looks to Arc, expectantly! “So, what do you think?!”

Trixie forces a smile. “It's very... um... wow!”

Auriel walks forward cautiously and pokes Arc's statue with a claw. “What is it?”

Arc facepalms. “It's a statue.”

“Um... what does it do?”

Mythic Honor chimes in. “You look at it! Like this!”

He stares at the statues so intently Auriel is a bit taken aback!

“Arc, this is kinda... creepy.”

Arc nods. “Um... yeah. Okay, we have to be going now Mythic Honor. Love the statues! We'll come by for a longer visit another time.”

Mythic Honor waves after them as they leave. “All right! Don't be a stranger now!”

Arc leads the group toward the sigil he placed just outside of town. Shining Armor looks back over his shoulder at the statues.

“Wow Arc, these townsponies really seem to admire you!”

Arc nods and sighs. “Yeah, they do. Freeing an entire town from that hellish place tends to have that effect!”

“Wait! That abandoned town we stayed in... are these ponies...”

“Yes. This is the Vile Tribe from Tartarus. They've taken to their new home quite well.”

Trixie shudders! “Considering their past, I had assumed they would look like monsters!”

She quickly looks over to Auriel!


Auriel nods. “It's okay. I know what you meant.”

They reach the sigil.

“Here we are.”

Auriel looks at the markings on the ground. “What's this?”

“It's a sigil. I use them to get around Equestria quicker.”

Arc and the others step on to it.

“Is it... safe?”

“Haven't had a problem yet! We need to get back home though, as I think all of us could go for a rest.”

Trixie nods! “Can't argue with that!”

Auriel nervously joins the others on the sigil. Arc calls forth his gauntlet and activates it! A moment later the party arrives at Light's Hope's Main Hall.

Meanwhile… Raven works diligently at her desk. She looks up as the group appears!

“Commander! Glad to see you back safe and...”

Raven spots Auriel and screams as she dives behind her desk!


Arc facepalms. “Not this again... Raven, would you stop that! She's with me!”

Raven peeks out from behind her desk, shaking. “Are... are you sure?”

“Yes Raven. This is Auriel. She's my guest here.”

Raven stands, albeit shakily! “Yes Commander. Sorry for the outburst.”

Flash Sentry, Ember, and Arc's squad rush into the Main Hall! Flash Sentry spots Auriel and draws his twin blades!

“Everypony, protect the commander!”

Ember readies her spear and calling forth her armor. “Don't worry Arc! We'll save you!”

Auriel again clings to Arc! “Oh for the love of... everyone stand down! She's a friend!”

Max looks to him confused. “Sir? Are you... sure?”

“Yes, Max! I'm sure! Look, we've all had quite a long day. We can discuss this tomorrow morning over breakfast.”

“Very well sir.”

Arc turns to Flash Sentry.

“See to it all the guards know about my guest. I don't want her to be harmed by them!”

Flash Sentry salutes. “Yes sir! I'll see to it personally”

“Raven, call The Little Hooves Orphanage and let Derpy know that I made it home safely.”

“Yes Commander! I'm sure that will make her very happy! She was calling here every few of hours looking for you!”

Arc sighs. “Things don't always go according to plan with me. In any case, I should show my guests to their rooms, as they look about a tired as I feel!”

He returns his armor to the ring. Arc then leads Trixie, Shining Armor and Auriel to the Guest Quarters and assigns them each a room to themselves.

Auriel sighs as the reach her door. “Um... thanks for escorting me to my cell.”

Arc looks to her, confused. “Your cell?”

Auriel nods. “I'm your prisoner after all.”

“As I said earlier, you are my guest. You’re not a prisoner here.”

“Oh! I'm sorry! When you referred to me as your guest, I just thought you were trying to be nice about my imprisonment here.”

Arc opens to door to her room and leads Auriel inside. “And this room will be yours. I hope it is to your liking.”

Auriel looks around it, astonished! “I've never seen a room this nice before! It's quite a change from Tartarus! Is this... is this really all for me?!”

He nods. “I want you to be comfortable while you are here. If you’re hungry I can have my chef bring you something.”

Auriel shakes her head. “No, thank you. I think I would just like to rest now.”

“Very well then. Pleasant dreams!”

Arc turns to leave.


Arc turns back to Auriel.

“Is there something you need?”

Auriel appears conflicted. “No, it's nothing like that! I... um... I just wanted to ask you some questions.”

Arc gestures toward the couch. “Very well. I'm sure you have many things to ask, being in a new land and all.”

The pair sits down. Auriel looks up at him, nervously.

“Am I... going to be... killed?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. You haven't committed any crime here in Equestria. What reason would we have for killing you?”

“Well, it's just... that's what we would have done in Tartarus. If the tables had been turned, that is! And somehow I doubt Equestria's view on demons is too bright and friendly.”

“Why is that?”

“My father likes to use the excuse ‘we need the meat’.”

“So... demons eat meat then?”

Auriel nervously nods! “Well, yes. Please don't be angry!”

Arc smiles at her! “Don't worry about it. Humans eat meat as well. Believe you me, it took my friends quite a while to come to terms with that! Ponies mostly eat hay, oats, fruits, and vegetables.”

Auriel breaths a sigh of relief! “Thanks! That's quite a load off my mind! Can I ask you something a bit more personal?”

“Go ahead.”

“Why are you keeping me around? I would have guessed you would have tried to get as much information out of me as you could before... you know... getting rid of me in one way or another. I mean, you're the Hero of Light after all! Equestria's ultimate warrior and protector! Isn't it your job to take care of threats to this land?”

“Yes. However, I don't view you as a danger to myself or the ponies who live here. Are you?”

Auriel shakes her head. “No, I'm not.”

“Then we should get along fine. While ponies may be frightened by your appearance and will treat you differently, know that I endured the same when I came to Equestria. Humans are viewed as greedy, evil, murderous, self-centered creatures in this land.”

Her eyes grow wide! “Just like demons! How did you become the Hero of Light then?!”

“I just showed everyone that I wasn't an evil monster, but a paragon who would protect this land and its inhabitants. It certainly didn't happen overnight, but it did happen.”

“I... I just don't understand!”

“Understand what?”

“Well, my father told me about you after your first battle with him. He said you were a being of unimaginable evil! An enemy of everything living! A cancer to all creation that had to be cut out! But... well... you actually seem like a really nice person to me!”

“Can I assume that to the demon race, the more powerful one is, the more ‘evil’ they are?”

Auriel nods. ”Yes! How did you know that?”

“Just an educated guess. While I can understand why your father would think that, please understand that I am not evil in the least. My power comes from a desire to do what is right.”

Auriel looks down to her hands in her lap. “In the demon culture that would be a sign of extreme weakness! That's why I’m so weak! I don't have the same cunning and blood-lust as other demons! If I wasn't the king's daughter, I would have most certainly been killed years ago!”

“Listen Auriel. Trixie told me what you did earlier. It must have been very difficult to go against everything you've ever been taught to help me. That takes great strength of heart and character. You're much stronger than ever you yourself realize. Now I'm sorry to cut this short, but I really need to get some rest, lest my guards have to carry me to bed. We'll talk again later.”

Arc weakly rises and walks toward the door.

“Wait Arc! If I'm not weak, what am I?!”

He looks over his shoulder as he walks through the door.


Auriel sits on the couch considering Arc's words, alone as the door closes.

“But... I can't change what I am! What do I do?!”

Arc leaves the room Closing the door, he leans against it for a moment weakly before he hears a rather familiar voice in front of him.


Derpy hurries over! “Arc! Are you okay?!”

Ember steps forward to help support Arc. “Hold on Arc! I got you!”

Arc puts an arm around Ember's neck and weakly looks to Dinky.

“Yes... I just need... some time to rest. It's been... quite the day...”

Ember, Derpy and Dinky help Arc down the hallway toward his quarters. Auriel watches through the keyhole as the scene unfolds before her.

“Arc... how do you command such loyalty from your servants without the need for violence? I don't understand!”

Entering Arc's quarters, Ember helps Arc lay down on his bed while Derpy and Dinky help remove his boots and cover him with a blanket.

Derpy shakes her head, sadly. “Arc... you can't keep doing this!”

“Yeah dad... we need you!”


Unable to keep his eyes open any longer, Arc falls asleep.

Ember turns to her. “Derpy.”

“Yes Ember?”

“I think... you and Dinky should stay with Arc tonight.”

Derpy turns to Ember, surprised! “What? But, don't you usually...”

Ember nods. “Yes, but I think he needs to be with the two of you right now. I'll sleep in my own bed for once.”

Derpy and Dinky lie down on either side of Arc. Ember puts a blanket over each of them.

Ember smiles! “You know... the three of you really make quite a cute family.”

Dinky nods! “You're part of it too Miss Ember!”

“Thanks! I'll be sleeping right over here though. There doesn't appear to be enough room in there for another.”

Derpy and Dinky nod as the snuggle up to Arc.

Ember turns to her own bed. “Good night. Keep Arc warm for me, will you?”

“Arc puts his arms around both of them as a small smile creeps over his face. Derpy nuzzles Arc and gives him a quick lick on the cheek.

“Good night, Arc.”

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