• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 7 - The Council of Lords

That evening as the sun begins to set Arc and Natalya walk down the corridor together with his Honor Guards toward the Council Chambers. He is wearing his royal raiments.

“I sure hope Ginny will recover soon.”

Natalya turns to Arc. “You heard what the doctor said. A few days’ rest in the hospital will see her back on her feet in no time. I just hope Gallus will be okay there without me.”

“He’ll be fine. After all, he is your little brother.”

Natalya sighs. “Thank you. I’m probably just worrying too much.”

Meanwhile, back in General Blackbeak’s Office, he paces the floor as Lieutenant Gilda stands before him.

“Find anything?”

Gilda shakes her head. “Our troops have reported no sign of Lord Arc or his Honor Guards anywhere in Griffon’s Gate or the surrounding area.”

“Are you certain he just… disappeared?!”

“Yes sir. I saw it with my own eyes! A portal of some kind opened and they all stepped through it!”

“I’ve seen his so-called Portal Magic myself. And those younglings you mentioned earlier went with him?”

Gilda nods. “Yes sir. Of that I am certain.”

The general frowns. “So he kidnapped them?!”

“If I may say so sir, they appeared to go with him willingly.”


“Your guess is as good as mine, sir! However, when Lord Arc engaged the Marauder Alpha, he did so with such ferocity and skill that I was taken aback!”

Blackbeak stops pacing and turns to her. “You mean his Honor Guards, right?”

Gilda shakes her head. “No, sir. He engaged the Alpha alone.”

“What?! Why would he…”

“Maybe to reassure his Honor Guards of his power? One must show they are a force to be reckoned with!”

Blackbeak nods. “Was anyone else around?”

“No sir.”

“I find it hard to believe he was showing off to just his Honor Guards and a couple younglings!”

“Perhaps he wanted to gain their trust? They did appear to be leading him to their ‘home’. I believe Lord Arc may have been trying to gather them all in one place.”

“To join the rebels?”

Gilda shrugs. “It’s a possibility, sir. One that we cannot prove, but should not ignore.”

“If Lord Arc really IS with the rebels, why did he protect Lady Ashe?! Why did he thwart the rebel’s plot back then?! Just as puzzling, why did he help you?!”

“May I speak freely sir?”

“Please do.”

Gilda relaxes and takes a deep breath. “Father, I believe he only did that in order to gain YOUR trust. Lord Arc DID want to meet with the Council of Lords. He knew you could make that happen.”

The general nods. “He says he wishes to speak to them about forging a more lasting peace. Do you believe he is not acting in good faith, Gilda?”

“I… I don’t know what to think. However the Council may be in danger. Should we call off his audience while we investigate this matter further?”

Blackbeak shakes his head. “No. The Council would ask for a good reason for such action. Especially since I was the one who pushed for this meeting myself.”

“What should we do then?”

“I will be at the meeting. You will accompany me.”

“Yes sir. But what should I be doing?”

He turns to her as he heads for the office door. “Watching him closely. That and, if I decide to inform the Council of what I know, you will be there to testify. With luck we’ll get to the bottom of this quandary yet.”

General Blackbeak and Gilda walk down the corridor together.

“I still can’t believe you went on this mission yourself!”

Gilda shrugs. “It didn’t involve my tail. Besides, I got bored just lying around.”

The general beams at her. “That’s my girl!”

They make their way to the Council Chambers. Upon their arrival they see Arc and his entourage waiting for them. The general approaches and shakes his hand.

“Glad to see you again, Lord Arc.”

“Likewise, general.”

Arc looks over at Gilda.

“Are you feeling better, lieutenant?”

Gilda nods. “Much, thank you.”

She turns to the general.

“Shall I inform the Council of Lords that we are ready?”

Blackbeak nods. “Please do. I want to get this meeting underway.”

“Yes sir!”

Gilda enters the large double doors. General Blackbeak turns back to Arc

“So tell me, Lord Arc. Did you enjoy your trip to Griffon’s Gate?”

“Yes, very much so thank you. Let’s just say it was very… enlightening, to say the least.”

“Run into any trouble?”

Arc shrugs. “Nothing I couldn’t handle.”

Lieutenant Gilda emerges from the Council Chambers.

“Sir? They’re ready for us.”

Blackbeak nods. “Very good.”

He looks to Arc and gestures to the large double doors.

“Well then, Lord Arc. Shall we?”


Arc looks to his Honor Guards.

“You two wait out here.”

Ember and Flash Sentry silently salute and step to one side as Natalya and Ember open the doors for Arc, Gilda and General Blackbeak. They enter together. As they close the doors behind them, Ember turns to Natalya.

“I hope this meeting goes well.”

Natalya nods. “As do I.”

Meanwhile, the trio walks down a short corridor which opens up into a large, high ceilinged room. Seated on tall desks in a row are the Council of Lords. Lord Gestal is seated higher than the other three. Arc walks to stand in the center of the room as General Blackbeak and Lieutenant Gilda stay back.

“Good evening.”

The council nods and Lord Gestal looks to Arc.

“Welcome, Lord Arc. We apologize for making you wait for an audience as long as we did.”

Arc nods. “I understand. Duty called.”

Lord Gestal turns to the griffon on his right. “This is Lord Weller, Head of Intelligence. If something is going on in the Griffon Kingdom, it’s his job to know about it.”

Lord Weller nods and smiles.

Gestal then gestures to the griffon seated in front of him. “Lord Adalbert is our Head of the Military. He recently had the task of forming a strategy in case your nation had invaded.”

The lord scowls at Arc.

Arc nods to him. “I am glad such an act never came to pass.”

Lord Gestal motions to his left. “And finally, this is Lord Goldstone, Chief Economist and our nation’s Treasurer.”

Lord Goldstone appears rather bored with the proceedings as Lord Gestal continues.

“I’m told by General Blackbeak that you have certain matters to discuss with us.”

“Yes, I do. Although first I wanted to ask how your daughter is faring after her close encounter the other day.”

Gestal sighs. “Not so well. She barely leaves her room these days from the shock of that night. Tell me, did anything happen that night you escorted her home?”

Arc shakes her head. “Not a thing. She seemed all right then.”

“Perhaps it was due to being in the care of such a powerful warrior. But I digress. On to other matters.”

Arc nods and clears his throat. “Let me start by extending Equestria’s greetings and good-will to your nation. I hope there will be many years of peace ahead of both our countries.”

Weller nods. “That will depend on the princesses of Equestria’s future choices. But I do so enjoy a good chat.”

Adalbert frowns. “Indeed! Our citizens are strong, and our military might is undeniable! Your leaders would be fools to attempt an invasion!”

“We have no interest in invading the Griffon Kingdom, or anyone else for that matter.”

Weller looks to Arc level-headedly. “Then why did you personally lead military forces to Yakyakistan recently?”

“In preparation for war with them.”

Lord Gestal nods. “Decisive action. We heard about the leader of Yakyakistan’s attack on the Crystal Empire a while ago. How did your counter-attack go?”

“It didn’t happen. I was able to convince their leader Prince Rutherford of my commitment to fight if he continued his campaign against us.”

Adalbert rolls his eyes. “Little is known here on how best to counter the yaks. How did one as small as you manage to intimidate THEM?!”

“First I tried talking Prince Rutherford out of invading.”

“That was a waste of breath!”

“Agreed. So I tried a more… direct approach.”

“Please elaborate.”

Arc smiles. “I punched him in the face.”

Weller appears surprised. “THAT was your idea of peace talks?!”

“No. That was the only language he understood, so I spoke it. We fought one-on-one in a ring made in the dirt by his troops. They refer to this as a ‘Yakni-kai’.”

Goldstone scoffs. “Yaks… how barbaric!”

Arc shrugs. “When in Rome, you must do as the Romans do, Lord Goldstone.”

“I’ll stay here, thank you.”

Lord Gestal looks to him. “I believe what Lord Arc was trying to say is that when dealing with other cultures we should use their methodology.”

“Exactly. Especially when trying to broker peace. Their culture is one of brute force, so that is how I met him. With a show of force.”

Adalbert grins wickedly. “I will keep that in mind.”

Lord Gestal clears his throat. “We seem to be getting a bit off topic. Please continue, Lord Arc.”

“Thank you. Like I was saying, Equestria is interested in talking peace with the Griffon Kingdom.”

Adalbert looks at him, suspiciously. “What kind of peace?”


Weller shakes his head. “Why should we? The policies of the past have worked well for generations.”

“That may be true. However, recent events have led me to believe that this isolationist mentality will one day lead to friction at the very best, and all-out war at the worst.”

Lord Gestal nods. “We would like to avoid such a thing.”

Goldstone smiles. “Indeed. Such things are… costly.”

Weller looks to Arc. “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to hear what you have to say. Please continue, Lord Arc.”

“When I was Lord Regent of Equestria, we very nearly went to war. My advisors told me this fate was inevitable. However, I refused to take to the battlefield.”

Adalbert chuckles. “Cold feet?”

“No. Because it would make for quite a few corpses. After all, war doesn’t determine who is right. But only who is left.”

Arc looks at Lord Goldstone.

“Tell me, what would a war do to the Griffon Kingdom’s treasury, Lord Goldstone?”

“It would… quickly begin to deplete it.”

Adalbert scoffs at the economist’s words. “We could simply raise taxes to compensate.”

Weller frowns at Adalbert. “At further cost to our economy, no doubt.”

Goldstone shrugs empirically. “Our citizens would understand such steps would need to be taken to ensure…”

Lord Gestal stands. “Enough!”

The other lords are silent as he sits back down and composes himself.

“There is no need to bicker amongst ourselves like younglings. Lord Arc has raised a valid point. Neither country would benefit from a war. Short or long.”

Goldstone nods. “Agreed, Lord Gestal. Our nation’s economy is at its best when the rank and file citizens feel secure. However, in the short term, war would be good for the economy.”

Weller turns to Goldstone. “And the long-term effects?”

Goldstone sighs. “A long war would bankrupt both nations and strain our industrial capabilities.”

Goldstone looks to Adalbert.

“Do try to keep our wars short and sweet, would you kindly?”

Weller nods. “Or avoid them altogether.”

Arc nods. “Agreed. I’d like to know if the Griffon Kingdom is interested in some kind of a peace treaty.”

Gestal nods. “A vote then. Shall we continue with talks for a peace treaty with Equestria? What say you, Lord Adalbert?”

“I think not. We need to keep our options open! I vote nay!”

Weller thinks for a moment. “It would certainly lead to a tighter national security. I vote yay.”

Goldstone shakes his head. “Short wars can be good for our economy. If needed, we have to be ready to defend our lands! I vote nay!”

Lord Gestal rubs his chin with a talon. “A difficult decision, to be sure. I believe Lord Arc has acted in good faith thus far. We should listen to reason and avoid unnecessary conflict. I vote yay.”

Arc frowns. “It would appear we have a split vote, Lord Gestal.”

“Indeed. It would appear Arbiter Ghaleon will have to cast the deciding vote. General Blackbeak, send for…”

A voice speaks from nearby, interrupting Lord Gestal.

“I’m already here.”

A very large and heavily armored griffon enters the room from behind General Blackbeak and Lieutenant Gilda. The general turns around quickly.

“How long have you been standing there, Ghaleon?!”

Ghaleon frowns. “Long enough to hear everything Lord Arc has said thus far.”

Lord Gestal sighs. “As I’ve said on numerous occasions, Arbiter Ghaleon. If you wish to sit with us…”

Ghaleon shakes his head. “This Council Chamber is your arena, not mine.”

“Very well. What have you to say on this matter?”

The Arbiter slowly paces around the room as he speaks. “Lord Arc has made a rather convincing case for peace. However, as Lord Weller puts it, there is a need for security and peace in our nation.”

Goldstone looks up. “What about our nation’s econ…”

Arbiter Ghaleon looks over at him angrily. “I CARE NOTHING FOR YOUR PIGGYBANK!”

Goldstone shrinks back as Ghaleon continues. He stops pacing and looks Arc in the eye.

“The day may come when you and I take to the battlefield. Pray that day never comes.”

The Arbiter turns back to Lord Gestal.

“I vote that the Council hear out Lord Arc on this matter.”

Gestal nods. “Very well, Arbiter Ghaleon. The motion passes.”

Lord Gestal looks to Arc as Arbiter Ghaleon steps to one side of the room to observe.

“Now then, Lord Arc, what would you have us do?”

“I’d like our two nations to draw up an official peace treaty of some kind.”

Weller raises and eyebrow. “You wish for us to be allies?”

“More like friends.”

Adalbert scoffs. “What is the difference?!”

“I propose friendship in order to open a dialogue. Should we all get along, perhaps one day we could call each other allies. But that would be up to the princesses, of course.”

Lord Gestal nods. “We understand. Naturally, such a document would need their signatures.”

Adalbert nods condescendingly to him. “So, if I’m understanding you correctly, Lord Arc, all Equestria seeks is peace with us?”

“That and a dialogue, yes.”

Weller smiles at Arc. “All well and good, but what can Equestria do for us?”

Adalbert chuckles. “Other than not attacking you, that is.”

Goldstone turns to Lord Gestal. “Perhaps they could pay us tribute? After all, we ARE the world’s dominate superpower.”

Lord Gestal frowns at this. “Do not insult Lord Arc, Goldstone!”

Ghaleon scoffs at this. “Coming from a bit-pincher like you, Lord Goldstone, those words amount to little more than dust.”

Adalbert turns to Lord Gestal. “As much as I hate to admit it, Lord Goldstone is right about one thing. We are the strongest nation.”

Weller nods. “That may very well be. However, if the rest of the world were to unite against us, what would happen?”

Lord Gestal nods. “We would do well to not flaunt out military power, lest other nations grow restless.”

He turns back to Arc.

“Lord Weller is correct about one thing, Lord Arc. What can Equestria offer us in return?”

Arc nods. “I’ve seen first-hand the trouble you’ve been having with rebels.”

Weller frowns. “We can handle them.”

“Of that I have no doubt. However, on my trip yesterday to Griffon’s Gate, I met with some younglings. They claim to have been approached by rebels attempting to recruit them.”

Weller sighs. “I have heard of this as well. However, I am at a loss on what exactly to do in order to counter it.”

“I believe the problem there lies in the large numbers of orphans there.”

Goldstone frowns. “Yes! I’ve been trying to get them removed for years! We would save a fortune on extra guard wages!”

Adalbert thinks for a moment. “Perhaps they could be conscripted into some kind of pre-military program?”

Lord Gestal shakes his head. “Many of them are far too young for that.”

Goldstone rolls his eyes. “That and such a program would be VERY costly. More so than the additional cost of extra guards around the warehouses.”

Adalbert growls. “I suppose you’re right, Lord Goldstone. That and their life on the streets toughens them up. They make wonderful soldiers when they come of age.”

Lieutenant Gilda steps forward angrily. “Younglings are NOT soldiers!”

Adalbert grins at her. “They will be one day, lieutenant. General Blackbeak, please try to keep your daughter in check.”

The general shakes his head. “She’s right, you know.”

Lord Gestal nods. “Agreed. Our younglings are our greatest asset, as they are the future of our nation. They must be protected from the claws of the rebels.”

Weller sighs and nods. “Agreed. But what can be done?”

Arc clears his throat. “I believe Equestria may be able to help with that.”

Lord Gestal nods. “Please elaborate, Lord Arc.”

“Those younglings I spoke of earlier? There was a bit of an… incident yesterday.”

Arc recalls the conversation they had as he and his Honor Guards followed the younglings home. How they were attacked by Marauders and how he had taken then to Ponyville for medical treatment after a local doctor had refused to help the injured Glynda. Blackbeak turns to Gilda and whispers to her.

“So that’s what he was doing there!”

Gilda frowns and whispers back. “That doesn’t actually prove anything! He may still be associated with the rebels!”

Weller frowns. “A sad tale, to be sure.”

Adalbert nods. “Agreed. But what does that have to do with the current situation though?”

“Just outside Ponyville, a small town in central Equestria, is a large building known as the Little Hooves Orphanage. As part of our peace treaty, I recommend the orphans be taken there. We already have the facilities to house and care for them. The most we would have to do is hire a second teacher and perhaps another staff member or two along with an expansion to the building.”

Gilda looks to Arc, suspiciously. “They would be cared for?”

Arc turns to her. “Food, warmth, shelter and an education. The orphanage is also our town’s school.”

Blackbeak nods. “Is it big enough?”

“As it stands, the building is quite large. That and I know it was built with expansion in mind. Depending on the number of younglings that come there, we will most likely have to build an addition though.”

Lord Gestal nods. “Would that be a problem?”

“No. The land it’s built on is spacious, and could support a much larger facility should the need arise.”

Goldstone raises an eyebrow. “Who would pay for it?!”

“Equestria would, as our part of the peace treaty.”

Weller sits back in his chair. “That seems like a very nice addition to this pact.”

Lord Gestal nods. “That is very Generous of you to offer, Lord Arc.”

“All of this would have to be reviewed and approved by Equestria’s princesses, of course. But it would solve several problems.”

Adalbert looks confused. “How so?”

Arc counts on his fingers as he continues. “One… you would get the orphans off your streets. They aren’t exactly welcomed by the citizens or the businesses of Griffon’s Gate.”

Goldstone nods. “It would certainly raise property values.”

“Two… with less orphans looking to steal from the merchants there, Griffon’s Gate would need less guards to look after your warehouses.”

Weller smiles. “That would free up more guards to chase down the rebels.”

“Three… less members for the rebels to recruit.”

Adalbert nods. “We could cut off their recruitment before their population gets out of talon.”

“And four… it’s just the right thing to do.”

Gilda nods. “These younglings have suffered long enough on our streets and in our alleys.”

The general nods. “Agreed. The problem won’t just go away if we keep trying to sweep it under the rug as we have in the past.”

Lord Gestal thinks for a moment. “You make a convincing argument, Lord Arc. But I must ask. What do you want in return for this offer?”

“In addition to the a fore mentioned peace treaty, I propose a legal treaty as well.”

Lord Gestal appears confused. “Legal treaty?”

Arc nods. “If our nations are going to be friends, there needs to be a way for grievances between our citizens to be heard. Meaning if a pony were to wrong a griffon, or the other way around, they injured party would be able to receive justice.”

Goldstone’s face lights up. “Would that include civil cases between business entities as well as individuals? That is assuming the princesses agree to some kind of free trade agreement.”

Arc shrugs. “Sounds fair to me, Lord Goldstone. Although the details will of course need to be worked out by our legal departments. What do you think, Lord Gestal?”

“I agree. Now before we vote on this, I would like to hear Arbiter Ghaleon’s feelings on the matter.”

The Arbiter shrugs. “One less potential enemy to worry about, and the younglings will be able to get off the streets of Griffon’s Gate. What else is there to say?”

Lord Gestal nods. “Well said, Arbiter. I suppose all that’s left to do is vote on whether or not to advance this idea. Lord Weller?”

“We’ve had little luck thinking of a solution to the orphan problem ourselves all these years. Let’s give this treaty idea a try. After all… what do we have to lose? I vote yay.”

Adalbert nods. “These orphans are a growing problem not just for Griffon’s Gate, but to the entire kingdom. If Equestria wants to import our problems, then so be it. I vote yay as well.”

Goldstone looks up from some hasty figuring. “It will save us a boatload of bits and maybe open up international trade! I’m all for that! I vote yay!”

Lord Gestal nods. “I vote yay as well. It appears the vote is unanimous. A document will be draw up in the next day or so and sent to Canterlot for review.”

Arc nods. “And the younglings I brought with me to Ponyville?”

“They may stay in Ponyville tentatively while we negotiate the nuances of this matter with the princesses.”

“Thank you, sir.”

General Blackbeak steps forward. “Begging the council’s pardon, but a thought just occurred to me. The orphans who leave the Griffon Kingdom to be raised abroad will be allowed to keep their citizenship, will they not?”

Goldstone frowns. “I should say not! That would make us liable for their actions in Equestria in the future!”

Weller nods. “What Lord Goldstone says is indeed true. However, they were born in our land.”

Adalbert looks up with evident patriotism. “Yes! Once a griffon, always a griffon!”

Lord Gestal nods. “That is quite the question. What do you think, Lord Arc?”

“I propose they maintain their Griffon Kingdom citizenship, in addition to being Equestrian citizens.

The general looks to Arc. “A dual citizenship? Such an idea has never been proposed before.”

Arc nods. “That may be. But neither has the idea of diplomatic ties between our nations been tried before either.”

He turns back to the Council.

“When the younglings come of age they will then have the choice of whether to remain in Equestria or return to the land of their birth. Until that day comes, or they are adopted, Equestria will care for them.”

Lord Gestal nods. “About adoption. Would suitable pony parents be allowed to raise a youngling?”

“I don’t see why not. The orphanage matron is very thorough in her job and will do her best to see that any orphan in her care is placed only in loving households.”

Weller looks to Arc. “Will the matron also handle international adoptions?”

“Do you mean if a couple from the Griffon Kingdom want to adopt a youngling or a foal?”

“I do.”

Arc thinks for a moment. “I don’t believe there is any law currently on the books that gives her the power to do so, no. That would have to be written up in the treaty.”

Goldstone nods. “A few lines of text should remedy that on this end.”

Adalbert frowns. “I believe this is going to take some more thinking before we can properly write it up.”

Weller chuckles. “Agreed. Best to do it right the first time.”

Lord Gestal nods. “The Council will speak of this matter tomorrow morning and get to work on a draft. It will be sent to Canterlot as soon as it is ready.”

“Thank you. Will you need me to stay until then?”

“No, Lord Arc. I believe we can handle this. Thank you for coming to us with this problem and solution though. We’ll be in touch.”

Arc nods. “Very well. By your leave then.”

He turns to leave the Council Chambers. Lord Gestal stands.

“The council is adjourned until tomorrow morning at the regular time.”

The Council stands and leaves the Council Chambers as Arc approaches General Blackbeak and Lieutenant Gilda.

“How did I do?”

General Blackbeak shrugs. “That depends on how you look at it. Did you get what you wanted?”

“More or less. At least we shouldn’t have to worry about going to war with one another and the orphans will get off the streets.”

Gilda frowns. “That is if the Council can agree on what to put in this treaty.”

The general nods. “And if Canterlot can agree. This isn’t over! Not by a long shot! If this does go through, we’ll have to choose an ambassador.”

His daughter frowns as the general looks at her. “Don’t look at me. I’m very happy staying right here.”

“I’ll have to give the matter some thought. Knowing the Council of Lords as I do, I’m sure I have plenty of time.”

Arc nods. “I hope they’ll choose the right griffon for the job. But in the meantime, might I ask a small favor of you?”

A few minutes later, the trio emerges from the Council Chambers together. Arc turns to his Honor Guards.

“Well, that’s that.”

Natalya looks nervous. “Did things go well, Lord Arc?”

Arc nods. “I presented my case, and they seemed receptive. The rest is up to them and the princesses.”

She nods sadly. “Well then… I guess you’ll be headed back to Equestria now.”

“Yes. I have quite a few things to do.”

Natalya salutes him. “It… it’s been an honor to serve you, Lord Arc. Please give my regards to the younglings.”

General Blackbeak turns to her. “Lieutenant Natalya. Lord Arc has requested that you accompany him back to Ponyville.”


Arc nods. “The Council of Lords is permitting them to stay in Ponyville while they work out the details of our treaty.”


Blackbeak nods. “Yes, lieutenant. Our nations are going to try and draw up a peace treaty. Hopefully it works out. However, Lord Arc didn’t want the younglings to feel like they had been abandoned there. You will stay with them until further notice.”

Natalya salutes. “Yes sir.”

“Well, I need to get back to my office. Lots of paperwork to catch up on.”

Arc looks out the window. “Isn’t it kinda late in the day for that, general? I mean… the sun’s almost finished setting.”

The general chuckles. “A leader’s work is never truly done. But I’m sure you can understand that… Lord Regent.”

Arc smiles. “Well played.”

He turns and walks away with Lieutenant Gilda. About halfway to his office she turns to him.

“What do you think, sir?”

“I… I don’t know what to think! Part of me wants to believe that Lord Arc truly wants to help them! But I can’t imagine someone… ANYONE being that Kind!”

Gilda frowns. “What should we do?”

“At the moment, nothing.”


The general nods. “The Council will take quite some time to get something on the books. If they can agree on what to write at all! Until that time comes, we wait.”

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