• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,627 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 8 - Explanations

Earlier that day, as the Storm King flew off the cliff, he was able to grab the ledge as he looked down into the ravine!

“So, this is how it ends? Pitiful...”

Suddenly there is the sound of small footsteps approaching him quickly! Grubber looks over the cliff at his superior!

“Storm King?! Are you alright?!”

The Storm King looks to Grubber with a withering look! “Do I LOOK alright to you?! Pull me up!”

“Right away sir!”

Grubber pulls with all his might, but his small frame is unable to pull up a creature as large as the Storm King!

“Hang on sir!”

“What do you thing I'm DOING?!

Suddenly the ledge gives way and both plummet downward! Grubber salutes!

“Goodbye sir! It's been an honor serving you.”

The Storm King frowns! “So, this is the last face I'm going to see? Wonderful...”

“Thank you sir!”

A portal opens below the pair and swallows them up before closing in on itself! The pair come through the other end and land roughly in a cavern that is unnaturally lit by strange looking green rocks! Grubber stands up and looks around!

“Is this... the afterlife?! Kinda bland.”

“If it is, I'm certainly being punished well beyond my crimes!”

The sound of footsteps approaches from beyond their range of sight can be heard!

“What do you suppose that is, sir?!”

The Storm King lies on his stomach, propping his head up with his elbows. “Hopefully whatever it is will put me out of my misery!”

A hooded figure approaches them silently.

“And what, pray tell, are you supposed to be?”

The creature speaks in a deep and dark voice! “Someone who wants you on their team.”

Grubber looks fearfully at the creature! “T-team?!”

“The Storm King doesn't do ‘teammates’. Just subordinates!”

“Yeah! You tell em' boss!”

The dark creature turns to walks away. “Oh? And how well did that work out for you?”

The Storm King growls! “It WAS going just fine! Until that Lord Regent from Equestria showed up!”

“I see you've met the ‘illustrious’ Arc.”

“Don't remind me.”

The creature laughs! “I see there's no love lost between the two of you!”

He rolls his eyes, sarcastically! “Oh no! I LOVE Arc! I'd love to hit him, and beat him, and RIP HIM INTO TINY LITTLE BITS!!!”

Several more robed figures emerge from the shadows and approach. A female’s voice rings out as one of the figures lowers her hood.

“Yeah... that's not going to happen. Arc's mine! Name's Tempest Shadow by the way.”

The Storm King rolls his eyes. “Great! The dark freak has friends! So... are the rest of you going to introduce yourselves, or just sulk behind your cowls?”

The creature nods. “I suppose introductions ARE in order.”

Another of their number lowers their hood. “I am the Honorable High Justice of Baltimare, Judge Hawthorne.”

Tempest rolls her eyes. “Pfft! Honorable...”

“I'm also our groups link to the Nightborn, a very powerful shadow organization in Equestria. Arc exposed me for bending the law for certain… less-guilty individuals. I was able to get some nice favors done for our group in exchange. It's a good thing he didn't find out the rest of that story though!”

The creature nods. “I took care of the courthouse, as promised.”

The next member lowers the cowl as Tempest moves to stand next to him. “Captain Decimus. Formerly Captain of the Royal Guard. I have many contacts in Canterlot and all over Equestria and also have intimate knowledge of the royals and the military! It’s my job to keep us supplied with military grade equipment from my stashes all over the land!”

Tempest leans against Captain Decimus and smiles. “I for one am glad to finally have you here!”

Captain Decimus puts a hoof around Tempest's shoulders. “The feeling is mutual, my dear!”

The Storm King appears ill at the display before him! “Oh, gag me with a fork! I am so over the lovey-dovey stuff!”

Another member steps forward and lowers their cowl. “Lord Goldstone of the Griffon Kingdom! I keep my talons in as many conversations in and around Griffonstone as I can! I'm also our group's piggy bank!

“Griffonstone eh? I was actually planning on invading you after finishing with Abyssinia.”

Lord Goldstone chuckles. “That would certainly not have been your best plan.”

“Why? You're not much more intimidating than the kittens of Abyssinia.”

“Mayhap. However, we have powerful friends.”

The Storm King sarcastically points! “Oh, the bird has friends! Look at me, I'm shaking!”

An invisible force suddenly picks the Storm King up and shakes him violently before throwing him to the ground! He gets up quickly!

“What was THAT?!”

Lord Goldstone points a talon at the creature. “One of the powerful friends I spoke of.”

He dusts himself off. “Duly noted. Next!”

The last member steps forward and lowers their hood.

“General Wind Rider of the Crystal Empire! Master Tactician and best flier in Equestria! You want something done quickly and quietly, I'm your pegasus!”

The Storm King nods. “So... everyone here brings some flavor to the dish?”

He looks over at Tempest.

“Why exactly are YOU here for? Other than adding a bit of feminine scorn to the mix, of course! Or are you perhaps just here to... warm Decimus' bed?”

Tempest lunges at the Storm King, knocking him over and hoofing him in the face a few times before standing and walking away.

“I'm glad my hooves were able to have this little talk with your face, Storm King.”

The Storm King pulls a wicked looking knife out of his armor and leaps toward Tempest! He grabs her mane, pulls it back and deftly slits her throat! She falls to the ground with a gasp as he turns to the others.

“Well, that was... unimpressive. I do hope you have better warriors than THAT around here!”

He suddenly feels a tap on the back of his legs. Turning around just in time to be knocked to the ground and stomped a few times by a very angry Tempest! She walks away again.

“The was your free shot. Next time you do that, I'll give YOUR throat another breathing hole. Somehow, I don't think you'll get up from that!”

Captain Decimus nods! “I'd expect no less from Equestria's greatest Special Agent!”

The Storm King turns back to the creature. “Fine and dandy! And just who might you be oh dark and foreboding one?”

“The leader of this band. You may refer to me as The Dark One.”

“Ohhhh!!! Ominous... I like it!”

Grubber nods! “Yeah, it's scary! He's scary! I'm scared!”

“Quite the dream team you've assembled here, Dark One! There’re just two things I don't understand. What are you trying to accomplish, and why should I care?!”

Tempest frowns. “This world is slowly crawling toward oblivion! We're here to stop it... at ANY cost!”

The Storm King claps his hands together happily! “Oblivion! My favorite word! Tell me more!”

“A great and terrible evil is traversing the cosmos. It's heading straight for this planet.”

The Dark One nods. “Our plan has been to amass supplies and recruit those with the skills or the knowledge to further our goals!”

“So how do I fit into those plans?”

Tempest furrow her brow. “For some time now, our plans have been unwittingly thwarted by the actions of one individual.”

The Storm King nods. “Arc?”

“Yes. I was the matron of Equestria's only orphanage until Arc infiltrated it! I was driven out and forced into exile!”

Lord Goldstone clenches a talon! “I may or may not have done some rather... salacious things on a trip to Canterlot some time ago. Apparently, the mare in question spilled her guts to Hero of Light Arc! He told the princesses and they sent word to the Griffon House of Lords! I denied the allegations, naturally! But ever since that time my actions have been more closely scrutinized! He's made it harder to sneak resources from there to here!

Decimus nods. “I was the Captain of the Royal Guard until Arc came along and threw a wrench into my plans as well! Thanks to him sticking his nose where it doesn't belong, I lost YEARS of botanical research data!”

The Storm King rolls his eyes. “Oh your poor plants.”

“You would be amazed what I can do with a watering can and some seeds!”

Grubber laughs! “Like what?!”

“I used my know-how of rare and exotic plants to put both princesses into a coma-like state. During that time, I would have taken the Equestrian throne! My plan was to use my new-found power to allocate all of Equestria's resources into besting this oncoming darkness! That is assuming our original plan failed. However, Arc was ahead of me in the Order of Succession! How was I supposed to know he was a citizen?!”

Wind Rider nods! “I know what you mean, Decimus! This newly minted ‘Lord Arc’ did the same to me! I had full authority to act in the interest of the Crystal Empire, and had the situation there totally under control! At the time, my surrendering the Crystal Empire to the yaks was part of a larger plan to take it back! I was going to lead a rebellion against the invaders and look like a hero while doing it! Next thing I know, the Lord Regent waltzes in, takes command and defeats the yaks! Thanks to him I'm now a fugitive!”

Tempest calls forth Light's Bane. “My own plan was simple. Gather the souls of my enemies into this weapon and use the power it granted me to best the coming darkness. All I need is Arc's soul and that plan shall be complete!”

“So, what's stopping you?”

“A… series of unfortunate events. Do not worry though. I will defeat Arc one day and take his power for my own!”

The Storm King growls at this! “I want a piece of him too! He ruined my plans of world domination! No... literally, I want a piece of him! Before or after you take his soul makes no difference to me!

Tempest nods! “I'll let you watch.”

“Where do I sign?!”

Meanwhile... the Lunar Destiny takes off and begins the journey back to Canterlot Castle. Arc, Ember and Sereb retire to his quarters.

“That went well!”

Ember looks at Arc as if he’s lost his mind! “What part of that mission went well?!”

“The end result.”

Sereb nods. “I cannot argue with that logic.”

Ember sighs. “So, what now?”

“Now we go back to Canterlot and rescue Shining Armor from the duties of Lord Regent.”

She laughs! “I'm sure the stress has got to be murder!”

Sereb nods. “He has Lieutenant Trixie to help him.”

“Not to mention Kibitz.”

Ember nods. “Yeah! So, he's probably okay?”

Arc shakes his head. “Doubtful. It really is a thankless job.”

“What do you mean?”

Arc stops. “Do you two have any idea how many times, especially during audiences, I wanted to just throw in the towel and head back to my family in Ponyville?”

Ember shrugs. “I dunno? A couple?”

“A lot more than that!”

Sereb looks to him, wide-eyed! “Really? I would not have guessed that from your demeanor.”

Arc continues on his way. “If it hadn't been for Kibitz, Raven, Shining Armor, Trixie, and the two of you I don't think I could have done it!”

“We're here for you Arc!”

“And I appreciate it! But right now, I think we should get some sleep. It's been quite a day!”

Sereb yawns. “The captain says we should get back to Canterlot late tonight.”

They enter Arc’s quarters. He quickly walks over to the window to lower the sun and raise the moon before walking over to the bed and lying down.

“Good. Not that I don't enjoy traveling with you two, but I miss Equestria.”

Sereb lies down in front of the door as Ember turns off the lights and takes her customary place next to Arc.



Ember sits up and looks down at Arc. “You said you miss Equestria. What about your homeland?”

Arc sighs. "Not really. There wasn't much there that I was attached to. I had to leave some friends behind to come here, but seeing as there’s no way back…”

“Don't you miss ANYTHING about it?!”

Arc is silent for a time.


“Come again?”

He sighs. “I do miss hamburgers.”

“Never heard of them.”

“They're made out of ground beef and served between two pieces of bread.”

Ember looks confused. “Beef?”

“Cow meat that's seared to perfection!”

Ember licks her lips! “That sounds tasty!”

“It is!”

“You'll have to take me there someday so we can try them together!”

Arc sighs. “I don't think that's a good idea, Ember. Mythical creatures walking the streets draws attention from the wrong kind of people!”

Ember puts a claw around Arc as she snuggles up next to him.

“But you would protect me, wouldn't you?”

“I would certainly try. However, there are quite a few of them, and only one of me!”

Ember nods. “Yeah... there is.”


She holds him tightly! “There IS only one of you! And I'm happy to be by your side!”

Arc smiles and nods in the darkness. “Good night Ember.”

“Good night, Arc.”

The Lunar Destiny lands in Canterlot Castle's hanger in the wee hours of the morning. Her crew does not disturb them! Arc awakens shortly before dawn to Ember muttering something in her sleep. He sits up and looks down to her as she drools slightly.

“Mmmm... hamburgers...”

Arc sighs and shakes his head. “What have I done?”

He chuckles a bit as he gets up. Walking over to the window and looking out at the hanger, he mutters to himself.

“Ah... home again. Kinda. Still miss Ponyville.”

Arc heads to the bathroom for a shower. As he washes his hair he continues to mutter.

“Here's to hoping today is a good day! I haven't had one of those in a while. Somehow, I hope I'm due!”

Stepping out of the shower, Arc puts on fresh raiments and steps out of the bathroom. Ember is just waking up.

“Arc? What time is it?”

“Time to start the day.”

Sereb stretches. “Another day, another adventure.”

“It does seem that way, doesn't it?”

Ember sighs. “I for one am looking forward to a nice quiet day. Audiences would be preferable to the crap we've gone through lately!”

“Well let's head to the dining room for breakfast and start this day off right!”

Sereb nods! “Perhaps some pancakes.”

Ember agrees! “That sounds good!”

Arc and company make their way to the dining room. A short time later they are happily munching away on pancakes! Arc finishes first and pushes his plate away as he leans back.

“That really hits the spot!”

Ember nods! “You said it!”


Kibitz enters the dining room with his clipboard.

“Good to see you back sire! I was sure to find you here!”

Arc smiles! “One cannot rule on an empty stomach!”

“I suppose not! In any case, we've received two rather large bills for apples and cherries sire! If I may be so bold, what in Celestia's name did you need such copious amounts of food for?!”

Ember sighs. “Arc needed to feed all of Abyssinia.”

Sereb frowns. “It sounds bad when you say it like that, Ember.”

“Their country was facing mass starvation Kibitz. It had to be done!”

“Yes, sire! I'll see to it personally that these bills are paid promptly!”

“Fine! Are Plumb Bob and Hard Hat around? I just remembered I never saw their report on the cause of the Baltimare Courthouse fire.”

Kibitz thinks for a moment. “I don't recall seeing anything come from either of them. Shall I send them to you later?”

Arc nods. “Tell them tomorrow morning first thing works better for me. There's a project I want their opinion on in addition to the new courthouse. Today is going to be dedicated to catching up on my duties.”

Kibitz nods. “It will be done sire! On a more personal note, is my granddaughter doing alright? I haven't heard from her lately.”

“She's still taking care of paperwork at Light's Hope. In fact, I stopped in there and saw her just the other day on my way to Panthera.”

“Raven’s not working too hard, is she?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. But you know how it is though. There isn't a ton of work to do over there, but it does need to be done. That and there isn't any other support staff there to speak of!”

Kibitz nods. “Well around here we don't typically have that problem sire!”

Ember chuckles! “Don't we know it!”

Sereb nods. “Every day is an adventure lately.”

“In any case… how did Shining Armor do as Lord Regent, Kibitz?

Kibitz sighs. “Let's just say I'm glad your back sire!”

“Uh oh. That bad?

“He wasn't exactly… terrible at the job, but it's certainly not his special talent. After Miss Ember called to tell him of your hospitalization, I found him convulsing on his office floor!”


Kibitz nods. “Yes. Although I must admit I certainly couldn't have done better!”

Arc looks up! “About that! I'm told we're getting very close to a cure for the princesses!”

“Splendid sire! I’ve missed them dreadfully! Not that your skill in leading the country is lacking!”

Arc laughs! “I know what you mean Kibitz! To tell you the truth, I'm looking forward to them taking over again soon! This job... it really wears on you after a while!

Ember nods! “I'm stressed out just WATCHING you be Lord Regent, Arc!”

“You'll be here before you know it… future Dragon Lord.”

“Ugh! Don't remind me!”

Arc turns to Kibitz. “So, what's on the agenda for today?”

“You need to inform Lord Shining Armor of your return to officially take back your throne.”

Ember frowns as she looks out the window. “Isn't it a bit early for that?”

Kibitz shakes his head. “He's an early riser! One thing I can say for him is he's prompt! Always up with the sun! Literally! That and I'm sure he'll be happy to abdicate as soon as possible!”

Arc stands up and walks toward the dining room door. “Well let's go see him then.”

Kibitz calls out after him! “I'll be getting today's paperwork in order sire!”

“Alright. See you in a bit.”

Arc and company quickly make their way to Shining Armor's quarters. He knocks on the door to no reply. Ember shrugs.

“Maybe he's a heavy sleeper?”

Arc slowly opens the door. “Let's see.”

The group enters the darkened room together as Ember turns on the lights. Shining Armor appears to be sleeping soundly. Arc walks over to the window as he lowers the moon and begins to raise the sun. Shining Armor groans and rubs his eyes.

Ember giggles! “Good morning sleepyhead.”

He sits up and yawns. “Is it morning already Twily?”

Sereb nods. “Yes.”

He stretches. “You got a cold or something?”

Arc chuckles. “Sorry to wake you up.”

Shining Armor jumps out of bed quickly! “Arc! You're back!”

“Yes, I am. But I was considering heading out for another extended trip. Do you think you could keep things under control in Canterlot for… oh, I don’t know… another couple weeks?”

Shining Armor’s eye twitches as he grits his teeth! “A couple... WEEKS?!”

Arc laughs! “Don't worry! I'm kidding!”

Ember smiles at Shining Armor's reaction! “You should have seen the look on your face!”

“Don't worry. I'm here to stay. At least I hope so!”

Sereb shakes his head. “One never knows what the future holds.”

Ember turns back to the stallion. “Right! So, are you ready to abdicate, Shining Armor?”

Shining Armor quickly picks up a simple crown off the nightstand and gives it to Arc! “Yes, YES!!! Please take this accursed thing away!”

Arc laughs as he accepts the crown. “Alright. As of this moment you are again the Captain of the Royal Guard. Anything of note happen while I was away?”

He breathes a sigh of relief! “Thank you Arc! Other than audiences and the occasional squabbling nobles, things were pretty quiet. In any case, I'll head over to my office and see to it Sandstorm Mirage knows of this change!”

Ember looks confused. “Sandstorm Mirage?”

“On the recommendation of Lieutenant Flash Sentry, I made him my Acting Captain of the Royal Guard.”

“I'm sure he did fine.”

Shining Armor walks out the door with Arc and his bodyguards. “Yes, he did. But I'm sure he too will be happy for things to return to normal.”

Arc nods. “We'll let you get to it then. I want to check in on the princesses.”

Shining Armor walks toward his office. A fresh spring in his step! “I'll try to catch up with you later.”

The rest of the group quickly heads toward Princess Luna's room! Upon entering he finds Doctor Whooves doing his morning checkups of the princesses. The doctor hurries toward them as they enter!

“Lord Arc! Thank goodness you're here!”

Arc looks surprised. "Doctor? What’s wrong?”

“I was just examining the princesses as I do every morning! Up until now, they have merely been comatose!”

Sereb frowns. “But...”

“This morning both of their vitals are a bit off! It may very well be nothing, but… “

The doctor shakes his head as if to clear it.

“I don't wish to put undue stress on you, Miss Twilight or Miss Auriel, but we need a cure and we need it as soon as possible!”

Ember looks to him confused. “But aren't they immortal?!”

“They're supposed to be! But after seeing them in their current state I can't be sure of anything!”

Arc turns to leave the room. “I understand. Thank you doctor. Come on you two!”

Doctor Whooves calls out after him! “I'll notify Miss Twilight of the situation as soon as I get back to my office!”

“Let me know at once if there are any further changes!”

As they leave the room, Ember turns to him. “Where are we going, Arc?”

“I need to speak to the princesses at once! They must be feeling very sad and alone right now!”

Sereb nods. “You have been away for quite some time.”

Ember shrugs. “Yeah, but it couldn't really have been helped! I mean… it’s really only been a few days!”

They enter Arc’s room and walk over to the bed! “Time to make that right!”

Arc lies down and turns to Sereb.

“Sereb, do you think you could use that spell to put me to sleep?”

Sereb nods. “I shall try.”

“We'll look after you while you sleep Arc.”

Arc nods to Ember as Sereb casts the spell. “Thanks.”

He loses consciousness as Sereb turns to Ember.

“It is done.”

Ember pulls up a chair next to the bed and looks down at Arc fondly.


She sighs. “Sorry, but I can't help myself! Arc's so cute when he sleeps!”

Sereb shakes his head. “Kids...”

Meanwhile... Arc awakens in the Lunar Realm. He looks around to see that the walls appear to be distorted! The stars and city below are missing and an empty darkness has taken their place!

“This doesn't look good!”

He makes his way to Princess Luna's room and quickly enters. The surrounding walls are for the most part normal. However, the lack of sky and city still make Arc uneasy. Both princesses are huddled together on the balcony! Arc quickly approaches the pair!

“Princess Luna, is everything okay?!”

Luna and Cadance, having apparently not heard him come in, snap their heads around to look in Arc’s direction! Their eyes light up when they see him and quickly rise to stumble over to him! He reaches out to give the pair a hug!

Cadance breathes a sigh of relief! “Arc! You're really here!”

“We assumed the worst!”

Arc looks at them, quizzically. “What do you mean? Haven't you been kept up to speed on current events?!”

Cadance sighs. “Up until recently, yes! Lately we've been unable to hear what's going on around our bodies!”

Luna sits down to catch her breath. “It's also been significantly more difficult to maintain my realm! I've felt so weak lately!”

“We both have! It's like the connection with our bodies and reality are somehow slipping away!”

Arc frowns! “Can that... happen?!”

Luna sighs and look down at the floor. “It's unknown. I... we thought perhaps something terrible had happened to Equestria!”

Cadance looks to Arc, nearly frantic! “It hasn't, has it?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No. Things are actually more peaceful now than when this whole mess started!”

Luna breathes a sigh of relief! “That's a load off my mind!”

“I've been out of the country for a while now. How about I bring you up to speed on the events of the past week or so?”

Cadance points a hoof outside. “I thought you would never ask!”

The trio walks over to the balcony and sits down.

“You see… the past week has been... quite eventful to say the least. Where do I begin?”

Arc tells the pair about his sojourn to Yakyakistan, his needing emergency medical care after contracting Crystal Poisoning which was resolved by Dinky and her friends adding their power to that of the Crystal Heart. How he gained significant physical and magical boosts due to his body now containing six strange crystals. The engagement of himself to Cherry Jubilee along with her memory losing injury at the hooves of General Wind Rider. His defeating Prince Rutherford in battle after Ember turned back the initial invasion force along with their immediately redeployment to Abyssinia and the state of affairs there concerning the starving locals and that of the pirates.

Luna looks at him, wide-eyed! “That's quite a tale Arc! I'm very sorry to hear about your fiancée!”

Cadance nods sadly. “Yes. I hope her memories of you return soon!”

“Thank you. I still love her and want to be with her after all! But right now, that much is clearly out of the question!”

“In love, one never knows what the future holds. I wish there was something I could do to help you two come together again.”

Luna thinks for a moment. “Is there perhaps a spell for that, Cadance?”

Arc shakes his head. “That's a very touching sentiment. But I want her to remember me on her own. Any magical interference would just leave me wondering if she truly loved me, or if it was just magical manipulation!”

Cadance smiles at him! “You're a very sweet individual, Arc! Cherry Jubilee is lucky to have somepony care so deeply for her!”

Luna smiles! “I agree and wish the best for both of you!”

“Thanks. But in any case, can we talk about something else now? This is making me a bit depressed.”

“Very well. Let us return to the conversations regarding national security then. It would seem in that too you have been vigilant!”

Cadance nods! “Yes! Even in her heyday I don't believe Auntie Celestia herself had such a wild time!”

“The good news is we're now at peace with Yakyakistan. Turns out they were deceived by General Wind Rider!”

Luna nods. “Where is the general now?”

“Sadly, he escaped from the yaks. At the moment he's a wanted criminal along with Captain Decimus! No sign of either.”

Cadance looks to Arc expectantly. “And your exploits in Abyssinia? We've had little, if any, contact with them in longer than I can remember!”

Arc nods at her! “I'm happy to report that the Storm King will no longer threaten anyone. He was killed during the final confrontation with me and my squad.”

“While I do wish you could have taken him alive, I for one am glad the citizens of Abyssinia have closure.”

Luna looks him straight in the eye. "Arc… the decisions we must make on a near daily basis are not always the best. Sometimes you have to make a split-second call and live with the results.”

Arc clenches his fists! “Like the decision Wind Rider made when he escaped?! Just wait until I get my hands on him!”

Cadance looks to Arc, nervously! “Arc? You're not planning on doing anything... drastic, are you?”

“Let's just say I'm only going to give him one chance to surrender peacefully! If he runs, flies or in any other way resists arrest, I will have no choice but to take him down at any cost!”

Cadance frowns. “Arc! That's not very...”

Luna interrupts her. “Cadance. There are some things in life we must do that may seem... reprehensible to others. Considering what General Wind Rider put Arc, Cherry Jubilee and the entire population of the Crystal Empire through he certainly deserves whatever comes his way!”


Luna holds up a hoof for silence. “I could tell you stories that would curdle your blood! My sister and I have always done what was best for Equestria as a whole! Some of the things we did were rather... extreme, to say the least! When my sister comes back, I think the three of us need to have a long talk about our past. You're not a filly anymore, and should know what had to be done to ensure Equestria's survival! Believe me... once you know the truth, you will never look at us the same way again!”

Cadance gulps! Luna puts a hoof on her shoulder.

“I'm not trying to scare you, or make us out to be cold-blooded killers. We did what had to be done.”

Luna turns to look at Arc.

“I only ask that you give the errant general a chance to give himself up peacefully. However, should he pass up the opportunity to surrender and come quietly, I will accept whatever happens to him as necessary to safeguard the population.“

“Thank you, Princess Luna. I will do what I have to though!”

Luna nods. “I trust you will.”

Cadance suddenly appears very sleepy.

“Princess Cadance? Are you okay?”

“It's... becoming harder to stay positive! Are we really going to be alright?!”

Arc puts a hand on Cadance's shoulder. “Yes, you are! Twilight and Auriel tell me they've been able to figure out a cure! They're still testing it to make sure it works and is safe though! Stay strong you two! This will be over soon!”

Luna nods. “I hope so. While I cannot explain why, I suddenly feel that time is running out for us!”

Cadance sighs as she looks to him. “Arc... I hate to say such things, but you should consider the possibility that the two of us may be… beyond rescue at this point.”

Arc shakes his head with determination! “No! I won't accept that! We're going to find a way to bring you home!”

Luna smiles. “Thank you for caring, Arc. While I hope you're right, this possibility has been in my mind for quite some time now! In a worst-case scenario for the two of us, you may have to remain as Equestria's Lord Regent, but in a more... permanent role.

Cadance nods. “Are you okay with this Arc?”

“I'm not okay with abandoning you two, no!”

Luna sighs. “Arc, while we appreciate the thought and your dedication, this may be more than anypony can handle! The Hero of Light leading our nation was Celestia's backup plan in case something like this ever occurred!”

Arc looks back at Luna, soberly. “I understand. Should we be unable to save you two, I promise to find and rescue Princess Celestia and return her to the throne! At that time, I will step down and help her adjust as best I can!”

Cadance smiles sadly. “Thank you. It's more than we could have asked for.”

“Equestria deserves proper leadership. I just don't know if I can do that long term! That and unlike you two, my life is finite.”

Arc stands and looks over the balcony railing into the nothingness.

“Please keep it together just a little bit longer you two! We're so close!”

Luna nods! “I will try!”

“As will I!”

Arc stands up. “Well, I need to be getting back. Audiences will be starting soon.”

Luna nods and opens a portal for him. “Thank you for doing this, Arc! And remember! No matter what happens to us, please think of Equestria first!”

Arc nods as he enters the portal. “I will!”

The portal closes and the princesses are again alone.

“Luna? What happens if you are unable to maintain your realm?”

“It will return to the nothingness it was before I made it.”

Cadance shudders! “And us?”

Luna shakes her head. “I do not know. But there is a good chance we will fade along with it! Are you frightened?”

“Yes! But more for Equestria than myself!”

“Just remember this... Arc still lives! As long as he does, there is still hope for our land and its inhabitants!”

“And Aunt Celestia?!”

Luna nods. “Yes. He will not fail her! I know it…”

Meanwhile back in Arc's room, Sereb and Ember pace the floor anxiously!

“What is he DOING in there?!”

“His job I would imagine.”

Ember looks at the clock! “Well, his job is to give audiences at the moment! If he doesn't get to the Audience Chamber soon Kibitz is going to have a heart attack!”

Arc begins to stir. Sereb looks over to him.

“Just in time it would appear.”

Ember gently shakes him. “Arc! Wake up!”

Arc looks up at her, groggily! “Is nap time over?”

“You’re supposed to be giving audiences now! Hop to it!”

He sighs, stands up and opens a portal to the Audience Chamber. “Here we go again.”

Arc, Ember and Sereb appear on the sigil in the middle of the Audience Chamber. Kibitz is pacing the floor frantically!

“There you are sire! I hope all is well!”

Arc pulls his crown and scepter from his ring and ascends to the throne. “That's complicated, Kibitz. But right now, I have a job to do!”

“Good show, sire!”

Arc sits down. “Let's get started.”

“Yes sire! Now I must warn you that the first audience is a rather... upset individual, to say the least.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Great! What a way to start the day!”

“He claims to have been wronged recently by an agent of the state! My apologies, but I don't know any more than that!”

Arc nods. “Well, let's get to the bottom of this.”

The Royal Guards open the door and a very angry stallion storms in! Arc sighs.

“Great. Him again.”

Filthy Rich stops at the foot of the throne and glares at Arc!

“Glad to see you're FINALLY back, Lord Arc! Your stand-in didn't exactly impress me!

Arc rolls his eyes and replies sarcastically! “I apologize for not consulting with you personally before following the Order of Succession, Mr. Rich!”

“Maybe if you spent more time in Canterlot and less gallivanting around the world...”

Ember angrily interrupts him! “GALLIVANTING?! Arc has been out there preventing wars and saving LIVES!”

Filthy Rich looks down his nose and scoffs. “Noble and all that. However, there are problems HERE that require his immediate attention!”

Arc rolls his eyes and leans back in the throne. “Get to the point Mr. Rich! I'm a very busy man.”

“Fine! I wish to level charges against these two for the destruction of my personal property!”

Filthy Rich points a hoof angrily at Ember and Sereb!

“These two willfully and maliciously destroyed a statue that has been in my family for generations! I demand justice!”

Arc turns to Ember and Sereb.

“Is this true?”

Ember sighs. “Yes, it is.”

Sereb nods.

“You see?! They admit it freely! Clearly these two are out of their minds!”

“Well, I've heard your side of the story, Mr. Rich. Now it's time for them to tell their side of it.”

Ember nods. “Very well. Here's what happened...”

She recounts the story of Filthy Rich refusing to leave his belonging behind and how he had attempted to convince the nearby Crystal Guards to help him salvage his things! How he had offered to hire her and how she and Sereb had smashed his precious statue!

Arc turns back to Filthy Rich. “Is that what happened?”

“It is! However, when I returned to my home after the all clear was given my statue, or what was left of it, was gone!”

Arc frowns. “Any idea what happened to it?”

Filthy Rich nods angrily! “Yes! It was later found filling a rather large hole in the city wall. I wonder how it got THERE!”


“Some yaks had accidentally blown a hole in the wall. Sereb and I managed to drive them off, but the hole remained. It had to be filled with SOMETHING! The idea was mine! Sereb didn't have anything to do with it!”

Sereb shakes his head. “Not true. I willfully aided Ember in implementing her plan.”

“Again they admit to their crimes! How much longer must I wait for justice to be done, Lord Arc?!”

“Until I hear everything I believe to be pertinent to this case!”

Arc turns back to Ember.

“Now then, what do you have to say in your defense Ember?”

Ember nods. “At the time, was clear that Mr. Rich would not leave his statue behind. I felt it necessary to destroy the statue, as it meant there would be no reason for him or his daughters to stay in harm's way!”

“Preposterous! The yaks had yet to breach the city! My daughters and I were fine! These two must answer for their actions!”

Arc nods. “Very well. I believe I've heard everything I need to in order to pass judgment.”

Filthy Rich huffs indignantly! “It's about time!”

“It is clear to me that Ember and Sereb were indeed responsible for the destruction of your statue, Mr. Rich. There are two possible paths we can take to settle this, and the choice is yours.”

He grins! “Glad you see it my way, Lord Arc!”

“Canterlot will compensate you for the cost of replacing the statue. Time, labor and materials. However...”

Filthy Rich interrupts. “That sounds fair. But what of these two? What would their punishment be?”

Kibitz frowns. “That would be an internal affair, Mr. Rich. The Lord Regent does not answer to you in such matters!”

Ember mutters to herself. “Way to go, Kibitz.”

“Very well. I'll go with the first choice then!”

Arc frowns. “But you haven't even heard the second or even let me finish the first.”

Filthy Rich turns around to leave the Audience Chamber. “No time! I'm a busy stallion after all! Have the money sent to my place of business in Ponyville, would you kindly.”

Arc nods. “Very well. Mr. Rich. Guards, take this stallion into custody!”

The nearby Royal Guards move to surround Filthy Rich!

“What is the meaning of this?! Lord Arc, you can't just arrest me for no reason!”

Arc looks at Filthy Rich angrily! “No reason?! You admitted earlier that you attempted to bribe my bodyguards here into helping you save your statue!”

“Bribe?! I just offered to hire them to move it! They're just a dragon and an over-sized dog! You can't bribe animals!”

Ember explodes! “ANIMALS!!!”

Arc holds out an arm! “I'll handle this Ember!”

She looks away, huffily! “Fine…”

Arc turns back to Filthy Rich. “They are officially my bodyguards, which make them, as you yourself stated earlier, Agents of Equestria!”

Kibitz nods! “By offering them money to deviate from their duties you have committed a serious crime, sir!”

“Indeed. I’m also ordering your daughters to be removed from your care!”

“WHAT?! You... YOU CAN'T!”

“You also admitted earlier that you ignored an evacuation order during which time you willingly put two small fillies needlessly in harm’s way!”

Ember points a claw at Filthy Rich! “Yeah! That's right! Who's the animal now?!”

Kibitz looks to Filthy Rich angrily! “Foal Endangerment and Ignoring a Royal Order are both serious crimes, sir!””

Filthy Rich looks to Arc, pleadingly as the Royal Guards drag him away! “Please Lord Arc! Don't take my daughters away! I'm begging you!”

Arc nods. “Would you care to hear option number two now?”

“Option... two?”

“You drop your claims against my bodyguards and pay for your own statue. In return, I will drop the charges levied against you.”

Filthy Rich nods! “Yes, YES! Anything!”

Arc leans back on his throne. “Good. Kibitz, put that in writing and have Mr. Rich sign it please.”

“Yes sire. It won't take but a few minutes! Please follow me Mr. Rich.”

Filthy Rich mutters indignantly under his breath as he follows Kibitz out of the Audience Chamber. After he leaves Ember turns to Arc, apologetically.

“Arc, I'm sorry about what I did in the Crystal Empire. Had I known it was going to cause you trouble in the future I NEVER would have done it!”

Sereb nods. “She did not act alone. I also took part in this wrongdoing.”

Ember looks down at her claws, wringing them nervously. “Thanks for keeping me out of the dungeon. I certainly deserved it.”

Arc looks up at Ember from his throne. “Yes, well... please try to refrain from doing such things in the future.”

“I will.”

“As will I.”

Arc motions for Ember to come closer. As she leans down Arc whispers in her ear.

“I would have done the same thing.”

Ember stands back up and winks at Arc. Sereb looks on with a small smile as Arc looks to the Royal Guards.

“Next audience!”

After a lengthy audience session and several meetings with the military and other ponies of note, Arc heads to his office to catch up on the backlog of paperwork. He looks at the piles of papers stacked up on his desk and sighs.

“Some things never change.”

Ember shrugs. “At least it's a lot safer than what we've been doing!”

Sereb nods. “True. But not as interesting.”

Arc sits down at his desk and pulls the stamp out of his ring. “At this point, I'll take boring!”

Ember looks out the window as Arc starts on the paperwork. “Hard to believe its late afternoon already!”

Arc nods, not looking up from his work. “I know, right! Where has the day gone?!”

Sereb smiles. “A day spent working is never truly wasted.”

Arc starts on another stack of papers. “Well, I knew there would be a lot of work when I got back. Didn't think there would be quite THIS much paperwork though!”

Sereb shakes his head. “Such are the disadvantages of not having a stamp.”

Ember laughs! “True. Shining Armor had to do this the hard way!”

Kibitz enters the office.

“Good to see the paperwork situation coming together so nicely!”

Ember frowns. “At least someone's happy about it!”

Kibitz walks over to the desk. “Begging your pardon Lord Arc, but the switchboard has a Matron Coco Pommel on hold. I know you're very busy right now, but she says it is urgent!”

“I'll speak to her at once!”

“Very good sire! She's on line one.”

Arc picks up the phone and pushes the ‘Line 1’ button.

“This is Arc. What can I do for you Coco Pommel?”

“I... I'm very sorry to bother you right now, Arc. You must be very busy!”

Arc shakes his head! “Nonsense! I’m never too busy to help you! Now what can I do for you?”

“Well… you see… Dinky is in my office with a bit of a problem. She needs to talk to you about it.”

“Alright. Put her on the speakerphone, would you kindly?”

Coco Pommel presses the speakerphone button and hangs up the receiver.

“Go ahead, dear.”

Dinky nods, sounding sad. “Hi dad.”

“Dinky? Is everything okay?”

“Not really! Mom's really sick!”

“Uh oh! Did she call the doctor?!”

Coco Pommel nods. “I sent her to Ponyville Hospital earlier today, as I could clearly see she was feeling a bit under the weather.”

“Thank you for being so vigilant, Coco Pommel!

She smiles! “It's the least I could do for Miss Derpy. She's such a help to me and the foals!”

“What did the doctor say?!”

“Doctor Horse says she has a nasty cold. It's going to take a few days, but she'll be okay. She's resting at our house!”

Arc breathes a sigh of relief. “Good!”

Dinky fiddles with her hooves nervously! “The only problem is she was supposed to see Miss Cheerilee this evening!”

Coco Pommel nods! “It's time for parent/teacher conferences!”

“I understand if you're too busy to come, but... could you?”

Arc nods. “Don't worry, Dinky. I'll head over there now.”

“There's no rush dad! The meeting isn't until later this evening!”

“That's okay, Dinky! It will give me a chance to check in on your mother and see if there's anything I can do! I'll teleport over to Light's Hope in a few minutes and we can walk home together!

Dinky jumps up excitedly! “Thanks dad! You're the best! See you at your base!”

She happily runs out the office door! Coco Pommel picks up the receiver, laughing!

“Sorry about that Arc. Dinky just ran out of here. I guess she wants to meet you back at Light's Hope!”

Arc chuckles. “I guess so! Thanks for letting me know Derpy was sick! I really appreciate it!”

“It's no problem Arc. I'll see you and Dinky at the school later this evening.”

“See you then. Bye!”

Coco Pommel hangs up the phone and leans back happily in her office chair.

“Hero of Light... Lord Regent... Liberator... and darn good father too! Dinky is such a lucky little filly to have such caring parents!”

Meanwhile, Arc hangs up the phone. Ember looks concerned.

“Trouble at home?”

Arc nods. “Derpy is feeling a bit under the weather with a cold. I'm heading over there now to check up on her and go to Dinky's parent/teacher conference tonight.”

Sereb walks over. “Shall we accompany you?”

He shakes his head. “No. Please don't take this the wrong way, but this is something I need to do myself as a father.”

Ember puts a claw on Arc's shoulder. “We understand. Go.”

Kibitz looks nervous! “Please keep that earring on at all times, sire!”

Arc opens a portal. “I will Kibitz. Call me if there's trouble! Feel free to use my bed tonight Ember.”

Ember grins! “Thanks, I will! It's comfy!”

Arc steps through the portal. “I'm only a call away.”

The portal closes behind him as Kibitz begins pacing the floor!

“Oh dear! This is most nerve-wracking!”

Ember looks confused. “What's wrong?”

“I know I shouldn't, but I worry about what could happen without a monarch in the castle at all times!”

Sereb shakes his head. “Worrying does not remedy a situation. Only action can do that.”

Ember nods. “Like he said, Arc's only a call away. He can open a portal and be here in a moment's notice!”

Kibitz sighs. “I suppose you're right.”

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