• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 3 - Chaos Ensues

Dinky, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Sereb reappear next to a statue identical to the one they left. Looking around they try to get their bearings. Sweetie Belle is the first to speak.

“Where… are we?”

Sereb sniffs the air. “While not very reliable, Wiseman did say this was supposed to take us to the Hayseed Forest.”

Apple Bloom looks around. “It kinda reminds me of the Everfree Forest.”

Dinky frowns. “Does it? I’ve never been there before.”

Sweetie Belle grimaces. “Be thankful, Dinky. Rarity told me it’s a really dangerous place. She and her friends have gone there a couple times. But always as a group. And even then Rarity’s kinda jittery when she gets back.”

“I can understand that. Ember and I used to go there often to spar.”

Apple Bloom gasps as she turns to Sereb. “’You did? Why there?”

“To train our senses. As one of us would gain an advantage creatures would lunge at us, having waited for an opportune time to strike. We would then both turn on them, which was often quite the surprise to our assailants. After they had been dispatched, we’d seamlessly transition back to our sparring.”

Dinky puts a hoof to her chin. “I guess that kinda makes sense, Sereb.”

She turns back to her friends.

“If it’s such a bad place, what were you doing there, Apple Bloom?”

“When Arc first came to Ponyville he got a job helping my family at Sweet Apple Acres. I thought he was a monster and… kinda ran away from home that night.”

Sweetie Belle gasps. “Really? And you went to the Everfree Forest why?”

Apple Bloom shrugs. “I figured I could build a new apple orchard there in a clearing, and the beasts in there would keep Arc away.”

Dinky frowns. “But you went home before anything found you, right?”

Apple Bloom shakes her head. “No, I spent the night in a cave with my hoof caught between the floor and a rock. Arc found me and took me home the next morning though. But all night I lay awake listening to the cries of strange animals.”

“What were they?”

“Mostly Timberwolves.”

Dinky groans. “What did they sound like?”

“Kinda like this…”

Apple Bloom takes a deep breath and opens her mouth. The most mournful howling comes forth. Sweetie Belle gasps.

“That was pretty good, Apple Bloom!”

“Ah… that wasn’t me.”

Sereb growls. “We are not alone here!”

A dozen or more glowing eyes peer out at them from all directions. Sereb takes up a battle ready position and bears his teeth as the Timberwolves walk toward them. Sweetie Belle takes a step back.

“Wha… what do we do?!”

Dinky plants her hooves firmly in the dirt as her horn glows. “We’re gonna fight em!”

Apple Bloom gasps. “What?!”

Sereb growls. “That would be best! After all, we don’t even know which direction to retreat to!”

Sweetie Belle steps forward to join Dinky. “Let’s get this over with!”

“That’s the spirit! Take them out from a distance! Don’t let them close!”

Apple Bloom trots in place nervously. “What should I do?!”

Sereb turns to her. “Stay behind us! Their teeth will tear you to shreds, little one!”

Dinky nods. “Okay, Sweetie Belle. On the count of three, fire! One… two…”

Sereb lunges forward. “THREE!!!”

He pounces on two of the creatures, crushing them to splinters. With a mighty swing of his paw two more fall. Dinky and Sweetie Belle take aim and open fire on the rest, breaking them apart with their magic. Sweetie Belle grins.

“They’re not so tough!”

Dinky shakes her head as she looks around. “Keep your eyes open! That was too easy!”

Sereb grimaces. “They will regenerate in a few moments! Do as I do!”

As the creatures reform themselves, Sereb casts a Fire Spell on one of them. Bursting into flames the beast runs off. Dinky and Sweetie Belle each run over to one of their fallen foes and do the same. Reforming, the creatures find themselves ablaze and flee as their companions follow. Dinky grins.

“We won!”

Sweetie Belle nods. “That’ll show em!”

Apple Bloom motions with a wave of her hoof. “Come on! We need to get out of here!”

Sereb looks to them. “Stay sharp! This place is not safe!”

The fillies jump on Sereb’s back as he runs by. He looks to Dinky over his shoulder.

“Where to?!”

“We need to find someplace safe we can rest!”

Apple Bloom nods. “A cave or even a hole in the ground would do right now!”

Sweetie Belle gasps. “You mean we’re STAYING?!”

“We have to find out if my dad was brought here!”

Running for some time they eventually come to a massive, dead tree. Sweetie Belle points with a hoof.

“That looks like a good spot.”

Apple Bloom raises an eyebrow. “For what?”

Sereb pants. “To rest I would imagine.”

Dinky frowns. “But there’s still a lot of daylight left!”

Sweetie Belle shrugs. “Well, we can at least catch our breath and think about what to do next.”

Dinky sighs. “I guess.”

Entering the tree, the fillies hop off and look around. Sweetie Belle takes in their surroundings.

“You know, if this tree wasn’t in the middle of a dangerous forest, it might make a nice clubhouse!”

Apple Bloom looks up at the sky through the rotted away trunk. “No way! This thing isn’t structurally sound!”

Dinky frowns. “Because it’s dead?”

Apple Bloom nods. “And the inside has already decomposed. There isn’t much holding this together.”

Sereb frowns. “We should move on soon anyways.”

Sweetie Belle turns to Dinky. “But where?”

“Any scents on the wind, Sereb?”

“Many. However none of them smell friendly.”

Sweetie Belle clears her throat loudly. “I think we need to pick a direction and just start walking.”

Apple Bloom sighs. “Or find a trail of some kind.”

Sweetie Belle raises an eyebrow. “A trail?! Way out here?!”

“Well, if we do find one, yeah. Trails lead somewhere, right?”

Dinky appears hopeful. “I guess there could be somepony living out here.”

Sereb growls. “That is unlikely. However, we should retrace our steps and return to the statue at once.”

Apple Bloom frowns. “What? Why?!”

Sweetie Belle groans. “Because this place is crazy dangerous!”

“All the more reason to find my dad!”

Apple Bloom nods with conviction. “Right! He could survive out here easily!”

Sweetie Belle looks to the wolf. “I’m with Sereb on this one.”

“Arc would not want you three to risk so much on the chance he yet lives.”

Dinky stomps a small hoof defiantly. “Well I’m not leaving until I find my dad!”

Sereb sighs. “Very well, Dinky. While I disagree, I will do my best to protect you.”

Dinky walks over to Sereb. “Let me get my dad’s gauntlet. I can open a portal home for Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.”


“No way are we leaving you!”

Dinky sighs. “This just got REALLY dangerous! You two should return to Ponyville where it’s safe.”

Apple Bloom nods soberly. “Fine. But only if you and Sereb come with us.”

“I can’t. My dad’s still out there.”

“Then we can’t leave either!”

“Thanks. But that still doesn’t tell us where we should go.”

Apple Bloom turns and looks at the saddlebags. “Well, first I think we need to lighten the load.”

She walks over to Sereb and starts rummaging around. Sweetie Belle looks confused.

“What are you looking for?”

“Things we don’t need. If something comes after us, we need Sereb to be able to run as hard and fast as possible.”

Dinky nods. “Let’s pull everything out and look it over.”

The fillies lay their gear in a pile in the center of the tree. Dinky points to the food from Wiseman.

“We can’t leave without that. Put it back in the bag, Apple Bloom.”


Sweetie Belle points. “How about the tent? It is kinda bulky. Even folded up properly.”

Sereb frowns. “We may need the protection from the elements at some point.”

Dinky nods. “Makes sense. It stays, but we don’t actually need three sleeping bags.”

Apple Bloom sighs. “I guess one would do.”

She tosses two sleeping bags across the tree as Dinky points.

“Those flashlights can go. After all, three of us can light the way with magic if need be.”

Sweetie Belle shrugs. “And this camping lantern too, I guess.”

Apple Bloom walks over to the pile and picks up a tattered rag.

“We could probably…”


Dinky grabs the bundle from Apple Bloom and holds it to her chest.

“We’re not leaving these behind!”

“I was going to say we could probably find room for these in there.”

“Oh… sorry.”

Sweetie Belle puts a hoof on her friend’s shoulder. “We know how important they are to you.”

Sereb nods. “I will bear that burden for you.”

“Thanks for understanding, everypony.”

The fillies finish thinning out their gear and repack everything remaining back in Sereb’s saddlebags as he turns to them.

“Should we press on, or camp for the night?”

Apple Bloom shrugs. “It’s Dinky’s call.”

Sweetie Belle nods. “Right. What do you want to do?”

“Well… I don’t really want to go out there this late. After all, we might not find proper shelter again before dark. This tree’s better than the tent at least.”

Sereb looks outside. “We could look around the perimeter for clues before evening falls.”

“Good idea. Then we come back here, make our food, and go to sleep.”

Dinky nods. “Okay.”

They hop on Sereb’s saddle as the wolf looks around.

“I don’t hear or smell anything dangerous.”

Dinky looks down at him. “Let’s get moving then.”

Sereb steps out of the tree and begins walking. Apple Bloom looks around.

“Keep your eyes open for trouble.”

Sereb grunts. “And clues.”

They walk for some time before the sun begins to fall toward the horizon. Sereb sighs and turns to Dinky.

“We should head back.”

“Can’t we keep going for a bit longer?”

Sweetie Belle groans. “You said that a half hour ago!”

Sereb nods. “Your friend is right. We should head back.”

Dinky sighs. “Fine. Let’s…”

Sereb’s ears suddenly perk up.

“Something is approaching!”

“What is it?!”

“Unknown. It’s moving… strangely.”

Sweetie Belle gasps. “Maybe we should…!”

Something whizzes through the air and strikes Sereb in the side. He topples over as Dinky and her friends fall out of the saddle and across the ground. Apple Bloom looks around.

“What was THAT?! Sereb, are you okay?!”

Sereb grunts in pain. “R-r-run…”

Dinky shakes her head and stands in front of Sereb. “No! We’re not leaving you! Eyes open you two!”

Standing flank to flank they fillies look all around for the source of the attack. A moment later a loud hissing is heard. Sweetie Belle’s pupils shrink.

“Is that a… a… a SNAKE?!”

Apple Bloom groans. “Aw, come on! Who’s afraid of an oversized worm?”

The grasses part as a massive snake slithers toward them. Dinky gasps.

“That could swallow us whole!”

Apple Bloom cries out. “And Sereb!”

Sweetie Belle takes a step back. “Together!”

“G-go. Run.”

Dinky looks to her friend as she charges up her magic. “Sweetie Belle! Shoot it with me!”

Dinky opens fire with her magic as Sweetie Belle screams and fires haphazardly. Their magic is absorbed by the snake’s scales as it continues to slither towards them. Opening its mouth, it spits three spines. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom cry out in pain as the barbs lodge themselves in their sides. The spine intended for Dinky is caught by Sereb’s massive paw as he calls out weakly.

“Go… save… self…”

Sereb passes out as Dinky’s friends lie on the ground and moan in pain. She dives behind Sereb and rummages around in his saddlebags.

“Come on! Where is it?!”

Finding her prize, Dinky picks it up with her magic and peeks over Sereb. The snake licks Apple Bloom’s face. She squirms weakly.

“It… it hurts…! Stop… it…! Somepony… help… me…!”

Dinky grits her teeth. “HEY!”

The snake turns and looks at her. Dinky plants her hooves defiantly as she stares the snake down.

“Why don’t you eat me first?!”

Lowering her head, Dinky starts walking toward the snake. Confused, it slithers toward her, mouth open. As Dinky feels it’s warm breath on top of her head, her horn glows. Arc’s knife sails over her head, through the snake’s open mouth, and out the back of its head. The creature falls to the ground, writhing. Grinning, Dinky runs over to Apple Bloom.

“Hey! Are you…!”

“Look… out…!”

Dinky turns just in time to see the snake fire one last spine. It lodges itself in her side as she falls to the ground. Immediately she feels an excruciating pain spreading throughout her entire body. Sweetie Belle crawls over and lays next to Dinky. She puts a hoof on the spine and pulls, but to no avail.

“We… have to… get back… to…”

Her voice trails off as she loses consciousness. Dinky takes her hoof as she reaches for Apple Bloom. The Earth Pony filly stretches out at the sight of her friend’s intent. Forcing a weak smile, her eyes roll into the back of her head as she collapses. Grabbing Apple Bloom’s fetlock, she holds it tight.

“It’s… okay. Apple Bloom… Sweetie Belle… we’re… together… like… best… friends… should… be. Th-thanks…”

Dinky struggles to remain conscious, but darkness overcomes her as blood pools around the three fillies and Sereb. Meanwhile, as the sun hangs low in the sky, Arc and Snowflake reach the edge of the forest.

“There it is!”

Arc appears relieved. “Good. I didn’t want to be out here when the sun went down.”

“Me either. That and I’m starving!”

“Those berries we found on the way helped a bit.”

“Yeah. But they weren’t very filling.”

As they approach the house Sunshine hurries out to meet them.

“I was getting worried about you two! Where did you go?!”

Snowflake grins. “To get THIS!”

Snowflake gestures to Arc’s pack. Sunshine gasps and looks at the plant carefully as Arc kneels down.

“Is that… what I think it is?!”

“Yeah mom! Equusroot!”

“This should make your father very happy! Come inside you two! He’s just finishing his supper!”

They enter the cottage to see Shadow putting his dishes in the sink.

“Dad! Look what we found!”

Shadow groans. “Hopefully it’s some more Lobelica Root. Your mother just sold the last of it to…”

He stops talking as he spots the plant. Silently walking over he carefully examines it.

“This is Equusroot! Where did you FIND IT?!”

“At the basilisk’s den!”

Shadow glares at Arc.

“I thought I told you to keep my daughter SAFE!”

“He did, dad! I wasn’t anywhere near that place!”

Arc nods. “Right. I went in alone to get this.”

Shadow looks him up and down. “You must be faster than you look.”

“That creature never came after me.”

Snowflake nods. “He must not be something the basilisk likes to eat.”

“Maybe Sunshine can plant this thing and harvest the seeds.”

Sunshine smiles. “Then we’d have an unlimited supply!”

Shadow grins wickedly. “The medicine you could create with it would be worth its weight in gold!”

Sunshine looks outside. “There’s still some daylight left. I could plant it now.”

Shadow shakes his head. “We can’t risk it getting eaten, blown away, or otherwise destroyed. Put it in a pot and set it in front of the window in Snowflake’s room. We need to coax some seeds out of this thing before the growing season ends.”

Sunshine nods. “I’ll get to it right away.”

Arc gives her the pack and turns back to Shadow.

“I also found this.”

He removes the stone-like object and gives it to Shadow.

“A basilisk spine?!”

“He found it in the lair.”

“It was near the plant.”

Shadow smiles. “Good work you two! I’ll get to work in the morning mounting this thing on a hilt!”

Sunshine looks up from the flowerpot happily. “You’ve wanted another one for as long as I can remember.”

“Right. And now I’ll have one. This, along with the Equusroot plant makes this the greatest haul ever!”

Snowflake gulps. “Uh oh.”

“This calls for a celebration! Sunshine, fetch me that special brew I’ve been saving!”

“Yes dear.”

She gives the pot to Arc and winces.

“Would you please take this upstairs to Snowflake’s room?”


Sunshine calls out to them as they head upstairs.

“I’ll warm up some supper and bring it up to you two in a few minutes.”

“Thanks mom.”

They enter the small room. Arc sets the pot down in front of the window as Snowflake flops down on the bed.

“What a day!”

“At least we got back safe and sound.”

Snowflake sighs. “Yeah. But my dad’s going to be ‘celebrating’ again.”

“He seems to do that a lot.”

“Yeah. Give it about ten minutes and he’ll be toasted.”

Resting for a time, she eventually hops off the bed and over to the door.

“Let’s say we’re going to check on something and head to the barn. It’s going to be another loud night.”

“Um… why don’t you head over there and I’ll meet you there with supper?”

“Yeah, sure. I’ll get the bed made again. Mom kinda messed it up last night.”

Arc hops out the window and jumps off the roof. After catching Snowflake she takes the lantern and heads for the barn. Going in through the front door he spies a small pot of stew on the stove. Shadow is holding Sunshine on his lap in the corner.

“Give me a few minutes, Shadow. Snowflake and her Big Brother need their supper.”

“Come on, Shunny. We n-need ta get dis sh-show moving.”

“You can wait for me to take the food off the stove.”

Shadow shakes his head. “Naw! Today’s… today’s a lucky day. If those ama… amat… beginners kin find… two… thingies… da universe must be smi… smilin’.”

Arc clears his throat. Shadow frowns.

“Wat you doin’ heer?! Dis heer’s my time!”

“I just came for the food.”

Sunshine points with a wave of her hoof. “It’s on the stove. Should be warmed up by now. Bowls are on the table.”

Arc hastily grabs the pot and turns to get the bowls. Sunshine gasps as Shadow licks her neck and pets her mane.

“S-spoons are in the drawer next to us.”

“Um… thanks.”

Arc walks over to get them as Shadow pushes Sunshine toward the table. As Arc turns around to leave the room he spots Shadow mounting his wife on the kitchen table and grinning at him.

“Yu… wanna watch? See how a… a REAL stallion make a foul?”

“I… um… don’t think so. Kinda hungry.”

Shadow laughs as Arc hurries out the front door. “Yer loss!”

Arc makes his way back to the barn and closes the door behind him. Snowflake looks over from their corner of the barn.

“What took so long?”

“N-nothing really. Your dad was just… asking me something real quick.”

Snowflake sniffs the air. “That does smell good.”

Arc spots a small crate on the other side of the barn. Pushing it over to the makeshift table, he sets the pot on it along with the bowls and spoons. Snowflake looks around.

“Didn’t you get cups?”

“Opps. Sorry.”

Snowflake trots toward the door. “It’s fine. I’ll just run back to the house and grab a couple.”


Snowflake stops as she puts her hoof on the door. “What is it?”

“It’s getting kinda late. We should hurry up and eat so we can get to bed.”

“But it won’t take but a minute to…!”

“That and your dad’s in one of his moods. We probably shouldn’t cross him right now.”

“Oh… that makes sense. Thanks for saying something.”

Arc pours the soup from the pot into the bowls and the pair enjoy a nice hot meal.

“We should get some sleep now. Morning comes early, after all.”

Snowflake sighs. “I guess. And sorry for forgetting the food today. Usually my mom’s pretty good at reminding me.”

“Everyone makes mistakes.”

Arc lies awake long after Snowflake has fallen asleep snuggled up to him. A few hours later the din from inside the cottage stops. Sitting up, he carefully rises and makes his way over to the barn door.

“Better check to make sure Snowflake’s mom is okay.”

Making the quick walk to the cottage, Arc quietly enters through the front door. He spies Sunshine lying on the floor. The smell of the evening’s ‘activates’ still hang in the air. Hurrying over to her, he puts a hand on her shoulder and gently shakes her.

“Sunshine? Can you hear me?”

She slowly opens her eyes and looks up at him.

“Huh? Where… where am I?”

“The kitchen floor.”

Sunshine tries to cover up the liquids leaking out her backside with her tail, but fails.

“That looks pretty bad. Should I take you to the doctor?”

“I… I’m okay. Shadow… might have finally gotten me pregnant this time.”

“What makes you say that?”

Sunshine gestures to her backside. “Can’t you tell?”

“Where is he?”

“Flopped over the bed most likely.”

“Um… want me to help you in there?”

“No. I… usually just sleep on the floor where Shadow finishes. I’ve learned that on nights like this he takes up the whole bed.”

“You can sleep in the barn with Snowflake and I if you want.”

“That does sound nicer than the floor. Can you grab me a dishtowel though? I don’t want my daughter to see me like this.”

Arc sighs. “Fine.

Grabbing a nearby dishtowel he wets it down and gives it to Sunshine. She reaches back in an attempt to wipe her backside, but fails.

“Do you… think you could lend me a hoof?”

“I… guess so.”

Taking the cloth, Arc carefully wipes away a combination of blood, urine, and… ya know. Sunshine shakes in pain as he does so.

“How… does it look… back there?”

“Red, swollen, and inflamed. I’m no doctor, but it looks like Shadow was pretty rough with you.”

Sunshine grimaces. “That’s how we had Snowflake.”


“Our long nightly sessions finally paid off.”

Arc frowns. “If that’s what you like, I can’t really stop you. But how about we get you to the barn?”

“Yes, I’m pretty tired after that.”

She shakily gets to her hooves. Taking a couple steps her back hooves give out, sending her crashing to the floor. Arc leans down and picks her up.

“I got you.”

“Th-thank you.”

Carrying the mare across the field, she shivers.

“Something wrong?”

Sunshine looks to him, her teeth chattering. “S-sorry. I just get cold very easily. That’s why I burrowed into the hay last night.”

“We’ll be there in just a minute.”

Entering the barn Arc quietly makes his way back over to Snowflake. Setting her mother down on the makeshift bed, he looks at her.

“You can sleep here with Snowflake.”

“What about you?”

“I’ll sleep in the other corner.”

Sunshine shakes her head. “No, no. This is your bed. We can share it.”

“Well… okay. But only if you’re sure.”

“I am. Um… after all, you do look very warm.”

Arc lies down between Snowflake and Sunshine. As he does so both snuggle up to him. Wincing, he puts a hand to his forehead as a brief memory of Derpy and Dinky doing the same comes to him.

“Is everything alright?”

“Y-yeah. Good night.”

Sunshine smiles. “Good night.”

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