• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 23 - Magical Mayhem

Arc and Frank reappear in their booth at Shelly’s Kitchen. Lily cautiously walks over to them.

“Is, um… everything alright over here?”

Frank nods. “Yes, we’re fine.”

“Should I bring out your second order now?”

Arc nods. “That might be a good idea. Frank’s looking a little winded.”

Lily nods and hurries to the Kitchen. Frank frowns at Arc.

“Why tell her that? I’m fine.”

“Really? Then why are you breathing heavily?”

“I just need to practice with this power.”

“Maybe. Then again…”

Frank interrupts him. “It worked out well for the Hero, didn’t it?!”

“I suppose so. But his ideals are a bit less… grandiose.”

Lily returns with Frank’s second plate. She sets it down and looks to her friends.

“Are you two planning on… sticking around this time?”

Arc looks to his friend. “That’s kinda up to Frank.”

“My apologies, Lily. I’ll try to keep it under control next time.”

Lily smiles. “It’s okay. I just… worry about you two.”

Arc nods. “I’ll keep an eye on him.”

Lily nods and moves on to another table. Arc sighs as he looks to Frank.

“So that wasn’t on purpose?”

Frank shakes his head. “Afraid not, my friend. At the moment my power is held in place by mental fortitude. Much like a dam holding back a river. However, sometimes the floodgates must be opened, lest the dam burst.”

“So use it, or go out of control?”

Frank sighs. “Yes. That’s partially how I learned of my power originally. A bit of an… unexpected outburst.”

“Oh? What happened?”

“I was lying in bed thinking about my room in the Shard Base when suddenly I found myself there. Experimenting, I quickly found I could travel instantaneously through time and space.”

Arc nods. “The idea your base was haunted?”

Frank chuckles. “My boys must’ve thought I was back to get them, what with all the teleporting around.”

“Then you came to my house?!

“Right. I wanted to know the range of my power, and if it could be used to teleport others. Although that proved to be very mentally taxing.”

“Try and take it easy with that.”

“I’ll be fine.”

Arc frowns. “We don’t need you passing out mid jump… or whatever you call it.”

“Jumping, eh? I like it.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “I’m not encouraging it.”

Frank continues eating. “Maybe not. But I will follow the road before me to whatever fate has in store for me.”

The pair finish eating and stand up. Arc heads to the cash register with Frank.

“You won’t forget to notify the Hero, will you?”

Arc sighs. “No. But I doubt you’ll be able to convince him.”

Frank chuckles. “Perhaps I can. I’ve always been VERY persuasive if you recall.”

“Yeah, well… he’s not interested in anything you have.”

“We will see.”

Frank vanishes. Shelly gasps.

“How does he DO that?!”

Arc shrugs. “No idea.”

Lily joins them.

“What did he want, Arc?”

“To talk to the Hero.”

Shelly frowns. “What for?”

“Some kind of alliance, I’d wager.”

Lily grimaces. “He wants to recruit him?”


Shelly shakes her head. “He’d never go for that though… right?”

“That I can categorially say no to.”

Lily breathes a sigh of relief. “Good! I shudder to think what would happen if our town’s hero were to join forces with Frank.”

“Either way, Frank still wants to meet with him.”

Shelly looks to Arc, nervously. “Do you believe he’ll show up?”

“Yes. After all, he’ll certainly want to know what Frank’s plans are.”

Arc pays for the meal and walks out the door. Looking toward the parking lot he quickly spots his Jeep and hurries over to it. Opening the back door he slides in and looks to Xenos.

“Let’s get back home.”

“Yes sir. But are you alright?”

Arc nods as Xenos pulls out of the parking lot. “I am. Frank didn’t hurt me, or anything. However his Teleportation Magic is certainly a lot less… polished than mine.”

Ember’s voice calls out over Arc’s earring.

“You sure you’re okay?!”

“Fine, Ember. But did all of you hear that conversation?”

Viktor nods. “Yes sir.”

Max frowns. “Are you really going to meet with Frank, sir?”

“I have to.”

Sereb growls. “You certainly do not.”

Rose sighs. “Yes. I can’t imagine Frank’s plan will be free of violence.”

Arc nods. “Agreed. Which is why I have to talk to him about it. Or more accurately, the Hero needs to.”

Hugh raises an eyebrow. “Sir?”

“It’s likely he’ll tell me at least part of his secret plan in an attempt to entice the Hero. I’m going fishing for information.”

Ember grits her teeth. “Fine! I’m coming too though!”

Sereb nods soberly. “I also would like the honor of escorting you to your destination.”

“This certainly won’t be safe.”

Ember clenches a fist. “Yeah! That’s why I’m coming!”

Sereb growls. “Agreed.”

“Fine. I could probably use the backup anyways.”

Xenos grins. “And us, sir?”

“I’m keeping you four in reserve.”

Max appears confused. “Sir?”

“In case Frank has some kind of trump card he’s looking to play.”

Rose frowns. “If Arc doesn’t agree to join, Frank may attempt to eliminate him.”

“Doubtful, but we need to be ready.”

Later that night Arc, Ember, and Sereb appear on the sigil on the hill overlooking the Shard Base. All of them are wearing their signature armor. Sereb sniffs the air as Arc looks to him.

“Smell anything?”

“Quite a bit, actually.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Can you narrow it down?”

“The wind has numerous scents on it.”

Max calls out over Arc’s earring.

“Do you suppose it’s an ambush, sir?”

Arc shakes his head. “I don’t think so. After all, Frank’s preferred methods don’t allow for much in the way of subterfuge.”

Ember folds her arms over her chest. “So you think he’s got his gang there for what?”

Hugh shrugs. “Perhaps a sign of strength?”

Xenos frowns. “Probably protection.”

Viktor chuckles. “He’ll need a lot more humans to stop you, sir.”

Rose sighs. “Agreed. But this whole plan of his is still very risky.”

Ember grins. “I’ll keep the Hero safe.”

Arc shakes his head. “I mean it’s a risk to Frank.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “How so?”

“He has to know his gang, at best, would only serve to slow me down. I know he isn’t willing to use them as human shields. Which again leads me to wonder what exactly he has planned. As to why his gang is here… most of them live at the base if you recall.”

Arc looks all around at the dark forest surrounding them.

“Anything on scanners, Rose?”

“Nothing dangerous, no.”

“Alright. Standby.”

Arc raises a gauntlet and opens a portal. Max, Hugh, Viktor, and Xenos step out. They are clad in their armor and magic cloaks. Each is armed with a spear.

“Remember, you four are our backup. If things get too dicey I’ll call you guys in to help us get out of there. Do not give away your presence without permission. Understand?”

The squad silently nods.

“Good. Cloak and wait for further orders.”

Without a word the four disappear. Arc turns to Ember.

“I, uh… think it would be best if you returned to your true form.”

Ember chuckles. “Why? Don’t want me to be seen?”

“No, Ember. As a dragon you’re much more durable.”

“Oh… I suppose that’s true.”

“That and there’s also the intimidation factor.”

Ember narrows her eyes. “Ha, ha.”

“If this IS a trap, we might be able to bluff them out of fighting if they see that you’re not human.”

Ember clenches her fist. “I kinda want to knock some sense into some of these guys!”

“If things go badly you might get your chance. In any case, I want you to fly high overhead and wait for me to call you.”

“You’re not going in there alone, are you?!”

Sereb steps forward. “Worry not. I’ll ferry him to the meeting and keep an eye open for trouble.”

Ember frowns. “What am I supposed to be doing up there?!”

“Watching mostly. The grounds look to be pretty well lit, but there’s no moon tonight.”

Rose calls out. “You’ll be able to see what transpires on the ground easily. However, they won’t be able to see you, Ember.”

Ember sighs. “Fine. Let’s just get this over with.”

Arc climbs up into the saddle.

“Anyone have any questions?”

Max speaks up. “Yes sir. We’re just to follow you unless called for, right?”

“That is correct.”

“How far back should we stay?”

“Out of the light if possible. If Mio or Diva is around, hopefully the darkness will keep you hidden.”

“Yes, sir.”

Arc looks to the four. “Shall we be off?”

Ember looks nervous. “Um… one last thing.”


Ember returns to her dragon form and flaps her wings to get some air. She lands in the saddle in front of Arc.

“What are you…?”

Removing his helmet, Ember whispers in his ear.

“Be careful in there.”

“I will.”

Raising his mask to expose his mouth, Ember lightly kisses Arc’s lips before leaning back and smiling at him as he lowers his helmet again.

“For luck.”

“I… um… you too.”

Ember flaps her wings and ascends. Arc blushes as he turns to look toward his squad. The four approvingly nod to one another.

“You guys know I can see you, right?”

Xenos chuckles. “He’s got us.”

Max grins. “Apologies, sir.”

Hugh elbows Viktor. “We’re sure Ember’s wanted to do that for a LONG time now, sir.”

Viktor laughs. “I for one am glad she finally did.”

Sereb chuckles. “Indeed.”

“Yeah, well… let’s get moving.”

Sereb nods. “Onward.”

They walk toward the Shard Base. The squad follows them silently as Arc looks around.

“This is rather unsettling.”

Rose frowns. “Oh?”

“I don’t see anyone on guard duty anywhere.”

Sereb narrows his eyes. “Are they perhaps hidden?”

Rose shakes her head. “No. I’m detecting a large group of people inside the building. However, their vitals suggest they are sleeping.”

Arc frowns as he points a gauntlet.

“There’s a lot of light coming from the Loading Dock.”

Rose sighs. “It would appear Frank is waiting for you.”

Sereb growls. “Do you detect him as well?”

“Yes, he’s certainly there.”

Arc nods soberly. “Let’s not keep him waiting then.”

Sereb walks around the side of the building, Arc turns to his squad.

“Looks like our meeting will take place around this corner. Stay here in the shadows and listen.”

They nod as Sereb steps around the building and into the light. He and Arc behold a lone figure standing in the center of the spotlights Frank looks to them and steps forward.

“Ah, so good of you to come, Hero.”

Arc nods as Sereb closes the gap between the pair.

“Thank you for accepting my invitation.”

“This particular invitation, you mean?”

Frank appears confused. “I’m sorry, what?”

“You originally called me out on Guy Smiley’s show.”

“Ah, yes. I had forgotten about that. But if I may… why come forward now?”

“Back then we didn’t have anything to talk about.”

“And now we do?”

“In a manner of speaking, yes. Our… mutual friend tells me that you’ve suddenly stumbled upon some rather dangerous power.”

Frank grins. “I prefer to think of it as ‘useful’. Behold.”

He Blinks up on top of the building and calls down.

“Instantaneous travel! Very similar to what the news has captured you yourself doing!”

Arc frowns and Blinks himself and Sereb up to stand before Frank again.

“Yes, that it is. However you would do well to remember that it is a powerful tool. Not a toy.”

Frank chuckles. “Perhaps both.”

“Do not take this power lightly, lest others get hurt.”

“I’m doing just that!”

“How so?”

“The same way anyone masters a skill. By practicing diligently and remaining focused on the task at hand.”


Frank smiles warmly as he walks toward Arc. “Yes. But why don’t we talk somewhere a bit more… friendly?”

Frank waves a hand. He, Arc, and Sereb vanish and reappear in Frank’s office. The young man walks over to the desk and sits down.

“Welcome to my inner sanctum.”

Sereb growls. Arc puts a gauntlet on his friend’s armored head.

“Easy there big guy. We’re not here to fight.”

Frank smiles. “That’s reassuring.”

Arc dismounts and walks over to the desk.

“Rest assured, I’ll finish anything that gets started though.”

Frank chuckles. “Fair enough. In any case, I am Frank Fontaine. Leader of the Shards. And you are…?”

“The Hero of Light. Don’t you watch the news?”

“I do. But was hoping to know the man behind the mask. Or helmet, I suppose.”

“Right on both counts.”

Frank smiles. “Ah, yes. Your altercation with The Riders. I must say, you are quite paranoid when it comes to your identity. Tell me, why hide it?”

“It makes life simpler for me.”

Frank laughs. “Simpler? Look at me! Everyone knows who I am in this town!”

“I suppose. But that just makes you a prisoner.”

“A very wealthy one.”

Arc shakes his head. “All the wealth in the world is useless if you can’t spend it freely. Look at me. I’m certainly not rich. But I can put away my armor and walk down the street without so much as a second glance.”

“Hiding in plain sight?”

Arc nods. “The best hiding spot imaginable.”

Frank chuckles. “You have indeed thought this through. I can see your persona was not one cobbled together in a day.”

“I’ve worked hard for what I have. But I get the feeling you didn’t call me here to talk about this.”

“Cards on the table, huh?”

“Let’s just move this along.”

“Very well. I want you on my team.”

“Not happening.”

“I require those whom I can trust to help lead this family.”

“Why me? You just looking for a replacement for Mio’s magic?”

“Simply put, I have three reasons.”

Frank clears his throat before continuing.

“One. You’ve proven yourself to be a capable and honorable man. Two. Over and over again you have shown cunning and resourcefulness to accomplish your goals, whatever they may be.”

Frank looks straight at Arc.

“I suppose your… ‘abilities’ would be a distant third. But you were right about one thing.”


“A replacement for Stingray, my right hand, is needed.”

“What about Hammer and Mio?”

“Traitors, the lot of them!”


“You have Mio’s magic, Hammer’s tenacity, and Stingray’s strength. Believe me when I say you are more than they were in one package.”

“I’m not sure if I should be complimented, offended, or both.”

Frank chuckles. “Take that any way you want. But understand this. I’m not the same man I was before my disappearance.”

Arc narrows his eyes. “What do you mean?”

“I’ve learned much from my time as a captive to Stingray and her allies.”



Arc frowns. “She’s one person.”

Frank slams his fist down on the desk. “No she is NOT!”

Sereb bares his teeth and growls. Arc holds up a gauntlet as he waits for Frank to continue.

“Is it quite possible that even you are unaware of what is going on?”

Arc shrugs. “Enlighten me.”

“During my captivity I overheard many conversations between Stingray, Hammer, Mio, and the one known as Diva. They thought to learn from me. But in reality it was I who was observing them.”

“Okay, so there’s four of them. My friends and I can…”

“This runs deeper than you know! Hear me out!”

“Very well.”

“Diva is working for a shadowy group she referred to only as The Organization.”

Arc puts a gauntlet to his chin. “Hm… she did ask me to join her so-called organization. At the time I just thought she was referring to the Shards.”

Frank shakes his head angrily. “We have no ties to that witch!”

“I believe you. Any idea how large they are?”

“Enough to have access to very powerful technology and seemingly limitless financial resources.”


Frank looks to Sereb.

“The cell your mongrel found me in was where I spent my nights. During the day I was spirited away through magical means to a place referred to as The Garden.”

Arc frowns. “I get the feeling they weren’t growing tomatoes there.”

Frank clenches a fist. “They were not. In truth, I’m not even sure what they’re trying to accomplish there. It was more of a laboratory or research facility than anything else though.”

“Research? Elaborate.”

“Every day I was injected with a myriad of different chemical concoctions. Some made me feel terrible, while others did the opposite.”

“Any lasting effects?”

“Just one that I can see.”

Raising a hand Frank pulls several books off a shelf behind Arc. With a quick flick of his wrist the items float elegantly into his palm.

“As their… treatments went on, I began to feel a strange power welling up inside of me. But at the same time, I knew I was teetering on the precipice of disaster. Every day, I felt my mind drawing nearer to madness. Had you not found me and freed me from my jailers, well… I don’t want to consider what the end result might have been.”

Looking back to the shelf, Frank points. The books return to their original places.

“But that was not the end of my problems. Even away from The Garden and it’s treatments, my mind still felt clouded. I was only lightly aware of that which was going on around me. Attempts to communicate with those around me only lead to strange stares. What I said made sense to me. But apparently not to anyone else.”

“I was told you were delusional back then. At some point three of your men broke you out of the hospital.”

“Yes. I remember the sights and smells of my friend’s restaurant and the sounds of their concerned voices. While I couldn’t understand their words, I did feel safe for the first time since being captured.”

“Your friends called Arc. He told me later what he had seen.”

“A smart man. After Arc took me to my old safehouse, I began experimenting with the concept of manipulating this power. However, I found it quickly drained my energy.”

Arc nods. “He did mention you seemed to be sleeping most of the time. But you look much stronger now. What exactly changed?”

Frank sighs. “I’m not fully sure how, but eventually something… clicked.”


“I had a breakthrough! The power that had until then only fizzled and sputtered upon my attempts to control it now heeded my commands. At that time I felt as though I could accomplish ANYTHING!”

“One thing about this just doesn’t make sense. Why tell me all of this?”

“Because I need your help!”

“To do what? Take revenge on your jailers?”

Frank shakes his head vehemently. “No! To conquer and ultimately destroy The Garden, and their ability to do these things to others!”

“Wait! There were others there?!”

“Although I never saw any other prisoners, I could sense that I was not alone in my torment. That and I can’t imagine them building such a complete facility with only one test subject in mind.”


Frank puts a hand to his forehead. “Yes. My apologies, but I can’t think of any other way to describe it. That and there were occasionally cries from those I could not see in other rooms adjacent to mine.”

“Were they in pain?”

Frank shakes his head. “No. It sounded as if they were more sad than hurt.”

“So what do you plan to do about this?”

Frank stands and turns. He walks over to the window and stares out at the darkness.

“Make the world a better place.”


“My original goal has not changed. However, my idea on how to best accomplish that has.”

“To free those imprisoned?”

Frank nods soberly. “Yes. That and take down this vile Organization along with their so-called Garden! They cannot be allowed to continue to operate with impunity!”

He turns back to Arc.

“This is the Shards new objective. However, I’m the only one amongst us whom can use this power.”

“And you want my help to even the odds?”

“Truthfully, I was hoping you understood this power better than I. Perhaps some of my more intelligent members could even learn some simple spells.”

Arc shakes his head. “That isn’t possible.”

Frank Blinks directly in front of Arc.

“I am living proof that one can learn.”

“It’s not that simple. The process you described sounded absolutely horrible! You want to put your guys through that?!”

“Volunteers only, of course.”

“Still a terrible idea.”

“Fine then. How did you get your powers?”

“They were a gift.”

“A… a gift? You mean you were born with them, right?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. I too was imbued with my power artificially.”

Frank gasps. “The Organization created you at The Garden?!”

“No. Someone else entirely. But the process was quick and painless for me. Probably the opposite of how you were…”

“How can you be certain they were not with my jailers?!”

“Believe me when I say that isn’t possible. The one whom gave me this power lives in a faraway land completely disconnected with this one. They cannot be coerced or bargained with.”

“I would like to speak with this person. Can you take me to them?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, I can’t. It’s not a land one can just travel to on a whim. It takes…”

“We’re wasting time talking about it! I need your help! This entire WORLD needs your help!”

“I agree. But at what cost?”

“The Organization must be stopped! If you know how to do that, then…!”

Arc's earring chirps as Ember’s voice rings out in his ear.

“Hero, we’ve got trouble!”

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