• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 3 - Carrying On

The pair enter the cold, dark house. Both he and Ruby are soaking wet! Arc sets her down on the floor in front of the fireplace before getting a fire going. He then turns back to the bedraggled mare.


Ruby lies motionless on the floor. She doesn’t make a sound. Arc sits down on the floor next to her, gently stroking her wet mane.

“I’m here for you, Ruby.”

The pair sit there for a time looking silently into the fire as they dry off somewhat.

“Would you like to get cleaned up, Ruby?”

Ruby does not make any kind of response to Arc’s question. She does not seem to care that she is covered in mud and soaking wet! Arc picks Ruby up and walks towards the bathroom.

“Well, let’s see if we can’t get you clean and warmed up.”

Arc attempts to remove Ruby’s dress. However, it proves more difficult than he originally thought, as the mud has dried in her coat, mane and dress! He tugs gently at the dress in an effort to remove it without ripping out her mane or coat.

“I’m sorry if I’m hurting you, Ruby.”

Ruby does not respond, even to what Arc assumes must be at the very least discomfort.

He stands up and turns on the shower. “Sorry Ruby, but I think I’ll have to get you wet again.”

Ruby sighs as Arc picks her up and lays her in the tub. He sprays her down with the shower head until she is soaking wet again. He rubs the dress gently in an effort to break up the dried mud.

“I know this must not feel too good, but it has to be done.”

It takes a few minutes, but Arc is finally able to carefully remove the dress. Looking it over, he tosses the dress in the corner of the room.

“I don’t know if even Rarity could fix this thing now.”

For the next hour, Arc painstakingly cleans the mud from Ruby Jubilee’s mane and coat. He then carefully picks her up, dries her off with a towel, lays her on the couch in front of the fireplace and returns to the bathroom to take a shower himself. Undressing, Arc removes the pendant from his pocket. Holding it in his hand and staring at it for a time, sighing.

“Cherry. I loved the way you looked with this pendant around your neck.”

Arc carefully puts the pendant in his ring and steps into the shower.

“Ruby… I wish I could do more to help you.”

After drying off and pulling out some fresh clothes from his ring, Arc picks up a brush from near the sink and carries it back to the living room. Ruby does not appear to have moved since Arc set her down. He kneels down next to her and begins to brush her mane.

“Sorry for the wait.”

Arc does his best to return Ruby’s mane to normal. It is an improvement but far from perfect. He sets the brush down on the couch as looks her over.

“That’s the best I can do, Ruby.”

Arc strokes her mane with his hand as the pair sit there wordlessly for well over an hour. The sound of the rain on the roof and the fire along with peals of thunder are the only things the break the silence.


“Yes Ruby?”

“Is… is Cherry really gone forever?”

Arc nods sadly as he continues to stroke her mane. “She is.”

Ruby whimpers softly. “I keep hoping this is all just a bad dream! I’ll wake up, go downstairs for breakfast and Cherry will be standing at the stove cooking cheerfully!”

“I wish that were the case, Ruby. I really do! But this is reality.”

“I know.”

Arc stands up. “We should try to eat something. Are you hungry?”

“Not really. Although my stomach feels like a rock.”

“How about I make us a little something? You just rest for now, okay?”

Ruby nods but only slightly. Arc walks to the kitchen and opens the refrigerator. There are a number of pots containing meals presumably from the townsponies. It does not appear any of them have been touched. Arc removes a pot of homemade soup and puts it on the stove.

“I don’t think she’s eaten anything since that night. Not that I’ve each much myself since then.”

In a few minutes the soup is warm. Arc ladles some into two bowls and sets them on a serving tray along with two cups of water. He carries the tray back to the couch and sits down. Ruby has begun to cry again! Her body shakes ever so slightly.

Arc sets the tray on the end table and picks up a bowl and spoon.

“Ruby? I brought some soup. Can you please sit up and eat before it gets cold?”

Ruby does not move

Arc sits down on the floor with the soup. “Won’t you eat something?”


He puts a spoonful of soup in front of Ruby’s closed mouth. “Ruby, please. For Cherry?”

After a few moments Ruby opens her mouth just enough to let the spoon in.


Arc spoon feeds Ruby the soup and then puts the glass of water to her lips so she can have a drink. Ruby swallows the last bite.

“Th-thank you.”

“I hope that helped your stomach.”

“Not… really.”

“Would you like me to fetch you another bowl? “

Ruby opens her mouth to speak. However, when she does, a steady stream of vomit is the only thing that comes forth! She coughs the last of her stomach’s contents onto the floor.

“I-I’m sorry.”

Arc jumps up! “Ruby! What’s wrong?!”

She wipes her mouth with a hoof. “I don’t feel well.”

Arc puts a hand on her forehead! It is hot to the touch and she is still shaking!

“You’re burning up!”

Ruby shivers! “N-no I’m not. It’s so cold in here.”

Arc quickly goes upstairs and grabs the blanket off a bed! He returns to Ruby’s side and covers her up!

“Thank you. There’s some medicine in one of the kitchen cabinets.”

He heads for the kitchen. “I’ll get it!”

Arc finds the medicine. He brings it back to Ruby along with a fresh glass of water. Measuring out a spoonful of the medicine.

“I hope this makes you feel better.”

“It should. Cherry and I have used this for years.”

Arc carefully puts the spoonful of medicine in Ruby mouth. “That’s good to hear!”

He looks over the label as Ruby takes a drink of water. Reading aloud…

“Star Swirl’s Cold Tincture – One Swallow – Do Not Open Near Fire!”

Arc takes the bottle back to the kitchen, putting it back where he found it.

“Now I’m worried again.”

Before returning to Ruby’s side Arc grabs a bucket and mop. Seeing him return, Ruby’s face flushes red with both fever and embarrassment! She moves to stand up shakily!

“I’m sorry! Please! Let me clean that up!”

Arc puts a hand on Ruby’s shoulder and gently pushes her back down on the couch. “I’ll take care of this. I insist! You just lie there and rest.”

Ruby lies back down. “Thank you.”

In a short while the mess is cleaned up. Arc returns the mop to the kitchen along with their supper dishes. He puts away the rest of the soup before returning to Ruby’s side.

“How do you feel?”

Ruby yawns. “Tired. Why don’t you head back to Ponyville now? I’m sure your family is worried about you.”

“You’re in no condition to be alone! I’ll stay here with you.”

“You don’t have to do that, Arc! It’s just a cold. I’m fine. Really!”

“Considering what happened today, you shouldn’t be alone.”

Ruby dabs at her nose with a tissue. “I’ll be okay.”

Arc kneels down in front of Ruby. “After what you almost did with the rope last night, I’m staying at least until tomorrow.”

Ruby nods sheepishly. “I guess you have a point. Thanks…”

He sits down next to her. “What for?”

“For caring enough about me to do all this! Even though I’ve treated you so badly since Cherry’s accident, you still care about me! Why?”

Arc stares into the fireplace. “I’ve already forgiven you for everything.”

“How?! There really was no excuse for what I said and did!”

He looks over at Ruby. “Sometimes when we’re angry or sad we say things in haste that we don’t really mean. We’ve all done it at some point. Now why don’t we put this behind us? Besides, you need to rest.”

“I’ll try. You’ve forgiven me, but I’m having trouble forgiving myself.”

Arc smiles at Ruby. “Just give it some time. “

He looks over at the nearby hall phone.

“Do you mind if I use your phone?“

Ruby nods. “Sure. Calling your family?”

Arc walks toward the phone. “I’m going to call Light’s Hope and have them relay a message when the Lunar Destiny arrives.”

“I’ll wait for you here.”

Arc picks up the receiver and dials Raven’s desk. After several rings she answers.

“Light’s Hope.”

“Raven? It’s Arc. “

“Hello sir! Is everything alright?”

“As well as it can be, I suppose. Listen, I’m sorry to bring you to your desk at this hour, but has the Lunar Destiny returned yet?”

“No sir.”

“Good! When it does, I want someone to tell Derpy that I’ll be staying the night in Dodge Junction.”

Raven nods. “Yes sir. I’ll see to it.”

“Thank you Raven.”



“I… I’m sorry about what happened to Miss Cherry.”

Arc nods. “Thank you Raven. So am I.”

He sighs.

“I don’t suppose Emerald Dream is around, is she?”

Raven shakes her head. “Not at the moment, no. Although she did move her practice from Canterlot to Ponyville last week.”

“She did? Why’s that?”

“I guess she just fell in love with this town! It’s the same with most of us stationed here at Light’s Hope! Ponyville just kinda grows on you the longer you stay here!”

Arc nods. “Makes sense. When I come home tomorrow, she may have a couple more clients.”

“Are you alright, sir?”

He sighs. “Sometimes we all just need to talk to someone.”

“I may not be much for talking. But I can listen, sir!”

“Thanks Raven. I may just do that! In any case, I need to let you go. Tomorrow is another day.”

“Yes sir.”

“Take care. Goodbye.”

Arc hangs up the phone and returns to Ruby. She looks over to him.

“Everything okay?”

“Not really. But you know how I feel.”

Ruby nods sadly. “I do.”

The pair stare into the fire for a time.

“Thanks for staying with me. Truthfully, I wasn’t looking forward to being alone tonight.”

Arc strokes Ruby’s mane. “Lonely?”

“I am. But, up until today at least, Cherry wasn’t really gone yet! But… as she… as you lowered her into the ground… something inside me broke. I think the realization that this is permeant finally sunk in!”

Ruby sighs and looks down at her hooves.

“I… I honestly think I might have… tried again.”

Arc nods soberly. “Ruby, I want you to come back to Ponyville with me tomorrow. There’s a therapist that I think you should talk to.”

She shakes her head. “Thank you, but I’ll be okay.”

“Ruby… you wanted to kill yourself yesterday. I insist!”

Ruby sighs. “I suppose I should. “

“Glad that’s settled. Do you want me to carry you to bed?”

“I… would rather sleep here tonight. The thought of being upstairs kinda frightens me right now.”

Arc nods. “Alright. I’ll stay with you here.”

He continues to stroke Ruby’s mane as she makes herself comfortable on the couch. The rain outside has yet to let up although the storm has passed.

“Arc, can I ask you something?”


“I know you were in love with Cherry…”

“Still am, actually.”

Ruby smiles sleepily. “…but, can you tell me why? What was it about her that you were attracted to? You said the other night you thought she was pretty. But I know there’s more to it than that!”

Arc looks up at the ceiling wistfully. “First it was friendship. I saw that she was kind and accepting of those who were… different.”

“You and Ember’s first visit?”

“Right. That made me want to be her friend.”

Ruby nods. “But friendship and love are two very different things.”

“They’re actually pretty similar.”

“They are?”

Arc nods. “Yes. Love is an extremely powerful kind of friendship.”

“How did you get to that point?”

“We both realized that we couldn’t live without each other. A friend is someone who is willing to help even when things get tough. Love is when you’re willing to go so far as to make the ultimate sacrifice for the other, and they for you.”

Arc closes his eyes and smiles.

“Cherry made that really easy. She just radiated love!”

Ruby nods! “She’s always been a compassionate mare. Although until I heard all those stories at the funeral service, I didn’t really understand just how much she had done.”

“Neither did I.”

“But when did you realize you were in love with her?”

“After she proposed to me it started me thinking about a great many things. Weeks after that, after a great deal of soul searching, I realized that Cherry was the only one for me! Sorry I can’t explain it any better, but it’s both simple and very complex at the same time.”

Ruby smiles. “To tell you the truth, her initial proposal of marriage surprised me! “

“Didn’t she consult you first?!”

“She did mention a life with you. But you see, Cherry’s dream was always to get married to a big strapping young stallion and raise a family of her own.”

“But that was complicated by my being a human.”

“Right. If she were to marry you, children would be out of the question.”

Arc smiles and look over at her.


“Yes Arc?”

“That’s love!”

“What is?”

“It’s just like I said earlier! When you’re willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for the other”

“I’m confused.”

Arc smiles. “Cherry was willing to sacrifice her lifelong dream of bearing children if it meant we could be together.”

Ruby looks over to him, wide eyed! “That’s right!”

“And when I proposed, I was willing to give up my power, authority and station as the Hero of Light to take her as my bride. It also meant I would never be able to return to Earth.”

“Why not? You could have just taken her with you.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, I couldn’t. She would’ve been considered a freak of nature at the very least, and a monster at the very worst! Her life would have been one of constant fear and ridicule! I wouldn’t have wanted her to go through that!”

“So, you were willing to undergo self-exile to spare my sister’s feelings?”

Arc nods. “Yes Ruby. That’s love.”

Ruby sighs. “That’s beautiful! I hope I find love too someday!”

“So do I Ruby. But why don’t you see about getting some rest now?”

He puts a hand on her forehead.

“It looks like that medicine is working. But I still want you to recover fully.”

Ruby lays her head down in Arc’s lap as he goes back to stroking her mane. “I’ll try. But after the events of today I don’t know how successful I’ll be.”

A few minutes later Ruby is fast asleep. Arc carefully stands up and walks over to the kitchen window. Peering outside he sees the rain has passed and the moon has come out Cherry’s tombstone can be seen at the edge of the orchard.

“Good night… Cherry.”

As the moonlight shines down upon the tombstone it illuminates the epitaph…

Here rests Cherry Jubilee

“To live on in the hearts

of those you love

is to never die.

God would not

have made earthy

ties so strong

to break them in


Arc quietly does the few dishes in the sink before returning to the living room. He puts a hand on Ruby’s forehead.

“I guess that medicine really does work. Her fever seems to have broken completely.”

He tucks Ruby in for the night before putting another log on the fire and lying down on the floor in front of the fireplace. Arc closes his eyes.

“Good night, Ruby.”

Arc drifts off to sleep and dreams of the happy times he and Cherry shared together and even a few they didn’t! He runs across a summer meadow happily when he hears the sound of hoofbeats next to him. Turning he sees a filly version of Cherry running with him! She is not much smaller than he himself is, as Arc quickly finds he is again a child as well! He jumps on her back and together they run across the endless field of wildflowers! Coming to a hill they roll down it together laughing! As the reach the bottom they lie on their backs staring up at the clouds!

Cherry points a hoof at the sky. “That one looks like a dog!”

Arc points a finger at another cloud. “Yeah! And that one looks like a pony!”

She laughs! “You think all the clouds look like ponies!”

“They do!”

Cherry points a hoof at a rather round looking cloud. “Okay! How about that one then?”

Arc thinks for a moment. “A pony after WAY too many cupcakes!”

Cherry throws her hooves up in mock despair, laughing! “Okay, I give up!”

“I win!”

The pair stare up at the clouds until the sun sets and the stars come out.

“I wish this would last forever, Arc.”

“You mean it won’t?”

“No… it won’t.”

Hearing Cherry Jubilee’s adult voice, Arc bolts upright! He quickly stands to find that they are adults again. A cool mist blows through the moonlit meadow.


“You made me so very happy, Arc. But it’s time the toybox closed.”

Arc falls to his knees! “What are you saying, Cherry?!”

She walks over to Arc and puts her hooves on his shoulders. “I’m saying that it’s time for me to go.”

“Then I’ll come with you!”

Cherry shakes her head sadly. “That’s not possible. Where I am going, you cannot follow. Not yet anyways. But someday, yes!”

Arc falls backwards and sits down heavily. “Do… do you really have to go, Cherry?

She puts her hooves on Arc’s chest and pushes him to the ground. Cherry lies down on his chest and stares into his eyes for a long moment.

“I do, my love. I’m sorry.”

She wraps her hooves around his chest and lays her head down as Arc holds her close and buries his face in her mane. The sound of bells can be heard in the distance and a bright light can be seen beyond the mist. Cherry looks over at the sights and sounds behind her. She slowly stands up and smiles down at him.

“I have to go now, Arc. Everypony is waiting for me.”


She turns her head back to him. “Yes Arc…”

Her words are interrupted by Arc putting his hand on the back of her head and pulling her into a passionate kiss that seems to go on forever! Eventually the kiss breaks off and Cherry steps back. Arc looks at her, desperation in his voice.

“I… I’ll never forget you!”

Cherry smiles as she turns to walk toward the light. “Goodbye Arc. I’ll always love you!”

Arc moves to stand up. “Cherry? Wait!”

Cherry Jubilee continues to walk into the mist and toward the light! Arc runs after her, but although she is walking slowly, he cannot seem to advance fast enough to keep up! Eventually Arc falls to his knees in despair, screaming!


As Cherry enters the mists, the bells toll louder for a few moments before they fade away with the light.

Arc cries out hopelessly! “Cherry… why? Why did this have to happen?!”

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