• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 7 – Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ral

The next day there is a loud knock on Decimus’ office door in Canterlot Castle. Groaning he turns to Gaston.

“Great. More interruptions.”

Gaston shrugs. “Oh well. Best see what it’s about.”

Decimus clears his throat and calls out.

“Come in!”

A Royal Guard hurries in and shakily salutes.

“Sir! The rogue Hero of Light’s ship has just been spotting approaching Horseshoe Bay from the east!”

Gaston rolls his eyes. “So what?”

Decimus shakes his head. “He must be here to try and take us down.”

The guard salutes. “Sir, what are your orders?!”

Decimus stands. “I’ll head to the princess’ room and speak to her about this before handling t personally. Return to your duties, soldier. Follow me, Gaston.”

The three of them leave the office. Decimus and Gaston go one way as the guard heads the other. Gaston turns to Decimus.

“Looks like you were right.”

“Aren’t I always?”

“Lord Arc is playing directly into our talons.”

“That he is. The young fool is going to put himself right where we want him to. But we need to make sure we’re in the proper position as well.”

They arrive at Celestia’s room a short time later. After being admitted by the guards, the pair enter. Celestia is anxiously pacing the floor as Decimus approaches her and speaks.

“Good morning, princess. How are you feeling today?”

“Decimus! I’ve just received a letter from Princess Twilight!”

Decimus raises an eyebrow, confused. “You… you have?”

“Yes! Look!”

She levitates a scroll over to the stallion. Taking it he begins to read as Celestia speaks.

“Apparently the traitorous human has corrupted her in totality! She’s being forced to back his cause now!”

Gaston frowns. “Are you certain of this, your highness?”

“I am! The scroll was delivered via magical means that only she and her assistant are capable of casting!”

Decimus looks up from the paper. “It says here that he’ll be making his way to the capital along with his forces to remove you from the throne.”

“Does he have the resources to do that?!”

“Not likely, your highness. However, for the sake of your personal safety, I’d like to recommend that we temporarily relocate you to my base just outside of Ponyville.”

Celestia groans. “But what would the citizens think of that?! Me turning tail and running away from a common usurper!”

“We’ll do it in secret, princess.”

Gaston nods. “No one would have to even know you’re gone.”

“I and my forces will personal protect you, your highness.”

“And what of Canterlot?!”

Decimus grins. “I will give orders for the defense in your name.”

Gaston salutes. “I too will lend my talon to your cause, Princess Celestia.”

“Very well then. And thank you, admiral. It’s good to know that I can count on you and Decimus in this difficult time.”

With a glow of his horn, Decimus opens a dark portal and escorts Celestia though. Arriving at Light’s Hope, Celestia looks around to see a fully-staffed base bustling with activity. She turns to Decimus, clearly confused.

“What’s all this?”

“I was concerned that something may be done by the human. Therefore I prepared this base to act as a secret fallback position for you.”

Gaston motions with a wave of his talons. “We’re fully able to command the nation from here, your highness. There’s a direct line to Canterlot via the War Room.”

Decimus nods. “Fully stocked with food, weapons, personnel, and soldiers to protect you in this dark time.”

Celestia smiles. “It would appear you’ve thought of everything.”

Decimus nods as he motions with a hoof to some soldiers nearby. “That I have. Now then, I’ll have a squad escort you to your room. Please rest for now and let me handle this.”

“Very well. Let me know if the situation changes or if you need me.”

“Yes, princess.”

Celestia leaves with the guards as Gaston turns to Decimus.

“And now the human will attack an empty castle.”

Decimus laughs. “Not empty in the least.”


“After all, we need to keep up appearances. Now then, I need to make a call.”

“To whom?”

“My forces in Baltimare.”

Picking up a phone, he dials a number.

“Start the operation.”

Hanging up, the turns back to Gaston.

“That should do it.”

“Slowing him down?”

Decimus chuckles as he motions for Gaston to follow him. “In a manner of speaking. It’s not so much time that we’re gaining, but forcing him into a very specific route. Now then I need to make a few more calls before we can just sit back and watch the show unfold.”

Meanwhile Arc stands on the Bridge looking out the window toward Baltimare with Rarity by his side. She gazes at the city happily.


Arc shrugs. “It’s a bit too big for my tastes.”

“I’d like to open a boutique there one day.”

Arc chuckles. “More customers, eh?”

Rarity nods. “Yes. But it’ll take quite some time to settle on a location, purchase materials, order props, sew dresses for them, and all the other little things I’m forgetting.”

She leans against Arc as he kneels down and puts an arm around her.

“There’s a lot of very nice restaurants there as well.”

“Like in Canterlot?”

Rarity shakes her head. “Oh no. They’re very flavorful.”

“You and I should go there sometime then.”

Rarity giggles. “Thinking with your stomach again?”

Arc grins. “What can I say? I like good food.”

They laugh easily together and continue to look out at the scenery. Scootaloo’s voice rings out in Arc’s head.

“Big Brother? Can you hear me?”

Arc: Loud and clear. What’s going on over there?”

“I just received a phone call from Decimus. He’s left the castle for Light’s Hope.


“He says it’s his scheduled move in date.”

“And Celestia?”

“No idea. The guards are still in front of her room though.”

Arc frowns. “But it wouldn’t make sense for him to leave her there.”

“You think he took her to Light’s Hope with him then?”

“Maybe. But we won’t know for sure until we get there.”

“Canterlot Castle or Light’s Hope?”

“It’d be slightly closer for us to head for my base. We could hit it, take out Decimus, and see if Celestia is there.”

“If not she has to be in Canterlot, right?”


“But it would probably be better to take the capital first. You could use it as a more advanced center of operations for tracking down Celestia.”

“Not a bad idea. One second.”

He turns to Thunderlane.

“How long would it take us to reach Canterlot?”

“At full speed we can be there in three hours, sir.”

Wrangler nods soberly. “We should go up high alert right now though, sir.”

Soarin turns to the comms station. “Agreed. Lemon Hearts, give the order to…”

Lemon Hearts gasps. “Sir! I’m receiving an emergency transmission!”

Moon Dancer looks to her. “What?!”

Soarin frowns. “From whom?!”

“Baltimare! It’s a general alarm!”

Rarity points a hoof at the main window. “There’s smoke coming from several buildings!”

Wrangler grabs her binoculars and scans the horizon. “I see it too! That and… oh my Celestia!”

Arc groans. “Uh… I’m going to have to call you back later, Scootaloo.”

“Okay. What’s…?”

“Talk later!”

Arc quickly severe the connection and turns to Wrangler.

“What is it?!”

“Several buildings just collapsed, sir!”

Rarity looks to Arc. “We have to help!”

Soarin grimaces. “But if we do, Celestia will have more time to prepare for our arrival.”

Thunderlane looks over his shoulder at Arc. “Sir! Your orders?!”

“Change course at once. New heading… Baltimare Town Hall.”

“Aye, sir.”

Wrangler grits her teeth. “It… it doesn’t make sense. How could this happen?”

Moon Dancer turns to her. “Wrangler?”

“Buildings don’t just fall down. Somepony planned this.”

Arc nods. “Agreed. It’s too convenient. But let’s get over there and see if we can lend a hand.”

He turns to Lemon Hearts.

“Bring the ship up to red alert and order my forces to prepare to disembark. Also have Redheart on standby.”

“Aye sir.”

Soarin looks to Arc. “Shall we raise the Town Hall on the radio, sir?”

“Yes. Let’s see where we’re needed.”

Lemon Hearts speaks into her headset. A few minutes later she turns to Arc.

“I have Duke Carleon on hold, sir.”

“Put him through on the speakers.”

A few moments later Lemon Hearts turns to him.

“Go ahead, sir.”

“Duke Carleon, this is Hero of Light Arc. What is Baltimare’s situation?”

“Three separate buildings have collapsed, sir! I’ve dispatched the Town Guards, but they’re stretched thin!”

“We’ll set down near the closest building to lend aid.”

“Yes sir. Um…”

“Was there something else?”

“I… just wanted to say… that if not for this catastrophe I wouldn’t allow you access to my city.”

Wrangler frowns. “Allow?! Nopony tells the Hero of Light what he can and can’t do!”

Arc holds up a hand for silence. “Understood. However now is not the time for such things. We’ll see if we can save some lives.”

Carleon sighs. “Very well. I’ll send over the addresses of the other two buildings. Please don’t cause any trouble right now though. We have enough of that at the moment.”

“I’ll try not to. Arc out.”

He motions for Lemon Hearts to cut the feed, which she does. Thunderlane frowns.

“The nerve of that stallion! Talking to the commander like that!”

Arc heads for the door. “We’ll worry about pleasantries later. Right now we have a job to do. Order all forces to the Main Hatch.”

Soarin nods. “Aye sir.”

Heading down the corridor, Arc meets up with his troops. Dividing them up into three groups he puts Hammer in charge of one platoon, Ember over the second, and himself over the third. As soon as the ship touches down the door flies open and his forces swarm outside. Going their separate ways Arc calls to his group.

“Earth Ponies and Unicorns, start digging through the rubble for survivors! Bring them here for treatment as necessary! MOVE!”

The guards turn and hurry to carry out their orders as Arc looks to his squad and Redheart.

“Max, you and the guys will get an emergency triage area set up on the deck!”

“Yes sir! Let’s move!”

“Redheart, I’ll leave you my Pegasus guards to ferry those whom you can’t treat to the hospital!”

“Yes sir, I’ll take care of it!”

“I’m going to help join the rescue effort! Anyone have any questions?!”

Max shakes his head. “No sir!”

Xenos nods soberly. “We got this!”

Arc grimaces as he runs down the ramp. “Stay with Redheart, guys! Help her as best you can! Sereb, help sniff out survivors!”

They nod as guards begin ferrying the injured up to the deck. Arc hurries into the ruined building. Looking around he spies guards and other pony volunteers running around and frantically digging through the rubble. Several stallions tug at a massive piece of precast concrete to no avail. Arc runs over to them.

“Stand back!”

As they do so he casts a powerful Telekinesis Spell to lift the rubble. Setting it down on the sidewalk he watches as the volunteers pull out several injured ponies.

“Get them to my ship! We have medical help waiting!”

Nodding, they hurry past him. Repeating the process over and over again as the sun travels across the sky, Arc eventually sits down on large chunk of wall to rest. Rarity hurries over to him with a canteen of water.

“Drink this!”

“Save it for…”

“You haven’t eaten or drank anything in hours, Arc!”

“I… suppose that’s true.”

Taking the bottle, he upends it and takes a large swig. As he moves to hand it back, Rarity puts a hoof on his hand.

“Drink the rest.”

“There’s others whom…”

“I’ll get more. We have crates of these back at the ship. Besides, we have to hurry. Nightfall is coming.”

“That it is.”

He touches his earring.

“Arc to Bridge.”

“Go ahead, sir.”

“Get the flashlights out of the Cargo Hold and out onto the deck. I want them dispersed to anyone whom needs one.”

Soarin nods. “I’ll see to it personally, sir.”

“Good. How is the triage area holding up?”

Wrangler shudders. “Nearly at full capacity, sir. I was about to head over there to see if I could help along with Thunderlane.”

“Sure, go ahead.”

A short time later the sun dips below the horizon and the moon rises. Arc sighs and nods to a couple Pegasi as he lays two mares on a stretcher together.

“To the hospital morgue.”

They nod and take off. Rarity puts a hoof on Arc’s side.

“Everypony’s finding more and more dead bodies.”

Arc sighs. “Yeah. The number of the living ponies being pulled out of the wreckage has been zero for about three hours now.”

“You should rest now, Arc. There’s little more you can do at this point.”

“I disagree.”


Arc stands. “I can keep looking for bodies.”

“Even you can’t raise the dead, Arc.”

“You’re right, I can’t. But I can send to them to the hospital for identification. Then at least their families will have some cloture along with the ability to properly bury them.”

Rarity bows her head. “A lot of ponies won’t get that.”

Arc nods as he walks through the ruins with her. “I know. For the past hour I’ve been pulling out pretty much nothing but body parts. While it’s not likely they’ll ever be properly laid to rest, I can’t just let them lie there and rot.”

“But you’re exhausted!”

“I can keep going for a bit longer.”

“Would you please rest? For me?”

“In a bit. Now then, let me transform. I’ll get a lot more stamina from that.”

Arc looks up at the moon. Awakening his Crimson powers he stands up straight and stretches as Rarity looks him over.

“How do you feel now?”

“Great. Now then, let’s get back to digging for…”

He suddenly stops talking. Rarity appears confused.

“Arc? What is…?”


They are silent for a time as Arc listens. Turning, he walks to the back of the ruins. Rarity follows him as he speaks.

“There’s someone here somewhere!”

“How can you be so sure?!”

“I can hear crying!”

Turning to a large pile of rubble, Arc carefully casts a Telekinesis Spell. Raising it little by little, he eventually exposes the bodies of a mare and stallion. From the visible state of their bodies the pair can easily tell that they’re dead. Rarity shakes her head and sighs as the turns away.

“I’ll go get somepony to take them to the morgue.”

“Sure. I’ll just… wait a minute!”


Stepping toward the bodies, Arc quickly pushes them aside to expose a bruised and bloody filly. He quickly puts his head to her chest.

“She’s alive!”

Rarity grins. “I’ll go fetch Redheart at once!”


As Rarity runs away Arc carefully pats the filly’s cheek. She sniffles lightly and opens them a crack as Arc calls out to her.

“Can you hear me, miss?”

The filly nods slightly. Her own movement causes her to yelp in pain. Arc spies a trail of blood snaking its way away from her.

“It’s going to be okay. I’ve sent my friend to go get help.”

“For… my mommy and… d-daddy?”

“For… all three of you, yes.”

She grimaces. “Don’t… don’t leave… me!”

“Shh… don’t strain yourself. What’s your name?”

“T-Toola… Roola. It… it hurts… so… bad.”

“Help is coming. Just hold on.”

“So… thirsty…”

Arc takes the flask from his hip and opens it. Putting it to the filly’s lips he carefully raises it to give her a drink. She wheezes contentedly and looks up at him with a pained smile.

“That… feels a bit… better. Is… help… coming…?”

Arc nods as the carefully takes her hoof. “Yes. A nurse is on her way.”

Toola Roola looks over at her parent’s bodies. “Help… help mommy… and daddy… first please.”

“Don’t… don’t worry about it.”

“Can… you do something… for me…?”

“What is it?”

Toola Roola slowly pulls one of her front hooves out from under her belly. In it she holds a small teddy bear covered in dirt and blood. She smiles at it weakly before turning back to Arc and holding it out to him.

“Please… give teddy… to my parents. They’ll… they’ll take care of him… for me… while I rest.”

Arc nods and takes the bear in his hand. Toola Roola forces a smile as she speaks to her stuffed animal.

“Be… good… while I… sleep, teddy. You’ll… you’ll be… s-safe… with… with him.”

Reaching out a hoof, she gently pats the bear’s head before closing her eyes and laying her head down. Sitting there motionless for a few moments, Arc hears the sound of hoofsteps approaching. Stepping back as Redheart hurries over, she pulls a stethoscope from her bag and listens to the filly’s chest for a few moments. Shaking her head, she turns to the Pegasi whom followed her.

“She’s dead.”

Rarity gasps. “WHAT?! B-but Arc said…!”

Arc sighs. “Yeah. She was.”

Redheart turns to her assistants. “Take these three to the hospital Morgue.”

The Pegasi nod and lay the stallion on the stretcher before picking up the mare and laying her on top of her husband. However as they turn to pick up Toola Roola, Arc holds up a hand.


Redheart appears confused. “Sir?”

“Don’t touch her.”

“But sir, we can’t just leave her here.”

“I… I know.”

Kneeling down, Arc carefully picks up the limp filly in his arms. Using his magic, he places the teddy bear on her chest and wraps her hooves around it. Wordlessly standing, Arc turns and walks away from the scene with the Pegasi carrying her dead parents behind him. Redheart turns to Rarity.

“What… what just happened?”

Rarity bows her head. “He couldn’t save her.”

“There’s a lot here today that we couldn’t save.”

Rarity sighs as she picks up the flask. “That’s true. But she died right in front of him.”

Redheart nods soberly. “We all did our best.”

Rarity turns to walk away. “Yes. And this time… it wasn’t enough.”

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