• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 1 - Being Diplomatic

Luna walks over to her sister and looks her over with Arc. Sighing, she turns to him.

“That should do it.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Do… what exactly?”

Scootaloo looks Celestia over from afar. “Yeah. Is she okay?”

Luna nods “Oh, yes. “

Sereb frowns. “Are you… certain?”

Scootaloo turns to Arc. “Yeah. She doesn’t look too good.”

Arc frowns as he looks to Luna. “Should we get her back to the ship?”

“There’s really no rush. The last of Decimus’ forces are still being dealt with by yours and the griffon forces.”

Shining Armor raises an eyebrow. “Shouldn’t we help?”

Scootaloo points a hoof in the general direction of the base. “Yeah!”

Arc shakes his head. “I’m sure they’re fine. Especially with the griffon reinforcements and my friends being there as well.”

Shining Armor looks over his shoulder as an explosion rings out. “Hammer?”

“Or Ember.”

Luna chuckles. “Indeed.”

Shining Armor sighs. “Well… if you’re sure.”

Arc turns back to Sereb and looks over Twilight.

“Has she moved?”

“She has not. But as you said earlier, she just appears to be asleep. “

He looks back toward the foliage before continuing.

“I’m more interested in what happened to the… other princess.”

Scootaloo raises an eyebrow. “Which one?”

Arc sighs. “The one on the ground.”

He turns to Luna.

“What exactly did you do to her anyways?”

“Since leaving the castle I’ve been researching a particular forbidden arte. One that allows the caster to control their target.”

Scootaloo gasps. “So you mind controlled your sister?!”

Luna scoffs. “Hardly. It was the only way to help her.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “By doing what? Overpowering her original mental programming?”

Luna shakes her head. “No. The knowledge I gained allowed me to come up with a counter spell for her.”

Scootaloo grins. “I get it. You learned how to alter minds in order to figure out how to unalter them.”


She looks down at Celestia before continuing.

“I just removed the psychiatric hold on her. This is the real Celestia now. Not that it’s over though.”

Shining Armor appears confused. “What do you mean?”

Luna sighs. “She’s still not going to want to believe what Arc has to say.”

Sereb growls. “Well, she has to try!”"

Scootaloo frowns. "Right.

Arc nods as Celestia slowly raises her head. As their eyes meet she looks up at him snidely. Taking a deep breath, he begins to speak.

“Princess Celestia. You have led Equestria down the proverbial road to potential ruin. Canterlot Castle, Light’s Hope, and the capital are ours again as are the major cities of Equestria. It’s over.”

Celestia does her best to compose herself before speaking.

“Have you now? A human playing with authority beyond his understanding, no doubt.”

Sereb snarls. “Might I remind you that our HERO just ROUTED your forces!”

Celestia scoffs. “Muzzle your dog, human. You and your murderous allies are little more than uninvited guests in my facility.”

Arc angrily looks down at her. “YOUR facility?!”

“Yes. I was forced to fall back here after you attacked and destroyed Ponyville!”

Sereb points his paw menacingly. “LIES! ALL OF IT, FILTH!”

Arc cries out, not taking his eyes off of Celestia. “ENOUGH!!!”

Silence reigns for a few moments as his voice reverberates all around them. Calming himself, he looks Celestia directly in the eye as he steps forward with the Dagger of Eternal Slumber and speaks.

"As I said to you before, I will not make that mistake again. Surrender… or die."

Celestia looks at the dagger for a few moments before speaking.

“And why should I allow you to take me, human? If you’re going to kill me then do it already.”

“Because I made a promise to a very special friend.”

Celestia appears confused. “A… promise?”


He turns and points a finger at Twilight.

“To her.”

Celestia furrows her brow. “What is this madness?!”

Scootaloo steps forward. “Big Brother promised Princess Twilight that he would do everything in his power to take you alive.”

“Did he now?”

Sereb grits her teeth. “Yes, he did!”

“But… why?”

Shining Armor gives Arc back the shield. “Because he’s a wise and noble leader, your highness.

Sereb nods with conviction. “Indeed. Honesty and integrity are in his nature.”

Scootaloo motions to the dagger. “Right. After all, he could have killed you at any time.”

“Or coerced you to do his bidding by using Twilight as a bargaining chip, sister.”

Celestia looks Arc in the eye. “Tell me then… human. Why did you make such a promise to my student?”

“Because… I didn’t want to see her sad at your passing.”

Celestia rolls her eyes. “You didn’t want to hurt her feelings?”


“She’s made a friend of you?”

“More so than that.”

Celestia tilts her head to one side, confused. “What could be more than… than… than…?”

Her voice trails off as Celestia looks from Twilight to Arc.

“No… no, no, no, no, NO!”


Celestia turns to Luna as she points an accusatory hoof at Arc. “Are they… is Twilight… in LOVE with this… this CREATURE?!”

Luna nods. “From what I’ve seen… yes.”

“How could you let this HAPPEN?! I know you’ve never really liked or accepted her, but…!”

Luna interrupts her. “Twilight and I have come to be very close friends in your absence, sister. In fact, I’ve even been able to see why you chose her as your protégé.”

“Have you now?!”


“Do tell!”

“You saw in her great power at first. But that isn’t what kept her in your sights.”

“Then what…?!”

“I think you know where I’m going with this already.”

There is a stunned silence which no one tries to break. Nodding soberly, Celestia turns to Arc and eyes him coolly.

“Very well… human. I will hear what you have to say.”

Scootaloo appears hopeful. “You mean…?”

“Yes. I will give myself over to your custody.”

Arc nods as he puts the Dagger of Eternal Slumber back into his ring. “Very well. I accept your surrender.”

Luna turns to look back toward the base. “I do hope they’re done fighting out there now.”

Sereb pricks up his ears. “They are, yes.”

Scootaloo turns and walks toward the brush. “Let’s get going then!”

Luna leads the procession as Celestia follows flanked by Shining Armor. Sereb carries Twilight behind them as Arc and Scootaloo watch from a distance. As they again approach Light’s Hope Celestia turns to look at Ember.

“I’m… glad to see you again, my dear.”

Ember frowns as she remains looking away. “The feeling isn’t mutual.”

Celestia sighs. “That is… acceptable.”

Ashe approaches. “She’s… been through a lot since you returned, your highness.”

“And you, ambassador?”

“I… I’ve seen quite a bit since coming here. Some things I wish I hadn’t though.”

“Such as?”

Ember seethes. “Keep it to yourself, Ashe!”

Luna nods. “Indeed. There will be time for that later.”

As they talk, Scootaloo turns to Arc nervously.

“This could still turn ugly, Big Brother.”

“I know. Keep your eyes open.”

“Um… y-yeah.”

“You okay?”


“Didn’t think so.”

“Well, we are telepathically linked.”

“That didn’t tip me off.”


Arc kneels down and look Scootaloo in the eye. “I know it was your first time.”

“But I’ve been in combat numerous times!”

“That’s not what I meant.”

Scootaloo is silent for a time. Eventually Arc speaks again.

“You’ve never actually stabbed anyone before.”

“Of course not!”

“I’m really sorry that happened back there.”

“Don’t be, Big Brother. After all, I wanted to come and knew that I might have to take somepony’s life along the way.”

“But I told you it was okay. The blame for this is mine. However I do want you to know that you did the right thing back there.”

Scootaloo sighs. “I know Decimus had to go down. It was him or me, after all.”

She looks at her blood-soaked cloak before continuing.

“The thing that really bothers me isn’t that I stabbed him. But rather that I don’t feel bad about it.”

“I think you need to talk to Emerald Dream about this.”

“Yeah. Yeah, I think you’re right.”

Arc’s squad walks over with their forces. Gestal and Ghaleon lead their griffons in behind them. All weapons and horns are levied at Celestia as Luna calls out to them.

“Stand down! It’s over!”

Arc turns to them. “Do as she says.”

The soldiers stand at ease as Max approaches Luna and kneels.

“Your highness. The enemy forces have been obliterated.”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “No prisoners?”

“They made it clear they would not be taken alive.”

Celestia gasps. “Wait! WHAT?! But… that’s impossible!”

Luna sighs. “What he says is true, sister. When I arrived here looking for you I found the defenders of this facility quite devoid of their senses.”

Hammer scoffs. “They were nuts from what I saw!”

Arc puts a gauntlet to his chin thoughtfully. “True. But I can’t help but wonder.”

Ember turns to him. “Arc?”

“Were they victims too?”

Celestia frowns. “Too?”

“I think Big Brother’s talking about the dead guards we saw when entering the base, princess.”

Celestia grits her teeth. “They died fighting your forces off!”

Ember shakes her head. “No. We were the first to breach Light’s Hope.”

Scootaloo sighs. “They were still warm though.”

Hammer frowns. “Don’t you know about ANYTHING, you royal pain?!”

Celestia looks away. “Things are rather… muddled for me right now.”

She looks to Twilight on Sereb’s saddle before continuing.

“But I would like Doctor Whooves to look Twilight over right away.”

Arc nods. “So would I.”

Ember grins. “Portal?”

Scootaloo turns to the princess. “That would be faster than the ship, yes.”


Her horn aglow, Celestia opens a radiant portal. She motions to it with a nod of her head.

“This way.”

Shining Armor looks to Arc. “Please take care of Twilight. I’ll stay here with our forces and secure the area.”

“Good. I’ll check in with you when we know something about your sister’s condition.”

Resting his hand on Shining Armor’s shoulder for a moment, Arc leads the way through as Hammer and Sereb follow. One by one they enter and vanish only to find themselves in the castle Infirmary. Doctor Whooves appears surprised at their sudden arrival. More so when Celestia appears.

“Your highness!”

“Doctor, I need you to examine my student at once!”

He motions to an examination room. “This way.”

Hammer picks Twilight up and enters the room as the doctor holds the door open for her. As Celestia approaches it Luna clears her throat loudly.


Celestia turns to her. “Yes?”

“I believe we have many other matters to discuss.”

“But Twilight is…!”

Luna interrupts her. “Is fine. The doctor will verify this and send word via messenger. That and you yourself need to rest.”

Celestia puts a hoof to her forehead. “Admittedly I’m feeling a bit weak from… everything. However…”

“You will be easier to find in your room.”


“Come along, sister. I will escort you there. That is, unless you would like the Hero of Light to do it.”

Celestia frowns as she turns toward the corridor.

“Let us depart, Luna.”

As the monarchs leave the room Scootaloo turns to Arc.

“Princess Celestia really doesn’t like you, Big Brother.”

Arc frowns. “I’m not too fond of her either.”

Sereb sneers. “She was most ungrateful!”

Ember turns to him. “Starting to question us rescuing her, Arc?”

Arc shakes his head as Hammer walks out of the examination room. “No. This was bigger than my feelings about an individual.”

Ashe nods. “The country’s needs should always come first.”

Hammer walks over to them. “What’d I miss?”

Sereb growls. “We were asking Arc if he was having second thoughts about helping out a mare whom hates him.”

Ember sighs. “This is one matter we’ll have to table for now.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Why? Is there trouble?”

Scootaloo shrugs. “I think she means that we should probably go back and see the aftermath of the battle.”

Ember frowns. “Right. This matter isn’t truly over yet.”

Ashe looks to Arc. “Even with Admiral Gaston dead, your errant Captain Decimus may yet have other cards to play.”

“That last part I can guarantee.”

Opening a portal, Arc and his friends step through. Reappearing back in his room aboard The Equinox he leads the group to the Bridge. Walking along, they hear the sounds of celebrating reverberating through the corridors. Coming to their destination they enter and approach the captain.


Soarin grins. “All enemy forces have been confirmed killed, sir.”


Thunderlane grimaces. “Yes, sir. It was pretty intense near the end of the battle.”

Hammer chuckles. “Did they fight tooth and nail?!”

Wrangler sighs. “That they did. But it wasn’t a pretty sight.”

Moon Dancer appears a bit squeamish. “Lord Gestal ordered the last of them surrounded. He was hoping to take prisoners.”

Soarin bows his head. “But they refused to come quietly and attacked.”

Arc puts a hand to his forehead. “I was told that earlier, yes. However I still can’t believe it.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. ““So they really did fight to the last, huh?”

Soarin grits his teeth. “Yes, they did.”

Sereb bares his teeth. “At least they fell as warriors.”

Ashe scoffs as she looks down at him. “Fighting for the wrong side though.”

“That may be. But it was a righteous cause to them.”

Scootaloo sighs. “I wonder how many of them had families.”

Wrangler walks over. “We’ll probably never know. None of them had any identification on their armor.”

Hammer shakes her head. “Fools.”

Ember looks to her. “Hammer?”

“Back on Earth that’s one way to know that the brass has already written you off. Something happens to you and they can just deny you even exist.”

Arc clenches a fist. “Mission first mentality, eh?”

“Something like that.”

Ashe steps between them. “Let’s not lose sight of the real goal here though. This HAD to be done.”

Scootaloo nods. “Agreed. But that doesn’t make it easier on the little ones left behind.

Ember looks out the window at the troops removing bodies from the field. “I guess not.”

Sereb groans. “So where do we go from here?”

Ashe groans. “Damage control.”

Wrangler raises an eyebrow. “But the ship’s fine.”

“I meant the nation’s situation as a whole.”

Ember brandishes her claws. “We need to fix what’s been messed up by Decimus.”

Hammer shrugs. “Much as I hate to admit it, there ain’t no point in winning battles if you lose the war.”

Scootaloo frowns. “Um… what?”

Arc looks down to her. “She means our victory here won’t mean anything if Decimus and his ilk win in the end.”

Sereb grins toothily. “Then where shall we direct our attention, my friend?”

“Towards something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. Get Celestia back in her right mind so that she can figure this mess out.”

Ember gasps. “So SHE can figure this out?!”

Hammer clenches a fist. “Ain’t she done enough already?!”

Arc shrugs. “Look, you heard Luna back there. Celestia wasn’t in her right mind. She’s a victim here too. Kinda.”

A voice rings out behind them.


They turn to see Lord Gestal and Arbiter Ghaleon step onto the Bridge.

“Ghaleon and I were just discussing this very matter.”

“Yes, and it seems very unlikely that she was completely under Decimus’ control.”

“What do you mean, father?”

“The Council of Lords has been in contact with Celestia since her return to the throne some time ago. While she did appear to be a bit… off, it was clear to all that she was still the same shrewd negotiator the world has known since time immemorial.”

Ember frowns. “Are you saying that she went along with Decimus?!”

Ghaleon shrugs. “Either that or she wasn’t fighting him too hard.”

Hammer steps forward angrily. “Now wait just a darn…!”

Arc holds up a hand for silence as he turns to the griffons.

“That may very well be. We haven’t yet had her examined by a doctor or a phycologist yet, of course. However, it is unlikely that she was a willing patsy in this.”

Ashe nods sadly. “Yes. After all, I saw her pretty much every day since my appointment to ambassador.”

Ghaleon scoffs. “Celestia’s powers of perception and negotiation are legendary all over Equus. We just find it very hard to believe that one such as her could have been blind to what was going on around her.”

Sereb clears his throat loudly. “One might also look at it this way. For all her accolades and achievements, she is but flesh and blood. Imperfect and capable of making mistakes.”

Ember points an accusatory claw. “Yeah! Like the Griffon Kingdom did when they agreed to help her defend against Arc’s lawful approach to the capital!”

Scootaloo moves to stand between Ember and the griffons. “Mistakes were made, yes. Nopony can deny that. However, I have faith in my Big Brother’s actions. If he says there’s an air of doubt we should listen to him.”

Ashe grins. “Agreed. Let all the information be gathered before decisions are made. Isn’t that what you taught me, father?”

“You are correct, my dear. But there is also the idea of acting out of caution.”

Hammer rolls her eyes. “She’s not a threat to anyone as it is!”

Ghaleon frowns. “That has yet to be seen!”

Ember stomps her foot angrily. “The Dragon Lands still stands with Equestria, as does Yakyakistan, Abyssinia, and the Ogre Nation!”

Ashe moves to stand next to Arc. “As per our treaty, so does the Griffon Kingdom. Unless the Council of Lords wishes to formally annul the most important legislation stemming from our original treaty.”

Gestal sighs. “Both of our lands have benefitted from the treaty. We will not throw it away so easily. At least not in its entirety.”

Arc appears relieved. “Thank you, sir. That means a lot to us.”

Ghaleon scoffs. “I’m sure it does.”

Scootaloo appears confused. “Sir?”

Ghaleon motions to Arc with a wave of his talons. “Politicians all have their pet projects. This is just his.”

“Think what you will of me, Arbiter. But the fact of the matter is that both our nation’s citizens are better off now than before the signing of the treaty.”

Ashe nods. “He is correct, Arbiter Ghaleon. Productivity, national pride, and even our sluggish economy has begun a slow but steady upturn.”

“All things that should always be secondary to security.”

Arc shrugs. “I see it more as a balancing act. We can’t have everything all of the time. In my opinion, the best thing to do is to do what’s best.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Um, what?”

Hammer sighs. “I don’t get it either.”

Ashe smiles. “Lord Arc is saying that that we all need to look at the larger picture and do everything in our power for the citizens.”

Arc nods. “What’s best isn’t always what’s popular though. Others may not like what we leaders agree on. Sometimes vocally. But that doesn’t mean we should just take the quick and easy path.”

Gestal frowns. “Indeed. But we’re diverging from the matter presently before us. The Griffon Kingdom, as per our treaty, has a right to nullify the treaty should certain criteria be met.”

Scootaloo narrows her eyes. “Such as…?”

Ghaleon folds his talons over his chest. “Inappropriate use of our forces on two separate accounts, for starters.”

Gestal nods. “The world needs to know what really happened.”

Arc sighs. “Yes, that is most certainly true. However all I ask that we have time to try and bring Celestia back around mentally before she is forced to explain herself before the international community.”

Ashe smiles. “That is certainly a reasonable request.”

Ember shrugs. “I suppose it is.”

Gestal frowns. “Very well, Lord Arc. Can I assume that you will see to it that our ambassador is properly appraised of any changes to the princess’ condition?”

“That will be up to Princess Luna, sir.”

Ghaleon glares at him. “But she’s…!”

“That is acceptable, Lord Arc.”

Gestal appears surprised. “Ashe?”

“Think about it this way, father. Were I accused of committing numerous and terrible crimes against our land, would you want me to have to be scrutinized constantly while trying to recover?”

“Very well. But I would like Arbiter Ghaleon to stay in Canterlot as an added representative of the Griffon Kingdom.”

Ghaleon shakes his head. “I’m not a youngling sitter.”

“Agreed, father. That and such a thing is certainly not part of the treaty.”

Gestal groans. “Very well. I shall return to our fleet and begin the flight home at once then.”

“Oh? I thought you would at least stay long enough for…”

“The Council of Lords, as well as the king himself, are very interested to know the status of Equestria’s leadership.”

Ember narrows her eyes as Gestal stops in the doorway. “And what, pray tell, are you going to tell them?”

“That even with Celestia out of commission, there are numerous other individuals whom are capable of taking her place should the need arise.”

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