• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,627 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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VOLUME FINALE - Chapter 19 - The Truth Will Set You Free

Cherry rises early the next morning and heads downstairs to make breakfast. She finds Arc already up and on the phone with someone.

“Yes, that's right! I need this done as soon as possible...! A week...?! Not happening! Look, I'm not picky on WHO you send, but get someone here ASAP! Yes, I need to know what happened right away! Very good. I'll be waiting for them at Cherry Hill Ranch. Have them notify me when they arrive. Thank you. Goodbye.”

Arc puts down the receiver and turns to Cherry.

“My, you’re up early, Arc!”

He smiles at her. “I had to make an early morning call. That and I wanted to be up before Sassy Saddles. Waking up in a strange bed with no recollection of how you got there would be very unnerving to say the least.”

“Why don't we go together? As handsome as you are, she might still find another pony's face more comforting.”

Arc nods. “Can't argue with that! Let's go.”

The pair climb the stairs together and quietly enter the guest room. Cherry looks over at Dinky and smiles!

“She really does look just like a little angel lying there!”

Arc smiles and nods. Cherry nudges Dinky lightly. The filly begins to stir.

“Dad? Is it morning already?”

Sassy Saddles, hearing voices slowly opens her eyes to look at Dinky. She looks at the filly, half-awake for some time!

“You… you came into the shop to buy a costume earlier, right?”

Dinky nods! “Yes! Along with my dad and his friends! You sold me a Hero of Light costume!”

She slowly comes around. “Yes, I remember now. You were my first customers of the day.”

Arc clears his throat. “Miss? Do you remember me?”

Sassy Saddles looks apprehensively at Arc! “Y-yes! You're this filly's father, right?”

She looks around the room. Confused, she puts a hoof to her forehead.

“Ugh... but, how did I get here?”

Cherry looks at Sassy Saddles with a smile. “There was a fire. My friend Arc here went in to save you. Do you remember what happened?”

She shakes her head slowly. “Not really. I remember it getting dark and turning on the lights. Then all of a sudden, the whole place was on fire!”

She shudders at the memory.

“After that, everything went black. I remember hearing the roar of the flames and several large crashes! Then all of a sudden, things were quiet again. Something picked me up and carried me outside. There were voices, many of them angry. I was so scared, but found that I couldn't move!”

Arc nods. “Are you in any pain right now, miss?”

Sassy Saddles shakes her head. “No, I'm not. But... I remember hearing your voice. You sounded angry, like the others, but at the same time your voice was a comfort to me.”

A strange look suddenly crosses Sassy Saddles face.

“Wait! What was your name again?!”


“And you went in to save me?”

Arc nods. “Right.”

Sassy Saddles looks to him, nervously. “You wouldn't happen to be... Hero of Light Arc, would you?”

Dinky smiles! “He is”

“You can just call me Arc though. I'm not one to stand on ceremony.”

She quickly stumbles out of bed to stand, albeit shakily, before him! Arc reaches forward to help steady her!

“Easy there! You're still fairly weak!”

“I… I'm sorry! I must look a fright after what happened!”

Sassy Saddles looks down at herself to see she is undressed! Embarrassed, she grabs a sheet to cover herself!

“W-where are my clothes?!”

Dinky walks over to a corner of the room and picks up the sooty mess with her magic. “They're over here! Sorry, but we didn't have time to wash them last night. Too tired!”

Sassy Saddles blushes profusely as she looks back to Arc.

“I'm sorry. It's just that I'm so accustomed to wearing clothing that I feel positively unsightly without them! And in front of somepony as important as the Hero of Light no less! I could just die of embarrassment!”

Dinky looks to their visitor. “Well I think you look just fine without them!”

“If it would make you feel better, after breakfast I could lend you something of mine to wear. I don't have much in the way of glamorous duds though.”

Sassy Saddles slowly releases the sheet and allows it to fall to the floor. Thank you. I would really like to be covered before I leave the house!”

Cherry leads their guest toward the door. “It's no problem, miss? Are you hungry?”

“Starved actually! I was so busy selling costumes the other day that I didn't have time to eat!”

“Well come on downstairs and I'll fix you some breakfast!”

The group walks downstairs. Auriel, Ember, and Ruby are sitting around the kitchen table talking.

Cherry walks over to the stove and picks up a skillet. “Have a seat miss! I'll get breakfast on the table as quick as I can!”

Sassy Saddles sits down. “Thank you! Oh by the way, my name is Sassy Saddles. Pleased to see you all again.”

She looks over at Ember and Auriel as Cherry begins making the morning meal.

“Can I ask you two something?”

Ember nods. “Sure.”

“What is it?”

“Why are you still wearing those costumes?”

Ember looks down at herself. “What costumes?”

Auriel looks to Ember, confused. “Do you know what she’s talking about?”

“Not a clue.”

Arc nods. “I think I can explain that one miss.”

“Please, call me Sassy Saddles, Hero of Light!”

Arc smiles at her. “Okay. But only if you call me Arc.”

She laughs! “Deal!”

“The truth of the matter is... they aren't wearing any costumes.”

"I’m sorry, what?"

Arc gestures to Ember. “My friend here really is a dragon!”

Ember nods. “It's true!”

Arc turns to Auriel. “And Auriel really is a demon!”

“Yes. Pleased to meet you!”

Sassy Saddles eyes grow wide! “How is this possible?! Exactly how long have you...!”

“The three of us were born this way. Oh, and just for the sake of clarity... I'm a human.”

“I... I'm so sorry if I said or did anything to offend all of you!”

Ember laughs! “Don't worry about it. We get that a lot!”

Arc nods. “In any case, now that we have all that out of the way we can move on to more important matters! For starters, do you have ANY idea how the fire started yesterday at the Costume Shop?

Sassy Saddles shakes her head. “Sorry, but I don't think I'm going to be much help in that regard. It just all happened so fast! I do hope Mr. Rich isn't too mad at me for what happened! I mean... I'm sure he had insurance on the building and all, but...

Arc suddenly has a pained look on his face. “Um, yeah... about that. Filthy Rich already knows about the fire. He showed up shortly after it was put out and... blamed you for everything.”

Cherry looks over from the stove. “That lout even went so far as to insist that the sheriff arrest you!”

Sassy Saddles shakes her head, flabbergasted! “WHAT?! But I didn't do anything!”

Ember nods. He sure seemed to think so. Wanted you held for ‘questioning’.”

Ruby frowns. “More than likely he was hoping that during the questioning, you would slip up and say something he could twist around and use against you!”

Dinky shakes her head. “Really?! I mean... he seemed like a really bad stallion and all, but... that would just be cruel!”

“Well, knowing Filthy Rich as I do, he probably views making baseless accusations as being ‘completely within the law’. Therefore, it's okay! At least in HIS eyes!”

Sassy Saddles looks to Arc, nervously. “Sir? Am I... under arrest?”

Cherry shakes her head. “You're a guest here, not a prisoner dear.”

Dinky smiles and nods! “Yeah! My dad brought you here to keep you safe!”

“I don't know exactly how matters like these are supposed to be handled in Equestria, but in my homeland individuals like you are supposed to be ‘innocent until proven guilty’. That and I didn't want Filthy Rich to get away with imprisoning you with nothing but circumstantial evidence!”

Sassy Saddles lays her head on the kitchen table and sighs. “That may prove to be a difficult task, as I was alone in the shop at the time.”

“Not to worry. This will actually be easier than you think!”

Auriel looks to Arc, confused. “What? But how, Arc? Can you bend time and space to travel back to that point in time, or something?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah. It's not all that complicated! I contacted Canterlot early this morning and requested an investigator be dispatched at once! One way or another, we WILL get to the bottom of this!”

Sassy Saddles lets out a sigh of relief! “Thank you Hero of... I mean, thank you Arc! This means a lot to me!”

“It's no problem. A normal investigation would take too long.”

Ruby nods! “That and Filthy Rich would probably insist that she be incarcerated until the investigation concluded!”

Sassy Saddles gulps!

Cherry sets the food on the table. “Now, now... on to brighter matters. Like starting the day with a hearty breakfast!”

Dinky salivates! “That I can agree with! I forgot to eat supper last night!”

Arc laughs! “By forgot you mean you were too tired to do so after helping Ember clean up Sassy Saddles, right sweetheart?”

Ember laughs! “That pretty much sums it up!”

They all eat breakfast hungrily! Dinky turns to Sassy Saddles.

“I hope we did an okay job bathing you last night! You were pretty dirty from the fire!”

Arc looks up. “Look on the bright side. Your mane wasn't singed at all!”

“W-Was the fire really that bad?!”

Arc grimaces. "Yeah. As I reached you, the roof caved in on us. So yes, I would call that pretty bad."

"Sequins and sashes! We should be glad to be alive then! How on Equestria did we make it out of there alive?!"

Arc looks over the building. “It was. All I know is all of a sudden the flames were gone. Which was a good thing too, as I was using all my strength to keep the two of us shielded from the burning roof on top of us.”

He turns to the others around the table

“Can someone please bring me up to speed on what the heck happened back there?!”

“It was me, dad."

Arc appears confused. “Okay... can you elaborate?”

“After the roof fell in, I was looking all over the place to see if I could help you! All of a sudden, something inside me surged! It was kinda like back at the New Beginnings Orphanage. While I have no clue exactly how I did it, somehow I pulled the flames out of the building and put them all together in a little ball between my hooves!”

Ember nods! “It was incredible! She just stomped out the compressed flames like it was nothing!”

“Ember and I were able to look for you after that. The rest you know.”

Sassy Saddles turns to the filly, amazed! “Dinky, was it? I'm no magical master but... what you have described should be... IMPOSSIBLE! Who... or what are you?!”

Dinky looks uncomfortable. Arc puts a hand on her shoulder.

“She's my daughter. Nothing more... nothing less. And I couldn't be more proud of her right now.”

“Thanks dad! I'm just glad you're safe!”

Arc and Dinky share a hug as everyone continues with breakfast! Sometime later, they push back their plates, stuffed!

“Ah... another glorious meal Cherry! Thank you for breakfast.”

Cherry smiles lovingly at Arc. “Anything for you and your friends.”

Dinky appears confused. Smiling, Ember nudges Dinky and winks at her! Understanding, Dinky smiles back at her! Cherry stands and turns to Sassy Saddles.

“Why don't we see if there's something in my closet that will fit you?”

“Thank you ma'am! That's really quite kind of you.”

The pair make their way upstairs. “It's no trouble now! After all you've been through, you could use all the help you can get!”

Suddenly the phone rings! Ruby stands to answer it.

“Hello, Cherry Hill Ranch... I see... one moment please.”

She turns to Arc.

“Arc, the sheriff is on the phone. He wants to talk to you.”

He takes the receiver and puts it to his ear.

“Thank you Ruby. Sheriff? This is Arc. What can I do for you?”

“Sir, there are a couple of investigators from Canterlot here in my office along with Mr. Rich. Say they're here to investigate yesterday’s fire.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Wow! They got here fast! I only just called them early this morning! Shall I meet you over there?”

The sheriff nods to himself. “That would be fine. They're anxious to get started!”

“Alright. The shopkeeper and I will head over to the scene just as soon as we can.”

“Thanks. I'll be happy to have this whole matter behind me as well.”

The sheriff lowers his voice as he turns away from his ‘guests’.

“That and I want Mr. Rich out of my office, and out of my town!”

Arc nods. “Join the club. See you in a bit!”

He hangs up the phone as Cherry and Sassy Saddles descend the stairs together!

“Sorry I don't have anything nicer.”

Sassy Saddles smiles at her host! “Thank you. This is just fine!”

Arc meets them at the bottom of the stairs. “Sassy Saddles, I just got off the phone with the sheriff. We need to meet him over at the scene.’

“Um... okay. Will... will Mr. Rich be there as well?”

“More than likely. Don't worry. I'm not leaving you there alone!”

She breathes a sigh of relief! “Thanks!”

Arc calls forth Eidolon's Ward and opens a portal to the sigil from yesterday near where Cherry’s booth was yesterday.

“Go ahead. I'll be right behind you.”

Sassy Saddles nervously points a hoof at the swirling magical energies. “Is it... safe?”

Arc nods! “Sure! I do this all the time!”

She closes her eyes and walks through the portal. Arc turns to Dinky.

“I'll be back soon, sweetheart.”

“Okay dad! I'll help Miss Cherry with the breakfast dishes.”

“There's a good girl!”

Arc meets Sassy Saddles on the other side of the portal. A few minutes later they arrive at the scene of the fire! The sheriff, Hard Hat, Filthy Rich with his daughters, along with the investigator are already on the scene. Sassy Saddles looks at what is left of the building, aghast!

“Oh my! It really burnt right to the ground!”

Filthy Rich turns to Sassy Saddles, snidely! “Just like you wanted it to, I'm sure!”

Diamond Tiara nods! “Well, she certainly got what she wanted! Now she'll get what she DESERVES!!!”

Silver Spoon looks at her father and sister. “Both of you please calm down!”

The inspector turns to Filthy Rich. “I'll be the judge of that, sir!”

Hard Hat approaches Arc. “Good to see you again sir! I hope you like the job I did on the new orphanage.”

Arc shakes Hard Hat's hoof. “Yes indeed! The orphans love their new home!”

Hard Hat turns to the inspector. “Oh! I'd like you to meet my former apprentice, Plumb Bob!”

He extends a hoof! “A pleasure to meet you, Hero of Light.”

Hard Hat smiles with evident pride! “He was always better at rules, regulations and building codes than I was!”

Plumb Bob nods! “Not to worry, sir! Although I'm not as accomplished a builder as my former Master is here, I am fully qualified to build, inspect, and investigate!”

Sassy Saddles smiles at both of them! “Thank you both for coming here to straighten this mess out! Oh, sorry! I'm Sassy Saddles, and up until yesterday I managed this shop!”

Filthy Rich and his daughters walk up to the group. He turns to Sassy Saddles, angrily!

“Yes. And as soon as these gentleponies prove it was arson, you'll be managing the prison laundry!”

Diamond Tiara looks to her and speaks in a patronizing voice. “Don't worry Sassy Saddles! As beautiful as you are, I'm sure the other prison inmates will be fighting over who gets to bunk with you!

Silver Spoon shakes her head as tears begin to fall. “Diamond Tiara! Stop it! Please...”

“Okay, Silver Spoon.”

Diamond Tiara looks over at Sassy Saddles angrily!

“Now look what you did?! You made my little sister cry!”

Sassy Saddles shrinks back, clearly frightened. Arc steps between her and the Rich family>

“How about we let the experts get to work before we rush to judgment, eh?”

Filthy Rich looks down his nose at all assembled. “I couldn't agree more. Do begin. After all, I'm a very rich and very busy stallion!”

Arc turns away, angrily! “Nobody cares!”

Filthy Rich walks after him! “How dare you! Don't you know who I am?! I have half a mind to...”

Arc turns and interrupts the livid stallion! “So, you admit it then?! You only have ‘half a mind’? Save your threats! I'm out of your league, you little fink!

The sheriff turns to Hard Hat and Plumb Bob. “Maybe you boys had better get to work before these two throwdown right here in the middle of town.”

Arc nods! “Good idea. I would hate to cause any damage... to the street!”

Filthy Rich plants his hooves firmly! “Well, I'm not going anywhere until I know exactly what happened to MY building!”

Plumb Bob enters the building, or what is left of it, cautiously. Hard Hat observes from the street with the others.

“Holey-moley! This place really went up!”

He looks over to Sassy Saddles.

“What were you doing when the fire started miss?”

Diamond Tiara scoffs! “Wherever it started was where she was!”

“Well, it was starting to get dark, so I walked behind the counter to turn on the lights. The next thing I knew flames were everywhere!”

Hard Hat nods “Did you leave the building right away?”

Sassy Saddles shakes her head. “No. I... thought maybe I could put the fire out myself. I ran to the back room for the fire extinguisher... and that's the last thing I remember about the fire! Next thing I knew I was waking up at Cherry Hill Ranch next to one of my customers from yesterday.”

Filthy Rich turns to Arc, a sickened expression on his face! “Some hero you are! Taking advantage of an unconscious mare! You letch!”

“She's talking about my daughter, Einstein!”

Filthy Rich looks confused. “Einstein?”

Arc rolls his eyes. “He was... aw, skip it”!

Hard Hat turns and yells to Plumb Bob. “Check what's left of the electrical!”

“On it!”

Arc turns to the sheriff. “Well, I can corroborate part of her story. When I found her in the back room, she we under a pile of costumes near a fallen rack. I can only surmise something must have knocked it over and knocked out Sassy Saddles in the process!”

Filthy Rich nods patronizingly. “That's quite an active imagination you have there Arc! But can you prove it?”

Diamond Tiara laughs! “First he would have to prove he's competent!”

Arc turns to Filthy Rich and folds his gauntlets over his chest plate. “I could say the same of you! Can you prove she started the fire?”

Filthy Rich is silent.

“I thought not. Think about it! If she HAD started the fire, would she have stayed in the burning building and let herself be burned alive?!”

Filthy Rich considers Arc’s words for a few moments. “Perhaps she's suicidal, or maybe just plain crazy. I hear most artists are.”

Sassy Saddles looks to her former employer, enraged. “What?! How DARE you say such things about me! I've worked very hard for you over these last five years and NOW you question my sanity?!”

She steps forward angrily. Arc forces himself to protect Filthy Rich from her fury.

“Easy there. I know he's scum, but you still can't hurt him.”

Filthy Rich nods angrily. “Hmph! Glad to see you finally doing your job, Hero of Light!

Arc looks to the stallion over his shoulder. “I suggest you put a sock in it, Rich. If you keep talking, I may just have to... oh, I don't know... turn my back for fifteen seconds or so?”

Sassy Saddles looks at Filthy Rich with an evil grin on her face. “Fifteen seconds is more than enough time for what I have planned!”

Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara turn to Arc. “You wouldn't dare!”

Arc narrows his eyes. “Try me.”

He begins to turn around as Sassy Saddles slowly approaches her former employer.

“Okay, okay, you win. I'll keep it to myself until the investigation is complete.”

Arc nods. “Smart move.”

Diamond Tiara shakes a hoof at Arc, angrily. “OGRE!”

A short while later Plumb Bob returns with something under his hoof.

“I’ve completed my preliminary investigation. It looks like the wiring to the lights was improperly done. There’s burnt insulation all around the wires, which is obviously another construction no-no.”

Hard Hat rolls his eyes. “Amateur builders...”

Plumb Bob tosses the item he’s carrying toward Filthy Rich.

“I also found this in the back room.”

Sassy Saddles looks at it, confused. “What is that?”

“It's what's left of the fire extinguisher you were going for, miss. The fire-proof tag shows it hasn't been inspected in YEARS! From its condition, I doubt it would have worked even if you had gotten to it.”

Sassy Saddles hoof flies to her face. “Oh my! Whose responsibility is it to do that?!”

Hard Hat turns to Filthy Rich, angrily. “The building owner!”

Filthy Rich chuckles. “Like I said before... I'm a very busy stallion! I don't have time to take care of every single nuance of every building I own.”

Plumb Bob begins writing on a clipboard. “Well then, I guess you have too many buildings. I saw quite a few other violations, some of which would have allowed the fire to spread as quickly as it did. We'll know more when I complete my investigation.”

Arc nods. “Take as long as you need.”

Sassy Saddles smiles at him. “And please... be thorough.”

Plumb Bob nods. “Yes ma'am.”

He walks back toward the building with his clipboard in hoof.

“I think I'll join Plumb Bob. Maybe I can point out anything he misses.”

“Good idea, Hard Hat.”

Hard Hat walks toward the ruins of the building as the sheriff turns to the Rich family.

“Well Mr. Rich, it looks like there’s no crime here. If you will excuse me, I'll be on my way.”

The sheriff turns and walks back to his office.

Filthy Rich sighs. “Well Sassy Saddles, I guess you're off the hook. However, I suppose with the loss of this building, I no longer have need of your services.”

“What?! Are you saying, I'm FIRED?!”

Diamond Tiara grins wickedly! “Don't take it so hard! I'm sure the Saloon would love to hire you... as a Dancing Mare!”

Filthy Rich shrugs. “Take it any way you want! Now if you all will excuse me, I have many other things to take care of.”

Arc storms after him as the stallion turns to leave. “Now hold on just a minute Filthy Rich! Don't you have to give her some kind of severance pay or something?!”

Filthy Rich smiles wickedly over his shoulder. “I would. However, with the loss of this building, I'm not sure I can afford it.”

Sassy Saddles glares at him! “Is that some kind of sick joke?! Everypony in Equestria knows how wealthy you are!”

Diamond Tiara shrugs. “I think what my dad is saying is that he's going to put the Costume Shop into bankruptcy. But don't worry Sassy Saddles! I'm sure after the bankruptcy court convenes in a few months, you'll be able to hash things out!”

Filthy Rich laughs! “Who knows? Maybe by then they'll release your last paycheck!”

“What?! But... I... everything I owned was in there!”

“That's a new low, even for you Filthy Rich! It's criminal!”

Diamond Tiara shakes her head. “No it's not! Such matters would have to go before a CIVIL court! Don't worry! She'll get paid... EVENTUALLY!”

Arc clenches his fists in rage!

“Now, now Arc. Don't hate the player, hate the game! It's just business!”

Arc looks to Filthy Rich. “Ruining other's lives is just BUSINESS to you?!”

Diamond Tiara shrugs. “Eh. More or less.”

Silver Spoon runs over to Filthy Rich. “Father! What is she supposed to do now?! The store wasn't just her job... it was also her HOME!”

Filthy Rich shrugs. “Diamond Tiara had a pretty good idea earlier. I'm sure the Saloon would LOVE to hire her! She would probably make even more working for them... in ‘tips’.”

Filthy Rich turns back to Arc and smiles.

“...and that is how these things are done, Hero of Light! I hope you were paying attention!”

Diamond Tiara laughs cruelly! “Hero? More like zero!”

Arc seethes silently inside his armor.

“Now if you have no other business to discuss with me Arc, we should be going. Come along, girls!”

Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara walk away laughing as Sassy Saddles falls to the ground and begins to cry!

Arc kneels down next to Sassy Saddles and puts a hand on her back. “I'm sorry things turned out this way.”

Sassy Saddles looks up at Arc with tears in her eyes! She does not rise from the ground. “What... what am I supposed to do now?! I haven't a bit to my name! Not even enough to buy a train ticket out of here! Even my tools burned up in there!”

She lays her head down in the dirt, completely devoid of any hope. Silver Spoon walks over to her.

“Miss Saddles? I... I'm really sorry for what my dad did to you.”

Sassy Saddles does not rise from the ground, but looks Silver Spoon in the eye. “It's not your fault, Silver Spoon. I don't hold any of this against you. You've been kind to me over the years! I know you at least will grow into a fine young mare!”

“Thank you... but what will you do now?”

Sassy Saddles sits up and sighs. “The only thing I CAN do right now... see if the Saloon still wants to hire me. The owner has been trying to get me to come work for him for years now. He... he said I would be every stallion's favorite in no time.

Silver Spoon shakes her head vehemently! “No! You deserve better than THAT!”

The filly reaches into her saddlebags and pulls out a large bag of bits. She sets it down in front of Sassy Saddles.

“Please Miss Saddles! Take this and use it to start a new life somewhere! I wish I could do more for you, but I guess giving you my allowance is all I can do right now.”

Arc looks at the over-sized bag of bits and thinks to himself. “That's her ALLOWANCE?!”

Sassy Saddles stands and smiles at Silver Spoon. “Thank you dear... but... I can't take these bits. I haven't earned them!”

“What?! But... but your pay...”

She interrupts the filly. “...needs to come from your father. I appreciate you trying to make this right, but... I couldn't look at myself in the mirror if I accepted this money from you!”

Sassy Saddles uses her magic to pick up the bag of bits and put them back in Silver Spoon's saddlebag.

Silver Spoon begins to tear up! “Please Miss Saddles! You've always been so kind to me! Now I'm begging you! Let me help! I can't stand the thought of you working at the Saloon! I... I need to be sure you'll be okay!”

Arc walks over to the pair. “Silver Spoon, was it? I must say, I’m quite impressed by your desire to help Sassy Saddles! You're nothing like you father and sister!”

“Yes sir. I... please forgive them. They're actually quite nice when you get to know them!”

He puts a hand on Sassy Saddles' shoulder. “Now don't you worry about Sassy Saddles. I'll take care of her, and help her get back on her feet... er... hooves, I guess.”

“Thank you. But... how?”

Silver Spoon approaching Arc and looks up at him hopefully! “Please, do tell! My friend deserves a job with some... dignity!”

“How about I take you back to Ponyville with me? I can introduce you to Rarity. The two of you would get along famously!”

Sassy Saddles looks to Arc excitedly! “Really?! You would do that for me?!”

Arc nods! “Sure! Rarity always has so much work to do. Maybe she’d like an assistant!”

“I admit, that would most certainly be a dream come true, but... what if she says no?”

Silver Spoon looks up at her friend. “My dad says ‘the start of a business empire begins with a single sale’! I think what he meant was that you have to start somewhere!”

“I suppose that makes sense, but what if...”

Silver Spoon interrupts! “He also says ‘don't let the fear of failure stop you from trying’.”

Arc nods and thinks to himself. “I'll have to remember that one. Words to live by...”

“Well... okay. I'll give it a try.”

Sassy Saddles turns to Arc

“Thank you for the offer Arc. I accept!”

“Good! We will head back to Ponyville together tomorrow morning! If you have anything else you need to do before then, now is the time.”

Sassy Saddles looks down at the ground. “I... literally have nothing left here.”

Silver Spoon shakes her head! “That's not true Miss Saddles! After all, you have your life! And you owe that fact to the Hero of Light here!”

Arc nods. “Well, if there isn't anything else you need to do, we should be getting back to the ranch.”

He turns to Silver Spoon.

“You should probably catch up with you family. I wouldn't want them to worry about you now.”

Silver Spoon nods. “Thank you sir! Please take care of my friend!”

The filly looks back at Sassy Saddles. She approaches her friend and gives her a parting embrace.

“I hope I can see you again in Ponyville.”

Sassy Saddles nods. “Yes, I would like that dear! Take care now!”

Silver Spoon trots away in the direction Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara went

“I see a bright future for her.”

Sassy Saddles nods. “Her sister... not so much.”


Arc turns to the remains of the building. Hard Hat and Plumb Bob continue to sift through the rubble, as he fills out citations.”

“You two got this?”

Hard Hat nods! “Indeed we do!”

Plumb Bob does not looking up from his clipboard, angrily! “When I get done with him, he won't be able to open another shop in THIS town for quite some time!”

“Thanks, you two. I'll leave you to it then!”

Arc and Sassy Saddles make their way down the street toward Cherry Hill Ranch.

“Do you really think Rarity will have work for me?”

Arc nods. “I do. But don't worry! If she doesn't, I can hire you on at my base as temporary support staff. Paperwork, helping in the kitchen, minor janitorial duties... things like that.”

Sassy Saddles looks confused. “Base?”

Arc nods. “I command a military base called Light's Hope on the outskirts of Ponyville. The work may not be too glamorous, but at least you won't be shaking your flank at strangers for tips!”

Sassy Saddles shudders and blushes at the thought! “Yes! Thank you for rescuing me from such a fate! I really just want to be able to support myself without doing anything shameful!”

“Very praiseworthy. Filthy Rich's other daughter could learn a thing or two from you.”

“You mean Diamond Tiara? I suppose anypony would act as she does if they had their every desire granted on a whim!”

“Yes. Being born into wealth does have its... developmental disadvantages.”

Sassy Saddles sighs. “I don't think that family knows the meaning of the term ‘disadvantage’.”

A butterfly flutters past the pair. Arc points at it.

“You know, I once had the honor of watching a butterfly emerge from its cocoon. It was quite glorious! But... it's one of the saddest memories I have of my childhood.”

Sassy Saddles looks to Arc, confused. “What do you mean?”

“The butterfly was struggling so hard to pull itself through a hole in the cocoon that I decided to help! I VERY carefully broke open the cocoon, expecting the butterfly to come fluttering out!”

“You mean, it didn't?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. Instead it fell to the ground! Its wings were small and its body seemed misshapen. At the time I thought it was sick or something. It wasn't until years later that I learned that a butterfly NEEDS to go through the struggle of breaking free of its cocoon! You see, the struggle is what prepares the butterfly's wings for flight! By ‘helping’, I inadvertently robbed it of its future!”

“That's rather sad, but... why are you telling me this?”

“Silver Spoon is like the butterfly who goes through the natural metamorphosis of life. One day, she will spread her wings and fly! However, Diamond Tiara is like the butterfly I described earlier. Filthy Rich may think he’s helping her. But in reality, he's not allowing her to mature naturally!”

Sassy Saddles looks down sadly! “I guess I never thought about it that way. As much as I hate that little brat, it... kinda makes me feel sorry for her! Do you think there is any hope for her?”

Arc shrugs. “The only thing that can save her now is if someone can show her the error of her ways before it is too late. Silver Spoon is her sister's last hope...”

The pair continue on to Cherry Hill Ranch. They walk in the front door together.

“Cherry! We're back!”

A voice rings out from the kitchen. “We're in here!”

Arc and Sassy Saddles head for the Kitchen. Cherry, Ruby and Dinky turn from the sink. Ember and Auriel are busy wiping down the table and counters.

Cherry looks nervously at Sassy Saddles! “I hope everything went all right!”

Ruby nods! “We've been so worried!”

Arc looks down sadly. “Things... didn't exactly go as I hoped they would.”

“Dad? Is Miss Saddles going to jail?”

“No sweetheart! The inspector found that it was actually faulty wiring that started the fire.”

Ember smiles! “That's great news! Well, not great that Sassy Saddles had to go through that. But you know what I mean!”

Auriel frowns. “Something tells me there is more to this though.”

Sassy Saddles nods sadly and begins to tear up again! “Yes... Mr. Rich said... he no longer needs me! I'm sorry, but that store wasn't just a job for me! It was my life!”

Cherry comes forward to comfort Sassy Saddles. “Now don't you worry about a thing! I can always use some temporary help around the ranch here! It isn't much, but you can make some bits to help you get back on your hooves!”

Sassy Saddles shakes her head. “Thank you ma'am, but I'm going to Ponyville tomorrow with Arc and his friends.”

“I told her I would introduce her to our town's premier tailor. Hopefully Rarity will give her a chance.”

Sassy Saddles turns to Cherry. “Ma'am? Is there something I can help you with today? I'd like to repay you for your kindness in taking me in last night.”

“Don't worry about it, dear! We all need a helping hoof sometimes.”

Cherry looks over to Arc. She blushes and winks! Dinky looks to Cherry.

“Miss Cherry? Can we pick cherries again?”

“But this is the last day of your vacation, dear! Don't you want to do something a bit more fun?”

Dinky smiles! “That WAS fun!”

Auriel nods. “I admit, I too enjoyed gathering the red and yellow orbs!”

Ember laughs! “It's definitely a pleasant change from the norm!”

Cherry sighs. “Well, okay! But only if your father gives his permission!”

“It's fine with me! I too enjoyed the blast from my past of harvesting fruit.”

Sassy Saddles smiles! “I'll help too!”

Ruby laughs! “I guess that settles it! To the orchards!”

Everyone follows Ruby out the door. They spend the remainder of the day harvesting cherries, playing games, and generally having a good time together!

Arc breathes heavily! “Whew! I think I need to take a break!”

Ruby looks over at the innumerable gunnysacks filled with cherries! “That is without a doubt a record!”

Dinky laughs! “Leave some of the cherries for us dad!”

Auriel nods! “Please do be careful Arc. As powerful as you are, I know for a fact you have your limits!”

Ember smiles! “Take it easy Arc! I don't want to have to help carry you back to bed again!”

Cherry looks over, wide-eyed! “Again?!”

Arc turns to her, sheepishly. “Um... yeah... about that. This one time, I MAY have used just a bit too much energy teleporting everyone back to Light's Hope.”

Auriel nods. “Well, Miss Trixie DID suggest you rest some more.”

“Yes, well… I was fortunate you were there to help me back to town then Auriel.”

Ember looks to him, angrily! “Wait! You passed out THERE TOO?!”

Cherry looks to Arc. “Does this happen often?!”

“Well... it's happens a LOT less these days. I've been training to increase my mana pool for quite some time now. It's a good thing too! If I hadn't, the Demon King would have won our last battle!”

Ruby sighs. “Arc, I understand that you’re the Hero of Light and all, but I do wish you would think about how those who care about you feel about this! I mean, Cherry was hoping you would...”

Cherry interrupts, blushing deeply! “Sister, please!”

“I'm sorry Cherry. It's just... I want the best for you after all.”

Ruby looks over to Arc and smiles!

“...and Arc is most certainly the best!”

Auriel looks confused. “Cherry? Were you hoping he would come work for you, or something? I do admit, he must be the best Cherry Picker around!”

Arc looks a bit sad. “That's... not exactly what she wanted.”

Ember frowns as she looks at Arc and Cherry. “Okay, I'm getting a bit weirded out by the way you two are acting! If you REALLY don't want to talk about it that's fine but...”

Cherry looks over to Arc. He nods.

“Go ahead and tell everyone. Cherry. They should know. After all... we're all friends here!”

Cherry sighs. “I suppose so. Why don't we all head back to the house now. Everypony should probably be sitting down for this anyways!”

Ruby nods. “How about the front porch? It will be just like old times!”


Everyone heads back to the house and takes a seat on the front porch around Cherry. Arc sits next to her on the porch swing as Dinky jumps in his lap. He smiles and strokes her mane.

Cherry takes a deep breath. “This is... rather difficult to say. More so because all of you are so close to Arc! Now I'm asking you all not to be too... angry with me for... doing what I did!”

Ember looks confused. “Angry about what?”

Dinky smiles! “Yeah Miss Cherry! You're too nice for us to be angry at you!”

Auriel observes the scene before her. “Ponies most certainly have a roundabout way of explaining things sometimes.”

Cherry blushes heavily and absentmindedly taps her front hooves together as she speaks. “Last night while Ember and Dinky were cleaning Sassy Saddles up, I... um... I asked Arc to... well...”

She fumbles for the words. Dinky looks up at her and smiles!

“Miss Cherry, I know whatever it is must be really important to you! So if you need to take some time to find the right words, we'll wait!”

The others nod their heads in agreement.

“Thank you, everypony!”

Cherry looks over to Arc lovingly as she nervously continues.

“Last night I... I.................................I ASKED ARC TO MARRY ME!!!”

Cherry's face turns as red as her mane and she turns away from the group!

Ember nods! “WOAH! Way to go, Cherry! I didn't know you had it in you!”

Ruby smiles proudly. “Yes. I believe my sister was very brave to ask that question!”

Auriel looks to the pair, confused. “Marry? I didn't even know you two were...”

Cherry turns to Dinky, apologetically. “I... I'm sorry Dinky! I should have talked to you before making such an outrageous request of your father! Please forgive me!”

Dinky smiles and putting a small hoof on Cherry 's fetlock! “It's okay! I know you'll make my dad very happy! We... actually had a talk on a similar topic not too long ago!”

Ember smiles! “It's okay with me! That is... if you don't mind sharing!”

Auriel folds her claws in her lap and smiles! “I look forward to experiencing my first wedding in Equestria!”

Sassy Saddles nods! “Congratulations you two! I'm sure you'll be very happy together!”

“Everyone listen. I... have something I need to say.”

The group silently looks to Arc with smiles on their faces!

“I... I told Cherry... no.”

Ember’s eyes grow wide! “WHAT?!

Auriel frowns. “Oh poo!”

Dinky looks up at Arc. “But dad, I though you...”

Arc interrupts Dinky. “I really do want to settle down with someone... someday, but... right now, my biggest concern is keeping everyone else safe! And I can't really do that if I...”

Ember explodes in a fit of rage! “This is outrageous! Arc, YOU deserve to be happy too! Stop thinking about everyone else for once and try thinking about yourself! I mean... you DO want to be happy, right?!”

Arc sighs. “Yes Ember, I do. But... this is just so much bigger than one human's feelings. When I saw how happy I was able to make Cherry and Ruby... Derpy and Dinky... Steel Hammer and his family... the orphans... the Marquis... even Princess Luna... and so many others really just by being myself, I realized that THIS is what I was meant to do! I may not have a cutie mark on my hip, but I know that protecting Equestria and its citizens is my destiny!”

Auriel nods. “I admit I’m still learning about how things are done here in Equestria, but I must say Arc, your self-sacrificing nature is quite the change from what I am accustomed to! In Tartarus, most demons spend all their time trying to find happiness! They do everything they can think of to accomplish this end! From filling their bellies, to various narcotics, to more... carnal pleasures!”

Arc nods. “Some humans do the same, Auriel. Tell me... how many of them achieve their goal?”

Auriel looks to him, confused. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, how many of them truly find happiness in those things?”

Auriel thinks for a moment. “To the best of my knowledge... none. I have yet to meet a demon I could say was truly happy.”

Ruby sighs. “I'm not surprised! You'll never find true happiness in any of those things!”

“Where should they be looking then?”

Dinky nuzzles her father’s chest. “They could start with just trying to enjoy one another's company! Like we are right now!”

Arc nods! “Right! By bringing happiness to others, you too can be happy! But... if I have to sacrifice my OWN happiness to safeguard everyone else's, then so be it!”

Ember shakes her head. “Arc, I don't know if you're the bravest, smartest, and most selfless creature to every live... or if you're just plain nuts! But... I'm with you to the end!”

She looks suddenly sad.

“...whatever that end may be.”

Cherry leans against Arc's side, closing her eyes and smiling. “This is exactly why I love you, Arc! But... it now seems that those very traits are keeping us apart.”

Arc puts and arm around her. “I'm sorry, Cherry. Really I am! Maybe someday things will be different for me, and we could...”

He closes his eyes and shakes his head.

“No. You should find someone else. A sweet mare like you deserves better than I! A human who doesn't have the time to commit to a relationship!”

Cherry raises her head to kiss Arc on the cheek.

“I understand what you're saying, Arc. But I just want you to know… that doesn't change how I feel about you in the least.”

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