• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,626 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 17 - An Ear to the Ground

The next morning Arc and his squad look over the papers together with Derpy, Dinky and Ember, who has returned to her human form. Max sighs.

“I don’t know sir. There really isn’t a lot here to go on.”

Hugh nods. “Agreed. Little is known about our little orphan friend other than the fact she apparently has no known family other than a mother whose whereabouts are currently unknown.”

Ember frowns. “And that’s assuming she’s still alive.”

Derpy looks up! “Well, I certainly hope she is!”

Dinky sighs. “Yeah! That little girl in the photo looks really sad. Kinda like a new arrival to the orphanage back home.”

Viktor looks over to Arc. “Considering all the trouble you went through to get this, I don’t think it’s going to be of any help to us.”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Maybe you’re right. Then again, maybe not. “


Arc holds up a paper. “It says in her file that there are no known relatives. But maybe someone else who lived in the apartment building could give us a lead.

Ember grins at him. “Not a bad idea. But we don’t know where they went.”

“Not completely true. One of my neighbors had a brother who lived in that building. He’s staying with them for the time being.”

Cherry giggles happily. “It’s a start!”

Arc nods. “That it is. I think Dinky and I should pay them a visit.

“Me, dad?!

“Yes. The couple who live there have two young children. The youngest is about your age, sweetheart.”

Derpy claps her hands together happily. “Dinky could have someone to play with!”

“I’d like to meet some new friends! What are human children like?!”

“Pretty much like the foals back home. Now, if you’ll put on your coat we’ll walk over there with your mother. That is if she wants to come.”

Derpy nods. “That I would!”

Dinky runs upstairs. “Okay!”

Ember reads over the papers again. “I don’t see anywhere on here how she hurt her hands.”

Arc turns and points to a paragraph. “It’s noted under ‘Physical Characteristics Notes’.”

“I see it now.”

Cherry sighs. “I wonder what happened.”

Arc nods. “As do I. The only thing I can imagine is that she refused to tell Miss Kulara. Otherwise it would be noted here.”

He turns to Viktor.

“I want you to scour the Internet for news articles that might give us a clue on where any other residents of the apartment building may have relocated to. Everyone else keep looking over those files for anything we can use.“

Arc’s squad salutes and heads to the basement with the papers as he turns to Ember.

“How’s your ankle this morning?”

“Much better! Like I said yesterday. Dragons just heal faster than humans do!”

Arc looks over as Dinky runs down the stairs with her and Derpy’s coats. “That was fast.”

Dinky nods as she hands the coat to her mother." I’m just anxious to meet some real human foals!”

“Children, not foals sweetheart.”

Ember sighs as she heads for the basement. “Guess I’ll help the others in going over that file yet again.”

“Thanks Ember. I know it’s boring, but we don’t want to overlook anything.”

Cherry smiles inwardly. “Even the smallest detail could prove useful after all.”

Arc nods as he and his little family head out the door. “Right! We’ll be back in a little bit."

Ember waves. “Have fun.”

They head down his front steps and turn to walk down the sidewalk Derpy holds on to Arc’s arm.

“This snow is pretty deep!

Arc nods as he helps Derpy steady herself. “That it is. We don’t usually get so much all at once.”

Dinky hops along happily through the drifts. “Well, I like it! Snow is awesome!”

A few moments later they arrive at a two-story sky-blue house with white trim. Derpy looks up at Arc nervously as he leads them up the front steps.

“So this is the house, huh?”

“That it is. Just let me introduce you two and we can go from there.”

“Okay dad!”

Arc touches his earring.

“You guys keep this line open and listen in. If you hear anything we can use, start researching it.”

Viktor’s voice buzzes in his ear.

“Yes sir!”

Arc knocks on the front door, a few moments later a young woman answers.

“Good morning, Lieza.”

“Hello Arc! Won’t you come in?”

“Thanks! My it’s cold this morning!”

Arc and his family step inside the house. The walls are painted the same sky-blue color while the ceilings are painted white. Lieza closes the front door behind them.

“I see you brought some friends with you today.”

“Yes. This is my cousin Dawn, and her daughter Daisy. The two of them are visiting me for the holidays.”

Derpy smiles shyly. “How do you do?”

Dinky waves. “Hello!”

Lieza kneels down in front of Dinky. “Aren’t you a pretty young lady! You look just like your mother.”

Dinky smiles warmly. “Thank you!”

Lieza stands up. “I have a son who’s about your age. Would you like to meet him and his sister?”


She turns her head and calls out for someone. A few moments later the sound of feet coming quickly upstairs can be heard. A little boy and his older sister approach their mother.

“Daisy? This is Alex and Mia.”


Arc nods at them. “You two are getting big!”

“Hi, Mr. Arc! How was your trip?!”

“We missed seeing you!”

Arc smiles. “It was long. Very long, but interesting. One of these days your dad and I will take you out for supper again.”

“That sounds like fun!”

Alex looks at Dinky. “We’re playing a game in the basement! Want to come?!”

“Can I mom?!”

Derpy nods. “Go ahead, sweetie.”

Dinky, Mia and Alex rush down the basement stairs together happily as Arc turns to Lieza.

“So how’s Jessie these days?”

“He’s traveling for work at the moment.”

Derpy looks confused. “Traveling?”

Arc nods. “He’s a building tradesman. They sometimes have to go out of town to work on other projects in areas that don’t have enough guys.”

Lieza nods. “He comes home every few weekends to see us. “

Arc sighs. “You miss him, don’t you?”

“Very much so. He calls us regularly, but it’s not the same as having him here.”

Derpy nods. “I understand how you feel. When Arc is gone, I feel the same way.”

“Well, you know me. Busy, busy, busy! In any case, your brother-in-law is staying with you, correct?”

Lieza looks to the stairs. “That’s right. His apartment complex burned to the ground not too long ago! Why do you ask?”

“I wanted to ask if he knew anything about the fellow who didn’t make it out.”

“Sam, huh? I don’t know, but you can ask him. He’s in his room upstairs. Feel free to go on up and talk to him.”

Arc smiles at her as the pair head for the stairs. “Thanks, Lieza. This shouldn’t take too long.”

Derpy looks to Arc as the pair reach the top of the stairs. “Think he knows anything?”

Arc shrugs as they proceed down the hall. “If not, at least we know the name of the girl’s father.”

He knocks on the door. A few moments later a young man answers it. He looks at Arc, quizzically.

“Uh… hi?”

“Sorry to bother you, but your sister-in-law thought you might be able to help us. I’m Arc and this is my cousin Dawn.”

The man nods and steps aside to allow them to enter the small room. “Sure! My brother’s mentioned you a time or two. You guys still go bowling together?”

Arc shakes his head as they enter. “Not in quite some time, as both of us have been quite preoccupied with our jobs.”

The man extends a hand. “Maybe one of these times we’ll go together! By the way, names Ben!”

Arc shakes hands with him. “A pleasure!”

Ben gestures to the bed as he sits down in his nearby office chair. “Why don’t you two have a seat? Sorry I don’t have anything a bit nicer.”

“It’s fine. We heard you lost it all in that fire.”

“That I did. I mean, I have insurance and all, but it still sucks! I’ll be looking for a new place as soon as my payment check comes in.”

Derpy smiles. “It must be nice to be with your family though.”

“That it is. I get a roof over my head and my brother gets a little extra spending money from me every month.”

Arc smiles. “At least you had somewhere to go. In any case, I came here to ask if you knew the fellow who didn’t make it out?”

“Sam? His place was only a couple doors down from mine! I might have met the same fate if I hadn’t been out of town that day!”

“Did you know him?”

Ben shrugs. “Well, I knew OF him. We didn’t really talk or hang out though. Sam Mason… it’s hard to believe he’s gone! While I didn’t know him personally, he was always busy taking care of his daughter. The two of them didn’t go out much.”

Derpy looks confused. “Why not?”

“He was kinda introverted. Personally, I think he might have had some kind of past. But he was a decent enough guy from what I saw.”

“Do you think someone was after him?”

Ben shakes his head. “Not really. But he did always look around nervously whenever I saw him in the hallway getting his mail or taking his daughter to school. I always just chalked it up to his nerves. You know how some people are.”

Derpy scratches her head. “What about his daughter? Was she okay?”

“Oh yes! She was always happy-go-lucky! It’s a shame what happened to her father. Do you happen to know where she went?”

Arc sighs. “She was sent to the Farburg Orphanage.”

Ben nods. “It’s a decent enough place I suppose. Still, it can’t be as good as being with family.”

“I’m actually trying to see if I can track down her relatives for that reason. Any ideas?”

“Sorry. Sam never really talked about things like that.”

“Do you know of anyone else he was friends with?”

Ben thinks for a moment. “Well… there was a woman who came by regularly. I’m not sure exactly who she was, but she was always very nice to the girl. I don’t think she and Sam were a couple or anything though.”

Derpy looks confused. “What makes you say that?”

“This woman always wore a business suit and heels, while Sam was always a blue jeans and leather jacket kinda guy.”

“Did the three of them get along?”

Ben nods. “From what I could tell, they did.”

“Any clue who the woman was?”

“I don’t. But the old building superintendent might. While I wouldn’t say he was nosy exactly, he did like to chat people up when he saw them in the hallways.”

Derpy looks hopeful. “Is he still in town?”

Ben nods. “At his nearby office, yes. Probably still working on paperwork for the old place.”

Derpy raises an eyebrow. “For a place that burnt down?”

Arc turn to her. “There’s probably a bunch of loose ends for him right now. Between the police investigation and the building’s insurance claim, that is.”

“I heard he’s looking at rebuilding. But a big check like that doesn’t come until a thorough investigation.”

“They’re still looking into the fire?”

Arc nods. “Things like that take time. The payout for something like that building will be in the millions of dollars after all.”

Ben nods. “I’m just glad it wasn’t arson like they originally thought.”

Derpy looks confused. “What was it then?”

“A power line went down behind the building, lit a pile of leaves, and was able to find its way into the building through some cracks in the foundation.”

Arc sighs. “It probably lit up some insulation and the fire traveled quickly from there.”

“A safe bet. Like the news said, just a bad accident.”

“Where is the superintendent’s office anyway?”

“Right next door to where the apartments used to stand.”

Derpy frowns. “He didn’t live in the building?”

Ben nods. “He did. Fortunately all his files were in the office, not his apartment.”

Derpy nods. “Is he a nice hu… person?”

“Very much so! Something broke, and he’d have it fixed in no time. You’ll like him, but just watch out he doesn’t talk your ear off.”

Arc stands up. “Well thanks for your help.”

Ben stands up as well along with Derpy. “I hope you can help Sam’s daughter. She deserves better than sitting in an orphanage.”

Derpy nods as they walk toward the door. “We’ll do our best, sir!”

Ben shakes hands with Arc. “Maybe when Jessie gets back we can all go out bowling or something.”

“Sounds like fun!”

Ben closes the door behind them. The pair head back the way they came as Derpy turns to Arc.

“To the superintendent then?”

“Yup. Maybe he knows something about this woman.”

Derpy sighs. “I sure hope so.”

Arc and Derpy head back downstairs together. As they walk into the kitchen they find Lieza cleaning.

“We’re back, Lieza.”

“Any luck?”

“Maybe. He gave us a lead we can follow up on.”

Lieza nods. “Was Sam a friend of yours, Arc?”

“No. I’m doing this for his daughter.”

“We’re looking for her family.”

Lieza sighs. “Oh dear! She’s all alone now! I hope you find something.”

Arc nods. “So do I.”

Dinky runs upstairs with Mia and Alex close behind. She runs up to her mother.

“Mom! Can I stay here and play with my new friends?!”

Derpy nods. “It’s okay with me. That is, if their mother allows it.”

“Sure! The kids have been kinda bored being cooped up in the house for days.”

Mia grins at Dinky. “It will be fun to have someone new to play with!”

Alex takes her hand. “Yeah! Let’s go!”

They run back down to the basement as Arc and Derpy head for the front door with Lieza.

“Thanks, Lieza. Just send Dinky home whenever.”

Derpy turns to their hostess. “It was nice meeting you, ma’am.”

“Good luck on your task you two.”

Arc nods as they leave the house. “Thanks! We’ll need it!”

He and Derpy walk back to his house.

“Let me grab my keys. Can you tell the others downstairs I’m heading out?”

Derpy nods. “Okay! Can I come with you?”


A few minutes later the pair meet at the Jeep. Derpy opens the passenger door and gets in.

“They’re still looking over the files and checking into a few things on the Internet.”

Arc nods as he starts the seatbelt. “Any leads?”

“Not yet. They told me to let you know they’ll keep at it though.”

Arc backs out of the driveway. “Good. They’ll do their part while we do ours.”

A short drive later Arc and Derpy arrive at the superintendent’s office. They park and walk inside the small office. An elderly man behind a desk is surrounded by paperwork. He stands to greet them as they walk in.

“Can I help you?”

Arc nods. “I hope so. I’m here about a fellow named Sam.”

The superintendent sighs. “I’m sorry to say he didn’t make it. Good fella that one though.”

Derpy looks up. “We’re trying to find any living relatives for his daughter’s sake.”

“Terrible situation! I heard she was headed for the orphanage! How’s she doing?!”

“I saw here there yesterday. She’s not doing too well though.”

He frowns. “Not doing well?”

Derpy sighs. “She’s really sad.”

“I see. Well, if there’s anything I can do to help…”

Arc interrupts. “Actually there is! You see, I’m trying to find her mother to fulfil her Christmas wish.”

Derpy smiles up a him. “Would you happen to know where she might be?”

“I don’t. Sam didn’t like to talk about his ex-wife.”


“Yes, miss. Cybil Mason was her name. All I know about her, other than her name, is she’s supposed to be a real nut-job! Granted I’ve never met her before. But if even one of the stories he did tell me were true, I’d get as far away from her as I could too!”

Arc sighs. “Is she mentally ill?”

“Maybe. The stories sure hinted strongly at that. Then again, he may have just been exaggerating them. Exes don’t usually get along. Especially when there’s a custody battle.”

Derpy looks sad. “They both wanted the girl?”

The superintendent nods. “That they did. The court recently awarded Sam full custody though.”

“No visitation?”

“As far as he told me, no.”

Derpy looks down sadly. “So she never sees her mother? That’s so sad.”

Arc nods. “She must miss her, if she’s calling out for her.”

Derpy nods. “Who wouldn’t?! Anything’s better than living your life out in an orphanage.”

Her hands suddenly fly to her mouth and her face turns a deep shade of red as she whirls toward Arc!

“Arc, I am SO sorry!”

He puts an arm around her shoulders. “It’s okay Dawn! Really! I know you didn’t mean it like that.”

“Did I miss something here?”

Arc nods. “I grew up in the Farburg Orphanage. That’s part of the reason I want to find her mother.”

“Anything else to go on, young fella?”

“Another one of your tenants told me some woman in a business suit used to come by regularly. Was she Sam’s girlfriend or something?”

The superintendent laughs heartily. “Not at all! She was his editor!”

Derpy looks confused. “Editor? Was he a writer?”

“In a matter of speaking, yes. He made a living writing and illustrating children’s books. Sam was very talented in that regard.”

“Any idea how I might contact her?”

The elderly man walks over to his desk and opens a drawer. “Let’s see here… I think I think it’s around here somewhere.”

He pulls out a business card and hands it to Arc.

“Take this. She dropped it on her way out once. Nice lady! Just don’t get her going on books or you’ll be there all day.”

Derpy giggles softly. Arc looks the card over before putting it in his pocket.

“Penelope Parker, huh? Thank you. Anything else you can tell me about Sam?”

“Sam told me a few days before the fire that he was planning to move soon.”

Derpy raises an eyebrow. “Did he give a reason?”

“No. Just that he was looking for another place out of state.”

Arc sighs. “He might have been trying to get away from his former wife.”

The superintendent nods. “There might have been something to that. I noticed he was more on edge than usual lately. And another thing! His daughter seemed really scared as well!”

Derpy frowns. “Could it be because HE was scared?”

“Maybe, but I don’t think so. There was genuine terror in her eyes! But not of Sam, mind you! She held onto him like he was her last lifeline!”

Derpy looks up at Arc. “I think I know how she feels.”

The superintendent becomes suddenly serious as he looks Arc in the eye. “Do me a favor will you? That sweet little girl deserves better than an institution. You do your best to find her family, you hear?!”

Arc extends a hand to the man. “I’ll do my best. Thanks!”

He nods and smiles. “I’m sure you will, young man.”

Arc and Derpy leave the office and get back in the Jeep. Derpy turns to him as she closes her door.

“Where to now?”

He starts the Jeep and pulls the card out of his pocket. “Let’s see here.”

Arc looks over the card before setting it down in the cupholder and shifting into drive.

“The address of her office is in the next town over. I’ll have us there in about thirty minutes.”

Arc touches his earring.

“Arc to Viktor. You boys there?”

“Yes sir!”

“Any luck on your end?”

“A bit. I’ve done a bit of searching online for the mother. While I didn’t find her, I also was unable to find a death certificate.”

Arc nods. “So she’s out there somewhere.”

“Most likely.”

Derpy looks to Arc. “Can you ask him if Dinky’s home yet?”

“Derpy wants to know if Dinky came back from her new friend’s house.”

“Yes, sir. They decided to come back here and play. I hope that’s alright.”

Arc nods. “As long as they stay out of the basement, yes.”

Max chuckles. “I already told them that.”

“We’re going to follow up on a lead on our end. Apparently Sam was a writer. Maybe his editor can tell us something.”

“Shall I do a search for her as well, sir?”

Arc shakes his head. “Thanks, but we already have an address.”

Hugh nods, clearly impressed. “That was fast!”

“I got her business card from the building superintendent.”

Xenos chuckles. “Busy day, sir! Anything we can do to help?”

“See if you can locate the mother online somewhere. Her name is Cybil Mason. Maybe she’s on Facebook or Twitter.”

Xenos looks confused. “What’s Facebook?”

Viktor types. “On it, sir!”

A few moments pass.

“No one named Cybil Mason on Facebook around Sam’s age anywhere in the state, sir.”

Cherry calls out. “Maybe she lives far away?

Arc nods. “Perhaps. Keep looking for her online. We’ll see if we can’t track her down the old-fashioned way. Anyone else from the building still living nearby?”

Max shakes his head. As he goes over his notes. “The few we could track down are hours away.”

“Okay. Keep it up you guys. We’ll visit them if we don’t get a lead from the publisher. Arc out.”

They reach the edge of town. About twenty minutes later they park and walk toward a building. A sign reading ‘Kukai Publishing’ stands proudly in front of the large building. Upon entering they walk over to the receptionist’s desk.

“Can I help you?”

Arc hands the business card to the receptionist. “I’m looking for this person.”

She looks at the card. “Is she expecting you?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. I wanted to talk to her about one of her authors.”

“I’m sorry, but you cannot see one of our Vice Presidents without an appointment. They are quite busy after all.”

Derpy nods. “We understand, but it’s about Sam Mason. There’s been an accident.”

“We won’t take too much of her time, but this is very important. Could you please call her and ask?”

“As I said…”

A woman approaches the desk quickly.

“Excuse me, but did you say Sam Mason?”

Arc turns to face her. “I did.”

The receptionist looks nervous. “I’m sorry Miss Parker, but these people insist on speaking with you.”

“It’s alright. I’ll see them.”

She turns to look at Arc and Derpy as they walk toward the elevator.

“Please follow me to my office. I have some questions for you two.”

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