• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 12 - Diplomacy

A week later after breakfast, Arc and his friends gather in the living room. Everyone is wearing their robes except Arc, Ember and Sereb.

“That went by fast!”

Max nods. “Yes it did, Ember.”

Xenos chuckles. “It’s hard to believe it’s already time to go back.”

Cherry, inside Arc’s head, giggles. “Yes, well… we can’t stay here forever. Equestria still needs the Hero of Light to maintain order!”

Viktor sighs. “True. If everyone knew you were gone, sir…”

“Let’s go make ourselves known then!”

Hugh looks to Arc. “You sure you don’t want us to stay here sir? We’re completely willing!”

Arc shakes his head. “I appreciate that. But there are things I want you all to do back in Equestria.”

Max looks confused. “Like what?”

Arc kneels down and activates the portable recall unit. “You’ll see.”

Ember shudders! “I hope Sunburst has fixed the re-entry problem!”

Sereb, having returned to his normal size, nods. “I shall go first and see.”

Arc’s earring chirps.

“Sunburst to Arc. Come in please!”

“Arc here. We’re ready on this end.”

“As am I. You may enter when ready!”

Arc nods. “Sereb will go through first so as not to trigger the transformation sigil.”

“I understand. Will you be coming last then, sir?”

“Yes. After my squad arrives you can disable the sigil. I rather like staying human.”

Xenos snickers. “Don’t want to try something new, sir?”

“I’ll pass.”

He turns to Sereb.

“Ready when you are.”

Sereb approaches the portal. “Very well.”

He enters the swirling vortex and vanishes from sight. A few moments later there is a terrific crash from the other end of the line!

“Everything okay over there, Sunburst.”

“I… I think so!”

“What happened?!”

“I dialed down the power to compensate for the re-entry. Apparently not enough though!”

Ember nods and points to the portal’s swirling energies. “You boys are next!”

Hugh looks worried. “What?!”

Arc grins! “You heard her. Get to it!”

Xenos laughs! “I’ll go first, you pansies!”

Arc’s squad enters the portal as he turns to Ember.


Ember looks nervously at the portal. “I… I don’t know.”

“What’s wrong? I thought you would be excited to go back.”

“I am but… don’t tell anyone, but I’m kinda scared of this thing!”

Cherry sounds nervous. “As am I, Ember. But Arc is with me, so I’m not afraid!”

Arc extends a hand to Ember. “Together then?”


She takes his hand and, holding it tightly, walks toward the portal. In a moment they arrive in Princess Celestia’s room in the castle. Arc’s squad have returned to their pony forms and are putting their armor back on. Xenos prances around.

“It’s good to have all four legs back!”

Hugh grins! “You said it!”

Max sighs. “I rather liked being a bipedal!”

Viktor shrugs. “It didn’t really bother me either. But I already miss the Internet!”

Sunburst remotely shuts down both ends of the portal before turning to them. “Sounds like you all acclimated well!”

Ember nods. “That we did!”

“I’m proud of all of you! When we go back, the four of you will stay there. “

His squad salutes him.

“Yes sir!”

Ember walks toward the door. “We should probably report to the princesses now Arc.”

“I agree! But aren’t you forgetting something?”

Ember turns back around with a confused look on her face. “Huh?”

Sereb nods. “You are still a human, Ember.”

“Well, I kinda like this form! It makes me feel closer to Arc!”

She zips up her jacket.

“That and I’m warmer like this!”

Ember turns back to Arc.

“Would it be okay for me to stay like this for a bit longer?”

Arc nods. “Alright. I suppose it would be nice to show the princesses the effects of the transformation.”

He turns back to Sunburst.

“Did you inform the princesses that I needed to see them when I returned?”

“I did. They are currently holding audiences. However, you are to be admitted as soon as you arrive.”

“Thanks! Would you ask them to meet me in the Conference Room though? We should have absolute privacy when we speak of things regarding Earth.”

Sunburst nods and heads out the door. “I’ll see to it!”

Arc calls out after Sunburst. “And please come with them!”

He turns to his squad as he calls forth his gauntlet and opens a portal back to Light’s Hope. “Why don’t you boys get something to eat at the base’s cafeteria? We’ll be along soon.”

They salute and enter the portal. Arc closes it behind them and heads for the door.

“Let’s go you two.”

Ember and Sereb nod as they follow Arc toward the conference room. A short time later Luna and Cadance enter the room flanked by Royal Guards and Sunburst. Luna looks to the guards.

“See to it we are not disturbed.”

The Royal Guards bow in respect and leave the room as she turns back to Arc.

“It is good to have you safely back, Arc!”

Cadance nods. “Yes! It’s been a while since we last heard from you.”

“Sorry about that. I was quite busy with problems back on Earth.”

Sereb nods. “We all were.”

Luna looks past Arc at Ember, frowning. “Is it safe to speak in front of your new friend?”

Cadance sighs. “We trust your judgment, but please be judicious when bringing other humans back to Equestria.”

Sunburst steps forward. “Begging your pardon, but this is Ember, your majesty.”

Luna’s eyes grow wide! “WHAT?!”

Arc nods. “I thought you might like to see firsthand how successful we’ve been in assimilating Ember and my squad into their human forms.”

Cadance walks around Ember, looking her up and down. “Amazing! I honestly thought she was human!”

Arc nods. “Everyone on Earth believes that as well.”

Luna smiles. “Can we assume things are going well over there?”

“Other than trouble in my hometown, they are.”

Arc explains the problems with the Shards and his recent encounters with them.

Cadance frowns. “That’s certainly disturbing news!”

Luna nods. “Please be careful in your decision making, Arc! We don’t want any harm coming to you now!”

“I will, Princess Luna. We’ve already set up a suitable base of operations from where we can rest and regroup.”

Cadance nods. “Good. One must have a place to call home. If I may… where is it?”

“My old house.”

“Oh. Well I suppose that makes sense.”

Ember frowns at the Lead Sage. “Well, if Sunburst will work on that sigil, things should go well.”

Sunburst looks confused. “Was there a problem sending all of you over there?”

Arc chuckles. “Kinda. Your sigil didn’t turn Ember into a human. We had to do that ourselves.”

“Goodness! I hope you weren’t harmed, Miss Ember!”

She blushes slightly. “Not… exactly.”

Sereb smiles. “Ember was transformed into a dog.”

Ember’s face turns beet red! “SEREB!”

Everyone assembled can’t help but snicker.

“I’m sorry, Ember!”

Sunburst nods. “As am I. I guess you’ll have to be transformed into a human when you arrive next time.”

Sereb walks over to her and smiles. “You were quite a lovely canine.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Lay off, Sereb!”

Arc nods. “A blue dog would certainly not go unnoticed. Fortunately Sereb here looked just like a normal dog in his cub form.”

“They didn’t suspect a thing.”

Luna sighs. “I am glad things went well, Arc. Now I’m not trying to give you even more work. Especially right after you get back! But there is something I would like you to do.”

“What is it?”

Cadance looks to him soberly. “It’s in regards to a certain… incident quite a while ago regarding Lord Goldstone from the Griffon Kingdom.”

Arc nods angrily! “I’m in!”

Luna nods. “We’ve finally been able to wade through the red tape concerning a certain diplomatic envoy.”

Cadance points out the window to the east. “You’ll be flown to Griffonstone on the Lunar Destiny where you will meet with several dignitaries from the Council of Lords.”

Sereb frowns. “Will the King be among them?”

Luna shakes her head. “The Griffon Kingdom doesn’t currently have one.”

Ember looks confused. “Then who’s in charge?”

Sunburst steps forward. “Lord Gestal is the current head of the Council of Lords. They rule the Griffon Kingdom together!”

Luna nods. “I know it may be hard to imagine a group of leaders being able to agree on anything! But somehow it works for them!”

Cadance looks back to Arc. “You’re scheduled to arrive tomorrow morning bright and early. I know this doesn’t give you much time to prepare, Arc.”

“It’s fine, Princess Cadance. I need to observe their culture before I can do anything.”

“Thank you for doing this. Do be careful over there!”

“Luna’s right! Our peace with the griffons is precarious at best!”

Luna sighs. “To say nothing for their lack of trust in us!”

“And us for them, Luna!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Great! Two races who distrust each other! This mission’s off to a great start!”

Ember looks to the princesses. “Anything you can tell us about the griffons and their ways?!”

Sunburst shakes his head. “Very little. However we do know three things about them! One… they are a very proud race! If you challenge them, do so with respect and don’t be surprised if they quickly become hostile! Two… they seldom admit they are wrong. Even in the face of overwhelming evidence! And three… all griffons live by a moral code that is very rigid! Sadly, little is known about this code of theirs. You’ll have to pick it up as you go.”

Ember frowns. “That’s not much to go on.”

Arc nods. “It will have to do.”

Luna sighs. “Very well. We leave this matter in your hands, Arc.”

“As long as we’re all here, there is one other matter I would like to discuss. And I would like it to stay between us.”

Sunburst looks to Arc. “Shall I leave now, sir?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. I want your take on this.”

He stands and walks to Luna and Cadance. As he nears them, Arc reaches into his pocket and pulling out his watch. Opening it, he shows then Cherry’s picture.

“Do you remember my fiancée?”

Luna’s ears droop, as does her head. “We do.”

Cadance nods. “Yes. We’re very sorry about what happened.”

Arc looks at the photo as he talks. “I recently found out that there was an incident that occurred that night. A magical miracle, so to speak.”

Luna looks confused. “Oh?”

“Before I left for Earth, I started hearing things that no one else could. Then I started SEEING things!”

Cadance frowns. “Perhaps you should have a checkup, Arc.”

Luna nods. “Shall we call for Doctor Whooves?”

“That won’t be necessary. Doctor Horse could find nothing wrong with me back then.”

Cadance frowns. “Any idea what caused it?”

Arc puts the watch back in his pocket. “Yes. The source of my madness was from Cherry herself trying to communicate with me.”

Luna blinks a few times before turning to Sunburst. “Call for Doctor Whooves.”

Cadance stands up and walks over to him. “Arc. You’ve been under quite a bit of strain lately. I understand what you’re going through, but your believing Miss Cherry is alive worries me!”

Ember turns to the princesses. “She really is!”

Sereb nods. “Indeed. But not in the same way we recognize life.”

Arc calls forth Eidolon’s Ward. “Apparently when she died, her soul was pulled into my armor. Or more accurately, into the sapphire in my chest.”

Luna nods as she looks at the stone. “Sapphire? That looks more like a ruby.”

“I know this is a lot to take in. In an effort to save time, why don’t I just show you what I mean.”

Cadance nods. “Please do.”

“Cherry. Would you let me out please?”

To the princesses’ astonishment, Arc’s armor melts away and allows him to step out. As he does so it remains standing.

Sunburst looks to the armor, wide-eyed! “What in Celestia’s name…”

Eidolon’s Ward kneels down in front of the princesses. “H-hello, your majesties!”

Luna can barely speak. “How is this possible, Sunburst?!”

“I have no idea! This has never happened before!”

Cadance cautiously approaches Eidolon’s Ward and puts a hoof on it. “Miss? Can you hear me?”

“Yes, your majesty.”

“Can you please stand up?”

Eidolon’s Ward does so as Luna and Sunburst walk around her.

Sunburst is the first to be able to respond. “Extraordinary!”

Luna nods. “Are you in any pain, miss?”

“No ma’am!”

Cadance looks her up and down. “Is there anything we can do to help get you out of that armor?”

“Please no! I only want to stay by Arc’s side! This way I can be with him always!”

Sunburst nods. “I’d like to run some tests on you. If you would please follow me.”


As they walk to the door, Arc Blinks in front of it and crosses his arms over his chest.

“I’m afraid I can’t let you do that, Sunburst.”


“Cherry Jubilee is a legal citizen of Equestria, with all the rights and privileges that come with it!”

Ember nods! “Yeah! She’s not a lab rat for you to play with!

“But we have to know how this happened!”

He looks to Princess Luna.

“You agree, don’t you Princess Luna?!”

Luna shakes her head. “Arc is correct. You may only study her if she agrees to it.”

Cadance looks to the armor. “Miss Cherry. What would you like to do? Will you submit to Lead Sage Sunburst for testing?”

“I… I only want to stand by Arc’s side! Keep him safe! I can’t do that sequestered away in a lab somewhere!”

Luna sighs. “You heard her, Sunburst.”


Luna turns away. “The subject is closed!”

Sunburst sighs. “I understand. Please forgive my outburst, miss.”

"I understand your point of view, sir. But please try to understand mine.”

Sunburst nods as Cadance steps forward.

“In any case, the Lunar Destiny will arrive at Light’s Hope this evening around dusk. Flying through the night, Captain Tight Ship should be able to drop you off in Griffonstone tomorrow morning.”

Ember frowns. “Drop him off?”

Luna nods. “The presence of a fully armed warship from another nation just outside the window tends to make others nervous.”

Sereb growls. “What about troops?”

“The Griffon Kingdom will permit two Honor Guards of your choosing to accompany you.”

Ember walks over to Arc! “Count me in!”

Sereb nods. I will come as well.

“I guess that settles that matter! Well, I won’t take up any more of your time, princesses.”

Eidolon’s Ward bows to them. “Thank you for seeing us.”

Luna walks toward Eidolon’s Ward and looks at it a few moments. “Miss. I just want you to know that you’re very brave and selfless to do this.”

Cadance joins Luna. “Your dedication and love for Arc is an inspiration to us all!”

She turns to look at Arc.

“And I don’t mind saying that I’m a bit envious of you, Arc.”

He smiles and nods “Thank you. I’ll contact you both when I have something to report.”

“Good luck.”

Arc, Ember, Sereb and Eidolon’s Ward leave the room. Luna looks sternly to Sunburst.

“I’m surprised at you! Trying to study her!”

“But princess! She may hold the keys to understanding immortality!”

Cadance sighs. “That may be. But she’s a thinking, feeling mare first!”

Meanwhile, Arc and company walk down the corridor together. Ember holds onto Arc’s arm.

“What next?”

“We should probably get back to Light’s Hope and prepare.”

Sereb looks confused. “Is there a lot to do?”

Ember rolls her eyes. “There’s always a lot to do!”

“Not that much. I need to check in with Flash Sentry and make sure he’s set for another stint as Base Commander.”

Ember smiles. “He’ll do fine!”

“I know he will. But I hate to dump my responsibilities on him.”

Sereb looks confused. “Is that not his job?”

“It is, to a degree. And he does it very well! But… he’s supposed to ASSIST me! Not do my job for me! Now before we head back, can you turn Ember back into a dragon, Sereb?”

Sereb nods, his horn aglow. “That I can.”

In but a moment Ember returns to her normal self. She tugs at her jacket, smiling.

“Thanks, but I’m keeping the jacket!”

Arc sighs. “Have it your way. I’m going to put my armor away, Cherry. You want back in my head?”


He recalls his armor before opening a portal back to Light’s Hope. In a moment they are teleported to the Main Hall. Raven looks up from her desk as they step off the sigil and walks over to them.

“Welcome back, sir!”

“It’s good to be back, Raven! Feeling better?”

“Yes sir! I’m told I have you to thank for that!”

Ember nods. “You and me both!”

“It was kinda touch and go for a bit there. I’m glad it all worked out in the end. Is Flash Sentry around?”

“Yes, commander. He’s currently in your office.”

“Very good! I need to talk to you both.”

Raven looks confused. “Sir?”

“I’m going to be leaving the country for a bit. Just wanted to touch base with you two before I leave.”

“I understand. Shall we, commander?”

Arc nod. “Be right there.”

Raven walks quickly toward his office as Arc turns to Ember and Sereb.

“Why don’t you two grab a bite to eat and get packed? I’ll catch up with you later.”

Ember nods. “Alright. Don’t be too long though! You should probably go home and see your family before you leave.”

“I will.“

Sereb nods as he and Ember head toward the cafeteria. Arc looks down and sighs.

“I wish I could have spent more time with Derpy and Dinky. They deserve better than this!”

Arc makes the short walk to his office. Flash Sentry and Raven are waiting for him inside.

“Sir! Raven tells me you’re leaving again.”

“That I am.”

“Where to this time, sir?”

“The princesses just gave me the go ahead to start investigating Lord Goldstone.”

Raven’s eyes grow wide! “You… you mean…”

Arc walks over to Raven and puts a hand on her shoulder. “Yes Raven. I’ll make sure he pays for what he did to you!”

“How sir?”

“I haven’t figured that part out yet. Their way of life is largely unknown to us. First, I’ll have to learn how they do things. Then I can formulate a plan of action!”

Flash Sentry looks to Arc, hopefully. “Might I accompany you, sir?!”

Arc shakes his head. “I’m only allowed two Honor Guards. Ember and Sereb already volunteered.”

“Please sir! I want to help you bring this scoundrel to justice!”

Arc walks over to the window and looks out. “Are you sure that’s not the only reason, lieutenant?”

Flash Sentry looks at Arc, soberly. “Sir. This griffon had his sights on an innocent mare! We both know he was planning on doing unspeakable things to her! He hurt Raven, so now I want to hurt him!”

Arc thinks for a moment. “I suppose I could just tell Sereb to pretend to be my loyal steed.”

Raven looks suddenly worried! “Commander, please don’t! What if Lord Goldstone saw him! You would both be in very big trouble!”

“I could dye my coat white like the other Royal Guards, sir! Then I would be indistinguishable!”

“Hmmm… that could work. Very well! Go at once to the Ponyville Day Spa and have your coat dyed white. Have them use the best stuff they have too! Not that kind that just washes out! Would that make you feel better, Raven?”

“Yes it would, commander! Thank you very much for taking such a personal interest in our case!”

Flash Sentry nods. “Yes sir! It really means a lot to us! But such a spa treatment would be very expensive!”

“Tell them to send the bill to Light’s Hope. I’ll see to it the cost is covered.”

Raven steps forward quickly. “You could take the money out of our wages, sir!”

“Our wages! We don’t want you getting in trouble with Canterlot now, sir!”

“I think we can justify the cost. The way I see it, this is a covert operation. We can’t risk having our cover blown, now can we?”

Raven shakes her head. “I suppose not, commander.”

Raven looks uneasy.

“Something else bothering you Raven?

“I… I know I shouldn’t, but… could I come with you too?”

Arc shakes his head. “Definitely not. We’re already pushing it by bringing Flash Sentry!”

Flash Sentry nods. “That and Lord Goldstone would most certainly remember a pretty face like yours!”

Raven looks suddenly downcast. “I guess you’re right.”

Flash Sentry walks over to Raven and gives her a hug. “Don’t worry, Raven. I’ll call you every night!”

Arc shakes his head. “I’m sorry, but that wouldn’t be a good idea.”


“The princesses spent quite a while setting this up. The griffons are bound to be suspicious of a lot of calls back and forth to Equestria. For all we know, they might even be listening in!”

Raven looks worried again. “But what if you need help?!”

“Worst case scenario, I can open a portal back to Canterlot and speak to the princesses directly.”

Flash Sentry looks amazed! “You can do that, sir?!”

Raven shakes her head in disbelief! “But, it’s so far!”

“I once teleported from Abyssinia to Ponyville and back again. It’s not something I can do over and over again, mind you! But one round trip should be okay. In any case, get going to the spa, Flash Sentry. We’ll leave at dusk.”

Flash Sentry hurries out the door! “Yes sir! Thank you!”

Arc calls out after him! “And let Sergeant Sandstorm Mirage know he’s in charge while we’re gone!”

“I’ll see to it, sir!”

Raven walks over to Arc. “Please take care of Flash Sentry, commander! I don’t think I’d be able to live with myself if something were to happen to him!”

“I will. You can count on it!”

Raven smiles as she walks toward the door. “Thank you, commander!”


She turns around. “Yes?”

“While you can’t come on this mission, would you like to accompany us on the Lunar Destiny?”

Raven’s eyes light up! “Yes, I would!”

“I’ll send you back to Light’s Hope via portal before we get to our destination.”

She rushes out the door. “I’ll be sure all my work is done before dusk then!”

Arc smiles after her. “They really do make a lovely couple. “

Cherry sighs. “Like we would have?”

Arc nods sadly. “Yes. They deserve a happy ending to this.”

He walks over to the window and stares out at the field behind the base.

“And I intend to give it to them!”

“Happy ending, Arc?”

Arc nods. “Like the one I wanted to have.”

Cherry giggles. “You can still have your happy ending, Arc!”

“How? Or better yet, with whom?! I mean… to me, happiness is meaningless without someone to share it with!”

“I don’t know, my love. But we’ll be sure to figure that out… together!”

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