• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 17 - Cinematics

Sometime later they finish their food. Arc leans back and pats his stomach.

“Now that was a meal!”

Applejack grins. “I’ll say. Thanks for bringing me here.”

“No problem. And I’m glad you enjoyed the steak so much.”

“Gotta admit, I was scared to death to try that. But you helped me face that fear head- on.”

“Well, you were very brave to do that. After all, it’s not just any pony who could do such a thing.”

Tia walks over with her order pad.

“How was everything?”

Arc chuckles. “Great!”

Applejack giggles. “The best ever!”

“Can I get either of you desert?”

Arc shakes his head. “I’m pretty full.”

“Me too.”

Nodding, Tia sets the bill down on the table.

“Thank you for coming in tonight. Have a nice evening, you two.”

With a smile, she turns and moves on to the next table. Arc reaches into his pocket and pulls out some money. Laying it on the check he motions for Applejack to stand.

“Shall we be off?”

“Sure. But where to?”

“I think I have an idea. Come on.”

They head out the door and back to the Jeep. Getting in, Arc starts the engine and turns back onto the road. Applejack looks to him as they drive.

“So tell me about this idea you have, Arc.”

“There’s a place that opened up a while back called a ‘micro cinema’.”

“What’s that?”

“It’s like a movie theater but with smaller private viewing rooms.”

“I remember Granny Smith taking us to a theater when I was a filly. We were in Manehattan visiting family, or something. But that place had seats for hundreds of ponies.”

“Well this is much smaller. Some rooms are good for a couple dozen people while others, like the one we’re going to get, will only have two seats.”

“Just two?”

Arc shrugs. “Guess it’s for people on dates.”

Applejack laughs. “Like us!”

A short time later they arrive at the facility. Neon lights adorn the front entrance with the sign reading ‘Now Showing’. Parking, Arc escorts Applejack inside and up to the counter. A man wearing a white button down shirt and a black vest with a bow tie greets them as they approach.

“Good evening. What size viewing room would you like?”

“Just a two seater, please.”

The man nods and looks over his computer before speaking.

“I’m sorry, but it appears all of our couple’s rooms are currently in use save for one. It’s our deluxe VIP suite.”

“That’s okay. We’ll take it.”

“Very well, sir.”

He presses some buttons before accepting Arc’s payment. Handing over a card, the clerk points toward a large, double wide door.

“Just follow the signs to find your room number.”

“Thank you.”

Walking toward the doorway with Applejack they do as suggested. She sniffs the air as they pass through.

“That smell. It’s so… familiar.”

Arc chuckles. “Movie theatre popcorn?”

“Yeah! We got that in Manehattan too! Can we get some?!”

“Sure. This way.”

Approaching a concession stand, Arc and Applejack spy a long line. Applejack groans.

“I remember this part too.”

“Yeah, this is pretty normal.”

He looks over the sign hanging above the stand and grins.

“Looks like we’re in luck.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “How do you figure?”

“It says here that every wing has a popcorn vending machine.”

Applejack grins. “We could go there to get popcorn and skip the line!”

“Exactly. Let’s go.”

Heading in the direction of their room they spot a small popcorn kiosk. Purchasing a large tub from it, Arc sets it under a spout and presses a button. Popcorn fills the bucket perfectly before automatically shutting off the flow. Arc removes it and hands it to Applejack.

“Here you go.”


“Just let me get one for myself and we’ll be off.”

“You don’t have to do that, Arc.”


Applejack grins. “We can share this one. After all, it is pretty big.”

“Are you sure?”

Applejack nods. “Of course. After all, I’m still pretty full from dinner.”

“Alright then.”

They continue down the corridor together. However, as they turn a corner half a dozen people run around it. With no time to react they plow into the pair knocking them, and the popcorn, to the floor. The biggest of them looks to Arc angrily as he speaks.

“What’s the big idea?!”

Arc frowns. “Uh… you hit US, remember?”

“You were in the way!”

Applejack glares at them. “And you made a mess!”

Looking her over the rest of the thugs ogle Applejack.


“What a knockout!”

“Wanna party with us, miss?”

“Yeah! We’re a lot better than that scrawny punk you’re with now.”

Applejack scoffs. “Take a hike, you freaks!”

Arc nods as he helps Applejack up. “Yeah, why don’t you find a girl of your own?”

“Oh, so she’s your girlfriend, eh?!”

“Right. So keep your hands to yourself.”

Applejack shakes the now empty popcorn tub at them. “And find a broom while you’re at it!”

Turning to head back for more popcorn, Arc is suddenly knocked roughly away by the biggest of the thugs as four of them surround Applejack.

“Always liked blondes.”

Applejack glares at them. “You guys got rocks in your ears?! I’m not interested in any of you!”

“Give it time, blondie.”

Grabbing Applejack’s wrist, he pulls her close. However she shoves him back angrily.


Turning back to Arc as he gets to his feet, she runs over to him.

“You okay?!”

Arc nods as he brushes off his suit. “I am, yes. But these guys are about to feel some pain.”

The thugs laugh.

“Oh, are we?!”

“You and what army?!”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Look, I’m feeling benevolent tonight, so let me tell you what I’m gonna do. You guys pick up all this popcorn and throw it away and I’ll forget this happened.”

They laugh heartily as Applejack narrows her eyes.

“Better listen to him.”

“And why’s that, sweet stuff?!”

“Because he’s stronger than he looks.”

She clenches a fist before continuing.

And so am I!”

The leader of the group grins. “I love a strong woman.”

“Yeah. So let’s get rid of her date and take her out ourselves.”

Arc motions to the floor. “So you’re not going to clean up this mess then?”

“Nah. But if you’re so concerned about it YOU can. After you regain consciousness, that is.”

Applejack grins wickedly. “Trust me, you REALLY don’t want to do this with us.”

The leader walks toward them. “Believe me, we do.”

“Especially if it means getting to know you better, blondie.”

The thug moves to push Arc away again, but this time he is ready for it. Grabbing the man’s hand, he pushes it roughly away. Turning to Arc he raises an eyebrow.

“Are you nuts, man?!”

“Yeah. Just walk away.”

“While you still have teeth.”

Arc smirks. “Funny. I was about to say the same to you.”

Fuming, the man grits his teeth as he winds up a punch.

“You asked for it!”

Swinging, he aims for Arc’s face. However merely holding up a hand is enough to stop the blow.

“What the…?”

Applejack steps forward. “Lights out!”

Punching the man in the face, he staggers back toward his friends. Applejack rubs her fist and grins.

“You boys wanna reconsider…?”

“GET EM!!!”

Charging forward, they head straight for the pair. Arc steps in front of Applejack to take them on. Punching the first one in the gut, he doubles over before being knocked out by a knee to the face. The second and third attempt to rush past him only to be introduced to the back of Arc’s fists as he backhands both of them. They fall to the ground as the last three step back nervously. Arc glares at them.

“Had enough?!”

Looking down at the floor they nod silently. Arc looks to Applejack.

“You okay?”


Arc frowns as he turns back to the thugs still standing. “Now then… my girlfriend and I are going to get some more popcorn. I want every bit of this mess picked up.”

Applejack smiles wickedly. “Yeah! With your mouths!”

Arc nods approvingly. “Good idea. What she said.”

Applejack waves as she and Arc walk away. “Hope you guys are hungry.”

Refilling their bucket at the kiosk nearby they double back to the thugs. All six are carefully eating the popcorn off the floor. Arc calls out to them as they pass.

“Carry on, fellas.”

They glare at him as he passes but do as he says. Arriving at their room, Arc scans the card and the door unlocks. Applejack gasps.


A decent sized well-furnished room stretches out before them. Appearing more like a dining room/living room hybrid, the space comes with a complete dining room and chairs along. A very posh looking loveseat sits in front of a truly massive television screen. Adjoining the room is a private bathroom. Applejack walks over to the loveseat and plops down.

“It’s so comfy!”

Arc chuckles. “Glad you’re happy.”

Applejack picks up a laminated paper on an end table. “What the heck?”


“There’s some kind of strange words here. I can’t make heads or tails of it.”

“Let me see.”

Handing the page to Arc he looks it over carefully before grinning.


“So what’s it about?”

“This is a menu.”

“For what?”


Applejack raises an eyebrow. “They deliver?”

Arc nods. “Yup. There’s a touch screen by the door with pictures. You punch in what you want and they’ll bring it here via this two sided cabinet attached to the corridor.”

“Handy! But I’m good with just popcorn.”

Arc chuckles. “Oh, no. I’m going to make sure you have the true movie theater experience.”


“I’m ordering candy and soda for both of us.”

Pressing the buttons on the screen he requests a number of different candies. A few minutes lather a light comes on indicating their order has been delivered. Opening the cabinet door Arc pulls out a tray laden with numerous goodies. Walking it over to the loveseat he sets it down on the coffee table before them. Applejack grins.

“Remember… I’m Applejack. Not Pinkie Pie.”

Arc chuckles as he sits down. “Yes, well… I just thought you’d like to sample human candy.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “I would, yes. But this might just be everything they have.”

“It is.”

“Come again?”

“I ordered one of everything.”


“Other than the sodas. One is orange while the other is lemon-lime.”

“But why?!”

Arc shrugs. “Those flavors just seemed right at the time.”

“I meant about the candy!”

“Yeah, I know. In all Honesty, I wanted to make this date special for you.”

Applejack looks to the door. “Considering what we went through out there, that’s already been accomplished.”

Arc picks up a remote. “Well, let’s start making up for that, shall we?”

“Fine. By the way, what movie are we going to watch?”

“I was thinking ‘Babe’.”

Applejack blushes and turns away. “Aw… that’s sweet, Arc.”

Arc laughs. “No, no. It’s the name of a movie.”


“Sorry about that.”

“It’s my fault. But what’s the movie about?”

“A pig’s life.”

“Say what?”

“It takes place on the farm where a very special pig lives. I thought you’d like it considering your agricultural background.”

“What’s so special about him?”

“You’ll have to watch and find out.”

“Let’s get started then.”

Selecting the movie ‘Babe’ from the menu, Arc presses play before setting the remote down and opening a box of candy. Handing one to Applejack, they begin to watch. A scene unfolds with the pig watching his mother being taken away in a large truck. Applejack turns to Arc, confused.

“Where’re they taking her?”

“The slaughterhouse.”

Applejack gasps. “But who’ll feed the piglets?!”

“You’ll see.”

A robotic feeder comes down and all the young pigs latch onto it to eat. Applejack frowns.

“That seems kinda silly.”

“Agreed. They already had a source of milk.”

“Then why’d they send the mother away?”

“I can only imagine that she we at her peak weight. After all, their business is to grow pigs to their most profitable weight. After all, meat is sold by the pound here on Earth.”

The movie continues as the baby pig is taken and stuffed in a sack. After being won by the farmer at the fair, he is taken to a small farm by the old man and released to grow. Meeting a duck he strikes up a conversation. Applejack raises an eyebrow.

“Pigs and ducks work together here on Earth?”

Arc chuckles and shakes his head. “Nah. They can’t talk or plot schemes like that. It’s just something to make the movie more interesting.”

They watch as the duck convinces the pig to try and get rid of the alarm clock.

“What’s he got against… what did he call it…? Mechanical roosters?”

Arc shrugs. “The duck just wants to be useful. He’s been replaced by a machine.”

“Is that really so bad?”

“How’d you feel if apple bucking was automated?”

“Good point.”

Breaking into the house together, the pig and duck accidently wake the cat and inadvertently make a huge mess trying to get away. Applejack laughs.

“That place is TRASHED!”

“Yup. And all because they didn’t follow the rules.”


“The animals have rules on the proper place and task for each animal.”

“Who enforces them?”

“He’s kinda in charge there.”

The pig stands before the farm’s leadership, still covered in paint, and is told his proper place. Changing scenes, the animals stand around watching a young family arrive at the house. The animals talk of Christmas. Applejack frowns.


“It’s Earth’s version of Hearth’s Warming.”

“Then where’s all the snow?”

“They must live in a place where it’s warm that time of year.”

Applejack laughs as the pig sings a song… poorly.

“What was that?!”

“It’s called ‘Jingle Bells’. A very famous Christmas song.”


“Yup. Not sure where it came from, but pretty much everyone knows it.”

The scene with the farmer and his wife plays as they talk about killing the pig for Christmas dinner.

“What the hay?!”


“They’re going to slaughter the pig!”

“Well, that’s what pigs are for here.”

“But he’s still a baby! Nowhere near the size of his mother when they took her away!”

“True. However they’re only feeding a small family.”

“That does make sense. But it still seems wrong to me.”

The scene goes dark as the pig sleeps under the old wagon. Applejack grimaces as the sounds of the farmer’s footsteps approach the pig.

“Wha-what’s he going to do to him?!”

“You’ll see.”

As the music intensifies, Applejack latches onto Arc’s arm and buries her face in his shoulder. The sound of squawking rings out as a loud and wet thump is heard. Applejack does not look up as she calls out.

“Is it done?”

Arc smiles down at her. “The pig’s fine.”

Applejack opens her eyes and looks up. “What?”


Looking at the screen, she spots the pig alive and well.

“Then what…?”

“The farmer killed a goose.”

Applejack gasps. “Babe’s friend?!”

“You’ll see.”

Noticing for the first time the position she’s in, Applejack lets go of Arc and moves over as she blushes.

“S-sorry about that.”

Arc grins. “It’s fine. Truth be told, I kinda like it.”

The next day dawns and all the animals watch as a man carves the now cooked goose. However they are surprised to see Babe’s friend walk up. Telling them that their meal was a friend of his, the goose asks for help getting out of the farm. Wanting to help his friend, Babe agrees. Applejack nods approvingly.

“Now he’ll have a shot at life.”

“Probably not.”


“Domesticated animals don’t do well in the wild. They usually die of exhaustion or hunger since they don’t know how to hunt or forage naturally.”

“Are you saying he was better off at the farm?!”

“Kinda is. There he’s safe from predators and is fed with the rest of the animals.”

“But he’ll be dinner someday!”

“That’s what geese are for.”

Hearing a strange sound as the farmer eats, Babe heads for the field. He spies some strange men going after the sheep. Applejack grits her teeth.



Applejack again grabs Arc’s arm as she yells at the screen. “Run, pig, run!”

The rustler’s dog goes after Babe as he runs away. Escaping, he heads back to the farm to warm the sheepdogs. Turning to the house the dog begins barking.

“Now the farmer will know something’s wrong!”


They watch as the dogs accompany the farmer to the fields. The rustlers jump in their vehicle and flee at his approach. Applejack shakes a fist at them as they do so.

“Run you cowards!”

Setting the fence back in place, the farmer puts the pig on the back of the truck. Applejack appears confused.

“That somehow seems a bit off.”

“The farmer is honoring the pig for what he did by letting him ride back to the farm instead of making him walk.”


She looks over to see her latched onto Arc’s arm again.

“Sorry again!”

“You can stay there if you want, Applejack.”


“I… kinda like holding you.”

Applejack blushes slightly. “Can I tell you something, Arc?”


“I like when you hold me too.”

Arc grins. “Then stay right there.”

Laying her head against Arc’s side, he puts an arm around her as the movie continues. They watch as the farmer takes the pig to the sheep pen and gives him orders. Applejack frowns.

“What the hay is he doing?”

“Trying to teach him to be a sheepdog.”

“But he’s a pig!”

Arc chuckles. “That he is.”

As the pig tries to round up the sheep he makes barking sounds. The sheep all start laughing at him as the male sheepdog growls angrily.

“He doesn’t sound too happy.”

“Yeah. That dog thinks he’s going to be replaced.”

Babe returns to try again.

“Move along there you... big buttheads!”

The sheep go back to laughing. Babe charges forward and bites one of the sheep to try and show his dominance. Applejack gasps.

“That’s not like him!”


Crying out, the pig’s sheep friend criticizes his actions. Apologizing to the sheep he bit, the sheepdogs watch as the male admonishes his mate. Talking the matter over with the small herd, a sheep tells Babe that if he wants them to move all he has to do is ask. Applejack nods approvingly.

“That makes sense.”

“Yeah. He’s too nice to do it the sheepdog way.”

“And he’s too small.”

“Right. So his only option is to figure it out for himself.”

They watch as the pig leads the sheep out of the pen two by two. The farmer along with the dogs watch in amazement.

“The things you can get others to do if you just ask nicely.”

“And it’s easier than resorting to violence.”

The farmer builds a series of obstacles and leads two sheep though it as Babe watches with the female sheepdog.

“Um… what’s all that for?”

“He’s trying to train him.”

“To do what?”

“Be a proper sheepdog.”


“You’ll see.”

The farmer’s wife watches from a nearby hill, clearly concerned.

“Is she mad about this?”

“More along the lines of worried.”

“About what?”

“She thinks her husband is going crazy.”

“Well, he does look pretty silly.”

Arc shrugs. “That is how you train a sheepdog though. Show them enough times, give them a chance, and reward them when they do it right.”

Sometime later they watch as the farmer pulls out a form and fills it out. Applejack gasps.

“Is that an entrance application?!”


“How can he make his dogs compete when they’re in such a condition though?!”

“He’s not.”



Applejack frowns as the farmer writes ‘pig’ on the application.

“He’s entering Babe?!”


“But he’s not ready!”

“I’m sure the farmer knows what he’s doing.”

Babe learns from the cat that pigs are used for food and that his mother and siblings have all probably been butchered by now. Heading out into the fields, he sits there all night until found in the morning by the dogs.

“Why’d he do that?”

“Probably depressed.”

“But you told me that’s what pigs are for. To be eaten.”

“How’d you feel if I told you ponies were the same way? “

“We’re not though.”

“I said ‘what if’? Think about it. You were just told that your entire family was already killed and they you were somehow spared. He’s feeling depressed and guilty.”


“He lives on while the others didn’t. Survivor’s Guilt.”

The farmer takes him back to the house and calls the vet. Telling the farmer that he needs to get fluids in the pig, the vet leaves. Thinking a moment, the farmer breaks out into a jig. Applejack raises an eyebrow.


Arc facepalms. “I never understood this part of the movie either.”

As the farmer finishes, he spies all the animals looking in the windows at him. Composing himself he sees the pig taking a long drink of water from the dog bowl. Looking at his watch he makes a quick phone call before heading out in his truck.

“Where are they going?”

“The sheepdog competition.”


“He still has faith in Babe’s abilities.”

The farmer stands next to the competition ring with his sheepdog and Babe. The announcer calls out the farmer’s name as well as ‘pig’ as the wife watches from her hotel room. She stops talking as she realizes what’s about to happen.

“What’s the matter with her?”

Arc grins. “She figured out the last contestant is her husband and his pig.”

“What’s wrong with that?”

“It’s a sheepdog competition.”

“But he can do it!”

“Right. However that’s like bringing a watermelon to a pumpkin contest.”

Babe does his best to talk to the sheep in the pen, but they refuse to listen to him.

“Can’t they talk?”

Arc nods. “Yes. But they’re so used to being abused by the competitors that they’re all traumatized and won’t speak.”

Appearing before the judges, the farmer is told that he should not be entering non-dogs in the competition. However, admitting that there is no rule prohibiting it, they ask him if he would like to proceed. Thinking for a moment silently, the farmer looks down at his pig as the animal does the same to him. Meanwhile, seeing the situation before him, the male sheepdog runs back to the farm to speak to the sheep there regarding lending aid to the pig. Walking with the pig the farmer silently makes his way to the competition area as the crowd laughs at him and Babe. Ignoring them completely, the farmer unhooks Babe’s leash and waits for the signal from the head official to begin. The sheepdog returns, runs over to Babe, and tells him something before running away from the oncoming official. The competition starts and the sheep stand in their place waiting as Babe runs to the them and speaks.

“Baa-ram-ewe! Baa-ram-ewe! To your breed, your fleece, your clan be true! Sheep be true! Baa-ram-ewe!”

The commentators, assuming this display to be a protest of some kind, continue to speculate until something amazing happens. Everyone falls eerily silent as the sheep walk calmly through the posts and to the ring. Asking the sheep with collars to step outside the ring, the pig waits patiently for them to do so. The farmer calmly walks over to the gate and opens it. Motioning to Babe, he leads the sheep over to their pen. As the last sheep enters, the farmer slowly closes the gate behind them. As it clicks shut the crowd erupts into cheers at the marvelous display before them. Turning to face the judges they see that all of them, including the one whom didn’t want to allow the pig to compete at all, are holding up perfect scorecards. As the final judge holds up his result the crowd goes wild. All the while the pig and farmer stand there motionless as a break in the clouds allows sunlight to spill over them. Turning to look down at the pig the farmer utters a simple statement.

“That’ll do, pig. That’ll do.”

The frame freezes on Babe’s face as the movie ends.

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