• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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VOLUME FINALE - Chapter 15 - The Inquisition (Part 5)

Celestia turns to Luna and sighs.

“When exactly were you planning to tell me about the demon’s return?”

“As soon as you were ready.”

Celestia narrows her eyes. “And when was that supposed to be?”

“Just now.”

Celestia sighs as she looks to Arc.

“Any more surprises you’d like to spring on me?”

“Actually, yes.”

Cadance grimaces. “I’m not sure if that’s a good idea, Arc.”

Twilight frowns. “Yes, Princess Celestia hasn’t yet fully recovered.”

“Please. I want to know everything here and now. Well, at least today.”

Arc sighs. “Fine. Next I suppose we should talk about how you were actually saved from Damocles Base.”

Celestia nods. “Originally I was told it was Decimus leading an elite team of his best and brightest.”

Twilight points a hoof. “It was actually Arc, his squad, and some friends.”

Arc grins. “Right.”

“Any casualties?”

“My squad were all heavily injured as was Rose and Auriel. They’re all fully recovered now though.”

Luna frowns. “As were you, Arc.”

“It wasn’t THAT bad.”

Cadance raises an eyebrow. “Oh really? When we first saw you again your armor literally had pieces falling off of it.”

Luna sighs. “And you had several nasty looking wounds, Arc.”

Twilight facehoofs. “Not to mention that you were exhausted.”

“Yeah, I guess that’s the truth. Ember was the only one whom walked away unscathed.”

He looks to Celestia before continuing.

“And that’s mostly because she was too busy babysitting you.”

Celestia nods soberly. “I suppose I should be grateful. Might I give my thanks to your squad?”

Twilight points a hoof. “They’re just outside.”

“Show them in.”

Nodding, Twilight heads for the door. Returning a few moments later with the stallions, they approach Arc and salute as he stands. Motioning for them to turn around the group stands at attention before the princesses. Luna is the first to speak.

“My sister has asked that you be brought before us to give you our thanks for your service.”

Cadance smiles at them. “Arc tells us that you have served him well in the past.”

They stand there stoically as Celestia nods and looks them over.

“I must admit from your files I’ve gathered that you four are not exactly the... norm as far as Lunar Defenders go. However one cannot argue with results.”

She looks each of them in the eye before continuing.

“During the mission to rescue me, I’m told all of you went above and beyond the call of duty. Even sustaining physical injury to complete the mission. For that I will always be grateful. Now then, is there anything I can do to show my appreciation?”

Max steps forward. “Your highness, might we be allowed to speak freely?”

“Yes, of course.”

“I think I speak for all of us when I say… that we don’t agree with the treatment our commanding officer has received from Canterlot lately… or you personally.”

Hugh nods soberly. “He’s done so much for this land and without so much as a ‘thank you’ from anypony of note.”

Viktor grits his teeth. “And his reward for his innumerable deeds was to be branded a traitor and cast aside.”

Xenos stomps a hoof. “Yeah. If that can happen to the Hero of Light, what hope do common soldiers like us have?”

Luna turns to her sister. “They are correct, sister. Our records show that they were more or less abandoned at Arc’s base after his reported death.”

Cadance sighs. “That was actually an oversight on my part. I had all his soldiers transferred to the Crystal Empire just in case Arc somehow survived and had need of them. But for some reason they weren’t on any of the lists.”

Twilight frowns. “But how is that possible?”

Arc motions to the four. “Right. These four have served me from the beginning.”

Celestia sighs. “Because the Hero of Light charter, as written by me personally, stated that soldiers assigned to them should be kept off the record to prevent a paper trail that could be used to trace them or their commanding officer.”

Luna puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “I do suppose that makes sense. But what of their families?”

Max hangs his head. “None of us have any, your highness.”

Hugh sighs. “Right. We grew up at the New Beginning’s Orphanage together.”

Xenos grins as he motions to Arc. “Believe us when we say that life under the commander has been a great improvement.”

Viktor nods. “Even with the added danger.”

Arc turns to Celestia. “Uh… they do get some kind of retirement plan, right?”

“The standard one available to all soldiers, yes.”

Cadance frowns. “But without records, how?”

Luna sighs. “Being the first soldiers directly assigned to a Hero of Light, I just planned to file a pre-determined dummy file in the ‘retired’ section of the records.”

“Forgive me, Aunt Celestia, but considering the extra risks taken in their specific line of duty, I believe they’re entitled to more.”

Arc nods soberly. “Agreed. Not sure what kind of pension they’re supposed to get, but it can’t be enough.”

Celestia turns back to them. “Very well. What do you four think should be given to you?”

Max appears nervous. “We… don’t really know, your highness.”

Hugh bows his head. “Haven’t really considered retirement.”

Viktor shrugs. “I just kinda figured we’d have gotten killed by now.”

Xenos chuckles. “Yeah. I mean, we almost have a couple times already.”

Twilight looks to Celestia. “I think this matter will require more consideration.”


Arc raises a hand. “Might I suggest something?”

Luna appears hopeful. “You have an idea, Arc?”

“Kinda. How about full officer retirement packages for all of them upon dismissal? Would that be a better deal?”

Cadance shrugs. “That would be dependent on rank.”

“Higher ranked officers get a better severance package, huh?”

Twilight nods. “Yes, Arc. Credit years are awarded annually based on rank as well. Longer service means a bigger monthly stipend.”

Luna appears surprised. “You seem to know a lot about this, Twilight.”

Twilight smiles nervously. “I looked into it a while back for… someone close to me.”

Celestia puts a hoof to her chin as she thinks. “That is correct. However the Hero of Light’s squad doesn’t have any particular rank that dictates annual credit year pay.”

Arc shrugs. “How about we match their service to that of a ‘colonel’ then?”

Max gasps. “Sir?!”

“Considering all the dangerous things you four had to do for me, I’d certainly say you’ve earned it.”

Viktor grimaces. “That’s… quite a bit though.”

Hugh chuckles. “Probably the reason there aren’t more officers that high up in the military.”

Xenos grins. “Yeah. It’d cost a bundle.”

Twilight turns to her mentor. “While what they say is indeed true, I believe the country could certainly afford four more pensions.”

Luna clears her throat. “One might also look at it this way. We can’t really afford not to take care of those whom have seen us safely to this point.”

Cadance nods soberly. “Such would undermine everything we stand for as Equestrians.”

Celestia looks back to the squad. “Agreed. While I’m not sure of the exact numbers, we will see to it that a proper pension awaits you four at the end of your service.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “And those whom come after them?”

Twilight gasps. “Yes. This should be a regular occurrence, as Arc won’t be the last one to lead such troops.”

Luna makes a note on a pad of paper. “I’ll come up with some suggestions later for us to go over.”

Max calls out to Luna. “Thank you, your highness. But there’s something else I wanted to say.”

“Go ahead.”

“We... didn’t do this for riches or fame. Truth be told, it’s amazing that we’re still alive at this point. “

Viktor shrugs. “I figured something would have blown us up by now.”

Hugh grins. “Or eaten.”

Xenos sighs. “Something like that.”

Twilight gasps. “Then why?”

Max continues. “I wondered that myself for a long time. Originally I simply thought it was because we were conditioned to follow orders. However I now believe it to be something the commander told us some time ago.”

He looks to Arc before continuing.

“We did all this simply because… it was the right thing to do.”

Xenos stomps a hoof. “Yeah. After all, what’s the point of surviving in a doomed land?”

Hugh motions to a large window nearby. “But it is a nice thought. Seeing the world we helped protect prosper.”

Viktor nods. “That’s what the commander wants too.”

Max grins. “And we want to be like him.”

“Thanks, guys.”

Viktor raises an eyebrow. “Sir?”

“Thanks for sticking by my side… even when things got really bad, you didn’t turn tail and run away.”

Max smiles. “Neither did you, sir.”

Viktor nods. “It would have been much easier for you to run away and save yourself and Princess Celestia when things went south back on Earth. But you stuck around, got us to safety, and saw to it we received the necessary medical care for our injuries.”

Hugh smiles broadly. “Even though the mission was to get Princess Celestia back to Equestria at any cost… we weren’t just written off when we fell.”

Xenos salutes. “Yeah. Thanks, sir. We owe you too.”

Max looks to Princess Celestia and nods soberly. “I guess that’s all we wanted to say, your majesty. Thank you for seeing us.”

They salute as Arc turns to them.


Turning, the four head back to the corridor. Twilight turns to Arc, clearly impressed.

“I wasn’t aware they were so loyal to you.”

“That goes both ways.”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “Arc?”

“I always knew my guys had my back. That’s how I was able to do some of the things I did in the past. If it got out of hand they could always swoop in and get me out.”

Cadance smiles. “Your trump cards.”

Arc sighs. “I’ve made many mistakes in the past. Even so they still followed me.”

Celestia smirks. “Interesting.”

Twilight turns to her. “Princess Celestia?”

“Generally speaking, humans don’t like to admit to their faults or mistakes.”

Luna glares at her. “Sister!”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Luna. She’s right.”

Cadance raises an eyebrow. “Arc?”

“Humans really don’t like recording or admitting to their failures. It’s much easier to list one’s accomplishments and push the bad stuff under the proverbial rug.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin. “That leads me to wonder something.”

Celestia looks to her former student. “What would that be, Twilight?”

“Are humans and ponies truly so different?”

Luna shakes her head. “Perhaps physically, yes. However at the core I believe that we are similar.”

Cadance smiles. “Both are capable of great evil, yes. But also fervent good and everything in-between.”

Celestia bows her head. “I… have seen both extremes personally. Up close.”

Arc grimaces. “Yes, Princess Celestia. I make no excuses for what was done to you.”

“Were I given the chance, I have only one question for my captors.”

“What would that be, sister?”


“Aunt Celestia?”

“For what reason was I taken other than to bring about pain? Why did they do so many terrible things to me? And what was their ultimate goal?”

Twilight hops off the couch and walks over to her friend. Putting a hoof on her fetlock she smiles up at her.

“It won’t do any good to know those answers, Princess Celestia.”

“Twilight is right, sister.”

“Best to try and move past it, Aunt Celestia.”

Celestia sighs. “I’ve spoken to Emerald Dream about this. She believes that answers may help me to do just that. The only problem is that I don’t have any way to obtain them.”

Arc stands. “Princess Celestia, I… might be able to help you with that.”

“Oh? Did you uncover something during your infiltration?”

“Not… exactly. But I do know someone whom might have some insight into that. Would you like to see them?”

Celestia gasps. “Yes! At once!”

“Very well. One moment.”

Heading for the door, Arc leaves the room. Celestia turns to Twilight.

“What do you suppose he’s up to?”

Twilight grimaces. “I believe I know. However, as before, I ask that you please withhold judgement until all the facts are on the table.”

“That is still quite a tall order, Twilight.”

“I know, Princess Celestia. However you need to trust Arc and I on this one.”

Celestia sighs. “Trusting you is easy, Twilight. But doing the same for your friend is not.”

“Please try though.”

Luna nods. “Indeed, sister. If I can learn to trust him, anypony can.”

A few minutes later Arc returns with Hammer by his side. Celestia frowns as she turns to Arc.

“There are other humans here in Equestria?!”

“Just her and I.”

“Yes, sister. Arc notified us upon his return to Equestria with Miss Hammer.”

Cadance smiles. “She’s actually quite nice when you get to know her.”

Celestia sighs. “Very well. Let us continue.”

Arc puts a hand on Hammer’s shoulder as he speaks.

“Princess Celestia… this is Sergeant Hammer. The aid she inadvertently gave to us was instrumental to rescuing you from Damocles Base.”

“So she helped you and your squad during the attack?”

“Not… exactly.”

Hammer bows her head. “Truth be told, I fought against him.”

Celestia narrows her eyes. “I’m sorry, what?”

“It’s true. When he and his squad attacked Damocles Base my sisters and I did our very best to stop them.”

Arc chimes in. “Back then she didn’t actually know who I really was or why I was attacking though.”

Twilight appears hopeful. “So you could say that she was just… doing her job?”


Celestia furrows her brow. “And what exactly was your job?”

“I maintained and operated the base’s vehicles and also helped defend it from Arc and his guys.”

“So you worked for the ones whom held me captive?”

“Yes ma’am, I did.”

Celestia frowns. “And what assurances can you give us that you are not still in their employ?”

Luna frowns. “Sister!”

Cadance sighs. “Much as I hate to admit, that has been on my mind as well.”

Twilight gestures with a hoof. “Arc has already vouched for her. Isn’t that enough?”

Hammer shakes her head. “No, it really isn’t.”

Arc turns to her, clearly confuse. “Hammer?”

“Let me handle this.”

She turns to Celestia and begins to speak.

“My sisters and I were all sergeants back at Damocles Base. We worked together on a daily basis to keep things running over there. It wasn’t what I would call a bad job. To be honest with you I was really happy with the work I was doing there. But at the same time I always felt like something was missing.”


“Yeah. I couldn’t put my finger on it back then. But I kept thinking that there had to be more to life than just getting up, going to work, coming home, and going to bed.”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “And what did you come up with?”

“A bit of extra company. One day I was at the mall with my sisters and struck up a conversation with a cute guy sitting next to me. At the end of which I gave him my phone number and told him we should go out sometime.”

Twilight nods. “And that was Arc, right?”

“Yeah, that was me.”

Celestia raises an eyebrow. “I thought you and Twilight were supposedly in love though!”

“We are. While I’m ashamed to admit it, I was leading Hammer on back then into thinking I was interesting so I could gain her trust.”

Cadance frowns. “WHAT?!”

Hammer sighs. “Don’t worry, your highness. Arc confessed to everything in a letter to me after that mission.”

“I couldn’t leave without coming clean, after all.”

Luna appears skeptical. “And you don’t… I don’t know… hate him for that?”

Hammer shakes her head. “Nah. I mean, I was kinda sad and mad at the time. But after I found out who Arc really was and how he was doing it to save someone, I actually, uh… kinda went off the deep end.”

Twilight grimaces. “In what way exactly?”

“I became obsessed with Arc along with protecting the secrets he entrusted to me. Looking back, I was kinda creepy back then.”

Celestia nods soberly. “But how did you go from inadvertently helping to joining Arc here in Equestria?”

“Well, you see Arc came back to Earth after you tried to kill him.”

She grits her teeth and clenches her fists silently for a few moments before continuing.

“I’m still kinda pissed about that, but trying to stay on track here.”

Arc frowns. “Keep going, Hammer.”

“Okay, okay. So he started contacting me again via e-mail after coercing my sister to give it to him.”

“I know that sounds bad, but it had to be done.”

“Agreed. So he started talking me down over time to try and level me out. Get me back down to reality, or something.”

“My plan was to slowly wean her off of me before returning to Equestria again.”

Luna sighs. “However that didn’t go to plan, did it?”

Hammer groans. “Afraid not. You see, the one sister told my other sister what was going on. How Arc was blackmailing her to help him help me. So she came up with a plan to take Arc out of the picture.”

Cadance frowns. “How?”

“By having some guys beat the hell out of him.”

Arc chuckles. “They might have done it too if I didn’t have help on standby.”

Twilight giggles. “The Scarlet Filly?”

“Along with Sereb and Derpy too.”

Hammer gives them a thumbs up. “I found out what they were planning and had the Charger make an appearance to even the odds.”

Arc nods. “After she betrayed her sisters I took Hammer in. Gave her a place to live where she’d be safe from retribution.”

“It was a good time.”

“Until Stingray tricked Hammer into coming to see her for Christmas, that is.”

“She got the drop on me something fierce!”

Luna appears confused. “Drop?”

“Kidnapped and tortured me. Well, Diva actually did the torturing. But Stingray wasn’t any help.”

Arc frowns. “Probably trying to turn her back to their side.”

“Arc broke in and got me though. Like I knew he would.”

“Right. After that I learned there was trouble here in Equestria from Cadance and headed back.”

Cadance nods. “With Hammer in tow, that is.”

Luna shrugs. “I don’t suppose he could have left her there.”

“Right. That and she wanted to help.”

Celestia rolls her eyes. “A very nice story. Very neat and tidy, miss.”

“Just telling the truth.”

“Then why don’t you continue that and tell me about your former employer.”

“What do you want to know?”

“For starters, what are they called?”

“The Organization.”

Celestia makes a circular motion with her hoof. “Yes. I want their name.”

Arc sighs. “She means they’re literally called ‘The Organization’.”


“Very well. And their goals?”

“Ultimately, to make the world a better place.”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “A bit… idealistic.”

Cadance frowns. “But at what cost?”

Arc groans. “Quite a bit if their past actions are any indication.”

Twilight looks to him. “Frank?”


Celestia raises an eyebrow. “Another member of your group?”

Luna shakes her head. “No, sister.”

Cadance smiles. “He’s another human Arc brought to Equestria.”

Celestia groans. “Where is he?”

Arc chuckles. “Back on Earth.”

Twilight nods. “Right. Arc only brought him here to get help for a magical imbalance.”

Celestia raises an eyebrow. “A human with a magical imbalance?”

Arc sighs. “Yeah.”

Hammer frowns. “That’s another thing that happened at Damocles Base. They’ve found a way to give humans magic.”

Celestia’s eyes grow wide. “WHAT?!”

“It’s called ‘Ascension’ for some reason.”

“For what purpose?!”

Hammer shrugs. “All I was ever told was that we were going to use it to make things better for everyone.”

Arc speaks up. “I think General Mustang had something more along the lines of world domination back then.”

Cadance gasps. “But wouldn’t that mean Earth was in danger, Arc?!”

“Not really. We destroyed his factories as well as freed the Shards.”

(While not explicitly stated at the time of the Christmas Special, Jackal is the man on the far right.)

He turns to Celestia to explain.

“The Shards are a group back on Earth whom were kidnapped and forced to be magically infused.”

Luna motions toward the balcony door. “Frank used what he learned here in Equestria to help them deal with their newfound powers.”

Arc puts a hand on his chin. “Last I heard they were starting a community outreach program.”

Celestia groans. “I still don’t like the idea of humans running around with magical power though.”

Twilight sighs. “That may be, Princess Celestia. But what could we do about it?”

Arc nods. “Any action against them by us would be akin to what The Organization has already done. Trying to manipulate or control them and their actions.”

Hammer grits her teeth. “Yeah. Like they did to me and my sisters.”

Celestia frowns. “You were enslaved?”

“Kinda, yeah. Arc found out that the general was using some kind of pheromones to appeal to us.”

Arc sighs. “And Sunset Shimmer as well.”

Celestia raises an eyebrow. “My former student?”

Hammer groans. “Right. She was my commanding officer.”

Arc looks to Celestia. “Back there she went by the name Colonel Diva though.”

Celestia bolt upright and jumps off the couch. “THAT WAS HER?!

“Yes, princess.”

“Are you ABSOLUTELY certain of this?!”

“One hundred percent.”

“But how could she of all ponies be enslaved?!”

Luna sighs. “Anypony call fall, sister.”

“That may be! But she was always the most headstrong student I had ever seen! Her being controlled is absolutely something I cannot imagine!”

Hammer sighs. “I’ve overheard her talking to the general via my electronic listening devices on numerous occasions. She’s totally devoted to him.”

Cadance appears hopeful. “Could she be liberated?”

Arc clenches a fist. “And put in a cell preferably.”

Hammer shakes her head. “Doubtful. The general really has her in the palm of his hand.”

Luna frowns. “Are you certain nothing can be done?”

“She won’t leave willingly. A lot of the private conversations I listened in on revolved around her telling him what she’d like done to her... sexually.”

Celestia puts a hoof to her forehead. “Sunset… how could she have fallen so far?! I mean... I knew she was angry at me, but this... this is just... EVIL!”

Twilight sighs. “She made her choices, Princess Celestia. While I hate to admit it, we’d all probably be a lot safer if she were to be taken down.”

Celestia gasps. “That is your fellow student, Twilight!”

Luna nods soberly. “And a current threat, sister.”

Cadance bows her head. “We need to consider the fact that she may very well be beyond redemption.”

Celestia stomps a hoof angrily. “I don’t want to give up on her! After all, it’s partially my fault she’s in such a position in the first place!”

Arc frowns. “Princess Celestia, I don’t think you understand the risk your taking in letting her live.”

Hammer grimaces. “Right! Diva’s more powerful than Arc is!”

“Physically and magically, I might add.”

Celestia sits down on her haunches. “Magically I can understand, yes. After all she was always a very talented student. But how did she become so powerful physically?”

Hammer sighs. “Word is that she spends every waking moment either training her body or mind.”

Luna puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Somepony whom has devoted themselves fully to their task.”

Cadance shudders. “Or to her commanding officer.”

Twilight looks to Hammer. “Are they actually in love though?”

Hammer shrugs. “I don’t know what goes on in their heads, of course. But I gotta say that it sounds really one sided to me.”

Arc nods. “I believe the general is just using her for now. But that’s just my personal opinion.”

“The Organization’s endgame is really fuzzy though. Not sure if she’s supposed to play a part in it though.”

Celestia sighs. “Hopefully they’re unable to continue with me gone.”


“Judging from what I’ve been told here, I believe that I was taken to be a source of magic in a land which had none. They probably extracted my magical essence when I was unconscious in order to pass it on to humans whom were deemed worthy.”

Cadance appears hopeful. “And with you safely returned their source of power has left them.”

“Exactly. With luck they’ll be forced to cease operations.”

Arc shakes his head. “I can’t imagine that being an issue for them though.”

Twilight appears confused. “What do you mean, Arc?”

“While we did face heavy resistance getting out of the base and back to Equestria, I still feel like General Mustang let us go.”

Hammer gasps. “What makes you say that?”

“When he faced us outside the vault his demeanor was that of someone whom knew they couldn’t lose.”

Luna smirks. “That may be. However he’s made no attempt to come here.”

Hammer shudders. “True. But think about it this way. If he really does need another source of magic to complete his plan, he will.”

Cadance looks to Hammer. “What should we do then?”

“Go back to Earth and LEVEL Damocles Base! Well, bury it I guess. With him and Diva inside, that is!”

Arc sighs. “Not sure how we’d even do that.”

Twilight frowns. “To say nothing for the political backlash.”

Cadance turns to Luna. “Earth probably wouldn’t look kindly on such a thing.”

“That may be. But this threat is both significant and unique. I believe it to be foolish to ignore.”

Celestia bows her head. “While I do agree with you sister, we have bigger problems here in Equestria at the moment.”

Twilight gasps. “But what could be bigger than…?!”

Cadance cuts her off. “The reemergence of the changelings, Twilight.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Yes, I’ve encountered them several times now. And that was before the attack on the Crystal Empire.”

Hammer gasps. “But you can’t just ignore the threat from The Organization!”

Twilight turns to her. “We aren’t, Hammer. But Princess Celestia is right. The changelings are literally right on our doorstep to the southeast.”

Luna groans. “I suppose we shouldn’t let these things go. Either of them, I mean.”

Cadance sighs. “Agreed. First the changelings then The Organization. But what about the Council of Shadows?”

Celestia waves a hoof dismissively. “Low priority. At least compared to the other two.

Hammer grits her teeth. “Arc, say something!”

“Hammer, we need to deal with the changeling threat before anything on Earth.”


“Think about it this way. We leave and head to Earth now and they’ll have a prime chance to invade.”

Luna nods. “Agreed.”

Twilight smiles nervously. “Please trust us on this, Hammer.”

Celestia grits her teeth. “Yes. Rest assured that we will also deal with your former organization. Just in due time.”

Cadance turns to Hammer. “Will you help us in these matters?”

“Of course. But I still think you’re making a mistake.”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “Then help us wrap up the other problems so we can move on to Damocles Base.”

Hammer groans. “Fine.”

She looks to Celestia nervously.

“That is, if I’m still allowed to be here.”

“While I see no reason for us to expel you, please understand that we also have little cause to trust you.”

Twilight gasps. “Hammer’s okay though!”

Luna holds up a hoof. “Twilight. Please think about this from my sister’s standpoint.”

Cadance sighs. “Yes, she spent over a year as the captive of humans.”

Celestia gestures to Hammer with a wave of her hoof. “And your friend here admits to working with them.”

Arc steps forward. “That may be true, princess. But Hammer also threw everything away to help me. Her career, her sisters, and even her own personal safety.”

Celestia frowns. “Such is the only reason I’m allowing her to stay.”

Meanwhile, Brightwing looks down at the moss. Satisfied, she drags her claws through the dried matter for a short time. Picking it up, she rubs the green clumps between her claws. It crumbles into dust. Nodding happily, she carefully sweeps the moss into her palm.

“Brightwing did it! Now see if it works!”

Turning, she dumps the moss into the flask. Grabbing her stick she again stirs it. The powdered moss more or less incorporates itself into the mixture. It turns from a deep red to a light purple.

“YAY! Colors!”

Consulting her notes, she smiles and flutters around squealing.

“First part is done! Now need something to give it some kick!”

Opening a book, she looks through it for a time before reading aloud.

“To make potions more powerful… add… catalyst? What catalyst?!”

Frowning, she opens a smaller book and flips through its pages before speaking again.

“Ah! Catalyst! Catalyst increase rate of reaction! Make stronger, faster! YAY! Brightwing needs one of those!”

She looks over the book again.

“Let’s see… oxides, metals, or… organic compounds?! What those?!”

Looking around the room, she spies her desk lamp. Grabbing it, she attempts to put it into the flask but fails as it is far too large. Frowning, she looks at the metal and sighs.

“Brightwing no can make metal fit!”

Licking it, she frowns.

“No magic in it either! Failure!”

Groaning, she sits down on the desk and looks at the floor.

“Brightwing needs magic metal or other catalyst! But no know where to find it! Hm…!”

She puts a claw to her chin thoughtfully before gasping happily.

“Dragon Lord sometimes sees magical treasures on adventures perhaps! Brightwing follows and finds something maybe!”

Brightwing giggles wickedly and rubs her claws together.

“Catalyst find, potion maybe done! And then… oh… and THEN… everyone see just what Brightwing REALLY capable of!”

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