• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 2 - Infiltration

Arc, Rose, and Ember stand in the forest overlooking the beach. They are clad in their magic robes with Rose wearing a mask. Ember turns to him and frowns.

“So THIS is your plan?!”

“Look on the bright side.”

Rose sighs. “Which is…?”

“At least we’re not tunneling in.”

Ember narrows her eyes. “That would have been preferable.”

Arc grins. “I could get you a shovel.”

Rose appears genuinely interested. “I’ll help.”

“He’s being sarcastic, Rose.”


Arc clears his throat. “We should get started.”

Ember folds her claws over her chest. “And if I refuse?”

Arc shrugs. “Then I try scaling the wall, most likely get caught, interrogated, and…”

Ember groans. “Fine! Let’s go.”

Rose sighs. “Be careful you two.”

Ember steps forward to face him and puts her claws around Arc as they cloak. With a powerful flap of her wings the pair are airborne. She looks down as they fly along.

“At least there’s plenty of cloud cover tonight.”

Arc nods. “Exactly. We’re completely invisible.”

“What about those sensors you mention earlier today?”

“They could spot us, yes. That’s why I want you to fly as high as possible to avoid detection.”

Ember groans. “Fine. But just so you know, it gets harder the higher I go. The winds are stronger and the air’s thinner.”

“And the extra weight you’re carrying doesn’t help either I would assume.”

“That too.”

“Just do your best, okay.”

Ember nods as she slowly circles the island while climbing in altitude. The land below them disappears beneath the clouds. A short time later she frowns.

“This might be the best I can do!”

“It’ll be enough. Can you take me over to roughly center of the building? Or at least where you think it is under the cloud cover.”

Ember grunts. “Fine. But how does this help us?”

“You’ll see.”

Complying, Ember flies a short distance before stopping and hovering.

“Okay, here we are. Now what?”

“Drop me.”

Ember blinks a few times, dumbfounded. “I’m sorry… WHAT?!”

“I said drop me.”

“But you’ll be killed!”

Arc shakes his head. “No, I won’t.”

“Unless you’ve grown wings, yes you will!”

“I’ll be fine.”

She clutches him tighter for a few moments but says nothing. Arc sighs and looks her in the eye.

“Ember… you have to let me go.”

“I… I can’t!”

“Trust me.”

Ember silently considers this before nodding.

“Alright. Just one thing.”

“What is…?”

Arc is cut off as Ember’s scaly lips touch his. She wraps her legs around his back and squeezes as tight as she can before breaking off the kiss.

“I… I do trust you, Arc. Take care.”

Shutting her eyes, she releases Arc. He plummets through the clouds quickly gaining momentum. Ember flies down and looks around.

“Arc… where are you?!”

Facepalming, she sighs.

“What am I doing? He’s CLOAKED! Now I feel like an idiot.”

She calls forth her helmet and looks again. Arc is some distance below her, but is slowly falling as if he was wearing an invisible parachute. Ember frowns.

“Forgot he could do that.”

Meanwhile, Arc carefully lands on the roof of the building and looks around before touching his earring.

“Arc to Viktor. Are you picking up Ember’s body camera feed?”

“Yes sir. One moment while we focus.”

Pushing a few buttons the camera zooms in on the building. Hugh squints.

“We don’t see you, sir.”

“Yeah, I’m staying cloaked.”

Xenos nods soberly. “Probably a good idea, sir.”

“Look around the compound. Do you see anything moving?”

Max shakes his head. “Not a thing, sir.”


“I’m not detecting any alarms going off. However, they may be silent. Sadly, there’s no way to know for sure.”

Sereb watches the screens with rapt attention. “If he did, I’m sure soldiers will be running out of that structure any moment now.”

Frank grits his teeth. “This is quite the gamble, my friend.”

“True. But I’m betting they just put sensors around the perimeter and at the gate. Since no one could get past that, they probably assumed nothing was needed inside the walls.”

Ember groans. “Well, that still leaves the matter of getting inside that lone building.”

Rose nods from her position. “Can we assume you have a plan for that too, Arc?”

“I do. Ember, go back to the woods and join Rose.”

“But I want to keep watch over you!”

“My idea might take quite some time. I doubt you could hover there that long.”

Ember frowns. “Have a little faith in me!”

“That and if I do need help getting out of here, I’ll need you well rested and ready to fly hard and fast.”

Ember frowns. “Fine.”

Circling around, Ember heads north to follow the water back to the woods. Arc walks over to the edge of the roof and peers down. He looks at the ground far below.

“I’m pretty high up. This building kinda reminds me of an aircraft hangar.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “A what?”

Frank chuckles. “An aircraft. It’s like The Equinox.”

Viktor frowns as he looks over the footage. “Right. But why would they need such a tall building?”

“I’ll find out when I get inside. Any luck scanning the contents of this building, Rose?”

“Not even with your instruments at such close range, no.”

Hugh frowns. “That’s impressive. I thought for sure we’d be able to pick SOMETHING up at that close range.”

Max sighs. “Whatever it is they’ve got in there, someone’s gone through a LOT of trouble to keep it hidden.”

Frank calls out. “Arc? Would you do me a favor?”


“Yes. If you… happen to run into any of my lads… do your very best to help them.”

“Of course.”

“And… if you can’t… well… please make it quick for them.”

Ember frowns. “Hey now! We’re not giving up that easily, and neither should you!”

Hugh grins. “Right. The commander will make sure they’re okay.”

Rose nods. “From a strategic standpoint, it would make sense to keep them alive, after all. Corpses aren’t good for much other than dissection.”

Xenos moans. “Not helping, Rose.”

Arc sits down on the edge of the roof. “Yes, well… in any case, everyone keep an eye on your screens while we wait.”

Viktor raises an eyebrow. “Begging your pardon, sir. But what exactly is it we’re supposed to be waiting for?”


Hugh appears confused. “At this hour of the night?”


Several hours pass. Eventually Rose’s voice comes over Arc’s earring.

“I’m detecting electrical waves, Arc!”

Max gasps. “From the building?!”

Ember turns to Rose. “I thought you couldn’t scan inside it!”

“Correct, I can’t. The readings are coming from the door itself.”

Arc stands up. “Good.”

A few moments later the large overhead door slowly opens and a number of soldiers step out. They walk toward the gate together.

“Showtime everyone. Remember, I’m probably going to lose contact with all of you when I go in there.”

Ember folds her arms over her chest. “Fine. But if you’re not back out here by dawn I’m implementing MY plan and getting you out of there.”

Frowning he hops nimbly off the roof. Falling, Arc Blinks through the doorway only slightly ahead of the closing shutter. Before touching down he Blinks again into a dimly lit corner as the door clangs shut.

“Can anyone hear me?”

There is no response to Arc’s call. He sighs.

“Figures. If scans can’t make it through these walls, neither can radio waves.”

Cherry calls out telepathically. “I’ll keep an eye out for… anything that looks dangerous.”


Arc looks around. The interior is dimly lit and surprisingly empty. Cherry gasps.

“There’s nothing in here!”

“Not a chance that’s the case. Those guards had to come from SOMEWHERE.”

“Perhaps there’s some kind of magical doorway?”

Arc grins. “Like the apartment basement?


“That’s certainly a possibility. But I wouldn’t think they’d have built such a large building to house a portal that could have just as easily fit in a large shed.”

“What do we do now?”


“What for?”

“Someone to come by with the keys.”

“To what lock?”

Arc shrugs. “I dunno. But let’s wait and see.”

A short time later the door noisily opens again. As a number of soldiers enter, the door closes yet again. Looking up as they pass Arc falls into step behind them. Cherry calls out to him.

“Arc, what are you doing?!”

“Hitching a ride. The one in charge has to be able to get himself and the others inside somehow, right?”

“I suppose so. But you’re too close!”

“Think about it this way. The closer we are to danger, the further we are from harm.”

Cherry groans. “What is that supposed to mean?!”

“Not really sure. I think heard it in a movie once.”

As the group reaches the center of the room they stop. The soldier in front pulls out a datapad and pushes a few buttons. A moment later the floor beneath them gives way and slowly descends. Cherry cries out.


Arc regains his footing. “Gotta admit, I didn’t see that coming.”

“This elevator could easily hold your house, Arc!”

“Yeah. Wonder why it’s so big.”

“Beats me.”

They continue down for what seems like forever. Eventually it slows and stops in the middle of a massive room. The soldiers step off as Arc looks around.

“This… isn’t quite what I was expecting.”

“Me either.”

Arc puts a hand on the concrete. “These walls. Something about them…”

“Do you sense something?”

“Not… exactly. But they don’t look like any normal building material I’ve ever seen before.”

“Maybe it’s just something new.”

“New as in not available to the general public maybe.”

Looking all around Arc turns and stands in a corner. Removing the guardanium knife from his ring he scrapes a bit of dust off the wall before dropping it into a small Ziploc bag. Cherry calls out to him.

“You certainly came prepared.”

“I wasn’t sure if I’d need this. But glad I brought them.”

Meanwhile, there is a knock at General Mustang’s office door.


The door opens and Diva walks in. Looking around she spots Mustang sitting on a very posh looking couch.

“You wanted to see me, general?”

“Yes. I apologize for getting you up at this late hour.”

“You never were much for sleep, sir.”

Mustang chuckles. “And thanks to that I miss very little.”

Diva raises an eyebrow. “Sir?”

“Sit with me.”

”Yes sir.”

Walking over to the couch Diva sits down as the general pours two small glassfuls of a strange liquid from a nearby decanter. He hands her one as he takes the other.

“To The Organization.”

Diva smiles and nods as they clink glasses. Both down the beverage in but a moment before setting the glasses down on the coffee table before them as Mustang turns to Diva.

“Now then… I called you here to inform you that our Hero friend has just entered the base.”

Diva jumps up. “What?! He’s here inside Damocles Base! We have to raise the alarm, sir!”

Rushing to the general’s desk she quickly picks up the phone.

“Get me Colonel Langrisser on the line right away!”

As she waits to be connected a hand suddenly takes the receiver from her and returns it to its cradle.

“General, what are you…?”

Mustang smiles at her. “There’s no need to notify Colonel Langrisser of this intrusion.”

“As much as I agree, he IS the head of security, sir.”

“That he is.”

“So what would you have me do, sir? Handle him myself?”

General Mustang turns and walks back toward the couch as he shakes his head.

“No, Diva. I’ve already taken care of the situation.”


“Most of the patrols on duty have been redirected to guard The Secret.”

“And you’ve ordered the reserves to take their places?”

Mustang sits down and pours himself another glass of the liquid. “No.”

“But that would leave much of Damocles Base unguarded.”

Mustang chuckles. “I know.”

“So your plan is to LET him explore the facility at his leisure?!”

“In a manner of speaking.”

Diva grits her teeth. “But he’ll make a shambles of EVERYTHING!”

“Will he now?”

“Yes! Anything he looks into comes to ruin! That so-called hero attracts trouble like a MAGNET!”

“Not to worry, Diva. I’ve seen to it that the rest of our most closely guarded secrets are also protected.”

“But you can’t be sure he won’t discover anything of use!”

Mustang laughs. “Diva, I’m positively COUNTING on it!”


“Everyone has their part to play in the grand scheme of things. You have yours. I have mine. He has his.”

Diva grimaces. “Although some certainly have larger and more important parts.”

“Indeed. Now, I want you to do something for me in this matter, colonel.”

“Yes sir. What are your orders?”

“I want you to do… absolutely nothing.”


Mustang looks to Diva, soberly. “You are to return to your room, secure your door, and go back to sleep. Or at the very least attempt to do so.”

“But sir…!”

“Those are your orders, Colonel Diva. Carry them out.”

“Yes sir.”

She quickly heads for the door.



“If you should happened to run into our little friend out there, do not engage him.”


“In fact, I don’t even want you to acknowledge his presence.”

Diva grimaces. “So I’m literally not to do ANYTHING?!”

Mustang sighs. “Yes, I believe that’s what I’ve been trying to explain to you in great detail, colonel.”

“I will… do as you order, sir.”

“Good. As capable an officer as you are, such a simple task should be child’s play.”

Diva leaves the office and walks down the wide corridors back toward her quarters. She frowns as she mutters to herself.

“What is the general THINKING?! Giving an outsider nearly full run of Damocles Base could prove DISASTROUS!”

She grimaces as she walks.

“I’m sure he knows what he’s doing, and he’s always been right in the past, but… I can’t help but wonder…”

Meanwhile, Arc slowly makes his way down a corridor. Cherry calls out to him telepathically.

“Where are we going exactly?”

Arc shrugs. “Nowhere in particular. We’re just scouting ahead of the real mission.”

“So this is the planning phase?”


“Makes sense. But I have to say, this place gives me the creeps.”

Arc sighs. “I feel the same way, Cherry. But at the same time I’m not sure why. I mean, I don’t expect anything to jump out and grab me, or anything.”

Cherry groans. “Thank you for that image, Arc.”


He looks cautiously around a corner. Seeing no one, Arc walks down the corridor as Cherry continues.

“The thing that has me worried is why we haven’t seen any guards.”

“Yes we did. Remember the ones who were kind enough to let us in?”

“I mean patrols, Arc. If they’re so interested in protecting whatever else is in here, shouldn’t there be guards everywhere?

“That has occurred to me as well. The only explanation I can think of is that they put all their defenses into the perimeter and front gate. As long as those hold they don’t actually need anything down here.”

“But you don’t really believe that, do you?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Cherry. As important as Princess Celestia is, I can’t imagine them not keeping guards…”

He stops short of a curve in the corridor.

“That’s strange.”

“What is?”

“This passageway is different from the others.”

“It looks the same to me.”

Arc looks around. “Every other turn has been a ninety degree right angle. But this one is a slow and gentle curve.”

“Why would they do that?”

“I can only think of one reason. To make something up ahead more easily defendable.”


“Think about it. If there was a corner like the others here, it could be used as cover by an attacking force. This curve forces anyone who wants to attack out into the open.”

“Maybe we should go back.”

“No. If I’m right whatever is beyond this point is REALLY important. Too important not to investigate.”

Cherry sighs. “Fine. Just be sure to stay quiet.”


Arc slowly makes his way around the bend in the corridor. Looking around as cautiously as he is able he spots a massive steel door with a large number of soldiers guarding it.


Cherry gasps. “Princess Celestia HAS to be in there!”


“Do you suppose we could get past them to find out?”

Arc shakes his head. “Getting past them isn’t the issue. See those devices on either side of the door?”

“I do. What are they?”

“Card readers.”

“Card… what now?”

“Do you remember that card King Malevolence gave to Auriel?”

“The one that belonged to her mother?”

“Right. We’d need something like that.”

“Maybe she would let you borrow hers.”

Arc shakes his head. “It can’t be just any card. That and it looks like we’d need two, as there are two readers over there. Whatever’s in there it’s obvious our enemies don’t want someone unilaterally opening that door.”

“Like the armory in Canterlot Castle?”

“Exactly. Two princesses have to be present to open that just like two cards are needed here.”

They are silent for a time as Arc thinks.

“Let’s go back. We need to finish mapping this place out as best we can.”

“Yes. And then figure out a way to get out of here.”

“Yeah, I’m working on that.”

Turning around they retrace their steps and continue wandering. Cherry calls out to him.

“Take a right here. We haven’t checked this corridor yet.”


Turning, Arc takes only a few steps before he stops dead in his tracks. Diva rounds the opposite corner and stops. The blood drains from Arc’s face.

“Oh… crap.”

“This isn’t good!”

Arc clenches a fist. “You’re telling me!”

Diva grits her teeth and stomps down the corridor toward him. Arc cautiously backs up and rounds the previous corner as his opponent passes. She continues down the hall, her fists clenched. Arc leans against the wall and slides down it to the floor as Cherry breathes a sigh of relief.

“That was close!”


“She must not have sensed your presence.”

“Maybe. But she really looked like she wanted to throttle me.”

Arc furrows his brow.

“The only other explanation is that just Mio can see and decloak me.”

“Lucky for us!”

Arc puts a hand to his chin. “But then again, that doesn’t make sense either.”

“What do you mean?”

“Diva’s certainly more powerful that Mio is. I have a hard time believing there’s a spell she can cast that Diva can’t.”

“So you think she intentionally ignored you?”

Arc shrugs. “I don’t see why she would. But that's the only explanation that makes sense.”

“Let’s hurry and finish up so we can get out of here.”

Arc nods. “Yeah.”

Standing, Arc continues walking. Ahead he spots some windows.

“This might be promising.”

Approaching, he peeks through the glass and gasps. Inside the expansive room he spies a vast number of large tanks filled with a strange green fluid. Cherry’s voice shakes as she speaks.

“A-Arc? Are those…?”

Arc nods soberly. “Yes, Cherry. Those are the missing Shard members.”

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