• Published 27th Feb 2020
  • 4,543 Views, 207 Comments

Light and Dark: Road to Redemption - MXCDarkHorse2020

Twilight Sparkle, now the Princess of Friendship, focuses on proving to everypony through the adventures of Season 5 of Friendship is Magic onwards that she truly has redeemed herself for her past actions as Midnight Sparkle.

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Chapter 74: Legend of Everfree Part Four

Chapter 74:

Legend of Everfree Part Four

As Gloriosa goes on a rampage the Mane Five watch on while hiding by the cabin with all of the other boats.

“Oh, why do these kinds of things always happen to us?” Fluttershy worryingly said as she curled up with Applejack rolling her eyes stoically.

“What are we going to do?” Rarity equally worried asked everyone hoping anyone might have any idea to combat this sudden and dangerous threat.

“What we always do! Save the day!” Rainbow immediately answered.

Pinkie stood behind her right to agree with her which got the rest of the girls all joining hands together so they could do a group cheer.

“Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy! This is gonna be so much fun!“ Pinkie exclaimed in excitement as she hugged Rainbow Dash. “I only wish we had time to make superhero capes!”

“Oh, me, too!” Rarity said in agreement much to Rainbow’s annoyance.

“Enough about our wardrobe! We've got to stop Gloriosa from trapping everybody in here!” She vowed as they all watched and saw the students panic under the villainous demon’s terrorizing rampage.

Rarity was the first to act by using her magic to stop a totem pole from crushing Lyra and Sweet Drops with Rainbow quickly using her super speed to drag them to safety after sprouting her wings so she could fly them out of harm's way.

Fluttershy then knocked on a nearby gopher hole to request the gopher’s help against the chaos Gloriosa is stirring up.

“Um, hi. Do you think you can give us a hand…um, er, paw?” Fluttershy kindly asked of them. “We could really use a way out.” Her wings and tail sprouted from behind just when the gophers immediately lent their support without a single protest.

As Rainbow ran around looking for an opening, Applejack used her super strength to lift up a huge boulder before tossing it up into the air and then punched a hole through the vines. Unfortunately it was short-lived due to he vines immediately growing back leadinf to the farm girl to grunt in disappointment.

The gophers tried their best to create a tunnel for the campers to escape only for Gloriosa to quickly intercept and block it off by creating vines to cover the opening. She then turned towards Pinkie using her sprinkles to power up another blast of magic to reopen the hole that was covered up. For good measure, Applejack quickly forced a bench to try to keep the opening up.

Unfortunately it still wasn’t enough as the bench got immediately crushed by Gloriosa’s powers who then quickly imprisoned all of the campers. She then made a move on Pinkie only for it be quickly intercepted by Applejack who tackled said vine momentarily.

As Applejack found herself facing defeat, Rarity quickly moved in to create a shield to repel them from being ensnared by them allowing the former to escape.

At that moment, everyone was finding themselves trapped under Gloriosa’s control as not even Rainbow super speed can stop it since she is barely outrunning them. Pinkie managed to save her when one of the vines quickly grab onto to her but had to pitch the jar away when it was about to create an uncontrolled explosion. It created another hole in the forest but it was quickly covered up in an instant.

“This isn't working! Her magic is too strong!” Applejack said as she saw they are facing a fight they can’t win.

Back inside the cave, Spike was able to use her teeth to free Human Twilight and Sunset from the vines holding them prisoners.

“Nice work, Spike!” Sunset commended as they all made their way to the sealed cave entrance where her strength alone isn't enough to move any of the boulders alongside the others. With no other options, she turned to Twilight's human counterpart since she is their only hope of freedom, “Twilight, you have to use your magic!”

“I don't think I can lift something that big.” Human Twilight still voiced her doubts.

“It's our only chance of getting out of here and helping our friends!” Sunset further urged her to follow through with her earlier advice to assert that there is no other choice.

“You can do it!” The princess herself encouraged. “Embrace the magic like I have!”

“I don’t know!” Human Twilight still remains uncertain she can.

“Yes you can!” The princess further persuaded her. “Just have faith within yourself that you can! If I can overcome my inner darkness so can you!”

After taking a moment to think, Human Twilight then stood in front of the boulder as Spike leaped out from her arms so she can focus her magic. After some brief struggling, she was finally able to clear an opening big enough for the three to escape.

“Great work!” The princess commended her human self as Starlight joins up with them having ran her heart out from all of that fast running on over here.

“Oh thank goodness!” Starlight said in relief as she took the time to catch her breath. “Gloriosa’s gone crazy! She has just taken over the camp and everyone is trapped inside a thorn and vine forest!”

“We know!” Sunset replied. “And now it is time to put an end to this!” She said with a determined expression as she turns Princess Twilight. “So what’s the plan?” She asked her as they all huddle together so they can discuss on how to defeat Gloriosa before running back to the camp to stop her.

“Why are you fighting me?!” Gloriosa furiously demanded of the Mane Five while surrounding them. “I'm doing this to save our camp! I'm doing this for you!”

“Gloriosa, let's just think about this for a moment, shall we?” Rarity attempted to urge the demonic lady to listen to reason. “I mean, I think Camp Everfree is absolutely delightful, but I just don't know that I'm quite ready to give up my weekly trips to the spa.”

Gloriosa in response twitched her eye very irritated with a forced smile. “To the spa...?” She said sweetly yet mockingly before dropping the smile now completely enraged from that mere suggestion. “To the spa?!” She produced and sent more sharp and powerful vines their way.

Rainbow tries to act fast only for Gloriosa to quickly counter it tripping up the speedster causing her to bowl into her friends and knock them all down in one roll.

“Gloriosa, this isn't the way!” Timber further pleaded with her as she rose up from her vines.

“I appreciate your concern, Timber, but I got this!” Gloriosa again dismissed his pleas with her trademark catchphrase.

“Agh! No, you don't!” Timber screamed as his sister ensnared him with her vines.

Just outside of the force field, the cavalry arrived. Though Sunset was unable to make the vines imprisoning them budge since they were made with overly strong magic.

“Twilight, do you think you can use your magic?” Sunset turned to the human counterpart.

“I don't want to use too much.” Human Twilight still voices her concerns against wanting to do so. “Midnight Sparkle could take over.”

“Come on, you got this!” Her princess self again encouraged her. “When I became Midnight I too had lost myself to darkness for a while and believe me when I tell you that you can overcome her evil counterpart just like me. Just stay true to who you are. Don’t let darkness consume you!”

“Please Twilight! Our friends are in there!” Sunset further encouraged her to step up as pony ears and a pony tail appear behind her as she touched Twilight’s human self.

“Okay!” Human Twilight said with regained confidence as Princess Twilight and Tempest pull out their swords at the ready as Starlight is ready to charge at the ready too.

Human Twilight focusing her magic uses it to try to create and opening for them to get through.

“Please, Gloriosa! What you're doing is crazy! You have to listen to me!” Timber further implored of her to stop.

“That isn't Gloriosa.” Sunset said as she approached with both Human and Princess Twilight, Tempest, Starlight and Spike appearing through the magic opening Human Twilight created.

“Twilight!” Rarity said very pleased to see both girls again coming to their rescue.

“Sunset! Starlight!” Applejack said equally happily.

“You're okay!” Rainbow said also happy and relieved at the same time.

“That isn't your sister. It's someone who's been consumed by Equestrian magic.” Sunset told Timber as they watch as said magic further consumes Gloriosa who is currently relishing in the powerful dark magic she now has.

“Whoever you are, you have to let my sister go! Please, Gloriosa, come back! I need you! Gloriosa!” Timber called out to her while tearing up seeing that hope is nearly lost in saving her while finding themselves ensnared and covered by the vines. Before that could happen Sunset dragged Human Twilight away while both Princess Twilight and Tempest take action by charging in with their weapons in hand. The former sprouted her pony ears pony tail and wings as she flies up at great speed to launch a powerful blast of magic from her magically enhanced sword which blasted a hole through the vines. Tempest follows it up a powerful yank of the vines with her sword before tossing them aside once they were cut.

The two then effortlessly dodge Gloriosa’s attacks who is findings herself unable to keep up with either one of them. They both landed relentless blows on her leaving her unable to fight back and counter with Starlight joining in by using her mirror to blind her from the shining glare it produced allowing the others huddle together under Rarity’s magic shield.

“Rarity!” Applejack called out to her as she struggles to maintain the shield.

“I can't keep this up forever!”

“It's up to you. You can use your magic to pull the brambles apart!” Sunset once more turned to Human Twilight to be the hero here.

“No. There's too many of them. It would take too much magic. I can't!”

“It's the only way! You have to embrace the magic inside you just like Princess Twilight said!”

“What if she takes over? What if instead of saving everyone, I turn into Midnight Sparkle and only make things worse?”

“That won't happen! We won't let it.” Sunset comfortably assured her once more just when the shield started with Rarity finally fainting after having exerted all of the energy she could into that spell. “Come on, Twilight! You have to be stronger than she is!”

Human Twilight's eyes glowed when she closed them before opening them to see herslef in the void.

“You will never control me! I will always be a part of you!” Midnight Sparkle appeared as she evilly laughed.

“Noooo!” Human Twilight whimpered as she herself starts sprouting glowing blue eyes and large wings just like Midnight as she hears voices around her as their spirits appear before her along with the others one by one.

“Twilight, listen to me! You are in charge!” Sunset's voice spoke to her.

“You are a light, darling! A force for good!” Rarity's voice spoke to her.

“Yeah! You can kick the darkness's butt!” Rainbow's voice spoke to her.

“We're here for you, Twilight!” Pinkie's voice spoke to her.

“And we'll be here, no matter what!” Applejack's voice spoke to her.

“We believe in you!” Fluttershy's voice spoke to her.

“You... are not... Midnight Sparkle!” Sunset's previous words again told her with Princess Twilight’s voice coming through into her head next.

“Stay true to who you are. Don’t let darkness consume you!” Upon hearing those encouraging words gave herself the courage she needs to do so.

“No! I... am... Twilight Sparkle! And the magic I carry inside me is... the Magic of Friendship!” She vowed as she destroyed the large dark wings with her eyes returning to normal color. In it's place her own bright wings sprouted in place as she moved to burst through the vine barrier. Once she did she flew up and pulled open the vines covering Gloriosa.

“No! Stop!” Gloriosa pleaded as she finds herself struggling to retain control of the geodes. They all ended up separating into seven gems transferred towards the seven girls who embody the elements in this world. They all get new dresses and makeovers from their power-up as Princess Twilight, Starlight, and Tempest look on in amazement as they continue to fend off Gloriosa to keep her from attempting to gain the upper hand.

Together the seven girls used the magic to create a very powerful burst of magic that overwhelmed Gloriosa which destroyed all of the vines they were created all over the campgrounds.

Once that happened, everything returned to normal. Celestia, Luna, and the other students trapped inside one the buildings emerged very happy and safe knowing that the day has been saved once again as Bulk Biceps tightly hugs two nearby campers in relief.

Timber upon recovering turned to his sister who is lying on the ground nearby stunned from going through harnessing all of that powerful magic.

“What... What happened?” She asked as her brother placed a hand on her shoulder.

“It's okay. It's gonna be okay.” Timber assured her as he brought her in for an embrace while everyone cheered and praises all ten girls with the seven Element Bearers all floating down to the ground.

“You did it! Whoa. Nice bling.” Spike congratulated Human Twilight while leaping into her arms.

“What... What are these?” Applejack questioned the geodes as they appeared around their necks as necklaces while taking the time to admire their new appearances.

“I'm not sure. But clearly we have some kind of connection to them.” Sunset could only say about them.

“I almost don't care what they are. They are gorgeous!” Rarity remarked as she got another idea. “And will totally go with the other collection I was working on for the camp fashion show” She then giggled as she sees her friends eyeing her again with weird looks. “That's probably cancelled, isn't it?” She then said with a despondent tone due to the chaos that had just happened before they all got to work on repairing the damage done to the camp.

As Celestia, Luna, and Princess Twilight oversee the progress of the reconstruction, a regretful Gloriosa approaches them with an apology on hand as she speaks.

“I am so sorry.” She apologized. “I only wanted this to be the best week Camp Everfree has ever had, and instead I've made it the worst.” She hung her head in shame as everyone took pity on her. “Maybe it's for the best that I'm losing the camp to Filthy Rich.”

“No. It's not.” Celestia asserted otherwise. “This camp has meant so much to so many people, my sister and me included.” She added with a heartwarming smile along with her sister.

“Why do you think we wanted our students to come here?” Luna pointed out as the others approached them.

“We can't let Filthy Rich take this place away!” Human Twilight voiced her thoughts. “If camp meant so much to you two, maybe it meant as much to the other campers who came here in years past.”

“And maybe we can get them to help save it!” Sunset also suggested.

“Oh! Like a fundraiser?” Applejack also proposed.

“Or a ball?!” Rarity also proposed with eager glee.

“Our band could play!” Rainbow further proposed.

“I could help write a new song just for the occasion!” Fluttershy also proposed as all of the campers all chatter very open to the idea in agreement with them.

“Those are all good ideas, but where would we hold it?” Gloriosa questioned with a brief and small smile at the support she is getting.

“We could hold it in the crystal cave!” Sunset proposed.

“A Crystal Ball! I love it!” Rarity immediately loved the idea.

“I admire everyone's enthusiasm. Really, I do.” Gloriosa gratefully spoke of their support. “But I-I just don't know how we're going to plan a ball by tomorrow and invite everyone.“

“We got this!” The Mane Seven said together as Princess Twilight approached her.

“Don’t worry, Gloriosa.” The princess assured her as she placed a hand on her shoulder. “With everyone’s help between my organization skills and leadership, the girl’s ideas, and everyone’s support, I know we can accomplish this in no time at all.” She vowed as she added some personal words of encouragement. of her very own. “And from someone who knows what it’s like to be in your shoes, everyone deserves a second chance.” Gloriosa smiled to thank her for that as she turns to the other campers. "All everyone, let’s get started!”

All of the campers all get to work as the princess begins handing out assignments to everyone.

“I used to think that stories were just that

Set in stone, concrete as a fact

It didn't dawn on me

That I could change history.”

Human Twilight sang as she and Timber worked together to create and send out invitations which went easier and faster with the help of the former’s magic.

“Now I know I'm writing my own song

Fight my way to the ending that I want

I'll turn a tragedy.”

Sunset sang as she and Princess Twilight oversee the preparations inside the cave as the latter shares a smile with Flash who was helping another camper carry an amp inside while quickly saving a cake that Snips accidentally dropped with the three laughing at seeing the cake is caught upside down as Princess Twilight uses her sword to flip back into place.

“Into an epic fantasy.”

Sunset and Human Twilight both sang together as they prepared the band along with Princess Twilight who has also reunited with the band ready to perform along with them too after getting into a nice, bright and pink dress back from her appearance at the Fall Formal, while keeping the black hair so people would still be able to tell her and her human self apart.

Hey, hey, hey

You can be a hero (hero) too


Take my hand, I'm here for you.”

The Rainbooms with both Twilight’s all sing together while playing their band.

“Come away with me

Be the legend you were meant to be

You'll always be Everfree.”

The girls all sang as during the preparations they managed to spend some time engaging in the camp activities they have always wanted to do together

“Oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah

To be the legend you were meant to be

Oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah

To be the legend you were meant to be.”

The girls sang as Timber and Gloriosa share an heartwarming sibling embrace while watching over the camp from the reconstructed docks with the former letting the latter know that she is forgiven for what had just happened earlier.

“There was a time when fear would hold me down

'Cause I let it chain me to the ground.”

Fluttershy sang as she got her bird friends to help her put up the decorations.

Look at me now, I'm soaring high

It's never boring in the sky.”

Rainbow sang as she flew and ran around the nearby town to rapidly deliver the invitations with her super speed.

“When I know I've got friends on my side

Whatever trials, I'll take them all in stride.”

Applejack sang as she effortlessly tosses a huge boulder with her super strength surprising Flash, Bulk Biceps, and Vallhallen who were all lifting medium sized boulders again.

“Together we will shine so bright

A radiant brilliance in the night.”

Rarity sang as she used her magic to create a crystal chandelier.

“Hey, hey, hey

You can be a hero (hero) too


Take my hand, I'm here for you.”

All eight girls sang together as Applejack and Rarity hold hands together as both Gloriosa and Timber wearing fancy clothes and neatly styled hair for the occasion. The former wearing an orange dress with a necklace and headwear made out of green grass and yellow sunflowers with the latter wearing a dark suit as they both look on very impressed with their progress.

“Come away with me

Be the legend you were meant to be

You'll always be Everfree

Oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah

To be the legend you were meant to be

Oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah

To be the legend you were meant to be!”

The girls all sang together as everyone dances to the beat as everyone cheers for them as their song comes to an end.

“Thank you all so much for coming!” Gloriosa announced as she got on stage and took control of one of the microphones. “And for helping us raise enough money to... save Camp Everfree!” Everyone cheered as Filthy Rich looks on before moving to straighten his tie and walk off in defeat. “Thank you. For everything.” Gloriosa again thanked the nine girls for helping set this whole thing up. “Oh, if I'd just asked for help in the first place...”

“Hey, don't sweat it, it's kinda what we do.” Rainbow shrugged it off since they are all used to this sort of thing and to let her know that all is forgiven just like the princess said.

"The important thing is everything worked out in the end as everyone learned a lesson out of all of this." Twilight further assured her everything is all good now.

"Thank you, princess." Gloriosa gratefully spoke in her direction. "For everything you and your friends have just taught me."

"Please." She insisted with a raised hand as she gestures to Sunset in the crowd. "It is Sunset you should be thanking for her efforts to reach out to you to and showing you empathy when you really needed it."

"And that I will do." Gloriosa replied as Sunset gives Twilight a thumbs up for staying true to being the Princess of Friendship with that kind gesture.

Later when everyone was dancing, Timber approaches Human Twilight using her magic to hang up more decoration for the Crystal Ball.

“Not to brag or anything, but it's pretty cool how I saved all those campers from those Rubus fruticosus.” Timber remarked to his crush. “Blackberry brambles.”

“I'm familiar with the genus. It's just a little weird you say you saved the campers. I thought I saved them.” Human Twilight replied with an amused smile at his playful humor.

“Yeah. But I saved you from falling on the docks so that you could save the campers. So technically, it was all me.” Timber still voiced on saying he played a role in saving a day as Human Twilight giggled in response.

“I'm really glad I met you.”


“What?” Human Twilight voiced her immediate concern hearing this.

“That sounds like a goodbye.” Timber voiced as he gets the wrong idea of her words. “And here I was hoping we'd still be able to hang out. Maybe get dinner and catch a movie?” He also blushed and threw in hopeful that she'll take him up as his new girlfriend.

“Yeah. I'd really like that.” Human Twilight immediately accepted his offer.

“Oh, good!” Timber spoke in relief. “I was hoping that's what this meant.”

As Human Twilight used her magic to put up the last of the decoration they both awkwardly look at each other as they lovingly shared their first kiss which lasted for a good few seconds. Just then Gloriosa suddenly appeared just after they finished.

“Oh, uh...“ Gloriosa spoke up before awkwardly apologizing upon realizing she was interrupting a romantic moment. “Sorry. I need to borrow Timber. There are some donors I really want him to meet. They were good friends with Mom and Dad. “

The two siblings then walked off together as they went off to do so.

“Save me a dance, okay?” Timber said to his new girlfriend as he walked off with his sister.

“Uh-huh.” Human Twilight returned as she turned to walk away only to find herself face to face with her friends leading to her immediate embarrassment upon seeing the knowing looks she is getting for her crush on the boy.

“Adorable.” Rarity remarked in support.

“He does seem like a pretty cool guy.” Sunset also complimented her friend. “Just as much as her princess counterpart being able to spend time with her crush back home.” She added as they all watched as Princess Twilight and Flash finally meet up and share a dance together.

“You know what else is cool? Our awesome new superpowers!” Rainbow also brought as she ran around the cave with her super speed. “I handed out, like, four hundred fliers, set up the stage, and still had time to pick up pizza! I love my super-speed!”

“About that. I think the crystals are the source of the superpowers.” Sunset brought up.

“You're not gonna ask us to give them up, are you?” Fluttershy wondered hoping otherwise.

“No. In fact, I think maybe we were meant to have them all along.” Sunset indeed said otherwise.

“Me, too.” Human Twilight also agreed as the others do the same.

As the others cheer in celebration of being able to keep their new powers, Princess Twilight and Flash finally have the conversation they have wanted to have since the former got here.

“I’m so glad you we could finally see each other, again.” Flash said very pleased they could get together one last time.

“I couldn’t have said it better, Flash.” The princess returned. “At least we were able to recognize each other this time around.”

“Yeah.” Flash agreed as he spoke in an apologetic tone. “Listen, I’m sorry I didn’t recognize you at first and ignored you earlier. It’s just I didn’t expect you to come after changing your appearance.”

“It’s okay.” Princess Twilight accepted his apology. “To be fair, it is hard to recognize me with darken hair and new clothes. Part of it other than ensuring we don’t get mixed with the other Twilight is because of recent changes in life that had me reevaluating of who I really am deep down and because of it I managed to realize I was acting like someone that wasn’t me.”

“I know what’s that’s like.” Flash said in agreement as they both began to come to conclusion of their relationship. “After coming to realize you have a life back in Equestria along with a talk of tough love I have come to realize that it is time we both had to move on with our lives.”

“I see.” Princess Twilight came to the inevitable conclusion of where this is going with an expression of acceptance. “I’m sorry things have to come to an end like this but I’m sure we all know that long-distance relationships never work out in the end.”

“You are right about that.” Flash accepted that. “Though I do hope we’ll stay in touch together as friends and that I will always love you no matter what.”


As the two look into each other’s eyes they share one last hug with each other to cement the end of any romantic feelings they have for each other.

“So, shall we have one more dance before you go back to Equestria?” Flash asked hoping to spend a little more time with her.

“I would love that.” Twilight kindly returned as they made their way back to the dance floor as both Starlight and Tempest look on the success coming from getting her to coming onto this vacation.

“Those two back at home sure back a great couple, don’t they?” Tempest asked her friend standing beside her with a knowing smile.

“They sure do.” Starlight said in agreement as they watch on while smiling too. “And it seems Sunset’s plan completely worked seeing that we got the Twilight we all knew and loved back.”

“At least that’s one problem fixed.” Tempest agreed with her there again. “Now we just need to figure what we’re going to do when we face Midnight again.”

“We’ll figure it out now that we know that we have Twilight back on our side again.” Starlight assured her. “If there is one thing I learned is that things always work out in the end.” She voiced her confidence that they will see to it that Midnight and her forces will be defeated no matter what happens as they relax and watch the dancing going on around the room. At the same time the Mane Seven all meet up outside as Human Twilight and Timber go their separate ways for the time being before giving her a knowing smile towards her crush. She blushed when Sunset gave her another teasing smirk before playfully punching her in the shoulder to non-verbally tell her to knock it off. After she did, they both sipped their punch together.

“There is one thing I'm still wondering about, though.” Sunset voiced her thoughts.

“What's that?” Human Twilight asked.

“Where did the magic that hit this cave come from?” They both wondered as they coulnd't help but find another mystery on their hands in the future.

Unbeknownst to them magic creaked through the portal to the Equestrian world courtesy of Midnight sending it through to allow three mysterious figures go through the portal while watching the events of the camping trip from her orb with Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon by her side.

Midnight then put her orb away as she turns to face King Sombra as he arrived in the throne room.

“Your majesty!” The unicorn king addressed his boss. “Your requested visitors have arrived.”

“Send them in, Sombra!” Midnight told him as he bowed before her before leading the same cloaked figures she had just helped across the portal inside with the trio all bowing before her.

“Of course, your highness!” He obliged to her request as Midnight begins speaking to them as they entered the throne room still wearing cloaks over their heads.

“So…” Midnight began speaking to the three mysterious figures. “I’ve heard that you three used to be the best of the best. It’s a shame to hear what happened back there. Perhaps together we can make a deal and cement my reign over Equestrian for generations to come.” Midnight said as she approached the three from her throne. “So what do say, your servitude in exchange for the magic you all once held and were greatly bestowed upon you?”

“We’re in.” The leader of the trio voiced her agreement as she removed her hood along with her companions to reveal herself as Adiago Dazzle along with her sisters Sonota and Aria who all deviously smirk on board with Midnight’s requests and demands.

“Then it’s time to enact my endgame for Equestria and by all extension the entire world for it is now time for the ending of the end!” Midnight said very pleased with their corporation as her heart glows as she deviously smirks as she prepares to work her magic on the three sisters.

Author's Note:

Now that the final battle against Gloriosa commences all ten girls go toe to toe against her as Princess Twilight helps lead her human counterpart into facing off against her as she, Tempest, and Starlight face Gloriosa head on with their weapons in tow to buy the bearers of the elements in the human world time to work their magic to defeat her as Human Twilight overcomes her inner demons to do so.

Which was done when she stayed true to who she is deep down which is also what her princess counterpart said and advised using her past experience as Midnight to connect to her and relate to her plight to help with her overcome the villainous figure's influence.

As the day is saved once again in this penultimate episode, it now leaves us to the final chapters of this story to which everyone getting really into this story will all be eagerly awaiting and anticipating which is "The Ending of the End." and I plan to make a 4-parter much like this story as all of Equestria along with their outside allies prepare for the final battle against Midnight and her forces as Princess Twilight prepares to face off against her evil counterpart in the ultimate battle to decide the fate of Equestria.

Now that Twilight is returning to the mare everyone knows and loves, there is confidence for the heroes going into this final chapter with everything that has happened recently to be resolved all together as this story is about to come to an end much like the series but it won't be easy as another one of Midnight's Xanotos Gambit's during the chaos at the camp has led to Midnight gaining three very valuable and famailar faces someone no one has seen since "Rainbow Rocks" as she enters her endgame.

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